Gas heating in the apartment

The letter of the law is no initiative

It is strictly forbidden to carry out such a complex reorganization as the installation of an individual heating system without agreement or even with minimal “deviations” from the project. Such self-activity entails a fine. And, one way or another, you will have to return the dwelling to its previous state within the prescribed period. If you do not want to incur double losses and get into trouble with the law, perform all work exclusively in accordance with the available documentation.

Gas heating in the apartment The calculation of individual heating for an apartment should be carried out only by qualified specialists. The selection of equipment is carried out on the basis of the climatic features of the region, the heat loss of the premises, the area of ​​​​the rooms, etc. - you are unlikely to be able to objectively take into account all the factors on your own

Issuance of a permit

Rules for the provision of public services

There is an erroneous opinion that the execution of permits for an apartment with apartment heating is almost impossible to do. However, for this you only need to know the basic laws and adhere to technical standards.

According to paragraph 44 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 307, gas boilers with the following characteristics are allowed for installation as heating equipment in apartment buildings.

  • Closed combustion chamber;
  • The device for monitoring the state of the flame in a gas burner is an automation system;
  • The operating temperature should not exceed 95°C, and the maximum pressure in the pipeline is 1 MPa.

Advice. To select the optimal boiler model, it is recommended to contact the gas management company serving the house. Their representatives must provide requirements for this equipment.

Then the following actions should be taken.

Obtaining Technical Specifications from Gorgaz

To do this, you must provide a package of documents confirming the ownership of the premises - a passport from the BTI, a contract of sale, personal data. Within 14 days, representatives of the organization are required to issue a technical specification, which includes an apartment heating scheme.

Be sure to get permission from the fire department, which will inspect the ventilation ducts in the house. If the project initially provided for the installation of gas equipment, there will be no problems with this document.

Design part

Having received the technical conditions and permission from the fire service, it is necessary to find a design organization for drawing up an autonomous heating plan. These services are offered by the managing organization, or any other commercial organization that has the appropriate certificates and permits. You cannot do this part of the work yourself, since houses with apartment heating must comply with current safety standards.

The project document contains a scheme for apartment heating, a list of equipment and consumables. For each of them there must be a passport, and in case of its absence, technical information confirmed by the manufacturer and seller. If before that the house had central heating, then the risers are most often left. The plan indicates the place of disconnection from the network, the location of the gas boiler, the scheme of the pipeline and radiators.


The entire package of documents is submitted to the administration, which must check their compliance with the technical conditions. After receiving a positive decision, you can proceed with the installation of equipment. It is noteworthy that most of the reviews about apartment heating at the design stage have a negative connotation, as bureaucracy and paperwork takes a lot of time and money.

Important. It is forbidden to independently connect the boiler to the gas pipeline

This should be done only by representatives of Gorgaz.

Having installed the elements of gas per-apartment heating, you can proceed to the stage of coordinating the time of connection to the main. Representatives of the management company must check the status of the installed system and issue a certificate of conformity. Then the boiler is connected to the gas pipe and the integrity and correct operation of the system are checked.

Block boiler house in a residential building

The situation for this type of heating systems looks much better. Funds are being invested, as construction companies must hand over the house, and without a heating system, this will not be possible. Since heating networks put forward high requirements for heating systems, they have to be met. The efficiency is quite high, since there is no need to transport heat. But as far as ownership is concerned, the question arises. On the one hand, the owners are all owners of apartments in a residential building. But in fact, when equipment breaks down, people do not want to invest in it, since after all it is common, and not their personal. Maintenance of block boiler houses is carried out, private companies are responsible for it, which are ready to take on such work. Usually these are the same companies that were engaged in the installation and commissioning of the system. Another question: who will pay for it? Let's leave the question unanswered, since this type of activity is not very profitable and requires significant costs. The level of comfort, however, heating systems with block boilers is high, but not individually, although higher than in the case of central heating. In order to create ideal conditions for yourself, you will have to buy quite expensive equipment, such as thermostatic heads.

Choosing the right equipment

The ideal source of heat for an individual system, according to experts, is a double-circuit, gas-fired boiler with a closed combustion chamber. Of course, you can get by with a single-circuit one - but only if there really are no interruptions in the supply of hot water in your house. Otherwise, it is better to "kill two birds with one stone."

The advantages of such equipment include a multi-level security system, silent operation, adequate price, compactness.

If desired, you can equip an autonomous system based on an electric boiler, however, for its successful and comfortable operation, the meter must be multi-tariff, and the wiring must be “fresh” and of high quality (preferably copper). Such a system is easy to install, hygienic, silent, efficient, aesthetic. But electricity is an expensive energy resource, so you should think carefully before making a decision in favor of a power plant.

Having decided on the type of heating equipment, you need to choose the model that is optimal for your home according to the technical characteristics. In addition to the nominal heating area from the technical description of the device, the features of the room should be taken into account. The condition of the apartment must be taken as critically as possible. After all, you see, it's one thing when you have warm floors, sealed windows, good doors, and quite another when it pulls from all the cracks.

You can choose almost any radiators on the market. And steel, and aluminum, and bimetallic demonstrate good efficiency. Old cast iron batteries are definitely not worth leaving.

Gas heating in the apartment When choosing a radiator, you can completely rely on your taste. As for the price, steel units are the cheapest, bimetallic ones are the most expensive.

It is advisable to buy pipes made of polypropylene; if you are not limited in funds, you can take copper ones. But, in general, in terms of price-quality ratio, polypropylene pipes are the best choice.

You can carry out individual heating with your own hands - there is nothing complicated in laying pipes and installing radiators.What should definitely be entrusted to professionals is the gas supply, installation and start-up of the boiler, and checking the system for leaks.

How much will the installation of "autonomy" cost? It is very difficult to even talk about approximate amounts, since too many factors affect the final cost of the “event”: the size of the apartment, the brand and functionality of the boiler, the material of the pipes, the prices for specialist services, the complexity and scope of work.

Only one thing can be said for sure: individual heating in an apartment building is an incredible convenience and comfort, which in any case is worth the money spent.

Types of heating systems for apartment buildings

Depending on the structure, characteristics of the coolant and piping layouts, the heating of an apartment building is divided into the following types:

According to the location of the heat source

  • Apartment heating system, in which the gas boiler is installed in the kitchen or in a separate room. Some inconveniences and investments in equipment are more than offset by the ability to turn on and regulate heating at your discretion, as well as low operating costs due to the absence of losses in heating mains. If you have your own boiler, there are practically no restrictions on the reconstruction of the system. If, for example, the owners wish to replace the batteries with warm water floors, there are no technical obstacles to this.
  • Individual heating, in which its own boiler room serves one house or residential complex. Such solutions are found both in the old housing stock (stokers) and in new elite housing, where the community of residents decides for themselves when to start the heating season.
  • Central heating in an apartment building is most common in typical housing.

The device of central heating of an apartment building, heat transfer from the CHP is carried out through a local heat point.

According to the characteristics of the coolant

  • Water heating, water is used as a heat carrier. In modern housing with apartment or individual heating, there are economical low-temperature (low-potential) systems, where the temperature of the coolant does not exceed 65 ºС. But in most cases and in all typical houses, the coolant has a design temperature in the range of 85-105 ºС.
  • Steam heating of an apartment in an apartment building (water vapor circulates in the system) has a number of significant drawbacks; it has not been used in new houses for a long time, the old housing stock is being transferred to water systems everywhere.

According to the wiring diagram

The main heating schemes in apartment buildings:

  • Single-pipe - both the supply and return selection of the coolant to the heating devices is carried out along one line. Such a system is found in "Stalinka" and "Khrushchev". It has a serious drawback: the radiators are arranged in series and, due to the cooling of the coolant in them, the heating temperature of the batteries drops as they move away from the heat point. In order to maintain heat transfer, the number of sections increases in the direction of the coolant. In a pure one-pipe circuit, it is impossible to install control devices. It is not recommended to change the pipe configuration, install radiators of a different type and dimensions, otherwise the system may be seriously impaired.
  • "Leningradka" is an improved version of a single-pipe system, which, thanks to the connection of thermal appliances through a bypass, reduces their mutual influence. You can install regulating (non-automatic) devices on radiators, replace the radiator with a different type, but of a similar capacity and power.

The two-pipe heating scheme of an apartment building has become widely used in Brezhnevka, and is still popular to this day.The supply and return lines are separated in it, so the coolant at the entrances to all apartments and radiators has almost the same temperature, replacing radiators with a different type and even volume does not significantly affect the operation of other devices. Batteries can be equipped with control devices, including automatic ones.

Gas heating in the apartment

On the left is an improved version of the one-pipe scheme (analogous to the "Leningrad"), on the right is a two-pipe version. The latter provides more comfortable conditions, precise regulation and gives more opportunities for replacing the radiator.

The beam scheme is used in modern non-standard housing. The devices are connected in parallel, their mutual influence is minimal. Wiring, as a rule, is carried out in the floor, which allows you to free the walls from pipes. When installing control devices, including automatic ones, accurate dosing of the amount of heat in the premises is ensured. Technically, both partial and complete replacement of the heating system in an apartment building with a beam scheme within the apartment with a significant change in its configuration is possible.

Gas heating in the apartment

With a beam scheme, the supply and return lines enter the apartment, and the wiring is carried out in parallel by separate circuits through the collector. Pipes, as a rule, are placed in the floor, radiators are connected neatly and discreetly from below

Basic requirements for the placement of a wall-mounted heater

The room where the wall-mounted gas or electric boiler will be located must comply with certain standards and requirements. Due to some features, as well as the type of fuel itself, more difficult conditions for placement and installation are provided for gas equipment. Compliance with all simple rules will allow not only to maintain a comfortable temperature in the apartment during the cold season, but also provide some security in the future.

  1. The area of ​​the room must be at least 4 m² with a ceiling height of 2.5 m or more and an entrance door of at least 80 cm wide.
  2. This room should have at least one window designed for natural light.
  3. It is forbidden to place other gas or electrical equipment at a distance of 30 cm from the wall-mounted boiler.
  4. When installing wall-mounted gas equipment, special ventilation is required, and fireproof material must be installed directly between the boiler and the wall.

Installation of a wall-mounted gas or electric boiler:

  1. The main differences in installing a wall-mounted gas boiler from electrical equipment are certain requirements, which include the presence of a special chimney and ventilation system.
  2. For a wall-mounted electric boiler, only a separate connection to the water supply and drain system is required.
  3. To install a wall-mounted heating boiler, you should choose a sufficiently strong load-bearing wall in the apartment.
  4. Before starting installation work, it is necessary to choose the optimal height for the boiler and make appropriate marks there (in this case, a height of 1.0-1.6 m from the floor level is recommended), after which the mounting strips should be fixed in this place.
  5. If the installation of the boiler is carried out independently, then you should strictly adhere to the installation diagrams and instructions from the manufacturer, which are contained in the instructions attached to the equipment.
  6. Depending on the type of pipes to be installed, different connection methods can be used: coupling, threaded, flanged. You can also use compression fittings and the cold welding method.

Knowing where to start and how to properly install equipment for individual heating of an apartment in a multi-storey building, you can spend less personal time, reduce the cost of equipment and a heating system. The main thing is to adhere to certain norms and rules for the installation and maintenance of heating equipment during the work.Otherwise, in the further operation of the devices, you may encounter leaks, freezing of the coolant and frequent equipment breakdowns.

Features of the heating device in an apartment building

Depending on your heating layout in a multi-storey building, when choosing a boiler for installing an autonomous heating system, give preference to boilers with an isolated combustion chamber. This type of boilers have a ventilation system in their structure, which can independently regulate the supply of fresh air. It is convenient if the boiler is characterized by a cyclic rhythm of operation, which ensures gentle disposal of combustion products that enter the air. The released carbohydrate oxide should not exceed the allowable limits.

As you can see, the benefits of switching to heating an apartment building are obvious. Installation of this type of equipment will allow you to become independent from housing and communal services companies. Determine the end and start time of the heating season and the optimal air temperature for yourself, adjusting the heating in an apartment building is a simple process

And, which is not unimportant, saving the family budget

The cost of centralized heating services is not always justified. For this reason, owners often decide to switch to individual or apartment heating.

What is the difference between these procedures and what does the law say about it?

The main reason why most homeowners in an apartment building want to switch to individual heating is the discrepancy between the cost of services and their quality. Of course, each case is unique.

For example, the heating season, on average, begins in mid-October and ends in March-April. But, if in March the walls of the house have time to warm up and the cooling is not felt so clearly, then in October it is quite difficult to wait for heating.

The heat carrier is supplied by the CHP plant at a fixed temperature, essentially independent of whether the heat carrier is supplied through a distributor or not. This temperature is also not always enough, although, in fact, the company believes that the heating season is open.

It is also worth noting the state of heating systems. In an old-type multi-storey building, these systems have long worn out, and salt deposits and rust do not allow maintaining the optimal supply pressure of the coolant, and, as a result, the necessary heat transfer at the outlet.

The company should not be blamed for this. Natural gas for CHP is supplied at a higher cost than private individuals. In addition, repairs of heating systems and heating mains are required annually.

Boilers are also subject to wear and tear and require repair, especially when you consider that most of the thermal power plants were built back in Soviet times. In addition, heat losses on heating mains, where unscrupulous citizens tore off thermal insulation, also affect the level of service quality.

An open entrance in sub-zero temperatures, a radiator leak, a broken elevator assembly valve and many more nuances that are not visible on the surface significantly affect the cost and quality of heating.

Gas equipment

It is rather difficult to install gas equipment for decentralized heating systems, since the installation requires a pre-prepared technical project, permits and high competence of specialists.

Gas heating in the apartment

Connection of one apartment involves the installation of a gas boiler, in which the specialist seals the equipment and records it in the log book. Installation of gas appliances requires a powerful ventilation system. It is this factor that in most cases is the reason for refusals to issue permits. This problem can be solved with the help of a separate chimney, which is brought out with the installation of a filter. A conventional ventilation system will not work in this case; an additional supply valve must be added to it.

For the apartment, wall-mounted installations with two circuits are used - they provide enough power to heat a small room and at the same time serve as a boiler for heating water. The gas boiler is equipped with an open or closed combustion chamber and does not require additional installation of a flue. The fan performs the function of supplying and extracting air from the street, and the combustion products are eliminated through special pipes. The device does not need a separate room and can be installed in the kitchen, as this is the most ventilated room.

The economical use of heat resources already over the next few years of operation makes it possible to recoup the cost of the boiler. A multi-stage safety system protects the equipment from overheating in the event of a water pump breakdown, and the burner automatically shuts off. External temperature sensors with the help of external control keep the optimum level of heat and stabilize the intensity of water heating.

Hot water supply in heating systems

DHW in multi-storey buildings is usually centralized, while the water is heated in boiler rooms. Hot water supply is connected from heating circuits, both from single-pipe and from two-pipe. The temperature in the hot water tap in the morning is warm or cold, depending on the number of main pipes. If there is a single-pipe heat supply for an apartment building with a height of 5 floors, then when a hot tap is opened, cold water will first flow out of it for half a minute.

The reason lies in the fact that at night rarely any of the residents turn on the tap with hot water, and the coolant in the pipes cools down. As a result, there is an overuse of unnecessary cooled water, since it is drained directly into the sewer.

Gas heating in the apartment

Unlike a single-pipe system, in a two-pipe version, hot water circulates continuously, so the problem with hot water described above does not arise there. True, in some houses, a riser with pipes - heated towel rails, which are hot even in the summer heat, is looped through the hot water supply system.

During the summer period, the entire system that provides central heating in an apartment building is tested. Utilities carry out current and major repairs on the heating main, while turning off certain sections on it. On the eve of the upcoming heating season, the repaired heating main is re-tested (for more details: “Rules for preparing a residential building for the heating season“).

Features of heat supply in an apartment building, details on the video:

Types of boilers used for heating

There are several types of such boilers: wall-mounted, floor-standing.

Wall-mounted boilers are designed for space heating up to 300 m2. The kit includes one or two circulation pumps, two measuring devices (manometer and thermometer), security system.

Floor boilers have greater efficiency and power, but they are somewhat more expensive.

Gas heating in the apartment

It looks like a wall-mounted boiler of the heating system.

Heat pumps air-air and air-water. This system, due to its design features, is applicable in private houses and on their personal plots. In it, a necessary condition is the presence of a legal plot of land on which installation work will be carried out: installation manifolds, air circuits, ground collectors, ground probes.

The most effective way to install heat pumps is to drill a well (ground probe). The well is drilled to a depth of 50-150 m, where the constant temperature is +10 degrees. For the production of such wells, it is necessary to draw up special documentation in all existing structures.

The installation of ground collectors does not provide for drilling wells, and everything is made simpler: polyethylene pipes with non-freezing coolant are laid to a depth of 2 meters and the pump pumps heat into the room. The main "headache" is the miscalculation of how to make heating so that the soil has time to warm up in the summer.

Of all the existing ways to install autonomous heating, the most “calm” is the installation of split systems or the purchase of oil heaters. In both cases, it is necessary to document the disconnection from the central heating in the heating network and change the electrical wiring in the apartment. But before installing such heating, it is necessary to invite an intelligent energy specialist. This specialist will take measurements and calculate the expected loads in the house and apartment electrical wiring.

Gas heating in the apartment

Scheme of a solar split system.

Good specialists know how to correctly and when to take measurements, as well as what calculations should be made in order to make such heating. And it may be that you "invest" in comfort, and the neighbors will sue you for depriving them of the opportunity to use electrical appliances. Before you do things, and even more so the installation of apartment heating, you always need to think things over well. First, before you make heating, you should calculate the cost of electricity and the expected temperature in the room. Everything must be taken into account: the location of the apartment (corner or in the middle), how the house is located (south and north side), thermal insulation of windows and walls, the number of rooms and utility rooms. The power engineer will calculate all this. It is necessary that he paint everything in detail, since the numbers can show that "the game is not worth the candle." And if we take into account the hassle (however!) with the documentation, then "damn it to hell."


