How to properly mount a heat-reflecting screen behind the battery

Scope of application

Reflective thermal insulation is applicable to all surfaces without dirt and dust, suitable for complex structures with corners, bends and drops. Wall insulation from the outside can be achieved to the maximum effect by creating an air gap of 20 mm from the foil side.

How to properly mount a heat-reflecting screen behind the battery

The material is effective for multi-storey and single-storey frame houses, while this will increase the resistance of the walls without increasing their volume. Installation is carried out end-to-end without overlaps, and the seams are glued with foil tape.

Application from the inside

If you want to insulate the room from the inside, then there are two options. The first option is to make 2 air gaps between the outer wall and the material, between the insulation and the cladding (for example, drywall). In this case, TIM with double foil is used.

How to properly mount a heat-reflecting screen behind the battery

The second option is to create one gap between the outer wall and the insulation, for which a material foiled on one side is used. The foil is turned inside the room.

roof insulation

Reflective TIMs, mounted on the roof, provide not only thermal, but also vapor insulation. The roof space is also protected from moisture.

Reflective film is especially effective when insulating the ceiling of a bath.

Piping and ventilation

Pipes require insulation with double-sided foiling. If the pipes have a diameter less than 159 mm, then it is possible not to create an air gap between the TIM and the pipe. If the pipes have a larger diameter, then a gap is required. The air gap is arranged as follows:

  • the first option is to fasten foil rings to the pipe with a distance of 300-400 mm from each other. And over the rings, the pipe is wrapped with insulation;
  • the second option is that wooden bars with a cross section of 10 by 10 mm or 20 by 20 mm are laid along the pipe, after which insulation is wound on top of them.

Joints must be sealed with aluminum tape. Insulation of ventilation ducts will eliminate heat loss and give sound insulation.

Installing a heat-reflecting screen behind the battery

In the context of constantly rising prices for energy sources, the issue of saving is especially relevant. Heating pipes, as a rule, are mounted on the walls under the windows. In these places, heat loss increases. If the radiator is installed in a niche, the power required for heating is even higher due to the reduced wall thickness. The best solution in this case would be a heat-reflecting screen behind the radiator. It isolates the wall area from the heater and keeps the heat in the house.

How to properly mount a heat-reflecting screen behind the battery

The principle of operation and design features

In the production of heat-reflecting screens, various materials are used. Their main property is a low level of thermal conductivity. First of all, these include:

How to properly mount a heat-reflecting screen behind the battery

Porilex can be used for thermal insulation

Also, all screens have a layer of insulation. Sealing is achieved through the use of metallic tape. The coefficient of thermal conductivity should not exceed 0.05 W/m*°C. Between the foil and the wall there should be a layer that will retain heat. When creating heat-reflecting screens, rolled foam can be used.

Due to the low cost, polyethylene foam is most often used. It is installed with foil to the pipes, and the side with insulation to the walls. It is best if there is a layer of air under the screen, which will increase the heating in the room.

Screens can be used not only as an energy-saving mechanism, but also for thermal protection of furnaces

This is especially important for finishing the steam room and sauna. The stove is a source of increased fire hazard, so it is important to isolate the walls from excessive overheating.

How to properly mount a heat-reflecting screen behind the battery

Basalt cardboard is used for thermal protection of furnaces

Stainless steel and mineralite are used for such screens.In accordance with the standards, they are made in several sizes, the edges must be curved to a certain degree, and natural non-combustible material must be inside. Usually basalt cardboard is used for this purpose. The heat-reflecting screen is mounted behind the stove and on the ceiling. Minerite is mounted in two layers. This reduces the distance from the protected surface to the furnace.

Frontal screens in baths began to successfully replace brickwork. In addition, with the help of them, the temperature rises and heating of adjacent rooms occurs. The thickness of the steel sheet must be at least 0.8mm. Special silicone paint can be used to cover the screens. They are usually assembled from hollow box-shaped elements. There must be a thermal gap between the furnace and the screen. Ceramic bushings can be used as fixation.

Under the wooden covering on the walls in the steam room, aluminum foil is mounted for thermal insulation and increased safety in the room. Next, the lining is installed. The joints between the layers are glued with tape. An aluminum-bitumen tape is used to seal the seams. Convection screens can be used if the temperature of the outer walls of the furnace does not exceed 400 o C.

The screens also reduce the effect of wood decay in baths and saunas by protecting them from damp steam and intense heat. Installation must be carried out strictly opposite the radiation from the stones of the stove.

Mounting Features

The screen allows you to keep the heat behind the cast-iron radiator and pipes. This is where the most losses occur. The use of energy-saving installations makes it possible to save up to 10% of heat when heating a room. Thermal resistance increases, the heat of the radiator and pipes remains in the room. During installation, please note that the size of the material used must be larger than the radiator.

It is important to pay attention to the location of the battery. If the pipe is in a niche, the thermal insulation layer must be made thicker

You should also not forget about the type of connection of the radiator during installation. It can be done one-sided or diagonal. In order to check the material, it is enough to set it on fire - the foil will not melt.

Heat reflective screens for batteries can be attached with a construction stapler. In addition to retaining heat, they also protect the walls from moisture penetration. Installation can be done independently, for this you do not need to have specialized knowledge, the manufacturer's instructions are enough.

Heat-reflecting screens behind the radiator and pipes can be used in residential buildings, country cottages, office and industrial buildings, children's institutions and hospitals. Technically uncomplicated installation makes it possible to save energy pipes for heating, protect walls from intense heat in saunas and avoid mold.

Principle of operation

To understand the principle of operation of such insulation, consider the main ways of transferring heat from one coating to another:

  • thermal conductivity - the ability to conduct heat (solid bodies);
  • convection - the transfer of heat through the air due to the different density of cold and warm air flows;
  • radiation - any body with a temperature above zero radiates heat waves that are absorbed by walls and ceilings (surfaces), turn into heat and are transmitted to the cold external environment. The share of such exchange accounts for about 60-90% of heat loss.

How to properly mount a heat-reflecting screen behind the battery

Thus, heat loss is inevitable. It turns out that in order to create the effect of thermal insulation, it is necessary to minimize heat loss from radiation. But traditional TIMs are not able to protect the building from this type of heat transfer. And the optimal material was found - foil insulation, known for its reflective and low-emission ability.

Reflective thermal insulation works on all heat transfer processes: radiation, convection and thermal conductivity, inhibiting heat loss.

Installation of films for radiators is a simple sequence of actions

From a technological point of view, the foil behind the heating battery is installed without any difficulty. You will do all the work efficiently and quickly if you listen to some advice.

First, do not purchase matte metallized material. Use only polished foil.

Second, don't buy films with double-sided films. One air layer is enough to ensure high-quality heat reflection.

Thirdly, leave a gap of about 1.5–2 cm on both sides of the insulator layer. It is necessary to obtain the optimal thermal resistance of the reflector (1.15 sq.m*°C/W).

Prepare liquid nails or a standard adhesive used for wallpaper installation, as well as directly reflective foil, and proceed with its installation. The procedure is the following. First, carefully measure the dimensions of the wall areas where you plan to install the screen, or niches.

The parameters of the film must correspond to the projection of the radiator on the wall. Add another 10% to the result. In this case, the heat reflective potential of the foil will be slightly larger. Some masters say that extra centimeters are not needed.

The effect of them will be insignificant, but the edges of the screen sticking out from behind the radiator will greatly spoil the aesthetics of the room. See for yourself, choose the option that suits you personally.

Then make sure there is a gap of at least 1.5 cm between the heater and the film you will be installing. When there is not enough free space, you will have to adjust the radiator suspension to provide the missing centimeters.

Next, remove the radiator. Mark the places where its mounting brackets are located. Dismantle them. Examine the brick or concrete masonry of the wall surface.

In the presence of cracks, cracks, other defects, plaster them (or putty). Align the wall, stick the screen (coated with a wallpaper or polymer composition on its reverse side).

Instead of glue, as noted, it is allowed to use liquid nails. In some cases, it is allowed to use staplers or small nails to fasten the foil (if they enter the wall material without any problems and are firmly held in it). Carefully return the suspensions to their place and install the battery.

In addition, we will give some useful recommendations to home craftsmen who mount heat-reflecting products for the first time. If during the installation of the screen you damaged its outer coating, the cut point can be masked with LAMS or LAS films.

They are made of foil and do not reduce the efficiency of heat reflection. Do not try to find screens that are too thick. Practice shows that five centimeters is quite enough for high-quality heat savings in the house.

Recommendations for the installation process

  • Installing a heat-reflecting screen behind the battery is technologically simple, but will be done faster and better if you consider the following practical recommendations:
  • the maximum effect when using penofol and similar materials is achieved with an air gap of 15-20 mm on both sides of the insulating layer. In this case, the thermal resistance of the insulating structure is achieved up to 1.1-1.2 (m∙°C)/W. Installation is carried out on wooden slats, and the foam must be with double-sided foil (type B);
  • in most cases, one air gap is enough to equip a reflector screen for batteries - between the radiator and the insulating material. Double-sided foiling is optional in this case;
  • when choosing a reflector, it should be taken into account that the foil must be polished (not matte).

Reflectors for radiators Heating system

» Heating batteries

The heating system includes fasteners, pipes, thermostats, an expansion tank, air vents, batteries, collectors, a boiler connection system, pressure increasing pumps.

On this page we will try to find and select certain installation components for the desired cottage. The installation of heating the cottage has different elements. All installation elements are very important.

Therefore, the choice of parts of the structure must be done technically correctly.

Radiator reflectors

Battery reflectors are an energy-saving technology available to any city dweller. Even now, such brilliant battery reflectors can be seen in Kiev hospitals, schools and kindergartens.

They return the heat from the batteries to the apartments, which goes uselessly into the wall closest to them.

The foil installed under the battery acts like a thermos - heat is reflected from such surfaces like the sun's rays from a mirror.

The Russian-made material is called "Penofol", the Ukrainian - "Alyuf", there are also a lot of imported reflectors. The basis of the material is aluminum foil, which is attached to a foamed soft material with a thickness of 2 to 10 mm.

Head Gennady Farenyuk, Department of Building Physics and Resource Saving, Research Institute of Building Structures, told how best to choose a reflector:

- Thanks to "Penofol" or "Alufom", it is possible to save about 5% of room heat (about 1 "extra" degree). Believe me, it's a lot! In 1993, I received a patent specifically for the idea of ​​​​keeping heat in apartments using this foil material, and now it is installed in several hundred schools as part of an energy saving program.

Ready-made reflectors are not sold in stores, but they are easy to make on your own - you need to buy special material on the market or in a store and cut out pieces that are suitable in size.

“It must be metal foil,” the physicist advised, “it reflects heat better. Aluminum coating on a lavsan base works much worse. Checking whether it is foil or not is very simple - you need to set fire to the edge of the material with a lighter. If it doesn't melt, it's foil.

The price of the heat reflector depends on the thickness. The material is sold in construction markets and supermarkets.

Removing and preventing the formation of air pockets in the heating system.

One of the main reasons for the deterioration of heating, and sometimes its absence, is the formation of air locks in the heating system of buildings. This causes indignation of consumers towards heat supply organizations, sometimes unfounded, because. at that time, the source of thermal energy, the boiler house, was operating normally.

The first reason is that water itself contains dissolved air. If the water is heated, then the air begins to be released in the form of bubbles that rise to the uppermost sections of the pipelines. It is there, accumulating, that they create air congestion.

The second reason is that when the pressure in the heating system decreases or changes, it is partially emptied, and all the voids formed are air locks.

The third reason is that leaks from pipelines also contribute to the "airing" of the system as a whole.

The fourth reason is the repair of the piping system and subsequent assembly. There is no way to avoid the possibility of "airing" here.

Practice shows that air is collected most often in heaters installed on the upper floors.

In such cases, at the upper points of the heating system, air is removed through special devices - Mayevsky taps.

Mayevsky crane

When looking for a place for the formation of an air lock, pipes and heating appliances are tapped with a light hammer. In places where air pockets are located, the sound becomes stronger and more sonorous.

Air locks can form at kinks in pipelines.Therefore, when installing the system, it is necessary to observe the magnitude and direction of the slopes of the distributing pipelines.

Air locks are eliminated by opening the air vents until all air is removed from the system. This method of removing air is repeated several times, especially on contaminated systems.

The news contains materials from the magazine "Miske State of Ukraine"

Operating principle

If the insulation is foiled, it acquires an increased ability to repel condensate, retain heat, and each layer in it is responsible for certain functions:

  • The first layer of the material consists of glass, mineral fibers, polyethylene foam, expanded polystyrene, which does not allow heat to go anywhere. It tends to reflect waves into the home, creating a favorable microclimate for living.
  • The second is a 7-15 mm foil, which can reflect the heat flux as much as possible. According to the laws of physics, the material, if it is foiled, accumulates up to 90-95% of thermal energy, the remaining 5-10% is retained by polyethylene, fiber.
  • The production process is simple: the metal is soldered onto the material, connecting with it into a single whole, after which it acquires the ability to reflect the body.
  • Thermal insulation is produced one- or two-sided, which determines the range of use. Insulation, in which one layer is aluminum, is used to insulate the inside of the room. If the material is foiled on both sides, they isolate refrigeration units, heating mains, industrial buildings, factory highways.

Nuances of application

When choosing thermal insulation, it is worth remembering that not everyone can reflect heat. For the indicator to be maximum, the foil must be thick enough. Most often, insulation, its basis, is extruded polyethylene, which has a thick aluminum layer that retains maximum thermal energy. These include heaters Teplofol, Penofol, Alufol, others.

How to properly mount a heat-reflecting screen behind the batteryTeplofol

Sheathing, which can reflect, is available in the form of mats, rolled sheets, cylinders for pipes. If it is made according to technology, testing, the thermal resistance characteristic must be indicated in the accompanying documents. If you foil the material, its range of applications will expand to infinity. It is ideal for

interior work ideal metallized polyethylene material, which is able to reflect heat. When installing, you will need to leave a distance between the casing and the wall for ventilation. This will preserve the material, prevent the accumulation of moisture, mold growth.
If this is external thermal insulation, it is worth stopping at mineral wool or p / e with metal

When laying, it is important that the material is docked, the slots are glued with special adhesive tape.
When the ceiling is insulated, mineral wool is used, a layer of air between it and the finish. To create a similar design, a crate of wooden bars is mounted, and a metal profile is also used.

For heating networks, water mains of small diameter, insulation without an air gap will become indispensable. If the pipe is large in diameter, a cushion between it and the casing is required, an exception to the rule is foil mineral wool. When the insulation for pipelines is made on the basis of polyethylene, it is desirable that it be foil-coated on both sides. In order for heating radiators to work at full capacity, they take a material that can effectively reflect heat. Cut a sheet to fit the battery, place it between the wall and the heater, while the foil should be directed towards the room. The insulation is easy to install, but guarantees a high efficiency of heaters, batteries, heaters, increasing it by 30-35%.

How to properly mount a heat-reflecting screen behind the batterybattery thermal insulation

Application area

Insulation with a reflective layer is used to insulate the following structures:

  • walls, ceilings, floors, doors;
  • baths and saunas;
  • attics, balconies, attics, roofs;
  • air ducts, ventilation systems;
  • containers;
  • freezers and refrigerators;
  • industrial equipment;
  • car bodies and much more.

Foil insulation is not used for pouring into concrete screeds, since the components in the solution destroy the aluminum foil.

How to properly mount a heat-reflecting screen behind the battery

One of the most popular foil heaters are Porileks and Penofol.

  1. Porilex is a reflective insulation made of polyethylene foam, all cells of which are closed. This insulation has good sound and vapor barrier and a low coefficient of thermal conductivity - 0.04 W / m K. Porilex is easily cut with a knife and is resistant to oils and gasoline. It is required to leave a gap of 1-1.5 cm between it and the facing material.
  2. The NPE-LF type A series is used for walls, ceilings and roofs in private houses or other residential premises (for baths), behind radiators, ventilation systems, industrial equipment and so on. It is produced with a thickness of 3 to 20 mm, a width of 120 cm, a length of 10 to 25 m. The operating temperature of the thermal insulation is from -40 to +90 ° C, the flammability group is G4.
  3. Porilex type B has the same characteristics, but has a double-sided aluminum foil finish. Produced in thicknesses from 3 to 10 mm. Type C has one side foiled and the other self-adhesive. Unlike the previous two types, it is made in rolls of a smaller width - 60 cm and with a length of 10 to 30 m.
  4. Penofol is available in the same types A, B, C, but its thermal conductivity is slightly higher - 0.049 W / m K. Produced in rolls, it is best to use it only indoors.

How to properly mount a heat-reflecting screen behind the battery

A really working legal way to save money. Everyone needs to know this!

“How nice and warm it became in the house, after the floors were insulated with reflective thermal insulation. No wonder they decided to choose and purchase this particular material. We bought Penofol type C, self-adhesive. As a result, the entire repair went quickly and without problems. It is very easy to put on and stays on well. Walking on the floor, by the way, has become more pleasant and softer. Linoleum was laid on top of the insulation.

Mikhail Sviridov, Moscow.

“Reflective insulation was chosen due to a lot of positive feedback from neighbors. In the first winter after installing the water heater, we noticed that in the back room where it stands, some places began to freeze quite hard. Therefore, we decided that we need to insulate it. Finished the walls, ceiling and floor. With the onset of winter, we immediately noticed the difference, in the back room it became much better and warmer. Now we don’t worry that the pipes will freeze.”

Kirill, Moscow region.

“We used Porilex to insulate the floor throughout the house. From above it was closed in some rooms with linoleum, and in others - with parquet. I can say for sure: the floor has become noticeably warmer, and walking on it is more pleasant, as it has become softer. There is also less noise when walking. The insulation was taken on a self-adhesive basis, so that it was faster and easier to complete the repair. In general, we are satisfied with the result, we recommend it.”

Table with prices at which you can buy reflective foil thermal insulation of different brands:

Reflective insulation significantly reduces heat loss from the building, thereby reducing heating costs and the amount of fuel needed. Before choosing a material, you should check the quality certificates, as some manufacturers instead of aluminum foil spray a thin layer of ordinary metal on the surface of the insulation. Such thermal insulation, judging by the reviews of professional builders, has significantly lower thermal insulation characteristics and its service life is also shorter. If a roll of insulation has a too low price, then most likely it is a fake.

How to properly mount a heat-reflecting screen behind the battery

Thermal insulation manufactured by Astratek is represented by polymer-based composite suspensions p.

When choosing glue for polystyrene, many factors are taken into account: in addition to the mandatory one.

Glass wool insulation is a heat-insulating mineral wool material consisting of.

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