Reliable soldering of plastic pipes with your own hands

Cooking Tools

First of all, the material itself is needed. For mounting, pipes with and without a reinforcing layer are used. The first option is preferable for installing a heating system or plumbing for hot water. The second option is used for mounting cold water supply. Also prepare the required number of adapters (fittings) that will connect the ends.

Reinforced pipes have a thin layer of aluminum or fiberglass. To solder the first ones, preliminary stripping is required. Fiberglass reinforced material can be soldered without cleaning. So, we add a pvc shaver to the tool kit. It will help prepare the work surface.

Reliable soldering of plastic pipes with your own hands

Of course, the work of a builder is impossible without a pencil and a tape measure. A complex plumbing system cannot be measured by eye. Take care of sharp scissors that will quickly cut off the desired end. In their absence, use a hacksaw.

The most important tool is a soldering iron for connecting pvc pipes. Here, an important criterion is the heating of its elements to 260⁰С and the diameter of the inserts (selected according to the size of pipes and fittings). Other additional functions (number of watts, manufacturer) are not so important for this device.

Rules for installing PVC pipes on glue

The optimum ambient temperature during the installation of PVC pipelines on glue is in the range from 0 to 35 ° C, at lower rates, the gluing time is increased. For installation, you will need scissors for cutting polymeric materials, sandpaper, a sharp object or a special chamfer for removing external or internal chamfers on a pipe fragment.

The installation instructions for the PVC pipeline on the adhesive composition consist of the following items:

  1. To start the installation of adhesive PVC pipes, it is necessary to cut the pipes of the required length. Before cutting the pipe to the required length, allowances are left at the ends of the pipe segment in order to securely fasten the pipe to the fittings. These tolerances must correspond to the depth of the pipe entering the fitting during gluing.Fig. 11 Physical and chemical properties of Bailey adhesive PVC adhesive pipes can be easily cut with a pipe cutter or a conventional wood saw. After sawing the pipe, burrs may form at its ends, which must be removed.
  2. Before gluing the surface of the ends of the pipes, it is necessary to roughen them: the outer end of the pipe and the inner surface of the fitting are treated with sandpaper. The treated ends are degreased with methylene chloride, which partially dissolves the pipe material.
  3. The glue is thoroughly mixed with a hard rod or wood chips.
  4. Glue PVC pipes after preparing the ends of the pipes, glue is applied to 2/3 of the socket depth and to the entire length of the calibrated end of the pipe. The glue is applied quickly, in a uniform thin layer using soft brushes 30-40 mm wide in the longitudinal direction on the outer shell of the pipe and the inner socket of the second pipe or shaped part.
  5. After applying glue to both connected elements, it is necessary to immediately insert the pipe into the socket (coupling) until it stops, then, in order to obtain better contact between the surfaces, turn it 1/4 turn. It should take no more than three minutes to degrease the pipe, apply glue and insert the pipe into the joint. The elements to be joined must be pressed and held in this state for at least one minute.
  6. With proper bonding, an extruded thin bead of glue should appear around the joint. When gluing, the pipe material copolymerizes to form a homogeneous joint. It takes several hours to fully stabilize the connection.
  7. If the ambient temperature is below 0 ° C, the time interval for holding in a stationary position is increased by two to three times.
  8. To precisely match the parts, you should connect them first without applying a solvent. Then make marks on them in the form of lines. Then separate them, smear them with a solvent and reconnect them by aligning the marks on the parts to be glued. In case of an installation error, the connection should be disassembled in the first seconds, after which the surfaces should be immediately cleaned with a degreaser.
  9. Inspection or operation of PVC pipelines is allowed 24 hours after assembly.

Reliable soldering of plastic pipes with your own hands

Rice. 12 Stages of assembling a PVC pipeline with glue

Types of Adhesives for Polypropylene

For polypropylene adhesives, a special classification has been developed. Depending on the composition and interaction with the materials to be bonded, they are divided into two groups:

  • thermosetting - containing resins (polyester, epoxy or thermosetting) and irrevocably hardening when heated or under the action of a special accelerator or hardener; these include anaerobic glue;
  • thermoplastic - these are adhesives, which include rubber mixtures or resins. When heated, they pass into the melt, fill the voids, and when they cool, they solidify. Such abilities allow them to be used for gluing parts that have an uneven surface.

Adhesives for polypropylene by the presence of a hardener are of two types:

  • one-component;
  • two-component.

Means that are sold in a ready-to-use form are called single-component. They are usually available in tubes and no pre-treatment is required before using them. A striking example of such a tool is the adhesive-sealant "Moment" for polypropylene.

Two-component formulations upon purchase are two independent substances that are the constituent elements of the adhesive. Immediately before gluing the polypropylene, the components are mixed. Since the adhesive and hardener are not allowed to react until the adhesive work is completed, the life of a two-component adhesive is much longer than that of a one-component product.

Experienced craftsmen recommend LN-915 glue, which is designed for mounting elements made of polypropylene and polyethylene in showers, as well as tiling. Good properties include its heat resistance, fast setting and high antiseptic qualities.

This is interesting: The use of adhesives for foam rubber: specifics and descriptions of brands


Before soldering pvc plumbing, measure the required amount of material and prepare the desired fitting. Sand the working surfaces on both lengths, if necessary.

Connect the soldering tool to the mains. Heating will take about 10 minutes. Read the instructions for the device carefully. It contains not only the time of full readiness for work, but also the period of contact of pipes of a certain diameter with the heating element. This time period should not be exceeded, otherwise the soldering technology is violated and the water supply system will not be able to function normally.

Reliable soldering of plastic pipes with your own hands

Put the pipe and fitting on the heating element of the soldering iron, count the time indicated in the instructions for this pipe diameter, and match the heated ends. The connection goes smoothly, without the application of excessive force. Also, you can not rotate and bend the structure at the time of connection. This will negatively affect the strength of the knot. The depth of entry of the end into the adapter is 14-25mm. After connecting the ends, we fix the structure for 10-15 seconds. When the pipe has cooled, we continue the installation.

Rules for working with adhesives

When working with adhesives, always read the manufacturer's recommendations. Many trains should not be left open for more than a few minutes, as they quickly seize, which makes them difficult to use further. The average time during which the adhesive can remain open is 4-5 minutes.

In summer and winter, the compositions harden the fastest: at high ambient temperatures, the adhesive may become unusable after 1-2 minutes, and at low temperatures, the viscosity increases

Therefore, you should pay attention to the manufacturer's instructions regarding the operating temperature. When buying a specific brand of glue, you should pay attention to its preparation for work.

Some types are easy enough to mix, but two-component compositions have to be combined correctly, monitor their consistency

When buying a specific brand of glue, you should pay attention to its preparation for work. Some types are easy enough to mix, but two-component compositions have to be combined correctly, monitor their consistency

There is a risk of improper mixing, which leads to loss or change in adhesive properties.

Attention should be paid to the solvent for degreasing surfaces. It is best to choose the composition of the same company as the glue

Even if it is written on the packaging of the adhesive that degreasing is not necessary, it still makes sense to wipe the surfaces to be glued with a high-quality solvent

Color and viscosity matter. Experienced plumbers prefer medium-viscosity formulations. They are easy to apply, and when connecting parts, such glue does not spread, it does not have to be removed once again with napkins.

With regard to color, the colorless composition is suitable for white and colored pipes. It is not visible, even if the drops protrude beyond the glued area and freeze.


The connection of pipes by gluing is non-separable - monolithic and cannot be dismantled. The monolith reduces the possibility of leaks to almost zero. In addition, this is the easiest, fastest and most inexpensive type of installation.

Mounting sequence

  1. The bonding process takes place at temperatures from +5 to +30 degrees
  2. Details are being prepared. You can cut the workpiece to the desired size with a pipe cutter or any small hacksaw. You should get a perfectly even cut. Otherwise, high-quality bonding will not occur.
  3. The place where the pipe is cut is processed with sandpaper, a file or a needle file. All burrs are removed.
  4. The system is being assembled to check the dimensions.
  5. We connect the surfaces, degrease with a solvent. The best option is a solvent of the same company as the glue.
  6. The adhesive is evenly applied to the pipe.
  7. The product is then inserted into the fitting. Any movement of parts is unacceptable
  8. Tightly held in one position for 5-15 seconds.
  9. Excess composition is removed with a dry cloth. Do not move the monolith until completely dry.
  10. After the composition has hardened, you can check the quality of the connection.

Causes of adhesive defects

  • The composition is applied unevenly
  • The cut is not straight
  • Low ambient temperature.
  • Badly mixed glue. Air bubbles have formed.
  • A small fixation can lead to a skewed connection.
  • Poorly cleaned surface

Typical mistakes at work

A pipeline that is properly connected will last a long time. It is protected from emergency leaks and slowing down the flow of water. But sometimes even professionals make mistakes when installing pipes. We list the most common mistakes and try to avoid them.

  1. Reducing or exceeding the heating time of the solder ends

Each pipe diameter has its own heating time. Soldering temperature - 260⁰С. Therefore, the parameter is the same for all types of devices. So the 20th and 25th diameters are heated for 7 seconds, connected for 4 seconds and cooled for 2 seconds. Pipe 32 d is heated for 8 seconds, fixed for 6 seconds and cooled down for 4. Only then can the finished joint be put aside.

If this condition is not met, then underheating will lead to an unstable joint, and overheating will lead to a narrowing of the inner diameter of the water supply. Be careful.

Reliable soldering of plastic pipes with your own hands

  1. Pollution at the joint

The cleaning of reinforced elements was discussed above.But the heating parts of the soldering iron can also be a source of dirt. Therefore, before connecting, clean the ends of the materials and wipe the soldering iron nozzles with a thick cloth. It is better to do this when the elements are not fully warmed up.

In any case, be careful - you can get a thermal burn

  1. Incomplete heating of the soldering iron

Pipe and fitting are connected at 260⁰С. This is the temperature you should expect from a soldering tool. But some craftsmen start working with the pipe without waiting for full heating. Also, the desired temperature is not reached in case of malfunctions in the system of the device. Therefore, before soldering, professionals use a special sensor that controls the heating temperature of the “head” of the soldering iron.

It is also important to study the instructions for the device in detail. It indicates the time after which you can start working with pipes

Professionals advise adding another 5 minutes to the declared segment.

Popular brands of glue for PVC pipes

The main feature of the adhesive composition intended for joining PVC pipe products is the presence of polyvinyl chloride dissolved in tetrahydrofuran or other substances similar in properties. The most popular are the following brands of glue for plastic products:

TANGIT (Tangit, Germany). Designed for bonding PVC pressure pipe connections. The main advantages of this product include:

  • reliable durable bonding;
  • convenience and ease of use. Banks come with brushes;
  • The adhesive is certified for use in potable water pipes.

MARS (Russia). The basis of this adhesive is a solution of synthetic resin compositions in a mixture of organic type solvents. It is used for gluing pipes and fittings made of PVC. Advantages:

  • strong connection;
  • special stickiness.

In addition to these brands, experts recommend paying attention to Phoenix and Vinilit adhesives. The connection formed by them will be no less reliable than that of the above samples.

Metal and ceramic pipes are being replaced by polymer products. They are becoming more and more popular due to their obvious advantages - durability, lightness, resistance to corrosion and aggressive substances, biostability.

With careful handling, high-quality plastic can last at least half a century. The main thing is to choose the right glue for PVC pipes and ensure 100% tightness of the joints.

Plastic pipes for gluing

Unlike metal pipes, polypropylene products can be assembled independently even without special skills. Specialists prefer not to use ordinary plastic for hot water pipes or heating pipes, but to use it for sewer communications. But some types of products (in alloys with metal) are quite suitable for both cold and hot water. The advantages of polypropylene pipes are undoubted:

  • resistance to changes in natural conditions (lower pressure, drop in temperature, increase in humidity);
  • no corrosion;
  • long service life (more than 50 years);
  • ease of installation, gluing, repair;
  • moderate cost;
  • health safety.

Equipping a house with a water supply and sewerage system using PVC pipes can be carried out with products of various types. Depending on the components included in the composition and manufacturing technology, the following types of plastic pipes are produced:

  1. Made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The most rigid, gluing them is quite simple. They do not burn, do not react to UV radiation, are light. Unfortunately, chlorine is used in the production process, so PVC pipes are not environmentally friendly.
  2. Polyethylene. Very durable, elastic, easily tolerate even the freezing of water, do not burst. Inside, they are smooth, water does not leave plaque in them, deposits of impurities.Among the minuses, it is necessary to indicate that they are not suitable for hot water - they begin to melt. Connected with clamp fittings. A separate variety are pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene, which are used for underfloor heating systems.
  3. Polybutylene. Suitable for water temperatures up to +90 degrees, but are not mounted by gluing. Used in the installation of heating systems.
  4. Polypropylene. Are applied to hot, cold water, to the sewerage, heating, are very simple in installation. They are connected by soldering, they can also be welded.
  5. From metal-plastic. Include aluminum, are an aluminum alloy with plastic. Due to the three-layer base, they are suitable for water supply, heating, withstand temperatures up to +110 degrees.

PVC pipe bonding method

This technique creates a beautiful monolith of parts. Masters of their craft call the process "cold" welding.

PVC working principle and properties

Reliable soldering of plastic pipes with your own handsAdhesive for PVC pipes and fittings is a two-component adhesive. Additives are used for good bonding, viscosity control and setting.

The composition of the adhesive contains solvents, they interact with the material, the plastic becomes viscous. The viscous composition of the parts is mixed. In the process of drying and hardening, a molecular bond is formed. It turns out a monolithic pipe.

Buying glue for PVC

What to look out for

  • For what purposes is the composition used.
  • glue properties.
  • Grab time.

Under normal conditions, it is no more than four minutes. At elevated temperatures, it is reduced to one minute.

  • Composition color
  • Density
  • Glue viscosity
  • How to store

All this can be found by reading the manufacturer's label.

Experts prefer colorless glue of medium viscosity.

Advantages of cold welding

  • Low risk of leaks
  • Complete tightness
  • Easy installation process
  • Easy to glue the pipes yourself
  • The method is suitable for connecting cold water and a sewer line
  • Low cost

Pipe cold welding adhesive has two categories

  1. For connecting pipes and fittings with a gap of less than 0.1 mm - non-gap filling.
  2. For mounting with a gap of up to 0.8 mm - filling gaps.


  • Griffon (Griffon) production Holland
  • Griffon (Griffon) WDF-5 - for flexible pipes. Producer Netherlands
  • Griffon (Griffon) UNI-100 - for rigid PVC. Manufacturer Holland.


  • Glue Tangit (Tangit) manufacturer Germany
  • Gebsoplast (Gepsoplast) is made by France
  • Genova (Genova) made in the USA
  • Phoenix
  • Vinylite
  • Mars

Adhesive Tips

There are other brands, but they are not in demand on the market, and therefore raise doubts.

The composition of Tangit belongs to those that do not fill the gaps.

Griffon UNI-100 - filling gaps.

When buying glue, carefully read the manufacturer's recommendations. For which pipes is the composition intended. Whether the adhesive fills gaps or not. Grab time.

Working with a cast iron radiator with a leak

It happens that the heating battery has leaked - the threaded joint has deteriorated, a leak has appeared on the section. Repair will require epoxy glue and bandage. The material is impregnated with glue, applied to the hole area. After setting, you can paint over this area in the main color. This measure is considered temporary, and after turning off the heating, it is better to replace the radiator.

Cold welding of batteries is also used. A special tool is kneaded in the hands, applied to the site of injury. It quickly melts, seizes and allows the “patch” to exist until the heating is turned off.

Do not try to glue radiators with a strong leak, which led to an emergency. It is better to immediately call a team of specialists who will stop the leak and change the radiator to a new one.

Carrying out construction work today is impossible to imagine without the use of high-tech materials. The invention of polymers led to the emergence of new pipes. Such products are characterized by high strength and durability.And the ease of installation ensured a high demand for plastic pipe products in many industrial areas. We are talking, first of all, about PVC pipes, a special place among which is occupied by adhesive products.

Joining PVC pipes with glue is called cold or chemical welding.

PVC adhesive pipes characteristics

PVC pipes offered on the domestic market for adhesive bonding have the following main physical and chemical characteristics:

  • Nominal (working) pressure range Pn. Products on the market are able to withstand pressures from 4 to 25 bar (atmospheres) at standard temperatures from 0 to 20 ° C, the indicator has an inverse relationship with the diameter of the shell.
  • temperature limit. Most of the products are designed for operation at a working environment temperature from 0 to °60 C, products made of CPVC (PVC-C) can withstand heating up to 95 °C without loss of physical characteristics. The lower temperature threshold in most species does not exceed -15 °C.
  • Dimensional parameters Dn. Pipes are made in standard diameters for water supply and sewerage from 6 to 630 mm, the most popular sizes are 16, 20, 25, 32, 40 50, 63, 75, 90, 110, 125, 160 mm. Accordingly, the wall thickness of the products depends on their overall dimensions and lies in the range from 1.2 to 6.2 mm for the above running dimensions. The standard pipe length, depending on the manufacturer, is 3 or 5 meters.
  • UV resistant. A feature of PVC, unlike many synthetic materials, is resistance to ultraviolet radiation, which allows them to be laid in open places without the use of special protection from sunlight.
  • Chemical resistance. Polyvinyl chloride is not affected by aggressive acids and alkalis, hydrocarbons with a high content of paraffins and drying oils, salt solutions. It is not recommended to operate it for supplying chlorine-containing and aromatic solvents, organic substances.
  • Polyvinyl chloride pipes are biologically inert, preventing the growth of bacteria, fungus and mold.
  • Environmental friendliness. PVC does not adversely affect human health in food products, drinking, desalinated and demineralized water. All products have hygienic certificates indicating their environmental safety.
  • Flammability. The flash point of PVC exceeds 399 ° C, the material does not support combustion, but does not die out if the amount of oxygen in the air is twice that of atmospheric.
  • Thermal conductivity. Due to the low thermal conductivity of 0.15 W/m °C, the material ensures minimal heat loss when moving a high-temperature medium.

Reliable soldering of plastic pipes with your own hands

Rice. 7 Price list for PVC pipes from Agrigazpolimer 2019

Advantages of glued pipe joints

Pipes made of polymers are welded, glued or mechanically interconnected. The first way is the most popular. For welding, special equipment and nozzles are used, selected according to the diameter of the pipeline.

It is better to entrust such work to professional craftsmen. The option is to rent or buy your own machine. It's expensive, but it will help you learn another useful skill.

The method of joining with glue is less common, but no less effective. It is called "cold welding". Glue seams are just as (and sometimes even more) reliable as welded ones. The only caveat: almost all types of adhesives for plastic pipes are designed for cold water systems and can quickly lose their properties under the influence of high temperatures.

Advantages of gluing PVC pipes using special compositions:

  1. Reducing the risk of leaks. When gluing pipe sections, the parts are connected at the molecular level. The seams are absolutely tight, and they can start to leak only under the influence of high temperature or pressure.
  2. Minimum labor costs.For gluing pipes, no additional complex processes are needed. This is a simple method that does not require special skills.
  3. Fast and cheap installation. All operations can be done by hand. It is enough just to buy materials and choose the right adhesive composition. No need to look for a welding machine.
  4. Low energy consumption. The device for welding polymer pipes is powered by the mains, and no equipment is required for gluing parts. This is an additional savings on materials and energy resources.
  5. Versatility. The method is suitable for connecting pipeline parts of any diameter - from 6 to 400 mm. It can be used in the installation of plumbing and sewer systems.

Cold welding is a cheap and convenient way to install a pipeline. To use it, you do not need anything that can lead to an increase in the cost of work: you do not have to spend money on additional connecting elements or special equipment.

The principle of operation of all types of adhesives for polypropylene pipes is approximately the same. The compositions partially dissolve PVC and firmly bind the particles. The compositions include additives that improve adhesion. When gluing, the solvent evaporates quickly, and the composition hardens, gaining strength. The result is a high strength joint.

On the market, you can find products for creating high-strength joints from both foreign and domestic manufacturers.

Overview of the best brands

In all ratings of adhesives for PVC pipes, the leading brands are Tangit (Germany), Genova (USA), Griffon (Netherlands), Gebsoplast (France). Buyers speak well of the adhesives "Phoenix", "Vinilit", "Mars" and others, but they are not so in demand and popular.

All types of adhesives for polymer pipes operate on the same principle, are available in packages of various sizes, and the appropriate composition should be selected depending on the purpose and technical characteristics.

Manufacturers recommendations come first

When working with adhesives, you should always read the manufacturer's recommendations. Many trains should not be left open for more than a few minutes, as they quickly seize, which makes them difficult to use further. The average time during which the adhesive can remain open is 4-5 minutes.

When buying a specific brand of glue, you should pay attention to its preparation for work. Some types are easy enough to mix, but two-component compositions have to be combined correctly, monitor their consistency

There is a risk of improper mixing, which leads to loss or change in adhesive properties.

Color and viscosity matter. Experienced plumbers prefer medium-viscosity formulations. They are easy to apply, and when connecting parts, such glue does not spread, it does not have to be removed once again with napkins. With regard to color, the colorless composition is suitable for white and colored pipes. It is not visible, even if the drops protrude beyond the glued area and freeze.


The abbreviation PVC is an abbreviated version of the spelling of the word "polyvinyl chloride", which identifies an environmentally friendly polymer with a low melting point and low frost resistance. It should be noted that the last two not very attractive properties are compensated by the high stability and the same mechanical strength of this material. Actually, its physical characteristics give the PVC pipe the following qualities:

  • exceptional ring stiffness. The product is not afraid of water hammer and can withstand pressure up to 120 atmospheres;
  • excellent indicator of resistance to temperature deformations. When the temperature reaches the maximum allowable mark, the dimensions of the pipe will increase by only 5%;
  • poor heat resistance. The loss of rigidity with an adhesive PVC pipe is fixed at a temperature of +78˚С.Therefore, it is not allowed to use this product when creating pipelines with a temperature of the working medium exceeding +40˚С;
  • fear of low temperatures. Polyvinyl chloride is able to withstand cooling without irreversible changes in its structure only up to -15 ° C. Accordingly, if it is planned to operate a PVC pipeline in regions where such a temperature indicator is not uncommon, the plastic line must be insulated.

From the operational characteristics, it is worth highlighting the following points:

  • long period of operation without the need for cleaning. Silting and clogging of engineering communications is prevented by the high smoothness of the inner surface;
  • ideal for arranging sewer systems. This is due, again, to a smooth inner surface and a small wall thickness;
  • durability. One of the main reasons providing this property of adhesive PVC pipes is the excellent resistance of the polymer to UV radiation.

Adhesive PVC pipes are available in different sizes and are used for water supply and sewerage systems.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

With the help of cold welding, truly high-quality water and sewer pipelines are assembled. Moreover, the method can be equally effectively used when laying communications in a private and multi-storey building.

If there is no self-confidence, it makes sense to hire professionals. But for homeowners who know how to handle tools, it will not be difficult to do the work on their own. To help craftsmen, we offer useful video materials.

Why is it better to glue PVC pipes? An experienced master answers:

How and with what you can cut polymer pipes is described in the following video:

The ideal choice is a multifunctional tool that cuts pipes smoothly and immediately chamfers:

The choice of glue directly depends on the type of pipes, so they should pay attention to:

There is no simpler technology for connecting polymer pipes than gluing. The method is cheap, convenient, and in terms of efficiency it is not inferior to welding. Almost anyone can handle the installation of the pipeline with glue, because. he doesn't need any special skills.

The main thing is to choose the right pipes, glue and tools, and be careful and accurate when working.


