Main products of coal
The most conservative estimates suggest that there are 600 items of coal products. Scientists have developed various methods for obtaining coal processing products. The processing method depends on the desired end product. For example, in order to obtain pure products, such primary products of coal processing - coke oven gas, ammonia, toluene, benzene - use liquid flushing oils. In special devices, products are sealed and protected from premature destruction. The processes of primary processing also involve the method of coking, in which coal is heated to a temperature of + 1000 ° C with completely blocked access to oxygen. At the end of all the necessary procedures, any primary product is additionally cleaned. The main products of coal processing:
- naphthalene
- phenol
- hydrocarbon
- salicylic alcohol
- lead
- vanadium
- germanium
- zinc.
Without all these products, our life would be much more difficult. Take the cosmetic industry, for example, it is the most useful area for people to use coal processing products. Such a coal processing product as zinc is widely used to treat oily skin and acne. Zinc, as well as sulfur, is added to creams, serums, masks, lotions and tonics. Sulfur eliminates existing inflammation, and zinc prevents the development of new inflammations. In addition, therapeutic ointments based on lead and zinc are used to treat burns and injuries. An ideal assistant for psoriasis is the same zinc, as well as clay products of coal. Coal is a raw material for the creation of excellent sorbents that are used in medicine to treat diseases of the intestines and stomach. Sorbents, which contain zinc, are used to treat dandruff and oily seborrhea. As a result of a process such as hydrogenation, liquid fuel is obtained from coal at enterprises. And the combustion products that remain after this process are an ideal raw material for a variety of building materials with refractory properties. For example, this is how ceramics are created.
Direction of use |
Brands, groups and subgroups |
1. Technological |
1.1. Layer coking |
All groups and subgroups of brands: DG, G, GZhO, GZh, Zh, KZh, K, KO, KSN, KS, OS, TS, SS |
1.2. Special pre-coking processes |
All coals used for layered coking, as well as grades T and D (subgroup DV) |
1.3. Producer gas production in stationary type gas generators: |
mixed gas |
Brands KS, SS, groups: ZB, 1GZhO, subgroups - DGF, TSV, 1TV |
water gas |
Group 2T, as well as anthracite |
1.4. Production of synthetic liquid fuels |
GZh brand, groups: 1B, 2G, subgroups - 2BV, ZBV, DV, DGV, 1GV |
1.5. semi-carbonization |
Brand DG, groups: 1B, 1G, subgroups - 2BV, ZBV, DV |
1.6. Production of carbonaceous filler (thermoanthracite) for electrode products and foundry coke |
Groups 2L, ZA, subgroups - 2TF and 1AF |
1.7. Production of calcium carbide, electrocorundum |
All anthracites, as well as a subgroup of 2TF |
2. Energy |
2.1. Pulverized and stratified combustion in stationary boiler plants |
Weight brown coals and athracites, as well as hard coals not used for coking. Anthracites are not used for flare-layer combustion |
2.2. Burning in reverberatory furnaces |
Brand DG, group i - 1G, 1SS, 2SS |
2.3. Combustion in mobile heat installations and use for communal and domestic needs |
Grades D, DG, G, SS, T, A, brown coals, anthracites and hard coals not used for coking |
3. Production of building materials |
3.1. Lime |
Marks D, DG, SS, A, groups 2B and ZB; grades GZh, K and groups 2G, 2Zh not used for coking |
3.2. Cement |
Grades B, DG, SS, TS, T, L, subgroup DV and grades KS, KSN, groups 27, 1GZhO not used for coking |
3.3. Brick |
Coals not used for coking |
4. Other productions |
4.1. Carbon adsorbents |
Subgroups: DV, 1GV, 1GZhOV, 2GZhOV |
4.2. active carbons |
ZSS group, 2TF subgroup |
4.3. Ore agglomeration |
Subgroups: 2TF, 1AB, 1AF, 2AB, ZAV |
Other recycling methods
To understand why oil is better than coal, you need to figure out what other treatments they are subjected to. Oil is processed through cracking, that is, the thermocatalytic transformation of its parts. Cracking can be one of the following types:
- Thermal. In this case, the splitting of hydrocarbons under the influence of elevated temperatures is carried out.
- Catalytic. It is carried out at high temperature, but a catalyst is also added, thanks to which you can control the process, as well as lead it in a certain direction.
If we talk about how oil is better than coal, then it should be said that in the process of cracking, organic substances that are widely used in the industrial synthesis are formed.
Spheres of application of activated carbon in modern life
The scope of activated carbon is very wide. Its properties were known in ancient times - in Russia it was made at home, most often from birch logs; for this, it was not even necessary to do anything - just the coals left after the kindling of the bath were brought into the steam room for activation. In terms of quality, this prototype could not be compared with modern brands of coal, but even then it was used to treat gastric disorders in both people and livestock, filter water and homemade alcoholic drinks with it, and much more.
On an industrial scale, it was first used by the military. Activated carbon has become a key element of the gas mask developed by N.D. Zelinsky during the First World War - when German troops began to release chlorine on the battlefield. Coal in those years, thanks to its absorbent properties, saved many lives.
In the modern world, it is used in many areas:
- In the food industry (e.g. sugar refining)
- In the chemical industry as a reaction catalyst
- In medicine
- In pharmaceuticals
- In purification plants for cleaning air and water from industrial waste
- In domestic drinking water filters
as well as in many other areas.
It's all about its properties - activated carbon is an excellent absorbent, very light, very effective, and most importantly - very cheap. It can be made almost everywhere, the production technology, although not simple, does not require a long time and overly complex processes - only two devices can handle everything. The site invites you to get acquainted with the technology of activated carbon production.
World consumption of hard coal
World coal production has increased over the past century and a half.
World consumption of hard coal has multiplied from 100 million tons of oil energy equivalent in 1860, 330 oil equivalents in 1900, 1300 in 1950 and 2220 in 2000.
Until 1970, coal was the world's largest source of energy, but by 2000, the use of natural gas and oil as an energy source had increased.
The lifetime of the world's hard coal reserves is often calculated by dividing the reserves by annual consumption, and this gives about 250 years. However, it is found that this figure appears to remain the same from year to year, as a balance appears through the discovery of new reserves. This cannot continue indefinitely, but it can be concluded that the figure is underestimated. There is plenty of this fuel for the foreseeable future.
- China - 3700 million tons per year
- USA - 900 million tons per year
- India - 600 million tons per year
- Australia - 480 million tons per year
- Indonesia - 420 million tons per year
- Russia - 350 million tons per year
The cheapest method of coal mining is the open method which is practiced in these countries.
Help with poisoning
It is important to know that the sooner assistance is provided for poisoning, the greater the effect can be achieved. At the first signs of illness, you need to take 6-8 tablets of activated charcoal, washing them down with a sufficient amount of water.
Crushed tablets can be mixed in a glass of water and drunk. Considering that coal does not dissolve in water, the resulting suspension must be shaken well before use.
At the first signs of ill health, it is necessary to take 6-8 tablets of activated charcoal, washing them down with a sufficient amount of water. Crushed tablets can be mixed in a glass of water and drunk. Considering that coal does not dissolve in water, the resulting suspension must be shaken well before use.
The drug is continued until recovery, drink 3-4 tablets at a time.
In case of acute intoxication, the stomach is first cleansed with charcoal diluted in water (10-20 g of charcoal per 0.1 l of water), and then 6-8 tablets are given to the patient.
Alcohol poisoning is treated according to the same scheme, the instructions for the drug recommend taking 3-5 tablets an hour or two before alcohol in order to reduce the damage to the body.
With severe vomiting, it is first necessary to take antiemetic drugs, and only then - activated charcoal.
If we continue to understand what is obtained from coal and oil, then it is worth mentioning the diesel fraction of oil refining, which usually serves as fuel for diesel engines. Fuel oil contains high-boiling hydrocarbons. By means of reduced pressure distillation, various lubricating oils are usually obtained from fuel oils. The residue that exists after the processing of fuel oil is commonly called tar. From it, a substance such as bitumen is obtained. These products are intended for use in road construction. Mazut is often used as a boiler fuel.
Coal coking products
Coking coal is coal that, through industrial coking, makes it possible to obtain coke, which is of technical value. In the process of coking coal, their technical composition, coking capacity, sintering ability, and other characteristics are necessarily taken into account. How does the coal coking process proceed? Coking is a technological process that has specific stages:
- preparation for coking. At this stage, coal is crushed and mixed to form a charge (mixture for coking)
- coking. This process is carried out in the chambers of a coke oven using gas heating. The mixture is placed in a coke oven, where heating is carried out for 15 hours at a temperature of approximately 1000 °C.
- the formation of a "coke pie".
Coking is a set of processes that occur in coal when it is heated. At the same time, about 650-750 kg of coke is obtained from a ton of dry charge. It is used in metallurgy, used as a reagent and fuel in some branches of the chemical industry. In addition, calcium carbide is created from it. Qualitative characteristics of coke are flammability and reactivity. The main products of coal coking, in addition to coke itself:
- coke gas. About 310-340 m3 is obtained from a ton of dry coal. The qualitative and quantitative composition of coke oven gas determines the coking temperature. Direct coke oven gas comes out of the coke chamber, which contains gaseous products, coal tar vapors, raw benzene and water. If you remove the resin, raw benzene, water and ammonia from it, reverse coke oven gas is formed. It is it that is used as a raw material for chemical synthesis. Today, this gas is used as a fuel in metallurgical plants, in public utilities and as a chemical raw material.
- Coal tar is a viscous black-brown liquid that contains about 300 different substances.The most valuable components of this resin are aromatic and heterocyclic compounds: benzene, toluene, xylenes, phenol, naphthalene. The amount of resin reaches 3-4% of the mass of coking gas. About 60 different products are obtained from coal tar. These substances are raw materials for the production of dyes, chemical fibers, plastics.
- crude benzene is a mixture in which carbon disulfide, benzene, toluene, xylenes are present. The yield of crude benzene reaches only 1.1% of the mass of coal. In the distillation process, individual aromatic hydrocarbons and mixtures of hydrocarbons are isolated from crude benzene.
- concentrate of chemical (aromatic) substances (benzene and its homologues) is designed to create pure products that are used in the chemical industry, for the production of plastics, solvents, dyes
- tar water is a low concentrated aqueous solution of ammonia and ammonium salts, in which there is an admixture of phenol, pyridine bases and some other products. Ammonia is released from the tar water during processing, which, together with ammonia from coke gas, is used to produce ammonium sulfate and concentrated ammonia water.
Conventions |
Piece size limits |
Varietal |
Large (fist) |
Combined and eliminations |
Large with slab |
Nut with large |
small walnut |
seed with small |
Seed with a lump |
Small with seed and shtyb |
Nut with small, seed and stump |
If you ask yourself what is obtained from coal and oil, then you can come to the conclusion that a lot. These two fossils serve as the main sources of hydrocarbons. Everything should be considered in order.
Formation and origin of coal seams
The appearance of coal on Earth dates back to the distant Paleozoic era, when the planet was still in the development stage and had a completely alien look to us. The formation of coal seams began about 360,000,000 years ago. This happened mainly in the bottom sediments of prehistoric reservoirs, where organic materials accumulated for millions of years.
Simply put, coal is the remains of the bodies of giant animals, tree trunks and other living organisms that sank to the bottom, decayed and pressed under the water column. The process of formation of deposits is quite long, and it takes at least 40,000,000 years for the formation of a coal seam.
What is activated carbon
Roughly speaking, activated carbon is carbon with practically no impurities, which has the appearance of a very light and very porous substance. In fact, it is very porous - the surface of 1 gram of the finished substance, depending on the manufacturing method, can have a surface from 500 to 1800 m² - just imagine, the pill that you take after being poisoned has a surface area of more than a square kilometer!
Coal is produced from many different types of raw materials, both mineral and organic. For different brands and purposes, it can be charcoal, coal, petroleum coke, peat, walnut and coconut shells, fruit pits and much more. Medical activated charcoal is made from coconut charcoal.
What is obtained from coal
Of course, you know that coal is a fuel used both in everyday life and in industry. Coal was the first fossil material to be used as a fuel. It was thanks to coal that the industrial revolution took place. In the 19th century, vehicles consumed a lot of coal. In 1960, 50% of the world's energy production depended on coal. However, by 1970 its share had dropped to one-third as oil and gas became more popular sources of energy. However, the scope of coal is not limited to this. Coal is a valuable raw material for the metallurgical and chemical industries. The coal industry provides coal coking.Coke plants consume up to a quarter of the coal produced. Coking processes hard coal by heating it to 950-1050°C without oxygen. When decomposed, coal forms a solid product - coke and a volatile product - coke oven gas. The mass of coke is 75-78% of the mass of processed coal. With the help of this material, cast iron is smelted, in addition, it is used as a fuel. The mass of coke oven gas is 25% of the mass of coal. The volatile products formed during coal coking are condensed with water vapor, as a result of which coal tar and tar water are released. The mass of coal tar is 3-4% of the mass of coal. This product is a complex mixture of organic substances. At the moment, only 60% of the components of coal tar have been identified, and this is more than 500 substances! The resin is used to produce naphthalene, anthracene, phenanthrene, phenols and coal oils. Pyridine bases, phenols, and ammonia are isolated from tar water (its mass is 9-12% of the mass of coal) by distillation with steam. Unsaturated compounds contained in raw benzene are used to produce coumarone resins, which are used to produce varnishes, paints, linoleum and rubber. Artificial graphite is also made from coal. Hard coal can serve as an inorganic raw material. During industrial processing, rare metals such as molybdenum, gallium, germanium, vanadium, lead, zinc, and sulfur are extracted from it. Wastes obtained during the extraction and processing of coal, as well as ash from coal combustion are used in the production of refractory raw materials, ceramics, building materials, abrasives, alumina. In total, processed hard coal produces more than 400 different products, the cost of which is 20-25 times higher than the cost of the coal itself, while the cost of by-products obtained at coking plants exceeds the cost of the coke itself.
By the way… Coal is not the best fuel. It has a serious drawback: when it is burned, large emissions are formed, both gaseous and solid (ash), polluting the environment. In most developed countries, the level of emissions allowed by burning coal is tightly controlled by legislation. Various filters are used to reduce emissions.
Properties of hard coal
Now it is difficult to imagine another material more useful and practical than coal, the main properties and application of which deserve the highest praise. Thanks to the substances and compounds contained in it, it has become simply indispensable in all areas of modern life.
The coal component looks like this:
All these components make coal, the application and use of which is so multifunctional. Volatile substances contained in coal provide rapid ignition with the subsequent achievement of high temperatures. The moisture content simplifies the processing of coal, the calorie content makes its use indispensable in pharmaceuticals and cosmetology, the ash itself is a valuable mineral material.
Much more popular in fuel energy is coal. It is much older than brown coal - the age of stone deposits is about 350 million years. Coal is a much stronger, harder and heavier mineral, which usually occurs at depths of 2 km or more.
This black rock with a matte sheen contains 75-95% carbon and only 5-6% moisture. Due to the high heat of combustion - about 5500-7500 kcal / kg - hard coal burns much better than brown.
According to the degree of coalification, coal is divided into many varieties.Among the grades of coal today, long-flame (D), gas (G), fat (L), coke fat (KZh), coke (K), lean sintering (OS), lean (T) and anthracite (A) are distinguished.
All subspecies of coal differ in the degree of volatile matter, elemental composition, heat of combustion, bulk density and volatile matter. For example, for coal grades G and D, the yield of volatile substances is 30-50%, grades T - 13%, A - 2-9%.
Lean coals contain many carbons, but few volatiles and bitumens. Gas and oily coals are coals with a high content of volatile substances. And coking coals have the highest calorific value - over 8 thousand kcal/kg.
The territory of Russia is replete with a number of coal
basins, dispersed in various regions. The main "coal" points
located in Minusinsk, Kuznetsk, Lensk, Tunguska, Taimyr, Pechora,
South Yakutsk and Bureya basins.
Thus, about 2.7 billion tons of coal is deposited on the territory of the Minusinsk basin. And in the Kuznetsk coal basin, about 61.6 billion tons of explored coal reserves are stored.
Also, the Elginskoye deposit in Yakutia is ranked among the largest coal deposits: its reserves are about 2.2 billion tons. Another deposit, Elegestskoye (Tuva), has reserves of about 20 billion tons.