Is DVP Bad For Health?

Are harmful substances released from fiberboard when they are heated?

Next, the mass is shaped and sent for hot pressing. In the future, the panels are subjected to decorative processing or remain unchanged if they are intended for roughing processes. Hazard to health The main harm is represented by binding components.
There are opinions that often exaggerate the real impact of stoves on human health. An increased concentration of such substances causes a disorder of the central nervous system, which is expressed by dizziness and loss of appetite.

There may also be irritation of the upper respiratory tract, a feeling of nasal congestion and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Attention! A large amount of conflicting information has given rise to the myth that the harm of MDF and chipboard is huge, so you should completely abandon their use for interior work or furniture manufacturing.

What is chipboard. Characteristics and features

Chipboard is a composite made from a mixture of sawdust and thermosetting resins. The raw mass goes through several stages of production and is pressed under pressure in a hot way. After cooling, it is cut into plates of various sizes.

According to the density, chipboard is distinguished:

  • extra small indicators - 350-450 kg / cu. m., (production of furniture cases, heat and noise insulation);
  • small - 450-650 kg / cu. m., (manufacturing of facades by the frame method and repair of buildings, rough coatings);
  • medium level - 650-750 kg / cu. m.;
  • high degree - 700-800 kg / cu. m., (used for roofing, foundation work, production of large-format furniture).

Is DVP Bad For Health?

The structure of the chipboard may vary depending on the purpose. These are single-layer slabs, three-layer (on the outer layers the fraction is smaller than inside) and multi-layer (the size of sawdust decreases in layers from the middle to the surfaces).

According to the degree of moisture resistance, we can distinguish:

  • ordinary plates that can withstand an average air humidity in the range of 30-50%;
  • Moisture-resistant, containing polymer or paraffin additives, which makes it possible to use the material at humidity up to 80%.

An important fact: like any product, chipboard is labeled in accordance with the past selection and division into grades. The first category includes products that meet all the requirements for the quality of raw materials, resistance to stress, etc. Chipboard with lower parameters and defects on the front part already belongs to the second class and is most often sent to the construction industry.

Advantages of chipboard:

  1. High compressive and flexural strength. Fasteners are perfectly kept in the plates;
  2. Ease of processing, including external finishing. Coloring, varnishing, lamination, veneering, etc. are allowed;
  3. Shock and moisture resistance;
  4. Wide size range. The length of the material varies from 1.8 to 5.6 m, width - 0.4 to 2.5 m, and thickness - from 3 mm to 40 mm.
  5. Low price.

Is DVP Bad For Health?

Chipboard of different thickness is used for different purposes

Of the minuses, we note:

  • The impossibility of using various methods of figured processing, including milling, complex parts, etc.;
  • Sharp edges. Paradoxical as it may seem, but furniture made of chipboard is almost always traumatic, since a rare manufacturer tries to round the edges or process it with a soft edge U-shaped tape;
  • The second time, the hardware is very difficult to install in the body of the plate. It will be necessary to use adhesive mixtures such as "cold welding", epoxy plastic masses;
  • Constant release of toxic volatile compounds (formaldehyde and others). When a certain concentration (maximum content) is reached, they can cause negative consequences for the body. This is typical for second-rate material.

It is the last minus that makes one wonder if chipboard causes harm to others, and is it not dangerous for health to buy furniture from it, to clad walls, floors, ceilings.

Fiberboard safety for health

Is DVP Bad For Health?

Lignin is used in the manufacture of polymeric materials, phenol-formaldehyde resins and as an adhesive component in the manufacture of MDF, chipboard, plywood, etc. Fiberboard composition is harmful to health 3.

Fire safety: all materials used in a low-rise wooden house should be no worse than G2 in terms of flammability, and the rafter system and ceilings should be G1, with time maintaining structural strength in case of fire P60. 4.

Biological safety: all materials used in the house must be antiseptic with non-toxic antiseptics for humans that do not emit any harmful substances into the indoor air.

The ecology of the apartment and our health So, over the past decades, pressed boards on synthetic resins and artificial surfaces have firmly entered everyday life. They emit many active organic compounds that are not at all harmless to human health.


The release of radon and volatile organic polymers from the walls is reduced due to plaster, thick paper wallpaper. It is possible to arrange drafts from time to time, scattering radon in the room.

Concrete slabs are fraught with another danger: in new homes, they actively absorb moisture from the air. This is known to many new settlers. And the dryness of room air causes not only discomfort, but also a disease of the upper respiratory tract, leads to brittle hair and peeling of the skin. Dry air makes it easier for static electricity to discharge. Humidifiers help solve the problem.

There are DSDs made in a special way: their outer layers consist of smaller particles than the inner ones - a denser outer layer covers a looser, actively evaporating one.

Then the plates intended for the interior inside the living quarters are lined with a film based on thermosetting polymers. Ultimately, the percentage of toxins in modern housing is above the established norms.

Stroy-Design specialists analyzed a large number of building materials and identified the ten most hazardous to health used in the repair of offices and apartments by many construction companies. Hardboard is often used by artists to draw pictures.

Is dvp bad for health

Discussions and reviews on the forum in Novosibirsk At least on the difference in smell, we can conclude where there is more chemistry. However, the child is yours. I know everything! But I remember practically nothing.

How much does 250 ml of linseed oil cost and how much does a fiberboard sheet cost? I'm a weak-minded and brave kitty Man needs a crib. That says it all. For a child, it is better to use both Altai cedar and aspen than chipboard and fiberboard, and as for plastic toys, you will also offer to buy them on the Chinese market.

Is fiberboard material harmful? It is quite understandable that a person desires to protect himself and his loved ones from the effects of building and repair materials hazardous to health.

If you have wondered: “Are fiberboards harmful?”, We mentally shake your hand as a token of sincere respect. And now we will try to dispel your doubts: fortunately, they are in vain.

They emit many active organic compounds that are not at all harmless to human health. Even the widespread linoleum, doctors recommend using only where a person is infrequent.

Harmless and hardboard. The binders in these materials are phenolic and urea-melamine resins, which emit decay products into the environment - the air of the rooms where we live and work. And when the manufacture of chipboard and fiberboard is in violation of technology, then phenolic fumes can lead to serious poisoning in the shortest possible time.

Wood-imitating boards have a dual reputation: some consider them harmless and versatile, while others are considered hazardous to health. Who is right and who is wrong - this should be sorted out.

Abbreviations chipboard, fiberboard, OSB and MDF can often be found in ads and advertisements for construction services. Wood-based panels are really in great demand - their scope is wide, and the yen is relatively affordable.

Modern use of some species

If we are not talking about construction, but about finishing work, then more and more often in this area the name "MDF" began to emerge - a medium-density fibrous material. Interior doors are made from laminated sheet MDF. The frame of wooden planks is sheathed with this material, getting budget products that look very good. Soundproofing characteristics depend on the type of filling of the frame, and the durability of the product itself depends on the quality of lamination and the rigidity of the film.

Is DVP Bad For Health?

Any reliefs can be formed from wood-fiber mass

The production technology allows you to create not only sheet wood-fiber products. The shape of the press, theoretically, can be any. Therefore, they began to make various kinds of moldings from MDF - platbands for finishing the same door frame, skirting boards and other similar products. They can be matched to the color of the doors and similar in shape.

Is DVP Bad For Health?

Such smooth lines can only be made using wood or MDF.

They began to make facades of cabinet furniture from MDF. For example, kitchen. Moreover, if furniture made of chipboard has a linear structure, curved, smooth, rounded shapes are formed from ground wood fibers. All this allows you to create greater species diversity. Using the same technology, MDF wall panels are made. These are not only even smooth sheets, but also with a pattern of various types / types.

Rigid fibrous materials

HDF, a high-density material, is used in some areas. In particular, due to its rigidity, it is convenient to work with it when forming an openwork. Using laser cutters, a slotted openwork is formed on thin laminated or painted HDF boards. Various decorative elements are made from openwork plates, in particular, screens for radiators.

Is DVP Bad For Health?

Perforated HDF is good for decoration

Some types of finishing materials are formed from HDF. The plate is covered with a layer of film or painted. The surface can be plain painted, imitate wood, stone surface, etc. If the material is molded in the form of planks with locks, the same laminate is obtained. If the material is made in the form of sheets, they can be sheathed on walls, ceilings, used to finish the working area in the kitchen - a kitchen apron.

Surely there are other areas of application for fiberboard of different densities. And, most likely, there will be other uses. The technology is flexible, it allows to obtain materials with different properties.

The topic of how fiber affects the health of people and especially children

It is now widely and universally used in building finishes fiberboard. Which is very good, cheap and practical. But I have a question, how does fiber affect our health? Is it possible to use fiberboard in children's rooms during decoration, during construction, will the child's health not be affected by fiberboard? Please advise me.

Reply with quote 24.07.2014, 17:13 #2 I can assure you that today it is almost impossible to find environmentally friendly building material. Both fiberboard and chipboard contain adhesives that are very harmful to health, they can cause serious illness.


Reply with citation 24.07.2014, 17:14 #3 Chipboard, like fiberboard, can be harmful because synthetic resins are used as binding elements. In general, this material can emit formaldehyde, which is harmful to health and cause cancer.

d.The use of low-quality source material leads to a deterioration in the physical and mechanical properties of the plates, in particular, to a decrease in moisture resistance and, as a result, an increase in the likelihood of fungi and mold.

Responsible companies for the manufacture of chipboard, MDF and OSB select and filter raw materials, radiological control, etc. The use of low-quality source material leads to a deterioration in the physical and mechanical properties of the boards, in particular, to a decrease in moisture resistance and, as a result, an increase in the likelihood of fungi and mildew.

But a particular danger is the decrease in the density of the boards, which is why manufacturers increase the proportion of binder resins in the product, which means that the amount of harmful emissions is also growing. Signs of quality The main method of improving environmental safety when using boards made of wood-based materials in scrap is to purchase quality products.

First of all, check with the seller the type of plate or, in scientific terms, the emission class, which reflects the amount of harmful formaldehyde emissions into the atmosphere.
It is also important to understand: even practically harmless, treated and protected wood panels cannot be called hypoallergenic. Susceptibility to the effects of certain substances on a person is a purely individual matter.

However, no contraindications for the use of wood-based panels have been identified, and the appearance of an allergic reaction may most likely be associated with the purchase of low-quality products. In conclusion, the following advice can be given: purchase furniture made only from high-quality marked chipboard and MDF; use MDF for decoration of residential premises; use OSB for construction purposes; fiberboard that is not too strong and “afraid” of moisture is best used only in utility rooms, outbuildings or garages.

Disadvantages of hardboard floors

  • Environmental friendliness: this point concerns those stoves that were purchased more than 20 years ago and were stored somewhere in your garage. Previously, fiberboard manufacturing technology was different, in particular, not entirely safe substances were used to glue the fibers of the material. Therefore, it is not recommended to use such plates for flooring at home.
  • Moisture resistance: despite the fact that fiberboard boards tolerate water much better than chipboard or plasterboard sheets, nevertheless, it is better not to lay them in rooms with high humidity. Otherwise, there is a high probability of deformation of the coating. In such rooms, it is preferable to lay slabs of aquapanel, gypsum fiber or moisture-resistant plywood.
  • Fire resistance: such a floor covering will ignite very quickly in case of fire.
  • Wear resistance: as a rule, it is necessary to apply a finishing floor covering over fiberboard, otherwise their surface will quickly wear out and wipe. And the material itself does not differ in any special appearance.

Harmful fumes from fiberboard, chipboard, polymer materials

Particularly unfavorable for the room environment are relatively cheap plastic walls, wood-fiber (DFP) and chipboard (chipboard) pressed boards. But they completely replaced the tree from our homes. Harmless and hardboard. The binders in these materials are phenolic and urea-melamine resins, which emit decay products into the environment - the air of the rooms where we live and work.

And when the manufacture of chipboard and fiberboard is in violation of technology, then phenolic fumes can lead to serious poisoning in the shortest possible time. Of course, there is nothing better for interiors than solid wood, although it has now become much more expensive. As a last resort, if there is no other way out, chipboard must be covered with paint, varnish, some kind of resistant compounds that prevent the release of harmful fumes into the air.

In a modern home, polymeric materials cause an unpleasant specific odor that causes fatigue, headache, and an increase in asthma attacks.

And besides, as a rule, they contain synthetic surfactants, which can never be completely removed from washed dishes, furniture or washed fabrics.

  • Is vaping harmful?
  • How dangerous are OSB boards and how to minimize harm to health

Such concern about their health will make some people smile, but, as studies show, due to a careless attitude towards the objects around us, people are at risk of getting serious illnesses. contact the National Public Health Surveillance Laboratory. However, according to the expert, such studies are extremely rare. Public health experts emphasize that any furniture covering must be completely airtight. laminated, i.e.

The harmfulness of chipboard myth or reality

The state and supervisory services impose high safety requirements on products widely used in everyday life and construction. Furniture, decoration and other household and household items should be made from materials that are safe for the population.

What does this have to do with chipboard? The most direct. In the production of boards, melamine, urea-formaldehyde or phenol-formaldehyde resins are used as a binder. As a result of certain reactions, the chipboard almost constantly emits a volatile compound that is poisonous to humans - formaldehyde.

Its harm does not even need to be proved once again - it is officially recognized as a carcinogen, which, with constant exposure at a certain concentration (percentage in the air), can cause various disorders, poisoning, diseases, including by no means harmless dermatitis and dangerous cancer.

However, it will not be possible to completely get rid of this incredibly harmful substance. Even wooden furniture or decoration contains a certain amount of bound compounds of formaldehyde, phenol, benzene, not to mention the plastic we love so much, used in all areas - from household appliances to constantly used dishes.

Is DVP Bad For Health?Effects of Formaldehyde Concentration on Health

According to Russian and European legislation, the maximum permissible content of formaldehyde in the air for chipboard boards is determined by the emission class:

  • E1 - no more than 8 mg per 100 g. dry chipboard inclusive;
  • E2 - up to 30 mg inclusive.

These indicators depend not only on the quality of raw materials, but also on external processing. Harm can be significantly reduced if the emission area is reduced. To do this, it is enough to veneer the sheet with a laminated film on all sides, and trim the ends with an edge tape.

From plates of the first category, furniture is produced for the residential sector, commercial and other institutions. Material with a minimum value and all-round cladding can be used for the release of a children's or hospital environment.

Slabs of the second class without external finishing are allowed to be used only in repairs for decorative and finishing cladding. Otherwise, the harm of second-rate material is manifested in a deterioration in well-being, the appearance of headaches, asthma attacks, signs of poisoning and other consequences.

Chipboard factories are well aware of this, so the assortment always includes products with different emission classes. Another thing is that economy-class furniture manufacturers do not always use the appropriate raw materials in the manufacture of their products. But it's easy to check:

Carefully inspect the surface and edges of the furniture - if the film bubbles and the ends are not closed by anything, then most likely the cladding is homemade, not factory, therefore, plates that do not meet the standards were used;
After unpacking, pay attention to the smell. The sharp, literally knocking down "plastic" smell of formaldehyde indicates the low quality of the chipboard used;
Ask about certificates

There is nothing wrong with asking the supplier for a sanitary and hygienic conclusion, on the back of which the normative and practical release of formaldehyde compounds must be indicated, as well as the period of testing and the validity of the certificate.

The harm of formaldehyde resins has been proven, but this does not mean that chipboard should be completely abandoned. It is enough to take a responsible approach to the choice of products made from wood-shaving materials and not save on your own health.

Is soft fiberboard harmful to health

Is DVP Bad For Health?

Therefore, carefully check the quality of furniture before buying (certificates, GOSTs, conclusions, etc.). It is impossible to avoid formaldehyde emissions from the material, but proper operation of the furniture and proper care will weaken this effect and preserve the properties of the furniture for a long time.

MDF has a number of advantages in comparison with other materials. The cost of MDF furniture is lower compared to natural wood, but higher than chipboard. However, chipboard has higher formaldehyde emission rates. Therefore, if your financial possibilities are not limited, give preference to natural wood furniture.

On the contrary, MDF furniture will be a good addition to your interior.

Is dvp harmful?

They emit many active organic compounds that are not at all harmless to human health. Even the widespread linoleum, doctors recommend using only where a person is infrequent.

Harmful fumes from fiberboard, chipboard, polymeric materials Particularly unfavorable for the room environment are relatively cheap plastic walls, wood-fiber (DFP) and chipboard (chipboard) pressed boards.

But they completely replaced the tree from our homes. Harmless and hardboard.

The binders in these materials are phenolic and urea-melamine resins, which emit decay products into the environment - the air of the rooms where we live and work.

And when the manufacture of chipboard and fiberboard is in violation of technology, then phenolic fumes can lead to serious poisoning in the shortest possible time.

Ecology of the apartment and our health

Such slabs are widely used for the construction of walls of low-rise frame houses from sandwich panels, where the outer layers are made of OSB (the so-called Canadian technology). Cause for concern The opinion about the dangers of wood-based panels for human health is quite common. And yet, many, using them in the construction of a house, do not think about it.

How harmful is MDF furniture

Phenol-formaldehydes, which have ruined the reputation of boards as such, can only be found not in fiberboard, but only in chipboard, and in the “pirate” one. The ban on the use of phenol formaldehydes has long been formalized in the relevant regulatory act. The fact that there is no “left” muck in the composition should convince you that the products comply with GOST 4598-86.

Substances undesirable for the body are able to stand out from the hardboard only when certain components are burned. So we do not recommend burning a fire from fiberboard or disposing of it by kindling the stove just in case. What is the conclusion? Firstly, the goods of a conscientious manufacturer should not inspire fear.

Secondly, the fibreboard should be operated according to the rules.

A substandard board made from poor wood raw materials has a thickness discrepancy of 1-2 mm and brittle edges.An indirect indicator of low quality can also be the low price of the material, often explained by the fact that the plates were supplied “from the back door of the factory”. Remember, the miser pays twice - in this case, also with health.

Attention Choose products with a reasonable price and mandatory labeling. After acquiring the plates, their ends should be processed

Many perceive end caps on furniture only as a decorative element, in fact, formaldehyde substances evaporate through untreated surfaces. And if the front and back sides usually have a protective and decorative coating, then the ends are not protected in any way, since during construction it may be necessary to join the plates together. Of course, raw edges also appear in the process of sawing materials.

Important I know everything! But I don't remember much... 04/14/05 03:36 PM Reply to user's message Anonymous user In response to: well, if "pressed", then of course ...

Once again I am convinced. When a person has nothing to say or does not know how or does not know what to say, nitpicking begins with spelling, punctuation, accent, etc.

14.04.05 15:36 Reply to user's message Anonymous user In response to: well, if "pressed", then of course .... Once again I am convinced. When a person has nothing to say or does not know how or does not know what to say, nitpicking begins with spelling, punctuation, accent, and so on.

What is chipboard

Chipboard is particle board. Sometimes the word "chipboard" refers to wood-laminated plastics. But most often under the abbreviation "chipboard" they mean exactly the plates, although chipboard would be more correct. The material is produced by pressing wood chips. Resins and special additives are added to the same chips.

Chipboard is classified according to the following properties:

  • number of layers - 1, 2, 3 or multilayer;
  • the outer layer is a fine-grained or coarse-grained surface;
  • water resistance and fire resistance;
  • density - low, medium or high;
  • and other criteria.

Chipboard is used for the production of furniture, various building elements, wagons and containers.


