Gas stove for home - convenient heating

26. Gas supply of residential buildings

The gas facilities must be equipped in full compliance with the requirements of the approved "Rules for the Construction and Operation of Gas Equipment in Residential Buildings". Installation of gas networks, gas equipment and household gas stoves of a residential building is carried out by a special organization according to an approved project. The project includes the development of an entrance to the building (yard gas networks), as well as gas distribution inside the house.

For domestic needs, it is allowed to use low-pressure gas (not more than 100 mm of water column). In order to be able to maintain a constant pressure in front of the appliances (stove, stove, water heater), an apartment regulator-stabilizer is installed.

The depth of the gas pipeline in the area, which ranges from 1.2 to 1.7 m, is taken depending on the climatic region and the depth of soil freezing.

The water vapor contained in the gas cools in winter and creates ice plugs in the gas pipeline, thereby blocking the access of gas to consumers. Therefore, in the projects of yard gas networks, the issue of condensate drainage from the network must be provided for and correctly resolved.

In cases where the main gas networks are located at a great distance from the village and it is impractical to lay transit expensive gas pipelines, gas supply is carried out using imported liquid gas. As a combustible gas, a product of the secondary distillation of oil, propane-butane, is used.

For a stove designed for one family, at low gas consumption, two cylinders are needed, one of them is working, the other is spare. The capacity of the cylinder is 50 or 80 liters, which is enough to provide a family of 4-6 people for one week. Cylinders are installed in special metal cabinets at each house. Gas pipelines from cabinets with cylinders to the place of gas consumption are laid by a special organization.

Gas stoves and tagans are installed in kitchens with a height of at least 2.2 m. At the same time, the kitchen must have an exhaust ventilation duct measuring 130 × 130 mm, a window or an opening transom in the window. In kitchens without windows, it is allowed to install gas stoves or tagans if there is a ventilation duct and a direct exit to a non-residential premises, which has a window with a window or an opening transom. In kitchens with a height of 2 to 2.2 m, as well as in kitchens without windows, each burner must have at least 4 m3 of space.

There is no kitchen in the house and it is impossible to allocate a separate room for it, it is allowed to install gas stoves and tagans in a corridor with a height of at least 2.2 m, which has a window and a ventilation duct. In this case, the width of the free passage between the installed slab or tagan and the opposite wall must be at least 1 m.

The internal volume of kitchens or corridors equipped with gas stoves or tagans without exhaust hoods must be at least: for a stove or tagan for 2 burners - 8 m3, for a stove for 4 burners - 16 m3.

When installing exhaust hoods over stoves or tagans, it is allowed to reduce the volume of the room: with a stove for 2 burners - up to 6 m3, with a stove for 4 burners - 12 m3.

Gas water heaters are installed in bathrooms or combined bathrooms, the internal volume of which is at least 7.5 m3, equipped with ventilation ducts and having a grate near the floor with an area of ​​at least 0.02 m2 or a gap between the door and the floor of at least 3 cm to ensure air flow. The doors of these rooms must open outwards.

Heating stoves and cookers run on gas if they are connected to separate chimneys. Burners installed in furnaces and stoves must be of the ejection type and ensure complete combustion of the gas.

Ejection burners provide (unlike diffusion) due to the energy of the gas jet, the suction of ambient air into the burner, as a result of which a mixture of gas and air burns in the burner.

In views or valves of gas-fired stoves, holes with a diameter of 15, 20 mm must be made for constant exhaust from the firebox.

Alteration of the gas unit

Do-it-yourself wood-fired boilers can be made not only from scratch. In the vast expanses of the Internet, you can find not only schemes for home-made boilers. If you still have an old gas boiler, do not throw it away or dispose of it.

Gas stove for home - convenient heatingFrom this, at first glance, scrap metal, you can make an excellent wood-burning boiler that will heat both a small house and a garage of any size with high quality.

To do this, the boiler must be disassembled and removed from it all the elements that must be connected to the gas system. Next, you should turn to the scheme of a homemade boiler. There is nothing complicated in such a scheme. The converted gas boiler system looks like an old steam locomotive.

Such a boiler consists of a metal barrel, which is filled with water. Pipes are laid inside the barrel and brought out. Through these pipes, heated air enters the heating system. Air circulation is carried out in two ways: natural and forced. The use of forced air circulation in the garage heating system is irrelevant. Such heating schemes are suitable for two-story residential buildings. For a garage, it is quite enough to perform a simple heating system with natural circulation of the coolant inside the system.

To those pipes that depart from the water tank, the heating system itself and radiators are mounted. To heat a garage of the usual size, it is enough to equip the heating system with only two radiators of 4 sections. Given the fact that this room will be heated periodically, you should not use water as a coolant. The best option for such heating systems is air or antifreeze. Antifreeze is quite expensive, so it is better to focus on the organization of an air heating system.

As fuel in such boilers, you can use any solid fuel, the moisture content of which does not exceed 20%. Wood is considered the most common and inexpensive fuel. At enterprises that are engaged in sawing wood, you can buy cutting boards or formwork for a small price. Thus, an old gas boiler can turn into a rather useful tool for heating a garage space.

Disadvantages of combined models

  1. Modern manufacturers produce only floor-mounted universal gas-firewood boilers. They weigh quite a lot, so transporting and installing them yourself is quite difficult. Under them, it is necessary to build a solid foundation, and these are additional costs.
  2. For the installation of combined installations, you will have to allocate a separate room. And this is not always possible in conditions of cramped compact housing.
  3. The more powerful the hardware, the fewer features it can provide. For example, a high performance boiler does not have a freeze protection system. Not everywhere is installed a second circuit for supplying hot water.
  4. "Fancy" models are quite expensive. They are difficult not only to buy, but also then to maintain, using the service advantages.
  5. You can get the required performance in one single case - by correctly calculating the power of the unit. Experts recommend using the following formula for this - 1 kW of power is spent on heating every 10 square meters. For double-circuit boilers, this figure increases by 30%.

An excursion into the past of gas ovens

In our time, it is already very difficult to determine when the gas furnace was made in the form that is familiar and familiar to us. Thanks to scientific and technological techniques, innovations and numerous improvements, this type of household appliances has a wide variety of designs - from simple inexpensive models to examples of almost space aesthetics.

Gas stove for home - convenient heating

Whatever the stove is - traditional, where wood and coal are used, or modern, gas, it has been and remains the center of family well-being, a synonym for comfort, comfortable warmth, and your own home. For the first time, the idea of ​​using gas for domestic stove needs found industrial implementation in Great Britain, where in the mid-thirties of the last century, one of the factories put the production of gas stoves on stream.

Statistics on the use of household appliances in the United States during this period, says that coal-burning household stoves were the most popular. This can be explained by the only reason - coal, as an energy material, was much cheaper and more widely used in everyday life. However, gradually, gas production technologies began to make it possible to produce it in sufficient volumes and use it not only in industrial, but also in numerous household needs.

Combined type stove for firewood and mining

A universal metal furnace for mining and wood burning has a device in which oil is supplied from above, and firewood is laid from below. In the process of burning solid fuels, the principle of upper combustion is used.

The design of the furnace contains the following features:

  • Convective channels - a wood-burning stove for mining, hot air. The room is heated by the radiation of heated metal walls. To increase the thermal efficiency, several pieces of pipe are welded onto the body. This is how the simplest air heating device appears, using the principle of convection heating.
  • A water jacket is a self-made wood-fired and waste oil stove with a water circuit that allows you to heat not only a room with an installed heater, but also adjacent rooms. A simple coil is installed inside the case. A piece of curved pipe of the appropriate diameter will do. For better heat transfer, a copper or aluminum coil is used. The heat sink is installed so as to avoid direct contact with fire. Heating is carried out by means of heated flue gases.
  • Firebox - regardless of what it is planned to heat the stove with, use the prefix for mining or firewood, the principle of pyrolysis combustion is applied. To begin with, the fuel itself is burned, and subsequently the afterburning of the exhaust gases is carried out. For this purpose, the design provides for two combustion chambers.

What is better to make a combined oven

As for furnace equipment with drip feed, it is quite difficult to make it completely safe, calculate the productivity and observe other conditions on your own. For this reason, the choice should be stopped on a home-made universal stove using waste oil and wood with natural and forced air supply.

In the first case, the furnace is made exclusively from steel sheets with a thickness of at least 5 mm. It is allowed to use gas cylinders, which are filled with water before cutting in order to prevent the explosion of the remaining gas.

Two closed containers are made from the cylinder body, interconnected by an adapter - a metal pipe, 2-3 mm thick. Holes are drilled in the connector at the same distance from each other.

As a result of the assembly, a kind of prefix for mining is obtained, installed on the floor at one end, and built into the furnace of a solid fuel furnace with the other. Home-made universal stoves for waste oil, wood, sawdust and garbage, with built-in water heating, are equipped with an aluminum or copper coil.

A little more complicated is a device with a built-in fan that pumps air for burning mining. Some users install a fan next to the stove, directing airflow into the blower.

Gas stove for home - convenient heating

Increased gas pressure under the top

A significant obstacle to forcing the course of blast furnaces is the insufficient gas permeability of the column of charge materials. With an increase in the amount of blast, the speed of movement and the lifting force of gases in the blast furnace increase. Upon reaching certain speeds, the lifting force of gases can balance the column of charge materials, and their lowering stops.

In order to maintain a smooth descent of charge materials and at the same time speed up the operation of the furnace, it is necessary to reduce the velocity of the furnace gases, while maintaining and even increasing the amount of blown air. This is achieved by increasing the gas pressure in the furnace; at the same time, its volume decreases, and consequently, the speed of movement also decreases, which makes it possible to increase the amount of air blown in.

The increase in pressure is achieved by reducing the cross section of the gas pipeline by installing a throttling device. This measure can significantly reduce the removal of dust, which also improves the performance of the furnace.

Switching the furnace to work with increased gas pressure under the top significantly changes the distribution of gas flows in the furnace; thus, for example, the peripheral flow of gases is enhanced. The loading of the periphery makes better use of the reducing power of the gases. However, it is necessary to ensure good gas treatment of the central zones of the furnace, i.e., the materials located along the axis of the furnace must have sufficient gas permeability. Thus, with increasing gas pressure at the top, it is necessary to improve the preparation of the charge.

An increase in pressure increases the density of gases, which provides better processing of charge materials, an increase in the rate of reduction of oxides, and the higher the pressure, the greater this effect. Therefore, the transfer of furnaces to work with a gas pressure of 176 - 245 kN / m2 (1.8 - 2.5 atm) is the immediate task for blast furnace workers. At the country's leading plants (Zaporozhstal, Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant, etc.), the gas pressure at the top has already reached 196 kN/m2 (2.0 atm).

Increasing the gas pressure under the top made it possible to reduce coke consumption by 1–3% and increase productivity by 5–10%. The results obtained in this case depend on the smelting conditions - the magnitude of the pressure, the quality of raw materials, fuel, etc. The practice of blast furnace operation confirms the expediency of further increasing the pressure under the top.

Since the pressure of gases in the working space of the furnace increases, it is necessary to further increase the reliability and durability of structural components and equipment of the blast furnace - tuyere sleeves, atmospheric valves, charging apparatus, air ducts and gas pipelines. Thus, the stability of filling devices is currently still insufficient and does not yet exceed 10-15 months.

At the same time, the question arises of using the energy of compressed gases, which, in particular, will reduce the cost of blast compression, for example, as a result of installing gas turbines at the place of gas throttling.

Boiler manufacturing

From all of the above, it follows that gas-generating type boilers are considered the most economical and high-quality elements of the heating system.

The main problem in the acquisition and use of such a boiler is the cost of this product. For example, the simplest model of such a boiler, which is manufactured by domestic companies, costs about $1,000.

If you opt for imported manufacturers and improved models of such boilers, then the price can increase by 5 times. It follows from this that gas-generating boilers cannot be called publicly available. But there is a more economical option for purchasing such a boiler. In this way is a wood-fired boiler made with your own hands. For the manufacture of such a boiler, it is necessary to use special drawings that are developed and posted on the Internet by masters.

Gas-generating boilers developed by craftsmen have not only a low manufacturing price, but also other positive aspects. The use of a home-made boiler, made according to ready-made drawings, provides for a significantly longer boiler operation time on one load of fuel into the combustion chamber. Due to the fact that special nozzles are installed in factory boilers under the combustion chamber, through which air injected by forced systems enters, the combustion process of solid fuel is almost doubled. In addition, the direct dependence of such a boiler on the electrical network provides for the correct operation of the system only when the boiler is connected to the network. Homemade boilers are devoid of such elements, which allows them to work better and longer.

Some homemade boilers are equipped with two solid fuel combustion chambers. This allows you to burn the fuel in the next order. When one chamber is lit, the fire in the other chamber is automatically extinguished. This helps to achieve the highest efficiency with the maximum burning time of the fuel in the boiler. Some design features of home-made boilers make it quite easy to control the process of fuel combustion in the boiler. This is achieved with the help of the correct location of the grate under the fuel bunker.

Almost all homemade boilers, the drawings of which can be easily found on the net, burn all polluted particles, such as essential oils, various resins and alcohol. This became possible due to the fact that in such boilers there is a separate zone of additional combustion. Polluted air from the combustion chamber enters this zone. It is in this air that polluted particles are contained, which are burned in a separate order. It follows from this that the minimum amount of harmful particles enters the atmosphere, which can enter the heated room through the cracks and pores of the building material.

Gas stove for home - convenient heating

Solid fuel boiler drawing

A homemade wood-fired boiler is designed not only for the use of wood fuel. In such boilers, sawdust, peat briquettes or coal can be used as fuel.

The use of such fuel materials provides for the appearance of slag, which must be drilled. This is necessary in order for the combustion process to be carried out correctly. In order to make shovka, the boilers are equipped with a special hole under the combustion chamber. It is through this hole that you can stick the poker and destroy the slag crust. This opening is closed by a small door that blocks the flow of excess air into the combustion chamber.

Drawings of home-made boilers are developed on the basis of finished factory products. The main difference is the changes made in the design and production plan. The positive side of such boilers is the ability to heat a larger amount of air coolant with the same volume of the combustion chamber.

As practice shows, the use of air as a heat carrier allows you to create a more comfortable microclimate in a heated room. When using such a heat carrier, it is possible to heat the air in the room in a short time. In addition, heat losses in such a heating system are minimal. Do not forget about the significant savings in money that must be spent on the purchase of a special coolant. In addition, complete tightness of the heating system with air coolant is optional.

Safety measures when converting heating stoves to gas

In many cities, the transfer of heating stoves in residential and public buildings to gas fuel is becoming quite widespread.Safety rules allow such a transfer of stoves if they are equipped with standard gas burners with safety automatics that turn off the gas when the flame goes out or the draft in the chimney is disturbed.

In the gates (flaps) of heating furnaces, when they are converted to gas, small holes are made for constant ventilation of the furnaces and their chimneys. This requirement reduces the thermal efficiency of furnaces, but is necessary for safety reasons.

To prevent accidents when using gas heating stoves, automatic devices should be used. Among such devices for gas burners of heating furnaces, the most widely used in recent years is safety automation, developed by the Giproniigaz Institute. This automation consists of a thermocouple, an electromagnetic valve and a draft sensor igniter. As long as the thermocouple is heated by the flame of the pilot gas burner, a valve fed by the thermocouple current keeps the gas passage to the main burner open. When the gas goes out or the draft in the chimney is disturbed, the gas pipeline to the burner is blocked by a solenoid valve.

The draft sensor is an igniter in the form of a perforated tube, on one closed end of which, facing the room, there are two holes. In the presence of draft, the gas entering the igniter through the solenoid valve normally exits through the fire holes into the furnace firebox and burns out, heating the thermocouple and igniting the gas on the main burner. If the draft is disturbed, the combustion products are backed up in the firebox of the furnace, and they prevent the gas from escaping through the fire holes of the igniter. The gas begins to escape through the holes at the end of the igniter tube located on the side of the room. The thermocouple cools down and the solenoid valve shuts off the gas to the main burner. Since the gas consumption of the igniter is negligible, and the response time of the solenoid valve when the thermocouple is cooled is no more than 15-20 seconds, the flow of gas into the room through the igniter - draft sensor does not pose any danger, especially since it most often ignites automatically when the draft sensor is triggered. .

Currently, burners of the GK-17 type for heating furnaces with safety automatics of the Giproniigaz Institute are produced by the Saratov plant Gazoapparag.


Now you know how to make a stove that runs on affordable fuel yourself. As a result, you will be able to either assemble heating equipment yourself, or decide on its purchase.

Gas stove for home - convenient heating

  1. Content:
  2. What is better to make a combined oven
  3. Combined type stove for firewood and mining
  4. How to convert a wood burning stove
  1. How to use oil in a wood burning stove

Which heat transfer is higher - on oil or on wood

A simple internal structure and at the same time high thermal efficiency - these are the qualities that distinguish a wood-burning stove and mining. An elementary design without complex knots allows you to independently make a stove from improvised means.

Homemade stoves are used for heating warehouses, garages, car repair shops, etc.


