Replacing the radiator preparatory stage
The complete set will weigh about 7 kilograms, which is about 2 kg less than the mass of the original stove. A distinctive feature of the NAMI-4 heat exchanger is a completely plastic case (in the original it is metal), which affected the weight of the device. We also note that the heater consists of both a radiator and a fan with an electric motor, which led to the high price of the kit. In this case, you will not have to regret the money spent, since both the radiator and the fan have much better characteristics than the native heater.
We advise you to immediately replace the foam seal with a more practical material (for example, polyurethane) - the foam will quickly dry out under the influence of temperature, losing its sealing properties.
To do this, we will have to do the following:
- get rid of foam rubber (try not to damage it when removing the seal - we will need it as a stencil);
- carefully cut out a new sealing material from a polyurethane foam blank, adhering to the previous dimensions;
- using waterproof glue, we install a new seal in a regular place;
- if the sheet is not thick enough, a second layer of polyurethane foam may be required, but this procedure should only be started after the first layer has set).
Most modern heating systems provide for the presence of a special drainage hole that prevents the accumulation of moisture in the block housing, which adversely affects the components of the stove, besides getting into the air ducts, moistening the cabin filter, if any. This significantly impairs its filtering characteristics and leads to unpleasant odors. Penetrating into the cabin, excess moisture causes fogging of the windows. The “loaf” does not have such drainage initially, and cabin filters simply did not exist just 15 years ago.
So many owners, before connecting the upgraded UAZ 452 stove, solve the above problem on their own. To do this, you can use one of the technological holes available in the heater housing. There are two of them. We caulk one of them, using, for example, a standard auto-sealant, but the second technical hole can be used to organize a drainage system. For these purposes, you will need a tube corresponding in size to the diameter of the hole. We attach it to the hole and bring it out into the crankcase area, but so that the tube does not come into contact with hot parts.
Modernization of new equipment
Now comes the turn to install a new heating system suitable for the Soviet and domestic Loaf. We will consider the installation using the example of US. This design will weigh in total about 7.6 kilograms. At the same time, standard equipment with much lower performance and characteristics weighs almost 9 kilograms. The NAMI heater provides for the use of a plastic case. The main weight is formed from the engine and the radiator of the heating system. Before starting installation, it is worth performing a certain upgrade. The thing is that for some reason they decided to use a sealant made on the basis of foam rubber on the new stove from NAMI. This is an extremely short-lived material, which can soon wear out, lose its characteristics and simply collapse. Plus, foam rubber instantly absorbs water, and getting rid of it will be problematic. Instead of foam rubber, it is best to use technical polyurethane foam. Refinement provides for the following procedures:
- all foam rubber used by the manufacturer should be removed from the heater;
- according to the size of the old seal, a blank is cut from a more practical and efficient polyurethane foam;
- a new seal is glued with waterproof glue;
- depending on the thickness of the polyurethane foam sheet itself, 1 or 2 layers may be required;
- if you need another layer, glue it on top of the first one after it has had time to set.
It is not necessary to immediately glue the second layer. Try attaching a single layer option and see if it suits your needs. That is, act according to the situation. You can glue the second layer in just a couple of minutes. Make a second blank of polyurethane in advance and keep it in a conspicuous place, in which case. The heater used for the Loaf has another problem that needs to be addressed before installing a new system. This is the absence of a drainage hole through which water can escape. Due to the fact that there is no drainage, water will constantly accumulate in the front cavity, impregnating the cabin filter. The drying process will take too long. At the same time, evaporating moisture will begin to create not the most pleasant odors that penetrate directly into the interior of the Loaf.
Drainage can be done by hand. For such purposes, even the presence of a special unused hole in the body of the stove equipment is provided. On the right side, near the cabin filter, there is a hole that should be plugged with some suitable dense material. Ordinary automotive sealant will do the job just fine. But the hole on the left side is just what you need for organizing drainage. The diameter will be sufficient to pass through it the pipe from the windshield washer.
Purpose and design
Before getting acquainted with the scheme of the UAZ Loaf stove, you should study the main functions and design features of this equipment
It is important to note that in the case of Loaf, a pair of stoves are used, which are divided into back and front
Since most motorists drive alone or only with a front passenger, they focus on the front system. As for the rear equipment, it is preferable to replace it with an autonomous heater, which is much more efficient in coping with its tasks.
The task of the stove on the Loaf is no different from the heaters on any other car. That is, here the system exists to maintain the optimum temperature inside the vehicle. It is responsible for heating mainly in winter, and also works as a ventilation system, supplying air under the set due to the operation of fans and a motor. Currently, most Loafs are operated with the NAMI heating system, which is characterized by increased productivity and decent efficiency indicators. Structurally, 3 main components of furnace equipment can be distinguished. The loaf heater consists of:
- radiator;
- fan;
- a device designed to distribute air flows.
The heater tap deserves special attention, which allows you to turn on and off the circulation of the coolant through the furnace equipment, thereby switching from the heat supply mode to the normal fan blowing the cabin. The oven system can operate in 2 modes:
- intake and supply of fresh air;
- recycling.
In the second mode, the temperature inside the cabin rises. To achieve an increase in temperature, it is necessary to close the air intakes, and then open the damper or heater faucet. If the motorist only needs fresh air blowing, then the manipulations are carried out in the reverse order. It is necessary to close the faucet of the stove, and open the air intakes.
The corresponding control unit is responsible for controlling the furnace system. The adjustment is assigned to the stove tap, which can acidify, jam and leak.In this regard, it often has to be changed. And not infrequently, instead of a conventional automobile crane intended for the UAZ Loaf, motorists use plumbing equipment assembled according to a special scheme using adapters. In practice, it works better, longer and more efficiently than a standard crane.
Typical malfunctions
The stove used in the heating system of the UAZ Loaf car is characterized by several breakdowns that owners often have to deal with. The result of malfunctions is the failure of the furnace equipment, that is, the stove ceases to perform its functions. Heating stops, which leads to corresponding unpleasant situations during the winter period of operation of the Loaf. There are several main reasons why the stove on the Loaf may not heat up:
- damage has appeared in the channels intended for the passage of streams of heated or still cold air;
- there was an antifreeze leak;
- the faucet of the stove is out of order;
- the system is contaminated, which provokes a decrease in temperature when heating the cabin;
- a leak has formed in the heater faucet;
- the valve for the engine of the Loaf's heating system burned out.
If the system is completely out of order, repairing it is not always rational and financially feasible. When the Loaf stove has served for a long time, and at the same time it works frankly poorly, the most correct solution would be to completely replace it.
The device of the heating and ventilation system
Few people know, but this family of all-wheel drive SUVs has been produced since 1957 - and this is one of the old-timers in the domestic car market. This car can rightfully be called universal: it is used both at enterprises, in agriculture, and by private traders for fishing / hunting / picnic trips. Being famous for its cross-country ability and maintainability, it, unfortunately, does not meet modern standards in terms of driver/passenger comfort. Consider the general arrangement of the car cooling system and consider its main disadvantages.
In the passenger-and-freight UAZ wagon layout, a closed liquid-type cooling system is used. In this case, the coolant circulates through the line in a forced mode, provided by the operation of a water centrifugal pump. The volume of coolant for an SUV, depending on the modification, lies in the range of 13.2-15.3 liters.
The scheme of the cooling system is standard, double-circuit. The antifreeze circulation line is built according to the ring scheme and includes the following components:
- main radiator;
- nozzles;
- thermostat;
- water pump;
- electric fan;
- heater radiator;
- temperature sensor;
- air ducts.
Interior heater UAZ Loaf
As for the reliability of these components, in particular, a fan with a motor, everything here depends on the quality of workmanship. In general, the resource of an impeller with an electric motor is not the largest, but not the smallest either. The problem is that on 402 engines, the fans are frankly weak. And this is inherent constructively - the amount of revolutions of their rotation is limited due to the insufficient power of the pump. The same can be said about the stove fan - it does not provide the airflow to the cabin with the required volume of air, which is why it gets hot in the cabin in summer and you have to open the windows, and cold in winter, and you can’t help here.
The only way out is to upgrade the Loaf heating system with motors 402/409 models. Of course, you can do this both independently and in a specialized car service. In the latter case, the cost of the work will most likely be much more than the amount spent on the purchase of components, so if your repair budget is limited, it is better to do this tuning yourself.
The heater includes the following elements:
- Radiator.
- Fan.
- Special device for air distribution.
There are two main operating modes:
- When fresh air is introduced.
- When recirculating streams.
The second mode involves an increased temperature in the cabin. To do this, close the air intake, and then open the damper. In the first mode, the actions are performed in the reverse order.
A special unit controls the entire system. A tap is used for adjustment. The new design, built on increased circulation of flows and the use of fluid in the radiator, allows the interior to warm up faster.
It is important to remember about blowing glass. Otherwise, it will lead to icing and fogging.
The driver and passengers will feel uncomfortable.
If moisture gets in, it is removed through the air intake. Here a docking device is used.
Benefits of an autonomous heater
Some install an autonomous heater or a hair dryer, which compares favorably with a standard stove and the use of both front and rear heaters in Loaf, where an additional pump will still be required to improve heat transfer. But the choice is up to the car owner, who will decide for himself which path to take. An additional autonomous interior heater for the UAZ Loaf has several main advantages:
- For a gasoline loaf, there is no need to strongly heat up the power plant, since such engines start up without any problems even in severe frosts. In this component, gasoline is noticeably superior to diesel;
- Using a preheater in combination with a furnace fan, which allows the heating of the passenger compartment to work, requires a significantly greater amount of electrical energy and fuel itself. At the same time, the efficiency of the heating itself is noticeably lower;
- Autonomous heaters are characterized by longer performance, maintaining the required level of heat in the cabin constantly. This is true for those who plan to use Bukhanka as a place to spend the night;
- Autonomous stoves or hair dryers can be installed in any convenient place in the car. There is no need to look for additional space in the engine compartment, to think about powering the stove fan separately or together with the heater, without starting the ignition.
The presence of an additional autonomous heater can sometimes make it possible to completely abandon the standard heating system. It all depends on the operating conditions of the Loaf, as well as the installation and placement of the equipment itself.
Placement and installation
When it comes to location, there are plenty of options. This is influenced by the specific layout of the Loaf of each car owner. But practice clearly shows that most often additional heaters are installed precisely behind the driver, in the corner. Although some mount equipment in the center or in the luggage compartment. Think over this issue in advance so that later there are no difficulties with the operation of additional equipment. Installing the stove behind the driver's seat, you do not have to stretch the fuel lines and electrical wiring for a long distance. This prevents overheating and reduces the risk of fire. It is recommended to install an additional podium under the stand-alone hair dryer in order to slightly raise it above the floor level. So the heater will be able to work more efficiently and better heat the space of the Loaf entrusted to it. The exhaust is made standard, as provided for by the instructions.
The system's exhaust pipe is best tied to your vehicle's stock exhaust system. This will prevent damage to the tube when the machine is immersed in water, mud, snow and puddles during operation. Although this is not the final placement, you can come up with your own alternatives. At the same time, the control panel from the autonomous heater can be moved to the rear of the hood.Thus, passengers will be able to reach the regulator without any problems, and the driver himself will receive relatively convenient access to it. In this situation, the only remaining measure is the distribution of air ducts from the new heater. Here the placement is already chosen at your own discretion.
Let's update
How to replace a used stove with your own hands? What will be needed for this? Everything can be done according to the following algorithm.
- Drain all antifreeze and disconnect all wiring.
- Disconnect the console from the shield. We remove the heating unit, the air intake hatch, remove the seal, then clean the recesses.
- We try on the air filter, we drill holes no more than 3.2 mm in diameter.
- We apply a large layer of sealant to the installation site. We install the case and fix it. We return the filters from the cabin to their place.
- We install a new heater in the cabin, fixing it with studs and nuts "M-6". We fix the node, then install the block console. We fix the entire structure with self-tapping screws.
- Next, we connect the control rod and fix it. We connect the pipes in which the antifreeze is located to the node and fix them with special clamps. Then we put the blower channels for the windows.
- In conclusion, we connect the electrician, fill the system and check how it works. If problems occur, the entire system must be retested.
Design features of a regular stove UAZ 452
Most owners of the "loaf" note that at temperatures up to minus 5 degrees in the car, it is quite tolerable. But, unfortunately, in most of Russia, winters are not so mild. And although the temperature records in recent years concern only highs, frosts over thirty are still not uncommon, and under such conditions, you can only drive in UAZ with gloves.
Consider the main design flaws, which are the reason for the insufficient efficiency of the regular stove:
- rather large technological gaps of some body parts (this is especially true for first-generation cars). The problem is usually eliminated by carrying out thermal insulation work;
- low performance of the UAZ 452 heater radiator. According to the manufacturer, about 4 kW, but these are questionable figures: according to sanitary standards, 2 kilowatts is enough to heat a room of 20 square meters. meters. And although a car is not an apartment, especially a “loaf” (see paragraph above), most likely, the real numbers are much less. However, for copper radiators with the same dimensions, this figure is higher than for aluminum counterparts. In any case, due to the spacious interior of the UAZ 452, the power of the native stove is not enough - the rear passengers will constantly freeze;
- heater motor power. For a standard electric motor, this is 25 watts. This indicator allows you to pump about 150 cubic meters of air per hour into the cabin. That's not much for such a big car. The same NAMI-2 motor with a power of 95 W provides three times the performance.
Considering that the standard fan is very noisy, the idea to replace it with a more efficient and quiet one comes to the mind of the owners of the machine almost in the first place.
We also note that the UAZ 452 ventilation system does not have an air recirculation function. And although it is used infrequently, in some cases, switching to this mode provides many advantages. So, when upgrading the stove, it is desirable to take into account this factor, as well as the ability to integrate a cabin filter into the system.
Disassembled stove UAZ 452
Dismantling works
You should start with how to remove the stove on the UAZ Loaf. The procedure is not the easiest, but many motorists do an excellent job of doing the task with their own hands. Here you will need to follow a certain sequence, act carefully and just do not rush. Otherwise, you risk breaking something that you still need on your Loaf.
- The first step is to get rid of the existing antifreeze or antifreeze in the stove. To do this, at the lower point of the bracket for fixing the pipes leading to the stove, you need to unscrew the drain plug. Prepare an empty container for draining in advance;
- The rest of the coolant is drained through the cooling system. On modern radiators installed on the Loaf, there may be no drain cock. Then you have to drain by disconnecting the lower pipe on the radiator. Under it also substitute the container;
- The standard loaf heater is fixed by using 4 M6 type bolts. To unscrew them, you need a regular size 10 wrench;
- The designers did not think of everything perfectly, so it will be problematic to unscrew these bolts on your own. They obviously saved money on captive nuts here. Therefore, it is required to hold on one side, and twist on the other. The solution may be the help of a friend, or the use of an improvised device to protect against rotation;
- When you manage to unscrew the fixing bolts of the standard heater, you can also remove the buttons on the additional panel. In principle, remove the panel itself, since everything you need comes with the new stove. Plus, it will interfere with the installation process. Even if you plan to install the same panel, it is better to temporarily dismantle it;
- From the heater, disconnect the connector responsible for the power supply. Additional resistance is also removed, since it will not be needed in the future;
- Disconnect all coolant supply pipes, after which the standard heater can finally be completely removed from the Loaf;
- Don't forget to also dismantle the device designed to control your air intake. Get rid of the shutters in the same way.
At this, the dismantling stage of work on replacing and connecting a new stove for the UAZ Loaf can be considered completed. Next, you have to install new equipment to create a more efficient heating system in the car. Before you start, we recommend that you additionally clean all accessible areas from possible contaminants, treat metal surfaces with anti-corrosion compounds, and often rust where it has already appeared. Preventive work will only extend the life of not only heating, but the entire car.