How to disconnect from central heating

When will the heating be turned on in 2019

The burning issue is the inclusion of heating in the apartment. And here there are conditions for supplying hot water to the batteries:

  1. The temperature regime of the outside air. Decree No. 354 determines the beginning of the heating season with the onset of average daily temperatures not higher than 8 ° C for 5 days. This border is associated not only with comfort in apartments, but also prevents the possibility of freezing systems and unheated rooms at home.
  2. Weather forecaster confirmation required. The cold snap may be short-lived. If the forecasts do not promise long-term warming, then there is no point in launching heat supply systems. This fact may anger the tenants, who will consider the inclusion premature, and they will have to pay for the heat.

The approximate time of the onset of the heating season in central Russia is the first half of October. Just at this time, cooling sets in and temperature drops towards high temperatures are unlikely.

How to disconnect from central heating

Often, along with the start of heating systems, a difficult time comes for public utilities. Unpredictable problems always happen. Therefore, management companies, as a rule, set for themselves a schedule for the supply of heat to serviced houses. This is due to the fact that possible problems are eliminated promptly.

Schedule for turning on heating in Moscow, St. Petersburg and the regions of Russia in 2019

The table for turning on heating in an apartment for some regions of Russia shows that the heating season will begin on average from the end of September:

Region Planned date of turning on the heating
Moscow September 26
Moscow region September 28
Saint Petersburg 16 of September
Lipetsk 2 October
Vladimir September 27
Omsk September 26
Yekaterinburg 16 of September
Tver October 1
Minsk October 1
Ust-Kamenogorsk The 4th of October
Mound September 24 (late in some houses)
Yaroslavl September 27
Tula October 1
Novokuznetsk 16 of September
Voronezh 2 October
Ufa September 19
Khabarovsk October 7th
Vorkuta August 23
Murmansk September 1
Permian 6 September

When you do not need permission from other tenants

You do not need to obtain permission from the owners if the elements of the central heating system have not previously been identified as common property of the building. In this case, the approval of other residents of the house is not required. Of course, even here unauthorized shutdown is not implied. You will need to obtain permission from the competent organizations in this matter.

Any intervention in the central engineering networks requires changes to the technical documentation. Section III of the registration certificate of an apartment building should contain detailed data on heating systems. Any intervention in the system - the dismantling of radiators, the installation of additional equipment - requires mandatory changes to the registration certificate, since the law defines such actions as a reorganization.

It is easier to turn off the heating if such a desire is expressed by the residents of the whole house. Then the procedure is carried out by reconstructing the general water circuit of the house. To implement such a project, the consent of the general meeting of homeowners and project documentation that has passed all the necessary approvals will be required.

How to close the battery correctly

The answer to the question of how to turn off the heating battery is extremely simple - just close one tap, leaving the second open. But which faucet to turn off?

As we understand, water is supplied to the heating riser from below.

Consider the options:

  • The top valve is closed and the bottom one is open. If repairs are being carried out at the neighbors below or in the basement, or on the branch that feeds the house, the coolant will be drained and your radiator will be empty.If it is steel or cast iron, it will provoke corrosion.
  • The bottom valve is closed and the top valve is open. Regardless of any repairs, the radiator will be filled.

So, we learned how to shut off the battery for the summer season: to do this, close only the lower ball valve.

With the onset of cold weather, follow the announcements at the entrance about the beginning of the heating season. Then close both ball valves so that debris does not get into the radiator - let it all pass through the bypass. In this case, a battery rupture with closed taps does not threaten you - in one or two days, sufficient pressure cannot form inside the radiator. During this time, the apartment will also not have time to freeze, especially since a small heating of the room will be from the riser.

How to turn on the heating battery? There is nothing difficult in this - just open both ball valves, and the coolant will begin to circulate normally through the included radiator.

On the first day of turning on the heating, when you hear the murmur of water in the system, do not rush to open the ball valves

The next day, you can open them using the Mayevsky crane to release air. Attention! If you live on the top floor, you must have an air vent installed on your radiator. This will avoid the formation of air pockets, due to which the heating device does not perform its functions.


Knowing how to close the heating battery, you can decide how to prepare for the new heating season in the summer.

This will require:

  • Ball Valves;
  • bypass;
  • air vent.

The work of installing the bypass and ball valves must be carried out by professionals with the involvement of a plumber who will shut off the water in the riser. Please note that welding and related equipment will be required.

How to disconnect from central heatingEmergency battery replacement

Ball valves and bypass - this is an opportunity:

  • ensure the safety of their batteries from corrosion and contamination;
  • do not suffer from heat during a sharp warming during the heating period;
  • ensure safety in the event of an emergency - if the radiator fails, it can be disconnected from the system, while the neighbors will not suffer from either the flood or the lack of heat;
  • at any convenient time, independently replace the old radiator with a new one;
  • remove batteries for washing or painting.
  • successfully use modern radiators with a thermostat without disturbing your neighbors.

A competent approach to the organization of apartment heating is a concern for comfort and safety.

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Is it possible to refuse central heating

How to disconnect from central heating

Legislation does not give a clear answer to this question. On the one hand, the owners are free to choose the set of services they receive from utility and service organizations. On the other hand, the heating plant is part of the common house property, which means that unauthorized changes to its design are unacceptable. It will take the execution of permits, its approval, etc. The issue is easier to resolve in the private sector, it is more difficult legally and technically to complete this step in an apartment building.

The costs of disconnecting and reorganizing the heating network will be borne by the subscriber who wishes to disconnect.

Legal nuances when turning off central heating

There is a way to turn off central heating without having to get a permit. Many of us have never seen a contract with utilities for the supply of heat to your home. Residential owners of a multi-storey building automatically agree to the terms of supply of DH services. Moreover, in every house you can find residents who independently disconnected from the heat supply and were able to provide their apartments with autonomous heating systems. There were no situations of prosecution for a spontaneous trick, so everyone solves the problem at their own peril and risk.

Refusal of central heating without the consent of residents and neighbors

Apartment buildings often have incomplete technical documentation regarding heating systems. In view of this, it turns out that the details of the heating system are not considered part of the property complex of the building. Despite the fact that in this case it will not be necessary to obtain consent from neighbors to reinstall heating systems, official permissions from authorities and service organizations are needed.

How to disconnect from central heating

Any intervention in engineering communications requires mandatory inclusion in the technical documentation. Each house has a technical passport, which contains all the data on the operating heating system. Dismantling of radiators, insertion and installation of plugs in apartments - any changes must be noted in the technical passport. Based on Article 26 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation for further action, you need to collect the following package of documents:

  • statement turning off the central heating;
  • technical passport of the apartment;
  • documents that confirm the right to own an apartment;
  • written consent of all tenants of the apartment;
  • technical opinion of specialists on the refusal of central heating and further reinstallation of communications.

You also need to attach a re-equipment project, which is drawn up by specialists from the relevant organizations and authorities. Project documentation should consist of calculations proving the operation of the central heating system in the house in the absence of details of the disconnected apartment. You also need to have a scheme of thermal-hydraulic calculations of the object, an accurate calculation of residual heating.

Only a properly executed project is considered the first step towards obtaining a permit. But if the changes being made can adversely affect the efficiency of providing heat to the whole house and provoke a violation of the temperature regime in the neighbors' apartments, then such a project will be rejected.

Package of documents

Art. 26 of the Housing Code states that any owner of an apartment in an apartment building has the right to disconnect from the central utilities. To do this, it is necessary to submit a number of documents to the coordinating authorities:

  • Statement. You can write it in any form.
  • Technical passport of the apartment to be switched off.
  • Legal documents for housing.
  • Consent of all adults living in the apartment in writing.
  • Conclusion on the possibility of re-equipment.

This package of documents is required to be accompanied by a reconstruction project, which must be developed by specialists and also agreed with the relevant authorities.


The conversion project is a serious technical documentation. It is impossible to create such a document on your own. You will need to contact the experts. The basis for the development of a reconstruction project is calculations showing the influence of the elements of the heating system located in the apartment being switched off on the functioning of communications as a whole.

In addition, the following are performed:

  • Thermal hydraulic calculations.
  • Calculation of residual heating from risers and deck chairs.

If the calculations show the technical possibility of shutdown, the project can be submitted for approval. But if the changes made to the communications of the house can have a negative impact on the level of thermal conditions in other apartments, the project will most likely not be coordinated.

Proper shutdown of heating batteries

The owner of a private house with an autonomous heating system has the opportunity to turn off the boiler at any time, in accordance with the weather outside or guided by other considerations.

How to disconnect from central heatingTo shut off the heater, ball valves are required

For those who live in houses with central heating, questions about how to shut off the radiator usually arise in two cases:

  • if warm weather has settled on the street, and the central heating has not yet been turned off, since the heating season has not officially ended;
  • if necessary, replace, repair or paint the radiator, repair the wall behind the battery.

In this case, the following point should be taken into account: a coolant is constantly inside the battery. It is drained only in case of repair work in the system.

This is due to the fact that the main part of the heating devices installed in old houses, as well as the house wiring, are made of steel.

The liquid inside the radiator contains a certain amount of oxygen in dissolved form, which eventually completely reacts with the metal, as a result of which corrosion stops.

It is impossible to leave the system or a separate heater unfilled for a long time - moisture remains on the inner surface of a steel or cast iron battery, which does not evaporate for a long time in a confined space. This significantly accelerates the corrosion process. Thus, the coolant is drained only in exceptional cases.

Technical aspects of the issue

After obtaining the necessary permits, you can proceed to the technical implementation of the project. Dismantling of elements of the old heating system should be carried out only by specialists. Of course, you can cut the batteries yourself, but it's better not to risk it. After dismantling the old system, all that remains is to mount autonomous heating. In general, the implementation of such a project is no different from the installation of boiler equipment in country houses and cottages.

Despite the fact that such work, as a rule, does not cause difficulties, you should know a few nuances regarding the installation of heating systems in apartments:

  • For the arrangement of autonomous heating in apartments, as a rule, wall-mounted boiler equipment is used. Such a boiler is located above the level of the radiators, so it is impossible to ensure the natural circulation of the coolant in the system.
  • There are two ways to provide forced circulation - by installing a circulation pump or a modern boiler, in the body of which all the necessary elements are already installed. These are pumping equipment, a safety group and an expansion tank. The second way is preferable.
  • The type of boiler must comply with the law, i.e. have a closed combustion chamber and automatic safety systems. The coolant temperature should be no more than 95 degrees, and the pressure in the system should be no more than 1 MPa.
  • Radiators for autonomous systems are better to choose aluminum. They are not only reliable, but also have good heat dissipation. Plastic pipes are well suited for the piping system - inexpensive and easy to install.
  • Wiring is selected based on the characteristics of the apartment. It is easier and cheaper to make a single-pipe wiring in Leningrad with a parallel connection of radiators. The optimal type of wiring from the point of view of operation is beam, but it is not always possible to implement it in apartments with low ceilings, since the floor will have to be raised.

When disconnecting a separate apartment from the central engineering networks, it is not always possible to completely redo the wiring. In most cases, it is not possible to block the riser, so only radiators can be disconnected from the circuit. This method of shutdown has its own nuances. From sunbeds and risers of the central system, the apartment will still receive heat, and it will have to be paid for. The presence of pipes of a common water circuit in an apartment is always considered residual heating, and according to the law, you must pay for it. This problem does not happen in houses where the risers were originally installed in the entrance. In practice, such a water circuit is not so common.

Radiators can be connected with or without bypass. In the first case, the coolant will circulate through the bypass, which allows you to turn off part of the batteries.Such systems have proven themselves in single-pipe wiring with parallel connection of radiators. After all, reducing the number of the latter leads to an increase in the temperature of the coolant in the system. Connecting batteries without using a bypass is actually a way to plug the circuit. You can use this method in risers.

What is required to cover heating appliances

If it is hot in the apartment or you need to disconnect the radiator without calling a plumber to shut off the entire heating riser in the entrance, it is important that:

  • Between the supply pipe and the return there was a vertical jumper - a bypass, it is through it that the coolant flow will pass, without getting into the installed battery after you block it. The absence of a bypass automatically means that you are shutting off the flow for the entire riser.
  • American ball valves must be installed on the supply and return pipes between the bypass and the heating radiator. They are the ones that allow you to turn it off.
  • Ideally, an air valve is installed at the inlet to the radiator.

Attention! Ball valves cannot be used to regulate the flow of coolant if you want to reduce the heating of the batteries! This valve is shut-off, its use for other purposes leads to the destruction of the valve and leaks. Based on the foregoing, if there is no bypass, but ball valves are installed, the battery can be dismantled independently for repair or replacement, but not during the heating period

Based on the foregoing, if there is no bypass, but ball valves are installed, the battery can be dismantled independently for repair or replacement, but not during the heating season.

How to disconnect from central heatingHeater with installed bypass

The bypass (jumper) is mounted parallel to the radiator and is usually a pipe whose diameter is equal to the diameter of the supply pipes or one step less. If you plan to close the batteries after the heating season or install a radiator with a thermostat, be sure to take care of installing a bypass. Otherwise, by your actions, you will lower the temperature of the coolant and the neighbors.

Is it possible to shut down by turning off both taps?

Imagine that you closed both taps at a time when the coolant in the system is still hot.

Knowing the elementary laws of physics, one can easily understand that:

  1. When the water in the battery cools, its volume will decrease;
  2. This will lead to the formation of a vacuum in the closed space of the radiator;
  3. As a result of the resulting pressure, the battery is deformed or loses its tightness, it will need to be replaced.

So, in search of an answer to the question of how to turn off the battery if it becomes hot in the apartment, you already know that in no case should this be done by closing both taps! Now it remains to figure out whether it is worth using both taps after the heating season, when the coolant has already cooled down.

As we already know, the central heating system is full all year round. In some areas, the coolant is drained if repair work is required, and then refilled. So there is liquid inside your radiator.

If you close both the upper and lower taps, the following happens:

  1. Various chemical processes take place in the liquid inside the battery, since the coolant cannot be chemically pure;
  2. As a result of these processes, gas formation occurs;
  3. Since the gases have no way out, the radiator may depressurize due to increased pressure.

Thus, if an air vent (Maevsky tap) is not installed on the battery, it is categorically not recommended to close both shut-off valves, even if the coolant temperature is room temperature.


