Cons in two two-pipe horizontal heating system KAN
If it works not from its own boiler house, but from a centralized supply:
-It does not withstand high pressure (with me, the radiators were blown up to 0.5 meters, it’s good that the house was just starting up and there was no repair anywhere), but only the places where the radiators were connected. True, threaded fittings are already being used now, fittings without threads were designed for a maximum of 6 atmospheres, and the centralized supply was 10 atmospheres.
- On the lower floors, the circulation of the coolant is slower than on the upper ones, and noticeably.
If you hang a lot of radiators at home, you will freeze, as the heating will not work. There are many more nuances, but I will talk about them in other articles.
I think in general terms you now have an idea, I repeat once again, I'm talking about the can system.
Watch the video two-pipe horizontal heating system.
23 April 2014
Horizontal and vertical two-pipe heating system
The heating two-pipe system is vertical and horizontal. The difference is in the type of connection of all structural elements into one mechanism. The vertical scheme involves connecting all parts of the system to a vertical riser. Among the advantages can be noted the absence of air congestion. Among the minuses is the higher cost of installation. The vertical two-pipe heating system of a multi-storey building is the most suitable. Since each floor can be separately connected to a common riser.
For one-story houses, a two-pipe horizontal heating system of the building is considered the best option. Such a scheme has its own characteristics. All radiators are connected to a horizontal pipeline. This type of heating is especially convenient in wooden houses or panel-frame rooms without piers. Risers are usually located in the corridors. Since the external wiring does not look very attractive with a horizontal system, they try to hide all pipes under the screed during construction work.
The layout of a horizontal two-pipe network can be lower, upper and combined. For the private sector, the best option is a horizontal two-pipe heating system with lower wiring and unnatural circulation of the coolant. In this case, the water supply to the risers is carried out through the main pipelines from below.
Heating two-pipe network with top wiring
Upper wiring involves laying pipelines in the attic or under the ceiling. A similar two-pipe heating system with an upper wiring is used extremely rarely. Since it is characterized by a high consumption of material and does not fit well into the interior of the room. But the two-pipe heating system of a two-story house, a scheme with combined wiring, is used quite often. Suitable for areas with frequent power outages, for small areas.
A two-pipe vertical heating system involves parallel connection of batteries. A special feature is that an expansion tank is mounted. The distributing pipeline is at the top. The coolant from the boiler enters all batteries. The horizontal scheme and the vertical one have differences: a horizontal two-pipe heating system involves the installation of all pipes with a slight slope.
Heating two-pipe network with bottom wiring
The main difference between this type of system is the supply pipeline: a two-pipe heating system with a lower wiring diagram assumes its placement below, near the reverse. With this wiring, water moves through the pipes in the direction from the bottom up.The coolant, having passed the return connections, enters the pipe thanks to the heating elements. Then the water enters the boiler. It should be noted that the two-pipe heating system with lower wiring involves the installation of Mayevsky taps. This is necessary to prevent the formation of air congestion. Such cranes are mounted on each battery separately.
Pros and cons of the Leningradka heating scheme
The main advantages provided by the heating system "Leningradka" in the organization of water heating of the premises are: high efficiency, simple installation and maintenance. But unfortunately, such single-pipe heating systems are not without drawbacks:
- the heating batteries most distant from the boiler in the serial pipeline circuit should have the maximum number of sections, since the water reaching them through the pipe will be cooled;
- the Leningradka heating system does not provide for connecting a heated floor or a heated towel rail;
- the coolant circulates through the circuit at a sufficiently high pressure.
But such shortcomings are inherent in the traditional single-pipe heating scheme, which does not use elements for regulating the supply of coolant to radiators. Therefore, installing a bypass with a needle valve on each battery allows you to manually set the temperature of each individual radiator. This made it possible to achieve flexibility and cost-effectiveness in adjusting the water heating system.
The improved and modified Leningradka heating system is considered an excellent choice for heating various kinds of premises. Therefore, its use will help to create a simple and at the same time effective and inexpensive heating of both a country cottage and a city apartment or a private house.
Ways of water circulation in heating systems
The movement of fluid along a closed circuit (contours) can occur in a natural or forced mode. The water heated by the heating boiler rushes to the batteries. This part of the heating circuit is called the forward stroke (current). Once in the batteries, the coolant cools down and is sent back to the boiler for heating. This interval of the closed route is called reverse (current). To accelerate the circulation of the coolant along the circuit, special circulation pumps are used, cut into the pipeline on the "return". Models of heating boilers are produced, the design of which provides for the presence of such a pump.
Natural circulation of the coolant
With natural circulation, the movement of water in the system goes by gravity. This is possible due to the physical effect that occurs when the density of water changes. Hot water has a lower density. The liquid going in the reverse direction has a high density, and therefore easily displaces the water that has already heated up in the boiler. The hot coolant rushes up the riser, and then is distributed along horizontal lines, drawn at a slight slope of no more than 3-5 degrees. The presence of a slope and allows the movement of fluid through the pipes by gravity.
The heating scheme, based on the natural circulation of the coolant, is the simplest, and therefore it is easy to implement in practice. In addition, in this case, no other communications are required. However, this option is only suitable for private houses of a small area, since the length of the circuit is limited to 30 meters. The disadvantages include the need to install pipes of a larger diameter, as well as low pressure in the system.
Forced coolant circulation
In autonomous heating systems with forced circulation of water (coolant) in a closed circuit, a circulation pump is mandatory, which provides an accelerated flow of heated water to the batteries, and cooled water to the heater.The movement of water is possible due to the pressure difference that occurs between the direct and reverse flow of the coolant.
When installing this system, it is not required to observe the slope of the pipeline. This is an advantage, but a significant drawback lies in the energy dependence of such a heating system. Therefore, in the event of a power outage in a private house, there must be a generator (mini-power plant) that will ensure the functioning of the heating system in an emergency.
A scheme with forced circulation of water as a heat carrier can be used when installing heating in a house of any size. In this case, a pump of suitable power is selected and its uninterrupted power supply is ensured.
Collector heating circuit
In it, the coolant is distributed to the radiators through the collector, which ensures uniform heating of the premises, and also allows you to heat houses of almost any configuration and area. The collector circuit also allows you to adjust the degree of heating of heating devices, changing the flow rate of the coolant and the speed of its movement using shut-off equipment.
One-pipe heating scheme
This method of distributing the coolant is the simplest and at the same time effective. The scheme is simple to implement, but its disadvantage is the uneven heating of the room. The fact is that the coolant cools down as it moves and is supplied to the last heater with a much lower temperature than to the first one.
You can correct the situation by adding a bypass (bypass) line of smaller diameter and installing an adjusting valve on each heater. Such a system is often called "Leningrad".
Single pipe horizontal
The simplest version of a single-pipe horizontal heating system with a bottom connection.
When creating a heating system for a private house with your own hands, a single-pipe wiring scheme can be the most profitable and cheapest. It is equally well suited for both one-story houses and two-story houses. In the case of a one-story house, it looks very simple - the radiators are connected in series - in order to ensure the consistent flow of the coolant. After the last radiator, the coolant is sent through a solid return pipe to the boiler.
Advantages and disadvantages of the scheme
To begin with, we will consider the main advantages of the scheme:
- ease of implementation;
- great option for small houses;
- saving materials.
A single-pipe horizontal heating scheme is an excellent option for small rooms with a minimum number of rooms.
The scheme is really very simple and understandable, so even a beginner can handle its implementation. It provides for a serial connection of all installed radiators. This is an ideal heating layout for a small private house. For example, if this is a one-room or two-room house, then “fencing” a more complex two-pipe system does not make much sense.
Looking at the photo of such a scheme, we can note that the return pipe here is solid, it does not pass through the radiators. Therefore, such a scheme is more economical in terms of material consumption. If you do not have extra money, such a wiring will be the most optimal for you - it will save money and allow you to provide the house with heat.
As for the shortcomings, they are few. The main disadvantage is that the last battery in the house will be colder than the very first one. This is due to the sequential passage of the coolant through the batteries, where it gives off the accumulated heat to the atmosphere. Another disadvantage of a single-pipe horizontal circuit is that if one battery fails, the entire system will have to be turned off at once.
Despite certain disadvantages, this heating scheme continues to be used in many private houses of a small area.
Features of the installation of a single-pipe horizontal system
Creating water heating of a private house with your own hands, a scheme with a single-pipe horizontal wiring will be the easiest to implement. During the installation process, it is necessary to mount the radiators, and then connect them with pipe sections. After connecting the last radiator, it is necessary to turn the system in the opposite direction - it is desirable that the outlet pipe runs along the opposite wall.
A single-pipe horizontal heating scheme can also be used in two-story houses, each floor is connected in parallel here.
The larger your home, the more windows it has and the more radiators it has. Accordingly, heat losses also increase, as a result of which it becomes noticeably cooler in the last rooms. You can compensate for the drop in temperature by increasing the number of sections on the last radiators. But it is best to mount a system with bypasses or with forced circulation of the coolant - we will talk about this a little later.
A similar heating scheme can be used to heat two-story houses. To do this, two chains of radiators are created (on the first and second floors), which are connected in parallel to each other. There is only one return pipe in this battery connection scheme; it starts from the last radiator on the first floor. A return pipe is also connected there, descending from the second floor.
Features of the installation of a two-pipe horizontal heating system
Like any installation, the installation of a horizontal two-pipe heating system must be carried out taking into account certain technology rules.
First of all, remember the main condition: saving on the heating system or its individual elements is highly undesirable. It is known that you want to do everything quickly, and inexpensively, and with all this, also with high quality. But the arrangement of the heating system at home is one of the conditions for a comfortable stay, so if you do not want to freeze on cold winter evenings, you should not save on heating appliances.
If gas is supplied to your house, you can equip a heating system on water, which includes the presence of two boilers - the main gas and spare electric or solid fuel. So you will become practically energy independent.
Your next step should be a trip to the design office. In it you will be able to obtain the necessary calculations, complete documentation related to the project, and drawings of the heating system of your home. Then you can safely start purchasing the necessary materials and tools.
First of all, you need to install a heating boiler. Especially for this purpose, a separate equipped room is required, into which combustion products will flow. Ideally, this should be a separate room; if it is not possible to allocate a separate room, then a well-ventilated basement can be used.
Remember that the space around the heating boiler must be left free. The walls adjacent to the boiler and the floor surface should be sheathed with refractory material. The chimney must be led outside.
If you plan to have a circulation pump in the heating system, then its installation must be carried out immediately after the installation of the boiler. Along with it, a manifold cabinet and control devices are installed near the boiler.
From the place of installation of the heating boiler, the laying of the pipeline begins at those points where the radiators are mounted. The nature of pipe connections depends on the material from which they are made.
The final stage in the arrangement of a horizontal two-pipe heating system will be the connection of batteries. Their installation must be carried out under the window on the brackets.In the event that the size of the battery is not large enough to close the window opening, you can, if possible, mount 2 batteries or build up several additional sections.
The height from the floor surface should be from 100 to 120 mm, the gap between the wall and the radiator - from 20 to 50 mm, from the window sill to the radiator - about 100 mm. The input and output of the battery is fixed by mounting special fittings. It is mandatory to install temperature sensors with which you can control the temperature in the room.
When all elements of the system are installed, pressure testing should be carried out. A trial run of the heating system can only be carried out after obtaining the appropriate permit and in the presence of a gas specialist.
Beam system with collectors
Radiant heating system using a collector.
This is one of the most modern schemes, which involves laying an individual line to each heater. To do this, collectors are installed in the system - one collector is the supply, and the other is the return. Separate straight pipes diverge from the collectors to the batteries. This scheme allows for flexible adjustment of the parameters of the heating system. It also makes it possible to connect underfloor heating to the system.
The beam wiring scheme is actively used in modern homes. The supply and return pipes here can be laid as you like - most often they go in the floors, after which they go to one or another heating device. To regulate the temperature and turn on / off the heating devices, small distribution cabinets are installed in the house.
According to heating engineers, such a scheme is ideal, since each heater operates from its own line and is almost independent of other heaters.
Advantages and disadvantages of beam systems
There are many positive qualities:
- the ability to completely hide all pipes in walls and floors;
- convenient system setup;
- the possibility of creating remote separate adjustment;
- the minimum number of connections - they are grouped in distribution cabinets;
- it is convenient to repair individual elements without interrupting the operation of the entire system;
- almost perfect heat distribution.
When installing a radiant heating system, all pipes are hidden in the floor, and the collectors are in a special cabinet.
There are also a couple of disadvantages:
- the high cost of the system - this includes the cost of equipment and the cost of installation work;
- difficulty in implementing the scheme in an already built house - usually this scheme is laid down at the stage of creating a homeownership project.
If you still have to put up with the first drawback, then you can’t get away from the second.
Features of installation of radiant heating systems
At the stage of project creation, niches for laying heating pipes are provided, points for mounting distribution cabinets are indicated. At a certain stage of construction, pipes are laid, cabinets with collectors are installed, heaters and boilers are installed, a test run of the system is carried out and its tightness is checked. It is best to entrust all this work to professionals, since this scheme is the most complex.
Despite all the complexity, the radiant heating system with collectors is one of the most convenient and efficient. It is used not only in private houses, but also in other buildings, for example, in offices.
Two-pipe system with bottom wiring
Next, we will consider two-pipe systems, which are distinguished by the fact that they provide an even distribution of heat even in the largest households with many rooms. It is the two-pipe system that is used to heat multi-storey buildings, in which there are a lot of apartments and non-residential premises - here such a scheme works great.We will consider schemes for private houses.
Two-pipe heating system with bottom wiring.
A two-pipe heating system consists of a supply and return pipes. Radiators are installed between them - the radiator inlet is connected to the supply pipe, and the outlet to the return pipe. What does it give?
- Uniform distribution of heat throughout the premises.
- Possibility to regulate the temperature in the rooms by completely or partially blocking individual radiators.
- Possibility of heating multi-storey private houses.
There are two main types of two-pipe systems - with lower and upper wiring. To begin with, we will consider a two-pipe system with a bottom wiring.
Lower wiring is used in many private homes, as it allows you to make heating less visible. The supply and return pipes pass here next to each other, under the radiators or even in the floors. Air is removed through special Mayevsky taps. Heating schemes in a private house made of polypropylene most often provide for just such a wiring.
Advantages and disadvantages of a two-pipe system with bottom wiring
When installing heating with a lower wiring, we can hide the pipes in the floor.
Let's see what positive features two-pipe systems with bottom wiring have.
- The possibility of masking pipes.
- The possibility of using radiators with a bottom connection - this somewhat simplifies installation.
- Heat losses are minimized.
The ability to at least partially make heating less visible attracts many people. In the case of the bottom wiring, we get two parallel pipes running flush with the floor. If desired, they can be brought under the floors, providing for this possibility even at the stage of designing the heating system and developing a project for the construction of a private house.
If you use radiators with a bottom connection, it becomes possible to almost completely hide all the pipes in the floors - the radiators are connected here using special nodes.
As for the disadvantages, they are the need for regular manual removal of air and the need to use a circulation pump.
Features of mounting a two-pipe system with bottom wiring
Plastic fasteners for heating pipes of different diameters.
In order to mount the heating system according to this scheme, it is necessary to lay the supply and return pipes around the house. For these purposes, there are special plastic fasteners on sale. If radiators with side connection are used, we make a branch from the supply pipe to the upper side hole, and take the coolant through the lower side hole, directing it to the return pipe. We put air vents next to each radiator. The boiler in this scheme is installed at the lowest point.
It uses a diagonal connection of radiators, which increases their heat transfer. Lower connection of radiators reduces heat output.
Such a scheme is most often made closed, using a sealed expansion tank. The pressure in the system is created using a circulation pump. If you need to heat a two-story private house, we lay pipes on the upper and lower floors, after which we create a parallel connection of both floors to the heating boiler.
Options for a two-pipe system
The main difference between a two-pipe heating scheme for a private house is the connection of each battery to the mains of both direct and reverse current, which doubles the consumption of pipes. But the owner of the house has the opportunity to regulate the level of heat transfer of each individual heater. As a result, it is possible to provide a different temperature microclimate in the rooms.
When installing a vertical two-pipe heating system, the lower, as well as the upper, heating wiring diagram from the boiler is applicable.Now in more detail about each of them.
Vertical system with bottom wiring
Set it up like this:
- From the heating boiler, a supply main pipeline is launched along the floor of the lower floor of the house or through the basement.
- Further, risers are launched from the main pipe, which ensure that the coolant enters the batteries.
- A return current pipe departs from each battery, which takes the cooled coolant back to the boiler.
When designing the lower wiring of an autonomous heating system, the need for constant removal of air from the pipeline is taken into account. This requirement is met by installing an air pipe, as well as installing an expansion tank, using Mayevsky taps on all radiators located on the top floor of the house.
Vertical system with top wiring
In this scheme, the coolant from the boiler is supplied to the attic through the main pipeline or under the very ceiling of the upper floor. Then the water (coolant) goes down through several risers, passes through all the batteries, and returns back to the heating boiler through the main pipeline.
An expansion tank is installed in this system to periodically remove air bubbles. This version of the heating device is much more effective than the previous method with lower piping, since higher pressure is created in the risers and in the radiators.
Horizontal heating system - three main types
The device of a horizontal two-pipe autonomous heating system with forced circulation is the most common option for heating a private house. In this case, one of three schemes is used:
- Dead end circuit (A). The advantage is the low consumption of pipes. The disadvantage lies in the large length of the circulation circuit of the radiator farthest from the boiler. This greatly complicates the adjustment of the system.
- Scheme with the associated advancement of water (B). Due to the equal length of all circulation circuits, it is easier to adjust the system. During implementation, a large number of pipes will be required, which increase the cost of work, and also spoil the interior of the house with their appearance.
- Scheme with a collector (beam) distribution (B). Since each radiator is connected separately to the central manifold, it is very easy to ensure uniform distribution of all rooms. In practice, the installation of heating according to this scheme is the most expensive due to the high consumption of materials. The pipes are hidden in a concrete screed, which at times increases the attractiveness of the interior. The beam (collector) scheme for distributing heating on the floor is becoming increasingly popular among individual developers.
This is how it looks like:
When choosing a typical wiring diagram, it is necessary to take into account many factors, ranging from the area of \u200b\u200bthe house to the materials used in its construction. It is better to resolve such issues with specialists in order to eliminate the possibility of error. After all, we are talking about heating the house, the main condition for comfortable living in private housing.
How to design a sloped two-pipe system in a private one-story house with polypropylene pipes
In a two-pipe scheme, there is a supply and return line. Hot water enters the radiators from the upper pipeline, and then, after cooling, flows into the boiler through the lower one. The expansion tank is mounted immediately after the boiler, it is connected to the circuit by a vertical pipe. Install it so that it is at the highest point of the structure. Each heating element of the system is connected to a return pipe, through which the cold coolant enters the boiler. Pros and cons of arranging this type of heating
Heating by gravity with a vertical riser means heating a building with several floors. This option is more expensive, but protected from the formation of air congestion.
A horizontal riser is an economical option, but when moving, the coolant is mixed with air. This nuance is easy to eliminate: when installing heating with natural circulation with your own hands, you need to add air vents to the system.
Benefits of a natural circulation heating system
Advantages of natural circulation:
- Ease of installation and use
- High thermal stability of the circuit
- No noise during operation (because there is no loud running pump)
- Economical energy consumption (with proper insulation of pipes and buildings)
- Autonomy: the heating system of a two-story house can easily work without electricity
- Durability and wear resistance: with proper care, the gravity heating system of a private house can work without requiring repair for 30 years.
Cons of single-pipe natural circulation with a pump
Weaknesses of the gravitational heating scheme:
- The area of the building, which is heated by a one- or two-pipe heating system with natural circulation, should not exceed 100 sq.m.
- The length of the contour in the horizontal plane is within 30 m (otherwise there will not be enough pressure)
- It is impossible to install heating of a one-story house with natural circulation in a building without an attic, because. an expansion tank is located in the attic.
- There is a high probability of water freezing, due to which pipes outside the living quarters have to be carefully insulated.
The natural circulation heating system is simple and very reliable.
Elements of the collector heating scheme
Radiant heating of a private house is a structure consisting of several main elements:
- heating boiler. This device is the starting point, since from it the hot coolant is directed to pipelines and radiators. The power of the heat unit must correspond to the heat transfer of the heating equipment. Here there is the following nuance: the beam layout of the heating system, unlike other options for piping, has a greater degree of heat loss, which must certainly be taken into account when calculating the parameters of the equipment.
- Circulation pump. According to the peculiarities of its device, the radiant heating distribution is of a closed type and its operation requires forced circulation of a liquid coolant. For this purpose, a special pump is installed that creates a certain pressure and pumps liquid. As a result, the required temperature regime is ensured, which guarantees the efficient operation of the heat supply system.
When choosing a circulation pump for radiant heating, you should pay attention to a number of parameters, including the length of the pipelines and the materials used to manufacture the radiators. In addition, the power of the pump is not one of its most important characteristics; the speed at which the liquid will be pumped should be taken into account.
This parameter shows the volume of coolant moved by the circulating device per unit of time
In addition, the power of the pump is not one of its most important characteristics; the speed at which the liquid will be pumped should be taken into account. This parameter shows the volume of coolant moved by the circulating device per unit of time.
Collector (it is also called a comb). It is also an important element of the beam wiring of the heating system. The comb is assigned the function of a switchgear designed for centralized supply of heating radiators with coolant (for more details: “The distribution comb of the heating system - purpose and principle of operation“).
The beam scheme of the heating system always contains a variety of thermostatic or shut-off and control elements. They provide the necessary consumption of the carrier of thermal energy in each branch of the structure.To create additional conditions for more efficient operation of the heating structure without unnecessary costs, the installation of thermometers and air vents operating in automatic mode will help.
Collectors in the domestic market are offered to consumers in a wide range. The choice of a specific device is based on the number of designed heating circuits or connected radiators. Combs are made from various materials - it can be brass or steel, as well as polymer products.
Cabinets. The radiant heating scheme requires that all elements included in it be located in special structures equipped for them. Distribution manifold for heating. shut-off valves, pipelines must be placed in manifold cabinets that have a simple design. They are both built into the niche of the wall, and external, but at the same time they differ in functionality and practicality.
air heating
Its essence is as follows. Passing through a heater or a heat exchanger, fresh air is heated to the required temperature, after which it is supplied to each room of the house through specially mounted channels.
Advantages of air heating:
— Efficiency can reach 90%;
- fast heating of all rooms, kitchen, bathroom, etc.;
- the impossibility of the formation of pipeline breaks due to the lack of coolant.
Disadvantages of air heating:
- poor heat transfer;
- high cost of arrangement;
- for a heat source, you need to equip an additional room.
This type of heating is suitable for periodic use (for example, in the country). If you use it to constantly heat the house, it will be fraught with high costs.