What is the best wood to use to kindle a fireplace?

What is a fake fireplace and why is it needed

It is impossible to equip a full-fledged fireplace in a city apartment. This is due to the lack of chimney pipes, as well as the inability of the floors to withstand a large load. As an alternative, an imitation of fire is used, which can be made by hand without special skills.

Decorative fire has the following advantages:

  1. Affordable cost. All costs are associated only with the purchase of materials.
  2. Decor versatility. A false fireplace can be used for a whole year, and if desired, it can be modified by changing its appearance.
  3. Stylish appearance and combination with any interior styles.

What is the best wood to use to kindle a fireplace?

Types of decorative fireplaces

A wide range of ready-made structures is available for sale. If you are not considering the option of making an electric fireplace with a live fire effect with your own hands, you can choose one of the following solutions:

  1. Cardboard or foam portal. It is the most affordable product. In addition, it can be created independently with minimal time and effort. Given the flammability of materials, it is impossible to place a fire in them. It is also not recommended to install heavy decorative objects on the structure, because. styrofoam will not be able to withstand them.
  2. Plasterboard fireplace. Making an imitation of fire from this raw material is quite simple. The material is well processed and inexpensive. Unlike foam or cardboard, drywall is fire resistant. This allows candles to be used to simulate a flame.
  3. plywood option. Differs in stylish design and environmental safety. But in order to preserve the appearance of the portal and extend its service life, it is necessary to isolate the material from moisture.
  4. Brick and stone fireplaces. Such species are highly decorative and durable. To create a hearth, you need to have basic skills in laying bricks or stones. You will also need to spend a considerable amount on the purchase of materials. Before installing the structure, you should make sure that the flooring can withstand such a weighty building.

Types of false fireplaces

According to the design features, false fireplaces can be divided into three groups:

Special fuel bioethanol (alcohol) with additives for coloring the flame in yellow or orange is poured into the burner. One gas station is enough for the fireplace to delight with its warmth and beauty of the flame for several hours.

What is the best wood to use to kindle a fireplace?

False biofuel fireplace

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Decorative firewood for a fireplace: comfort and aesthetics in your home

Conditional. They have a fireplace portal protruding from the wall. There are many designer models for this group of fireplaces. The firebox is filled with firewood or candles are placed. Often this area serves as a stand for souvenirs, photographs, flowers.

What is the best wood to use to kindle a fireplace?

False brick fireplace

What is the best wood to use to kindle a fireplace?

Symbolic Christmas fireplace


Modern artificial fireplaces not only replicate the look of natural options, but also have some interesting effects.

The scent of a burning fireplace

The main task of a false fireplace is to simulate a hearth of flame in an apartment. To improve the realism of sensations upon contact with such a structure, it is necessary to provide the aroma of burning wood in the room.

To do this, you will need to purchase any suitable incense or set fire to thin splinters, having previously secured the room from ignition.

The crackle of dry logs

An indispensable attribute of the realism of the simulated fire is the characteristic sound of firewood crackling. It can be provided by recording the sound of a campfire or downloading a ready-made audio file. Having chosen a natural volume level, you need to enable this sound on the MP3 player and install it in the overall fireplace scheme.When the structure is connected to the electrical network, crackling will start automatically.

Real heat from a cold fire

When arranging a simulated flame in the home, most people install a fireplace without heating. However, it is problematic to achieve the realism of the hearth without a thermal effect. Therefore, you can install an air conditioning system above the fireplace. However, the presence of characteristic noise can worsen the atmosphere of peace.

As an alternative, a silent air heater is suitable, which will not only improve the realism of the simulation, but also become an additional source of heat.

What is the best wood to use to kindle a fireplace?

Imitation of fire in the fireplace with your own hands

What is a fireplace without a bewitching flame? There are many ways to simulate a fire in a fireplace with your own hands. The easiest solution is to install the backlight using a Candle lamp or LED strip. An interesting effect will be obtained if you perform a composition for which you need:

  • wooden branches;
  • beautiful stones;
  • lace;
  • foil,
  • New Year's garland;
  • PVA glue.

The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. Each branch is wrapped with foil, a layer of glue is applied on top and overlapped with lace.
  2. When the glued branches have dried, the lace sheath is carefully removed by cutting along the branch with a clerical knife. P
  3. In the hearth, stones are laid out in a circle, in the middle of which an LED garland is installed. Openwork branches are placed vertically, at an angle, so that the lower edges rest on the stones, and the upper ones come into contact with each other. You can make the design more durable with glue, adhesive tape.
  4. It remains to connect the garland and admire the flickering lights.

What is the best wood to use to kindle a fireplace?

artificial fire for fireplace

There are other ways to portray artificial fire in the fireplace - both expensive and budget. For example, it is not difficult to simulate fire using a hologram, for which you need to purchase a picture of a flame depicted in a three-dimensional format. Having installed the picture in the firebox, you need to install lighting using halogen or LED lamps. 3D image, skillfully illuminated with flickering light, will enhance the feeling that a living fire is burning

False fireplace with candles

Looks cozy in the interior of a false fireplace with candles

When arranging it, it is important to remember about fire safety. Thick candles are installed in the fireplace insert lined with non-combustible materials.

Compositions of candles of different heights look especially advantageous. It's nice to light the lights on winter evenings, their flickering light creates a special atmosphere of warmth and love.

DIY decorative fake fireplace

Creating a fake fireplace is a laborious process that requires some skills and experience in construction. To build a beautiful and reliable structure that will last without deformation for a long time, you should correctly draw up a drawing, calculate the amount of consumable materials and carefully study the step-by-step guide.

How to make a drawing and choose the right parameters

When creating a drawing of a fireplace design, it is necessary to take into account both the size of the room and the future decor element. The classic wall-mounted oven has the following parameters: the width of the lower part is 1500 mm, the depth is 345 mm, and the width of the upper part is 1490 mm.

What materials will be required

Depending on the type of fireplace, you will need to prepare a number of materials and tools for their processing. If we are talking about a drywall product, you need to buy sheets of drywall. When choosing a material, it is worth being guided by the features of the facing layer. When finishing with a slab, it is necessary to consider the option of a moisture-resistant modification. Then you need to buy support profiles, on the basis of which the fireplace frame will be assembled.

To connect the elements of the frame, you should purchase self-tapping screws. The optimal length of the fasteners is 1.4-1.6 cm. You should also prepare self-tapping screws with a countersunk head - they will be used to fix the sheets.You will also need dowel-nails for attaching profiles.

The number of consumables is determined by the size of the decorative structure.

polyurethane fireplace

The option of erecting an artificial hearth made of polyurethane is one of the most affordable and fastest. For the upcoming work, you will need to buy a polyurethane portal, calculate the dimensions and complete the installation.

If an electrical device with a fire image on the screen is used, it should be measured from all sides, and then a wireframe should be created based on the obtained data.

It is also important to provide ways to connect to the electrical network and the reliability of the ventilation system.

What is the best wood to use to kindle a fireplace?

plywood construction

Plywood portals are especially in demand when hiding any defects in the room, including the old heating battery. To create a frame, you should use wooden bars, and then sheathe it with plywood.

The appearance of the fireplace is determined by personal preferences and the style of the interior.

Imitation of a plasterboard fireplace

It is more difficult to build a decorative hearth based on drywall than using other materials. But in conditions of limited space, the corner drywall option may be the most optimal. To create a frame, a thin metal profile is used, in which holes are made for dowels or self-tapping screws. Then drywall is attached to the base, giving it the desired shape.

New life for old furniture

An affordable option for creating a decorative fireplace is to transform old furniture. If the house has an unnecessary closet or sideboard, do not throw it in the trash. With a little imagination, you can make a good imitation of a fireplace stove out of this piece of wood.

Stages of work

To simplify the process of building a false fireplace, you need to study the sequence of actions and get to work. You will need to prepare drawings and calculations, then collect the necessary materials and tools, start creating a frame

Next, it is important to provide a communications connection diagram and perform the decorative part of the work.

Wooden fireplace mantel

If you need a regular firewood rack, then it’s easier than shown in the photo, you can’t think of anything. All you need is basic carpentry skills. The stand is lightweight and easy to carry, so it can be used both indoors and outdoors. Construction dimensions: height meter, width 70 cm, depth 35 cm. For firewood, just what you need. The assembly is very simple. Prepare the bars, drill holes for the screws. Then screw in the 2" screws to create the frame shown in the picture. Wipe down all parts and let dry. Paint the wood rack.

View the embedded image gallery online at:

Photo source projects.truevalue.com/DIYSquad/cleverly-inspired/DIY-fire-log-holder.aspx?utm_source=Pinterest&utm_medium=camp2217&MjIxN3w1MDMwfDIyNjQ1NzV8ODE0Njc

What is a decorative fireplace

A full-fledged hearth with a chimney, a firebox, a real live fire is a luxury that not everyone can afford. The designers suggested that the imitation of a fireplace would look very advantageous in a home interior. Such a decorative object can be not only a simple decoration, but also a functional piece of furniture - a shelf for books, CDs, home photos.

DIY decorative fireplace

Dreaming of a home, you can create an artificial fireplace with your own hands or purchase a finished product. A simple decorative solution is an electric false fireplace in the interior, it can be purchased at any home appliance store. An electric fireplace is suitable for rooms that require additional heating. An eco-fireplace looks interesting, it uses ethyl alcohol with the addition of bioethanol to create an even flame without smoke or soot. The biofireplace in the interior is very popular, not only floor, but also desktop, wall eco-hearths are used

From drywall

Ready-made bio-, electrical devices, although they look attractive, do not always fit the interior, and are not affordable for everyone. An interesting solution is decorative plasterboard fireplaces. A non-standard fake hearth will allow you to transform the living room without spending a lot of money

Another important advantage: you can decorate the original building in any style using stone, brick, wood, forging

First, it is worth preparing a full-size drawing in order to calculate the dimensions of the structure, individual elements. You will need, in addition to drywall sheets, metal profiles, metal screws. Step-by-step instructions will help to implement the project:

  1. A frame made of a metal profile is attached to the wall, which will play the role of a supporting element, a frame is made of a profile, self-tapping screws are used.
  2. The frame is sheathed with drywall.
  3. Drywall joints, self-tapping screws are sealed with putty, leveling, surface grinding is performed.
  4. The fireplace is finished with artificial stone, a ceramic plate, it can be decorated with decorative elements made of polyurethane, a decorative grille.

What is the best wood to use to kindle a fireplace?

From cardboard

When you want to create an inexpensive but spectacular decoration on the eve of the New Year holidays, a decorative cardboard fireplace will perfectly fulfill this role, especially if you take care of the design: garlands, New Year's boots, candles. Need to prepare:

  • thick cardboard (you can use packaging from household appliances);
  • construction tape;
  • PVA glue;
  • tools.

Having estimated the dimensions of the future object, having prepared a drawing, you can get to work:

  1. With the help of a sharp clerical knife, adhesive tape, PVA glue, a portal is created from cardboard. It is more difficult to make a corner fireplace. Having accurately measured the angle, you need to calculate the dimensions of the structure so that there are no large gaps between the walls and the top tabletop.
  2. The front part of the decorative fireplace is trimmed with polyurethane moldings, including around the firebox.
  3. When all the details are firmly fixed, the structure is puttied, leveling out all the errors, and polished.
  4. Painting is done with water-based paint.


If there are materials left from the repair, it is worth trying to make a decorative foam fireplace. You get an inexpensive imitation of a fireplace in an apartment if you do everything right:

  1. Foam sheets are cut with a clerical knife: two parts 60x40 cm in size and two 40x20 cm.
  2. The blanks are glued at a right angle to the joints, lubricated with PVA glue and fixed with wooden toothpicks, tape on the inside.
  3. In front of the frame, a firebox is cut out with a knife.
  4. The frame must be primed, cleaned with fine sandpaper, painted with water-based paint.
  5. The decor is performed with an elegant ribbon, finishing paper, polyurethane skirting boards, moldings, decorative elements.

What is the best wood to use to kindle a fireplace?

Durable and functional will be a false fireplace made of wood. An accurate drawing will help to avoid mistakes and waste of material. The frame is made of a wooden beam with a section of 40x40 mm, plywood is used for sheathing. With some experience in carpentry, such an object can be made in a few evenings:

  1. The beam is marked out, with the help of self-tapping screws for wood, the foundation of the fireplace is made. Vertical racks are attached to the wall with dowel-nails.
  2. A plywood sheet with a thickness of 0.5-0.7 cm is marked and cut with an electric jigsaw or a hand saw in accordance with the dimensions. Sections are treated with sandpaper.
  3. Plywood is attached to a wooden frame with self-tapping screws, sheathing the base and the firebox.
  4. The decor of the fireplace is performed using a finishing film, wallpaper, decorative panels, polyurethane baguettes and moldings.


