Part 1
How to eliminate symptoms
Do not rub or scratch the damaged area.
Fiberglass can cause severe itching of the skin. Therefore, you may have a desire to scratch the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. However, you should not do this. Otherwise, you will exacerbate the problem. Fiberglass is made up of tiny glass particles. Therefore, by applying pressure to the damaged area of the skin, you contribute to the fact that these small particles fall into the deeper layers of the skin.
Remove any clothing you are wearing if you come into contact with fiberglass.
Store these items of clothing separately from other items. Also, wash these items separately from others. This will help prevent irritation and itching.
Wash your skin if you come into contact with fiberglass.
If you see, feel, or think fiberglass has come into contact with your skin, you should wash the affected area as soon as possible. If you experience itching and irritation, wash the affected area under warm, running water using a mild soap.
Remove all visible fibers.
If you see small fibers, you can try to gently remove them. Such simple actions can reduce irritation.
Use a cream to soothe your skin.
After you wash your skin, apply a quality cream to it. This will help soothe and hydrate the skin. You will feel relieved. Irritation will be greatly reduced. You can also use an itch remedy.
Hello to all those few readers who found me in the vastness of the world. Today I will give you advice, tested on myself, on how to get rid of glass wool on the skin.
Not so long ago, at work, I did a little cleaning of rubbish in industrial premises, among the rubbish, as luck would have it, there were small pieces of glass wool, of the same Soviet hardening, prickly and unpleasantly itching when it hits open areas of the skin. I had to get rid of glass wool manually, and I had ordinary cotton gloves on my hands, which, of course, will not protect against cotton wool. As a result, after a few minutes, the hands began to itch terribly and there was an unpleasant tingling from glass particles. I didn’t want to endure this feeling all day, but soap, as you know, will not get rid of glass wool particles. Therefore the question
First aid
Depending on what substances a person was poisoned with (disinfectants, FOS, acids / alkalis), actions to save the victim differ.
A mandatory measure for all types of poisoning is to call a doctor. Before the arrival of the doctor, it is necessary to lay the patient on his stomach without a pillow, and turn his head to the side - this will help prevent the penetration of vomit into the respiratory tract during vomiting.
So, if poisoning with poisonous vapors has occurred, a person has abundant foam from the mouth, loss of consciousness and convulsions.
So, in case of poisoning with vapors of gasoline, turpentine or kerosene, it is necessary to transport the victim to fresh air and free him as much as possible from things that make breathing difficult.
If any of these drugs has got inside the body, it is necessary to give the patient a saline laxative. It is strictly forbidden to induce vomiting.
Symptoms that occur when poisoning with alkalis or acids: profuse vomiting with blood particles, laryngeal / lung edema, intestinal bleeding.
Urine at the same time acquires a red or brown tint. The victim must be given pain medication. It is forbidden to induce vomiting or try to neutralize substances that have entered the body.
Excretion of toxic substances through vomiting can significantly damage the esophagus and larynx. Gastric lavage is carried out by doctors using a special probe.
In case of poisoning with organophosphorus compounds (dichlorvos, karbofos, chlorophos), it is necessary to take the patient to fresh air, remove the clothes soaked with the means.
In case of contact with the skin, it must be washed with soapy water. If the victim is conscious, you can induce him to vomit by ingesting a saline solution (1 tsp of salt per 200 ml of water). First aid for poisoning with disinfectants also varies depending on the substance.
So, if formaldehyde has got on the skin, the affected areas must be washed with a 5% solution of ammonia. If the vapors of the agent enter the respiratory tract, it is necessary to take the patient to fresh air, rinse the nasopharynx and mouth with water.
It is also appropriate to inhale water vapor with 2-3 drops of ammonia dissolved. Reception of Borjomi or warm milk with drinking soda is shown.
If chemical products get into the eyes, they should be rinsed with warm running water for at least 20 minutes until the symptoms completely disappear.
Intoxication with household chemicals can be avoided if the conditions for their use and storage are observed.
Is there any harm to human health
There is information chaos in this issue.
We will not argue, we will only report the facts.
Glass wool can be dangerous and pose a threat only during its installation - there is a possibility of contact with glass dust on the skin and inhalation.
For protection it is necessary to use overalls, respirators.
There is good news in this matter - modern technologies make it possible to produce materials that do not spread glass dust.
Upon completion of installation, glass wool insulation becomes absolutely harmless.
Clothes are cleaned:
- shake off;
- vacuuming;
- washing with 3-4 times rinse;
- re-vacuuming after drying.
Why cool? Because hot water promotes the expansion of pores, and, consequently, the penetration of glass particles.
How to get rid of glass wool
stood sharp.
Since there was nothing to lose, I decided to get rid of glass wool by washing my hands with Remoskin cleansing paste
And lo and behold, after just one application, the discomfort from the presence of glass wool particles on the hands disappeared. So, it turns out that the solution to the problem was always at hand, in a personal locker.
Now you know how to get rid of glass wool without any problems and harm to the skin. I hope my advice has helped you.
Main characteristics
In the construction industry, various types of insulation are used. They have their own characteristics, characteristics and installation technology. Among them, the new generation building insulation is gaining the most popularity. These include expanded polystyrene, mineral wool and penoplex. The well-known glass wool does not give up its position and is successfully used in the construction of industrial premises and residential buildings.
Glass wool is used in various types of housing construction, does not require special skills for installation and has excellent thermal and sound insulation qualities. It belongs to universal heaters, has high strength, elasticity and resistance to vibrations. Glass wool is necessary for exterior and interior work, when installing pitched roofs and insulating horizontal surfaces. It can be used to seal gaps and cracks in walls. Glass wool is available in different forms - rolls or plates. Many experts successfully use the material in practice, but do not even take into account the harmful properties of glass wool.
When the mucous membrane of the eyeballs is affected by calcium carbide or other chemical reagents, the patient develops a number of such clinical signs:
After an injury, a person may feel a strong burning sensation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe organs of vision.
- lacrimation;
- photophobia;
- puffiness;
- headache;
- burning sensation in the visual analyzer;
- dizziness;
- redness of the mucous membrane;
- the appearance of circles or flickering;
- feeling of soapy skin;
- impaired or complete loss of vision.
There are 4 degrees of burns, which depend on the severity of tissue damage:
- Initial. The surface layers of the epithelium are damaged with the development of redness and slight swelling.
- Average. The cornea is completely damaged and a film forms on it along with erosion.
- Heavy. There is necrosis of the deep layers of the eye. As a result, a white-yellowish eschar is formed, and the cornea becomes dull and swells strongly.
- Very heavy. The cornea, conjunctiva and sclera are affected. An eschar with a brownish-gray tint is formed, and the cornea has the appearance of porcelain.
Terms of use
Most household chemicals are toxic. Poisoning can be avoided if used according to the recommendations on the package.
So, many cleaning products can only be used in ventilated areas and use rubber gloves when working with them.
The instructions for use also contain important information regarding the dosage of the substance and the duration of its use. Exceeding the dose or time of exposure to the drug can cause poisoning or damage to the surface on which the product is applied.
The most common victims of chemical poisoning are children. In order to exclude the possibility of such a situation developing, it is necessary to store all chemicals in places that are inaccessible to children - on high shelves, in lockable cabinets, etc.
The mechanism of poisoning with household chemicals
Detergent poisoning can occur in the following ways:
ingestion: there are many cases when people mistakenly ingested household chemicals, confusing them with drinking water. Small children, out of curiosity, can taste the contents of an unfamiliar vial;
frequent / excessive use: with prolonged and frequent contact with cleaning products, they can accumulate in the body, leading to an allergic reaction or intoxication;
inhalation: many drugs are capable of releasing persistent toxic fumes, so they must be used in well-ventilated areas;
contact with mucous membranes: exposure to aggressive substances on delicate areas of the skin and mucous membranes can lead to burns.
There are a wide variety of heaters. They differ in both material and form. You can use fiber or board materials. In places with strong space restrictions, it is more convenient to use fiber, and plates are more suitable for wall insulation.
Until recently, the most popular insulation was various types of mineral wool, including glass wool. Such materials have a number of advantages:
- cheapness;
- ease of use;
- good insulating properties;
- water resistance.
Recently, glass wool is used less and less. The reason is the emergence of new, more convenient materials based on polymers. They have better insulating properties and are just as cheap. In addition, the question often arises - is glass wool dangerous for humans?
Glass wool damage is caused by two groups of factors: mineral particles and a connecting substance.
mineral particles
These are microparticles, of which, in fact, cotton wool consists. During the operation of the material, microparticles are detached from the base and enter the air. If the room is rarely ventilated, and there is a lot of glass wool in it, then these particles naturally end up in the human lungs.
Systematic inhalation of microparticles is fraught with allergic reactions, the formation of chronic respiratory diseases and even the development of oncology.
To "achieve" this effect, you need to inhale the particles of cotton wool regularly. If a bathhouse where you do not live is insulated with cotton wool, then there will be no particular harm to health.But in residential premises it is not recommended to actively use cotton wool.
However, even in the bath, glass wool can cause some harm, especially during the installation process. It is about direct contact with the skin. Solid particles of cotton wool damage the skin, and can penetrate deep enough. Therefore, after contact with glass wool, it is absolutely impossible to itch. It is necessary to remove particles from the skin in the shower, under cold water, without the use of detergents. After a shower, by the way, you should not dry yourself with a towel.
If glass wool particles get into the eyes, it is recommended to seek immediate medical attention, as they can cause serious damage.
It is worth noting that modern glass wool, labeled for use in residential areas, meets sanitary standards. But such material will be much more expensive, and it’s not a fact that the manufacturer strictly followed the technology.
Connecting agent
This is a substance that binds the fibers of mineral particles and gives it the property of water resistance. As a rule, these are phenolic resins that can release hazardous substances - phenol and formaldehyde.
Phenol is extremely poisonous and causes damage to various organs (mainly mucous membranes, respiratory organs and the nervous system).
Regular inhalation of even minimal doses of phenol can lead to serious illnesses.
It is worth noting that this negative factor is most relevant just for baths. The reason is that phenol and formaldehyde are released as volatile compounds when exposed to high temperatures.
Causes and mechanisms
The following factors can cause eye burns with lime:
careless use of chemicals by adults;
negligence in contact with hazardous substances;
children's curiosity;
repair or construction work;
the use of aggressive substances in everyday life;
features of labor activity;
negligence in contact with car batteries;
The substance promotes the formation of albuminate compounds, which are characterized by increased resistance.
Lime burn of the eyes is a great danger to humans, as it can cause serious consequences. It has its own characteristics, because slaked lime is a strong alkali and must be neutralized to stop the damaging effect. Chemical burns are not uncommon, as they occur due to unsafe contact with lime or other chemists at home and at work. Severe damage by quicklime is due to its ability to emulsify and dissolve skin fats. It is also able to form persistent albuminates and penetrate into the deep layers of tissues.
After contact with alkali, moist necrosis and a loose eschar with a dirty white tint can be seen on the mucous membrane of the eye. In addition, the affected tissues are unable to regenerate normally after a burn, since particles of the substance remain at the site of damage. In this case, a burn can occur if a drop of liquid has entered, which is most often bleach. Unpleasant sensations also appear in the patient when the eyes come into contact with the crystals.
Is glass wool harmful to health?
Health hazards of glass wool when inhaled:
The harm of glass wool lies in its mineral particles. During operational processes, microparticles from the insulating material are released into the air. Indoors, glass wool is more harmful to health than outdoors. With rare ventilation of the room, the particles are inhaled by a person and penetrate into the lungs.
The harm of glass wool to health is manifested not only in the form of allergic reactions
. Over time, with constant contact with the material and non-compliance with safety rules, various diseases can develop that affect the respiratory system. In some cases, even oncological complications were observed.Such negative consequences are typical for those who have constant contact with glass wool. Therefore, in residential premises, glass wool is not recommended for use for insulation.
Damage to health by contact:
The danger of glass wool is manifested not only by inhalation of vapors from it, but also by direct contact with the skin. The most frequent cases of the negative impact of the insulation were observed during installation. Solid particles can damage the skin layer and penetrate a deep distance. This causes itching and irritation. If glass wool has got on an open area of \u200b\u200bthe body, it is strictly forbidden to scratch it. Microparticles are removed only by means of running water. It is better to do this in the shower and do not use soap or gels. After rinsing, it is not recommended to dry with a towel.
What is harmful glass wool in contact with mucous membranes and eyes
Microscopic particles containing glass can damage the eyes. To avoid serious complications, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo an examination.
Means of protection
Fine wood dust and dust suspension from putty are very dangerous. Woodworkers need to protect themselves. Microchips injure tissues, settle and accumulate. Symptoms such as:
- runny nose;
- cough;
- allergic reactions;
- swelling and sore throat;
- asthma.
Different types of wood also have toxic effects, wood dust is dangerous, protection measures:
- simple respirator with replaceable filters;
- air filter - used in working areas, reduces dust,
- collecting dust suspended in the air;
- air injection and suction pipes.
These precautions must be in place to protect workers from wood dust. Precautionary measures:
Precautionary measures:
- protect the room in which you are making repairs (film, temporary doors, wet dense fabric);
- close all surfaces with a film, especially upholstered furniture;
- use construction vacuum cleaners;
- open windows, humidify the air;
- thorough wet cleaning after repair work.
By following safety precautions, you will reduce the risk of respiratory contamination.
A respirator is one of the means of protecting the respiratory tract
What to do if mineral wool gets into your eyes
When working at a construction site, especially with mineral wool, do not forget about protective equipment. However, please use the following tips:
- do not rub your eyes with your hands,
- rinse eyes immediately with running clean water,
do not use detergents (soap, shower gel, powder),
with redness, drip eyes with drops of a calming effect (Tsipromed, Tobrex, Korneregel, Solcoseryl gel),
go to the medical center or see a doctor.
If the hit is noticed after a time
As soon as after working with mineral wool, the eyes turn red, the mucous surface is inflamed - rinse your eyes with clean water.
People's Councils
If there are no eye drops on hand, you can use fresh tea leaves:
- brew some tea leaves,
- cool it down to room temperature
- after soaking with cotton pads in tea leaves, wipe the mucous membrane of the eye with gentle movements, burying it a little.
Different disks are used for each eye, do not rub the eyes with strong pressure, the touch should be smooth and accurate.
We recommend reading on the topic
How to replace Penoplex?
Proper use of mineral wool between bricks
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External insulation for house walls under siding
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Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against blurred vision is not on your side yet ...
Have you thought about surgery yet? It is understandable, because the eyes are very important organs, and their proper functioning is the key to health and a comfortable life. Sharp pain in the eye, clouding, dark spots, sensation of a foreign body, dryness, or vice versa, lacrimation ... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand.
What to do
Novocain can be applied as a local anesthetic.
If lime gets into the eyes, it is necessary to call an ambulance, and at the pre-medical stage, it is necessary to alleviate the patient's condition as much as possible. To do this, rinse the organ of vision with cold running water, and preferably with a 3% solution of Na2 EDTA, and then remove the remnants with cotton swabs. Next, you need to drip an eye with a decoction of chamomile or another antiseptic. It is necessary to carry out anesthesia with the help of local use of solutions of novocaine or lidocaine. After that, a sterile dressing is applied to the visual analyzer to prevent sunlight from entering, and the patient is given hot tea and offered to rest.
Best Answers
microparticles of glass clog pores, this causes a terrible itching and burning sensation. in contact with mucous membranes, irritation and microtrauma occur. then it is difficult to remove it from the skin, and if an infection still gets there, then I do not envy you
getting glass wool into the respiratory tract is not desirable - earlier such productions were considered harmful - well, when working like this, a respirator is enough
in general, medical literature describes professional diseases of this nature, a respirator will save you
GLASS FIBER (fiberglass), molded from molten glass. It has high heat resistance, dielectric properties, modulus of elasticity, tensile strength, resistance to chemicals, low thermal conductivity. It is used (in the form of threads, bundles, fabrics, non-woven materials, e.g. fiberglass) as a reinforcing filler for fiberglass, filtering, electrical and heat insulating material, in fiber optics, etc.
It will be bad if it gets into the eyes, but it seems like nothing, but it’s not worth tasting! :)
galina ketrar:
of course harmful
Sergey Sopin:
how harmful
contact with the skin will cause - itching, wash everything will pass, but it's better to breathe if there is no respirator, through the 3rd gauze bandage
A C:
very. and let it not get on the skin either
Respirator, goggles, gloves are required. Then the hands get tired of scratching. Chemically, the glass fiber is inert, but will cause irritation of the skin and mucous membranes due to microtrauma. So it is better to insulate with basalt-based heaters. He doesn't itch.
Airway clearance methods
What to do if the lungs are contaminated after exposure to harmful substances, how to remove dust from the lungs. There are methods of cleansing the respiratory tract with folk remedies, after which people breathe much easier. Let's consider some of them. Recognized, ancient folk methods were cleansing in a steam bath with herbs, essential oils, brooms, massages with honey. Breathing exercises are useful, there is a specially developed breathing technique by Strelnikova. Rest in the sea air, in a pure forest, will ventilate the lungs well and restore strength.
If you are ready to do something to clear your lungs, you have bells - symptoms, use proven recipes.
As cleaners help fruit and vegetable juices, you can mix them with honey, this will enhance the effect. Juices:
- Carrot juice with honey - dilution in half, take 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. spoon.
- Black radish with honey or sugar, dilution 1:1, 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day; cabbage juice with sugar, 1 tsp each 4-5 times a day.
- On the basis of these three juices, an alcohol tincture is made, mix all the juices per liter (carrot, black radish, beetroot) in an enameled bowl, hermetically close the roof by gluing it with dough, simmer in the oven (oven) 1 - 1.5 hours, leaving it there until completely cooled. Mix with vodka (half a liter) and use this "liquor" 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals, the course is a month.
Fruit and vegetable juices work as cleansers
Garlic and onions contain essential oils, phytoncides, vitamins. It is a natural antiseptic. They will not only protect against the virus during the season, but also cleanse the lungs. Once a week, make onion syrup: sprinkle the chopped onion with sugar and give time to start the juice. Syrup take 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day, after meals. Chicken broth from homemade chicken helps in clearing the lungs. Season it with herbs and garlic to enhance the effect.
Milk for harm, it's not just. By itself, milk detoxifies if you drink it regularly. It is good to use sour-milk products. A few milk-based recipes:
- A glass of unpeeled oats pour 0.5 liters. Milk, reduce to half over low heat. Rub through a sieve, strain. Drink the resulting solution. Take half a cup (and it will turn out at the exit) before meals 3 times a day. An excellent expectorant.
- Pour half a liter of boiling milk into a thermos, put in it pre-washed, three pine green cones and a piece of resin the size of a coin.
- Infuse for 4 hours in a thermos, strain and take on an empty stomach and at bedtime, a course of 1-2 months. Cones can be insisted three times. Strain thoroughly, 6 layers of gauze.
Herbal tea is an excellent cleanser. Oregano, tricolor violet are used to clean the respiratory tract. Herbs are used, as well as essential oils (eucalyptus, tea tree, lemon) for inhalation, which is also very effective. Essential oils are diluted in alcohol, they are water insoluble. On a spoonful of alcohol 5 drops of oil Well cleanses sage, chamomile, calendula. It is recommended to cleanse the lungs with activated charcoal, 2 tablets per day. But coal is a detoxifier, it adsorbs both good and bad, you should not abuse it.