Cell membrane structure and functions

Functions of the outer membrane of the cell

The characteristics of the functions are briefly listed in the table:

Membrane Function
barrier role The plasmalemma performs a protective function, protecting the contents of the cell from the effects of foreign agents. Due to the special organization of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, the semi-permeability of the plasma membrane is ensured.
Receptor function Through the cell membrane, biologically active substances are activated in the process of binding to receptors. Thus, immune responses are mediated through the recognition of foreign agents by the receptor apparatus of cells localized on the cell membrane.
transport function The presence of pores in the plasmalemma allows you to regulate the flow of substances into the cell. The transfer process proceeds passively (without energy consumption) for compounds with low molecular weight. Active transfer is associated with the expenditure of energy released during the breakdown of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This method takes place for the transfer of organic compounds.
Participation in the processes of digestion Substances are deposited on the cell membrane (sorption). Receptors bind to the substrate, moving it inside the cell. A vesicle is formed, lying freely inside the cell. Merging, such vesicles form lysosomes with hydrolytic enzymes.
Enzymatic function Enzymes, necessary components of intracellular digestion. Reactions that require the participation of catalysts proceed with the participation of enzymes.

Purpose of diffusion membranes

The main purpose of superdiffusion membranes for roofing is to provide protection against the penetration of internal and external moisture into the insulating layer. The sources of this moisture can be internal evaporation and atmospheric precipitation. In addition, the diffusion membrane located in the roofing provides effective conditions for the removal of moisture that has already accumulated due to various reasons. The superdiffusion membrane can definitely be called one of the most important components of the heat-insulating circuit, since it indirectly helps to reduce heat energy losses. A thrifty owner of his own house, who knows a lot about savings, will never think about the need or lack thereof when deciding to purchase and then install a diffusion membrane. Moreover, the cost of this material in the modern market of building materials can be safely called purely symbolic.

Properties of biological membranes

Ability to self-assemble
destructive influences. This property
determined by physicochemical
features of phospholipid molecules,
which are collected in aqueous solution
together so that the hydrophilic ends
molecules turn outward, and
hydrophobic - inside. in ready-made
phospholipid layers can be embedded

The ability to self-assemble has
important at the cellular level

2. Semi-permeability
(selectivity in ion transmission
and molecules). Provides maintenance
constancy of ionic and molecular
composition in the cell.

3. Fluidity
Membranes are not rigid structures,
they constantly fluctuate due to
rotational and oscillatory movements
lipid and protein molecules. This provides
high rate of enzymatic
and other chemical processes in membranes.

4. Fragments
membranes do not have free ends
because they form bubbles.

What are superdiffusion membranes

A diffusion membrane is a special material that has a two-, three- or even four-layer structure, the basis of which is a non-woven canvas.Diffusion membranes are used to protect the insulating layer from the penetration of evaporation into its thickness. Also, diffusion membranes are excellent protection against water and wind. When creating a roof that fully meets all modern requirements, each developer will definitely come across such a concept as a “roofing pie”. In order for the roof to perform all the functions assigned to it during the entire period of operation, in addition to the main roofing, it is necessary to use some additional materials, which include superdiffusion membranes. Superdiffusion membranes can be used to create a roofing pie in any climatic zone of our country. The role of this additional layer is extremely important, since it is its presence that makes it possible to reduce the force of adverse effects caused by extreme weather conditions, as well as to level the shortcomings and errors that occurred during improper installation of the roof.

The structure of the cell membrane

The cell membrane contains carbohydrates that cover it in the form of a glycocalyx. This is a supra-membrane structure that performs a barrier function. The proteins located here are in a free state. Unbound proteins are involved in enzymatic reactions, providing extracellular breakdown of substances.

Cell membrane structure and functions

Proteins of the cytoplasmic membrane are represented by glycoproteins. By chemical composition, proteins are isolated that are completely included in the lipid layer (throughout) - integral proteins. Also peripheral, not reaching one of the surfaces of the plasmalemma.

Cell membrane structure and functions

The former function as receptors, binding to neurotransmitters, hormones, and other substances. Insertion proteins are necessary for the construction of ion channels through which ions and hydrophilic substrates are transported. The latter are enzymes that catalyze intracellular reactions.

Benefits of using superdiffusion membranes

The owner of a private house who decides to use superdiffusion membranes in the design of the roofing pie, in comparison with homeowners using traditional technologies, will receive a number of undeniable advantages, among which the main ones are the following:

  • The use of superdiffusion membranes allows one film to replace two, such as hydro and wind protection. The presence of a membrane allows the construction of a structure without a ventilation gap.
  • Laying of superdiffusion membranes is allowed directly on the surface of any coating, which allows laying thermal insulation in a thicker layer compared to traditional technologies. As a result, the owner of the house receives enhanced thermal insulation.
  • The use of superdiffusion membranes allows you to extend the life of the insulation material and wooden roof structures. At the same time, wooden roof elements can be installed without pre-treatment with special chemical compounds.
  • The use of superdiffusion membranes during the creation of a roofing pie significantly reduces the installation time and associated costs.

Basic properties of the plasma membrane

The lipid bilayer prevents the penetration of water. Lipids are hydrophobic compounds present in the cell as phospholipids. The phosphate group is turned outward and consists of two layers: the outer one, directed to the extracellular environment, and the inner one, delimiting the intracellular contents.

Cell membrane structure and functions

Water-soluble areas are called hydrophilic heads. The fatty acid sites are directed inside the cell, in the form of hydrophobic tails. The hydrophobic part interacts with neighboring lipids, which ensures their attachment to each other. The double layer has selective permeability in different areas.

So, in the middle, the membrane is impermeable to glucose and urea, hydrophobic substances pass freely here: carbon dioxide, oxygen, alcohol

Cholesterol is important, the content of the latter determines the viscosity of the plasma membrane


