Ways to organize heating and hot water supply
Heating can be organized in three ways:
- Create a water circuit with the installation of the boiler, installation of pipelines and radiators.
- Air option - when heated air is used as a coolant.
- electrical way. In this case, it will be necessary to heat the room with devices that convert electrical energy into heat.
One could add here the old grandfather's way, when they installed stoves and heated them with wood or coal. And their surface, heating up, gave off heat to the air inside the rooms. All this today is quite complicated and inefficient, not to mention saving.
Air and electric heating are not so popular with us. The fact is that both options are volatile. And outside the city there are more than enough problems with the supply of electric current. Therefore, it is possible to use such systems as additional heat sources, but as the main ones it is not recommended. It turns out that water heating of a private house is by far the best option. In addition, it can be used to organize hot water supply, creating a two-in-one system.
How to do it?
- First, you need to resolve the issue of choosing the type of fuel and stop at an inexpensive and affordable one in your region.
- Secondly, you need to choose a double-circuit boiler, since it is required to organize not only heating, but also the supply of hot water for household needs. Someone may object that such heating installations are not cheap. It really is. However, the system can be reduced in cost by using a single-circuit boiler and a boiler connected to the heating system. This option is slightly cheaper, but requires additional installation work related to the installation of the boiler and its piping.
In addition, it is necessary to choose the right piping for both networks to work efficiently and without interruption. The advice is this - if the house is small, then choose a single-pipe scheme. If it has several floors and a significant area, then two-pipe wiring is optimal, preferably with a circulation pump. All these are the costs that you will face at the stage of construction of engineering networks. Therefore, choose the best option and consult with experts.
And the last thing I would like to draw attention to. Many suburban developers make a big mistake by working at random
Any engineering network must be accurately calculated. In the case of heating and hot water, you should also not deviate from strict rules. A small flaw - and your house will be cool, or the water will not be hot, but barely warm. So do everything as it should be, and you will be comfortable.
Alternative or traditional heating sources
There are a large number of a wide variety of options for autonomous heating of an apartment or house. The choice of heating equipment depends on the technical features of the building and the desires of the person himself. Gas, wood and electric boilers are used as traditional equipment. They have been used for some time, so they have already been able to establish themselves as a reliable and efficient technique. Unfortunately, high fuel prices are forcing more and more buyers to focus on various types of equipment that use alternative energy sources as the main raw material. These include:
Heat pumps
- Solar collectors for home heating. They make it possible to obtain enough thermal energy to allow the abandonment of gas or electricity. In a region with a low intensity of solar radiation, it can be used as an additional source of heating the coolant. The installation pays off in 5-8 years.
- Heat pumps. Heat is extracted from the earth. The principle of operation of the device is somewhat reminiscent of a conventional air conditioner. In summer, it is possible to set the room cooling mode.
- Hydrogen boilers. This type of equipment appeared relatively recently and is mainly used as an additional source of thermal energy. The heating temperature of the coolant is about 40 degrees, this is enough for the "warm floor" system to work.
For those for whom, for certain reasons, alternative types of equipment are not suitable, you can install furnace equipment or a boiler of the following types:
- Bake. The design of modern equipment involves the use of a water circuit, which is installed in the combustion chamber and connected to the heating system. Such stove heating of a private house is more efficient and allows you to heat even large areas and two-story buildings.
- Boiler. In addition to traditional models that run on solid fuel gas, as well as electricity and use a liquid heat carrier, there are solutions that allow the use of steam instead of water, which is more efficient. Steam heating in a private house requires a competent approach to the implementation of project documentation and installation of the boiler and system wiring.
There are many solutions to take into account all the wishes of the consumer and install a heating system that would be economical and have a high efficiency. In addition to the choice of equipment, it is necessary to determine the heating scheme that will be used.
What heating system is optimal for a private house
Choosing which heating is better for a private house, the owner focuses on his own requirements:
- Value for money. Quality refers to the level of efficiency, although almost all types of heating in a private house are close to 100%, but you should choose the option that provides more heat at lower fuel costs.
- Maximum process automation. This is convenient, especially if the design allows you to set all the necessary parameters once, optimize temperature indicators depending on the presence / absence of people in the house and the time of day.
- Reliability. Heating should work for a long time, flawlessly, and repairs and maintenance should be inexpensive.
- Ease of installation. If you plan to do the heating in the house with your own hands, then the simpler the system, the more profitable it is for the master. But here the nuance of using certain specific tools is important - some of them are necessary for installation, but are useless in the long run.
It is also important to determine the availability of fuel, options for its delivery, uninterrupted supply (gas pipelines, electricity). Often, owners choose combined heating options, for example, gas equipment and a solid fuel boiler.
You can also consider innovative options for heating a private house. New technologies make it easier to equip a building with solar panels, collectors, windmills or a hydrogen version. All of these systems are worthy of careful analysis, but some, like geothermal heat pumps, require a one-time significant investment.
Schematic diagram of heating
Before proceeding with the installation of heating, you will have to go through several stages, the observance of which will greatly contribute to the final goal. These include:
- Heating project for a private house. Completion of such documentation will allow obtaining all necessary permits and facilitate the installation of equipment. In addition, with the help of the project, you can calculate the total cost of installation work and the necessary materials.
- Selecting the type of heating. A person planning to make autonomous heating will have to make a decision that will significantly affect the efficiency of his work.So you can use one-pipe or two-pipe wiring, natural or forced circulation of the coolant. You may need to make a mini boiler room and install a collector that will allow you to simultaneously use both radiators (batteries) and underfloor heating for heating. In this case, the heating scheme of a one-story house will differ significantly from the design of a building that will have several floors. A competent approach to this issue will allow us to develop a project that will allow heating the building with the least heat loss.
Making heating from scratch, or redoing it in order to increase efficiency and, accordingly, heating the house, it will not be superfluous to get competent advice.
Heating system installation
There are several basic options for completing this task. So, for example, heating wiring in a private house can be carried out using plastic or copper pipes, or using ordinary steel. Each of the materials has its own advantages and disadvantages.
- Plastic pipes. Installation is fast. An ordinary house can be connected to heating in just a few days. The service life is about 15-20 years. The disadvantage is the low heat transfer of the material, the heating process occurs exclusively through radiators.
- Copper. Optimal solution. High heat dissipation, long service life - these are some of the most obvious advantages of such a material. The only drawback is the high cost.
- Steel pipes. Require the use of gas welding works. At the same time, such material is ideal if it is necessary to make a two-pipe heating system with natural circulation.
The popularity of combined equipment is constantly growing. These are installations that are able to operate on more than one type of fuel, which is quite profitable. Alternative sources of space heating can also be installed as ancillary equipment to help obtain additional thermal energy.