How does it work
Note! The principle of operation of the described device is based on the phenomenon of convection. From the course of physics, we know that cold air is heavier than warm air, it is located in the lower part of the room, heated air masses gradually rise up
Due to such movements, the entire air space in the room is heated.
The convector works according to a simple algorithm. At the bottom of this device is a heating element (it is also called a heat exchanger). To increase the volume of air passing through, this part is made in the form of a radiator with several flat fins. The angle of their inclination regulates the direction of heated air flows. The heat exchanger closes a protective metal casing.
According to the energy carrier used, all convectors can be divided into the following types:
- Electrical appliances;
- Gas convectors;
- Water.
Convector heater device
At the top, as well as at the bottom of the convector body, there are several holes for sucking in cold air and transporting heated air. Structurally, it is done in such a way that the body of our device does not have direct contact with the heat sink, so the casing does not heat up and does not transfer heat. A similar transfer of heat resources occurs in water and oil radiators.
In everyday life, the electric type of convectors is mainly used. Water devices have lower efficiency indicators, they differ from analogues in significant overall dimensions, therefore they are installed in the places of installation of traditional water radiators in niches under windows. Gas equipment, despite the possibility of saving energy resources, for some reason is not popular among consumers.
How to choose for a summer residence
When choosing the considered heater for operation in the country, you should pay attention to the following parameters:
- Safety of using the device;
- Durability indicators;
- Price;
- Economical use of electricity or other heat carriers.
Convector heater in the interior of the room
When choosing between a wall-mounted and floor-standing model, the fact of using the device must be taken into account. Many types of electric convectors are fixed on the wall surface, but if there is a need to move the heater, it will be necessary to purchase additional equipment (wheels, protection against heating during accidental tipping)
The height of floor convectors does not exceed 20 centimeters, they are narrow and long. Wall models reach 50 centimeters in height. According to experts, devices that are as close as possible to the floor surface have maximum efficiency, because the heated air moves from top to bottom. In this regard, it is better not to buy wall-mounted equipment, or to install such devices as close to the floor surface as possible.
When buying such devices, it is necessary to pay special attention to the material and workmanship of the case, its overall dimensions, and design. Here you need to take into account the height of the case: the larger it is, the greater will be the air flow rate or the convector properties of the heater
Skirting convectors up to 20 centimeters in height warm the air well due to their significant dimensions, their length can reach 2.5 meters. A taller (up to 60 centimeters) heater will be more compact, in which the speed of air flows increases.
It is better to install the convector closer to the floor
Convectors principle of operation and features
The principle of operation of KO is based on convection - air circulation. The air flow passes through the heating plates and lifts the heat up.The coolant, in our case air, most often circulates through a small pipe with a connected heating element. Infrared-convective heaters are fed in two ways:
Such devices have a closed circuit of pipes through which the air flow passes. The design of the device is made in such a way that air penetrates as quickly as possible into all the slots of the radiator. Often, a fan is installed in electrical appliances to speed up the heating of the room. Electric convectors replace the usual heating radiators and are easily installed on the wall. The latest generation models can be mounted under the floor.
natural gas
Convector-type gas heaters use air from the street to burn gas, and they also send combustion products there.
Gas-powered convectors are considered a good option, since they do not depend on central supply networks, are installed in any room and are much cheaper than their counterparts. As always, there is one “but” - gas equipment requires the output of a coaxial pipe that removes combustion products. To do this, you have to disturb the wall of the house. Besides any "gas" work requires the preparation of a project plan and its approval in the relevant services
. By law, the owner of the home, with all his desire, cannot install the equipment on his own, for this there are special authorities with a license for this type of activity. If the price of blue fuel in your region is low, then you should choose a gas convector from all the options.
Scope of use
The main feature of convectors is the ability to heat the entire room, and not some area, such as, for example, a convector or an infrared convective heater. The flow of hot air spreads throughout the room, but the efficiency is still limited - the convector is afraid of drafts. If you have a large room, poor thermal insulation and frequent drafts, then this is not the best choice. Therefore, the optimal room is a small room with sufficient insulation, for example, insulated walls and high-quality windows.
floor standing
The Ballu BEP/EXT -1500 convector is designed for space heating with an area of 20m2. This device operates on a 220 volt power supply, has several power switching modes, which allows you to achieve the optimal temperature for heating the room. The model is equipped with special wheels for easy movement around the room, there is protection against overheating and accidental tipping, there is a control panel and a timer. The price of the model is 4220 rubles.
The advantages of the model are: beautiful appearance, the presence of a 3-year warranty for the product, low power consumption. Cons: clicks are heard when the thermostat is working, an unpleasant smell during the first warm-up, bright display.
Ballu BEPEXT -1500 differs from the previous model in dimensions and power
Convector Electrolux ECH / AG-1000MFR with a power of 1 kW is designed for heating small, including wet rooms with an area of 15m2. The control in this device is mechanical, it is possible to control the temperature, there is a dust filter, as well as protection against overheating. The heater has a moisture-proof housing, the price of the model is 2450 rubles.
The advantages of Electrolux ECH/AG-1000MFR include: excellent functionality, fast heating of the room, small overall dimensions, absence of extraneous odors during operation of the device. No deficiencies found.
Convector Electrolux ECH/AG-1000MFR
Thermor Evidence 2 Elec 1500 with a power of 1.5 kW is designed to heat rooms of 15m2. This model has electronic control, it is possible to adjust the temperature in automatic mode. The device has a waterproof case, there is protection against overheating and frost. The price of Thermor Evidence 2 Elec 1500 is 4400 rubles.
The main advantages of this convector are: beautiful appearance, ease of use, quick heating of rooms, can withstand significant voltage drops. The disadvantages include the high cost of additional equipment.
Thermor Evidence 2 Elec 1500
The Hyundai H-HV14-20-UI540 heater with two heating elements of 1.25 and 0.75 kW each can operate in three modes. At maximum power, it is possible to heat rooms with an area of 24m2.The device is connected to a 220 volt household power supply, equipped with a digital display, has a mechanical control. The device has built-in protection against overheating, its price is 1590 rubles.
Hyundai H-HV14-20-UI540
The advantages of the Hyundai H-HV14-20-UI540 include affordable cost, the ability to save energy by turning off the temperature switch when the room is heated intensively, fast heating, small dimensions and weight. Disadvantages: extraneous odors when the device is first started, high case temperature, thermostat clicks.
Energy costs
To find out which is more economical - an infrared or a convector device, you need to create the same conditions inside and outside the house. With hermetic thermal insulation, the presence of interior doors and the same starting temperature indoors and outdoors, the IR emitter will consume less, since it only needs to heat the zones pointwise, and then maintain heat. In addition, it initially requires less power to reach a certain temperature. The convector must run continuously. This explains the higher average price of IR heaters.
This comparison is correct only for insulated houses. In the case when you need to heat an open space or heating is carried out in severe frosts, an infrared fireplace will absorb about the same amount of energy as a convector one.
Feature Comparison
The speed of air heating by convectors is very low, but they allow to achieve the most uniform temperature distribution. It will not be possible to warm up in a cold room from a convector heater, you will have to wait several hours. The heat from the infrared emitter can be felt almost immediately, and there will be no accumulation of warm air near the ceiling. You can direct the beams directly to the area where the person is located.
Uniform heating of air with the help of a convector is possible only in a closed room. With drafts, the device will not be able to warm up the room, because cold air will constantly get into the place of warm air. Infrared radiation heats objects, so even with a slight draft it provides. There are projects to use infrared heaters even outdoors.
Ease of use depends on instrument configuration. Wall models of convectors do not take up additional space and are easy to use. Stand-alone appliances can interfere with movement. Portable infrared heaters require a large area for placement. To free up space, it is recommended to purchase suspended models that can be placed on walls or ceilings.
Unlike infrared heaters, convectors do not require monitoring of their operation. The device can be safely left switched on unattended. Infrared devices are characterized by a greater fire hazard, so it is recommended to use them with constant monitoring.
Do not direct the radiation of infrared devices on surfaces that can be damaged by elevated temperatures. Nearby furniture and furnishings can become very hot.
The electrical safety of both types of devices is the same, but the infrared lamp heats up to high temperatures, so it is always protected by a special mesh from accidental contact, which can lead to burns. It is strictly forbidden to cover the infrared heater and use it for drying fabrics. Improper operation may cause a fire.
The environmental friendliness of infrared heaters is higher, since they do not contribute to significant air movements inside the room. Convectors carry out constant circulation, as a result of which dust can rise into the air.But none of the devices of both types emit harmful substances during operation.
Convectors reduce the level of humidity much more strongly, so they are recommended to be used in conjunction with humidifiers.
Both types of devices have great durability
. Convectors have a reliable design that can work without breakdowns for 10-15 years. High-quality infrared lamps can last up to 25 years or more.
Energy costs depend on operating conditions. Studies show that infrared heaters are more economical than convectors. Savings in the use of infrared radiation is achieved due to the high heating rate. After reaching the desired temperature, the infrared heater can be turned off, but heated objects will retain heat for a long time. And the convector often has to work continuously.
It is not possible to unambiguously determine which heating method is better. The choice always depends on the specific tasks and operating conditions. A good solution would be to combine devices. You can purchase a combined heater or use two devices with a different principle of operation.
Overview of characteristics of infrared convectors
If you want to choose, then it is important to pay attention to the most important characteristic - power. This parameter is selected from the algorithm of 1 kW of device power for every 10 m 2. If you plan to use the described unit as the main source of heat, then it is advisable to choose a device with a power reserve to compensate for possible heat losses that escape through doors, windows and walls
If you plan to use the described unit as the main source of heat, then it is advisable to choose a device with a power reserve to compensate for possible heat losses that escape through doors, windows and walls.
There are models on the market with a power of 300 watts. They can be used for temporary local heating of garages, basements and other utility rooms. For more efficient operation, it is best to place such devices closer to the person. An imported infrared convector is most often powered by a 240 V network, so when connected to a standard network, the device will not work at full capacity
This factor must be taken into account when buying. Heaters of this type can be electric or gas, the latter variety is optimal for heating large areas, this includes terraces and verandas
Choice between infrared heater and convector
Quite often, modern consumers today do not know what to choose - an infrared heater or a convector. Which is better, you can understand by reading the article. It is worth recognizing that both of these devices are popular for suburban real estate. Electric convectors have managed to prove themselves, having appeared on the market since the 90s. last century. They are easy to use and easy to follow.
Infrared heaters appeared only 5 years ago, today they are representatives of the latest generation. If you also cannot decide what to choose - a convector or an infrared heater, then you should pay attention to the fact that the first type of device heats the room due to the constant movement of air flows. They arise due to temperature differences in individual areas of the room.
In this case, one layer of air after another is heated, which ensures a relatively uniform temperature.
As a disadvantage of such devices, one can single out the creation of a comfortable temperature only in a certain part of the room. Therefore, while looking for an answer to the question: “Infrared heater or convector - which is better?”, You can make the right decision only when you become familiar with all the features of these devices.For example, infrared devices heat a room by radiating heat flows with a clear direction. That is why in the shortest period of time, literally in 10 minutes, the area to which the rays are distributed will acquire a comfortable temperature. In this case, the cost of electricity will be insignificant, which is especially noticeable when compared with convectors.
Electric convectors quite often benefit from the fact that they can fit into almost any interior. Most often, such units are installed in a wall niche or on special legs to make the device mobile.
If you are thinking about the question of which is better - a convector or an infrared convector, then you should pay attention to the fact that the last unit will work not only due to air flow, but also heating objects. Among other things, infrared heaters can be installed even in the bathroom
If they are placed on the surface of the ceiling, then the floors and tiles will heat up in the room. Experts advise choosing convectors if you want to equip an autonomous heating system in the country.
Infrared heater
Infrared heaters have the largest number of varieties. The main classification is as follows:
- gas;
- quartz;
- carbon;
- halogen;
- mikatermicheskie.
The most common convectors in everyday life include carbon, halogen and quartz. The main working elements are an irradiating lamp and a reflector.
IR: how it works and where to use it
The infrared heater creates radiation that heats the surrounding objects.
The principle of operation of IR heaters differs significantly from convection-type devices - the surrounding objects are heated here, and not the air. Infrared devices can be compared to the sun's rays - the rays penetrate the air and reach an object that does not transmit light, heat it up. Such "rays" warm regardless of the wind blows and the environment. So IR devices are not afraid of drafts and work effectively with poor thermal insulation.
. The convector heats the air: the flow of hot air rises, the cold air falls and it takes a long time until the room warms up. The IR heater heats nearby objects / walls / floors / people in a couple of minutes, but only locally - where the radiation passes. But it is worth remembering that IR heating, like the sun, “bakes” the side to which the rays are directed. Therefore, in the question of which heater is better than convector or infrared, the choice will be optimal, starting from the place and situation of use.
The design includes an aluminum reflector and a heating element: halogen, tubular, ceramic or carbon. There is also a thermostat and a block in case of overheating or tipping over.
Gas infrared heaters
Infrared gas heaters are one of the most economical types of climate control equipment. Initially, they were developed for heating country and country houses, but gradually they began to be used for heating almost any domestic and industrial premises. They allow not only to achieve significant savings, but also high-quality heating. The heat dissipation and performance of this type of device is excellent.
They are capable of running on natural or liquefied gas. Gas infrared heaters are small in size and weight. Thanks to this, they can be easily transported or rearranged from one place to another.
Infrared heaters of convector type
The infrared convector combines the positive aspects of both types of heating equipment.
Electric infrared convectors are a new type of heating device that combines the functions of a convector and an infrared heater. The design includes a convector type heating plate and a front infrared emitting panel.The main feature is the creation of the so-called fireplace effect, when the device heats the surrounding objects, and not the air in the room.
. Heaters of this type are designed for independent heating without additional devices. The functionality allows you to use a minimum of electricity to ensure optimal thermal conditions.
The wall-mounted infrared convector is the most common model with an attractive appearance. The latest models are made of black impact-resistant glass-ceramic, which allows you to select devices for a modern interior style. A wide range of colors and sizes such as horizontal, vertical, narrow and even corner devices makes it possible to choose a device for any interior.
The only significant drawback is the high cost. The price for advanced models with high-precision automation starts from 60 thousand rubles.
The best heaters
Next, we describe several popular wall and floor models of convector heaters.
We will pay special attention to their technical characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, which are taken from real consumer reviews.
The Ballu BEC/EZER-1500 heater with two-level power control and built-in display efficiently heats up a room up to 20m2. Such a device has an on timer, built-in rollover protection. If necessary, the manufacturer can include in the delivery set special wheels for operating the convector on the floor.
Convector heater Ballu BEC/EZER-1500 with wheels included
The main advantages of the Ballu BEC/EZER-1500 are silent operation, quick heating of the room, convenient operation, affordable price. Disadvantages: clicks of the regulator, tight buttons, the inability to warm the room above 20 degrees Celsius. There are defects: incorrect assembly of the heating element. The price of the model is 2500 rubles.
The wall convector heater Stiebel Eltron CNS 150 S was highly appreciated by consumers. This device is powered by a heating element with a power of 1.5 kW, its operation is controlled in manual mode. There is a thermostat on the moisture resistant case. The heater is equipped with protection against overheating and the influence of negative temperatures. Cost 6330 rubles
The main advantages of this convector include: silent operation, muffled clicks of the regulator relay, high speed of heating the room. No deficiencies found.
Stiebel Eltron CNS 150 S
Another model of the wall-mounted convector Timberk TEC.E3 M 2000 is designed for heating rooms with an area of 24 m2. This device operates on a 220 volt power supply, there is a three-level power control by turning on several heating elements of 2, 1.15 and 0.85 watts. The convector has a moisture-proof housing, weighs 5.3 kilograms.
The advantages of the Timberk TEC.E3 M 2000 are an affordable price of 2912 rubles, low power consumption, the ability to quickly warm up the room, and silent operation. Disadvantages: short cable, poor build quality, the heater dries the air.
Timberk TEC.E3 M 2000
Ballu BEP/EXT -1000 heater with three-level power regulation. This compact device has a weight of only 5.8 kilograms, there is protection against overheating and exposure to negative temperatures. The convector is designed for heating small rooms with an area of 15m2. The cost of the unit is 3300 rubles.
The main advantages of Ballu BEP / EXT -1000 are: remote control of the device, small dimensions, functionality, fast heating of the room. Some buyers point out one drawback of this model - the creation of low temperatures in the room.
Ballu BEP/EXT -1000
How to choose the right ICO
An infrared convective heater can be found in any specialized store or ordered online. Heaters are inexpensive.good quality produced in Russia.
When choosing, you need to take into account the power of the converter heater: for large rooms or rooms with high ceilings, you need to choose a model with a large heat transfer area and a powerful heating element.
Adjusting the power will help to reduce the temperature or raise it, depending on the comfortable indoor climate. Such heaters do not dry oxygen, so it is better to choose a powerful heater.
About 92% of the thermal energy that is emitted by infrared convectors is directed to the surfaces of objects that fall into the radiation area. By the way, this includes not only objects, but also living organisms, such as humans. As for the air, it heats up only in the volume of 8%. Radiations fall on surfaces, objects, walls and floors, heating them. According to this principle, primary heat is created. Warmed objects begin to give off the accumulated heat to the air.
Which is better oil or convector
We have already described the principle of operation, advantages and disadvantages of convectors, and now we will get acquainted with the main technical characteristics of an oil cooler. Such devices are most often used to heat air in a private house, in a country house or in a city apartment. To get started, you need to connect the device to a power source and set the desired temperature on the thermostat.
Oil radiator
Such a heater consists of a metal housing made in the form of a radiator. Mineral oil is poured into the middle of the container, which heats up and transfers heat from the heating element. A rheostat is built into the device, which allows you to turn off the device when a certain temperature is reached.
The heater is equipped with protection against accidental overturning. In this case, the heating element is turned off.
The benefits of oil coolers include:
- Noiselessness;
- Low cost;
- The ability to move the device around the apartment, to warm up the desired room.
When choosing a radiator heater in a store, special attention is paid to the power of the device. In this case, 1 kW of electricity consumed is calculated for 10 m2 of usable space.
The range of power consumption is in the range from 1 to 2.5 kW. Some models have a turn-on timer, which allows you to warm up the premises at the right time.
Variety of oil heaters
And now let's get acquainted with the comparative characteristics of these two heaters:
- The first important nuance of choice is profitability. Here it is necessary to give preference to convectors, because they consume 25% less electricity;
- The second parameter is the warm-up time. When turned on, the convector immediately heats the air, its efficiency can exceed 95%. At the second device, the heating element is first heated, then the oil, the metal case and finally the air in the room;
- The next important characteristic is ease of operation (movement). Convectors have small overall dimensions, they can not only be placed on the floor, but also hung on the wall. Oil radiators are massive, their weight can reach up to 25 kilograms, they are unsuitable for wall mounting. The unit has wheels for more comfortable movement, and if you need to bring the unit to the 9th floor in a building with an inoperative elevator;
- Period of operation. According to the technical specifications, the convector can last at least 5 years, but in practice it turns out more. High-quality oil coolers also have a huge motor resource, but cheap Chinese models can crack in the metal, which leads to oil leaking from the body;
- And the last characteristic is the price of the device. Here the undisputed leader will be oil heaters.
A convector is a better option than an oil cooler
Conclusion: When comparing these two heaters, it is recommended to give preference to convectors.
Device and principle of operation
Convectors and infrared radiators fundamentally differ in the way they heat. To determine which device is more efficient and more appropriate to use in specific conditions, it is necessary to study the device and features of each variety.
Everything you need to know when choosing a heater | Tips
The principle of operation of the convector is based on the circulation of air in the room. The device consists of a housing and a heating element placed inside. Usually the heater is installed on the floor. Cold air is heavier than warm air, so it is at the bottom of the room. It enters through the air intake grille inside the device, where it is heated, passing through the radiator of the heating element. masses rise up according to the laws of physics. During the cooling process, the air descends and enters the heater again.
The device ensures constant air circulation in the room. The main difference between this type of device is the almost complete absence of direct heating of objects. The room creates a favorable atmosphere, which is quite comfortable to be in. However, this is not enough for difficult conditions.
As an additional source of heating, convectors are a good solution, so they are well suited for rooms in apartment buildings with central heating. If there is a need to warm up the cold room of a country house, the features of such devices will not allow creating the necessary microclimate. The feeling of warm air is deceptive. Cold walls and furnishings can cause colds.
Type of heating element convectors are divided into three groups:
Modern models can be additionally equipped with a temperature controller. Some of them allow you to set not only the heating power, but also the required air temperature. With the help of control modules, you can combine several devices into one group and control the microclimate in the house by their joint work.
As additional options, the devices can be equipped with timers that set the duration of work, remote controls, air humidifiers.
Choosing a heater Which is better? Pros and cons
Infrared radiation
The operation of an infrared heater can be compared to exposure to sunlight. The device provides heating of walls and surrounding objects by infrared radiation. There is no direct transfer of heat to air - it heats up from heated surfaces.
This feature allows for effective local heating of certain areas in the room. Comfort is achieved already at the very beginning of the operation of the device, and there is no need to wait for the air in the room to warm up completely.
The main elements of the device are an infrared emitter and a reflector that focuses and directs the rays in the desired direction. Emitters are most often of the following three types:
The reflector is made of polished steel or aluminum sheet. The bending radius of the reflector affects the radiation dispersion and the heating area.
The heater is supplied with a protective device that turns off the heating when the device falls or exceeds the set temperature. This allows you to ensure fire safety during operation.
Recently, devices that combine both methods of heating have begun to appear on sale. Such models are called infrared convectors. The front infrared radiating surface heats the surrounding objects. A cavity is hidden behind the front panel, in which the air passing through the device is heated.
Infrared do a better job of heating than devices using a single heating method.The combination of different operating principles is optimal for quickly creating a comfortable indoor climate, however, combined devices are still extremely expensive, so in most cases it is cheaper to buy a convector and an infrared heater separately. Perhaps in the future, the IR convector will become more affordable, which will lead to the widespread use of devices of this type.
How to choose a heater What is the best electric convector.
As you can see for yourself, it is impossible to unambiguously decide which heater is better: infrared or convector. Both the first and second devices have a number of convincing advantages, and can fully reveal their potential in certain conditions. If we still compare, we would recommend using convector devices as an additional source of heat in enclosed spaces, and using infrared heaters if there is a need to create a local heated zone or heating in frequently ventilated rooms, as well as on verandas, in gazebos, open terraces. Well, it's up to you to choose what to buy!
Although the convector and the infrared heater have the same purpose - to heat the room, they have completely different features in their work and there is no point in comparing them. We will understand in practice which infrared or converter heater should be chosen in a particular case.