Preparing the pump for diving
Usually, submersible deep pumps used for water intake are ready for operation after supply voltage is applied to it, sometimes the following preparations are made for their installation before starting:
- In some models, there is no check valve in the upper part of the housing near the outlet - in this case, a separate element is purchased installed in a fitting with an internal or external thread suitable for the pump, which is screwed to its outlet.
- Many models are equipped with a short power cable, before descending it will have to be lengthened, for this they use special heat-shrink sleeves that are put on the connected wires. After heating them with a hair dryer, the connection is completely sealed and becomes protected from moisture penetration.
Rice. 7 Preparation for installation of the borehole pump in the source
What determines the depth of laying sewer pipes
To properly lay sewer pipes, it is enough to know these parameters:
Depth of soil freezing. As mentioned above, the definition of this parameter is not difficult.
Depth of the installed septic tank
It is very important, since the whole system will depend on this figure.
Pipeline slope. It is determined after the two parameters described above.
The depth at which groundwater begins.
All these parameters will help determine the depth of the pipeline, which under normal conditions and not too severe winters is 80 cm from the surface of the earth. But for better confidence, you need to dig 10 cm deeper
Also, when laying the pipeline, special attention should be paid to insulation
When installing a septic tank, you should know that this element must be at the lowest point so that it has quick access to sewage. A septic tank, according to modern standards, cannot be buried deeper than 3 m. It can be made of metal or plastic, now some manufacturers are engaged in the manufacture and sale of finished products. Most often, septic tanks are laid out of brick or other similar materials.
The depth of laying the pipeline greatly affects the final cost of construction work. For laying sewers for a private house, serious equipment is very rarely used; all trenches and pits are most often dug by hand. If you lay pipes to a serious depth, then the cost can increase several times, so you should correctly calculate all the parameters.
Bookmark standards according to SNiP
The required depth for laying water pipes is 0.5 m (this is the minimum value that allows maintaining the integrity and life of the communication system) below the freezing level of the soil, but it also depends on the geographical area and the nature of the soil.
What materials should the pipe be made of:
- Steel. Pipes from steel structures were used in old buildings. Now not the most relevant choice, as there are better and more resistant materials;
- Galvanized steel. An improved version of the previous material. The use of zinc on the surface prevents the negative impact of external factors and increases the service life. It is believed that this material spoils the quality of water, so it is not used for drinking systems;
- Metal-plastic. The combination of plastic and metal guarantees a long service life. High resistance to adverse external factors;
- HDPE. This material has a number of advantages: low cost, environmental resistance, high flexibility, easy to use.
Distance for joint laying of water supply and different types of networks
A joint bookmark allows you to save money and reduce the area of \u200b\u200bcommunications underground, if the sewerage system crosses the water supply line, it is laid lower in compliance with distance standards. When laying in the ground, the distance must be observed if the pipelines are laid in protective casings (cases) made of metal, while the sewerage system can be located above the water supply networks.
According to SNiP 2.04.02-84, when laying several water pipes, the norms of distances between adjacent pipes are selected taking into account the device, the organization of installation work and the protection of neighboring sections in the event of a leak of one of them. Distances can be reduced in some sections if the pipelines are placed in a synthetic base, cases, pass through tunnels or are laid in other ways that exclude their possible damage. The distance must ensure unhindered installation and repair work.
The smallest distance between water supply and sewerage from:
- 5 m - reinforced concrete or asbestos-cement pipes;
- 3 m - cast-iron pipes with a circumference above 200 mm;
- 1.5 m - cast iron with a diameter of up to 200 mm;
- 1.5 m - HDPE plastic;
- 1.5 m - in production, taking into account the material of manufacture and the dimensions of the pipes, the physical and chemical parameters of the soil.
When laying a water pipe, the following limits of minimum distances to neighboring networks are accepted:
- 1.5 m - drainage and storm sewers;
- 1 m - low-pressure and medium-pressure gas pipelines;
- 1.5 - 2 m - high-pressure gas pipelines;
- 0.5 m - power cables and communication cables (according to the rules for the operation of PES electrical installations).
- 1.5 m - heat mains from the outer walls of tunnel channels, pipe shells during trench laying, tunnel channels.
- 0.2 m - when pulling in tunnels to the inner walls of the fence structures and adjacent pipelines.
At the intersection points, pipeline sections must have a one-sided slope and protection from collectors and tunnels, steel cases, monolithic channels made of concrete and reinforced concrete.
Rice. 7 Examples of laying the sewerage of a private house
How to plant potatoes
The most crucial moment is landing
It is important how deep the potatoes are planted. Most recommend deepening the tuber by 10 ... 12 cm
The simplest and most effective device is the “hoof”.
Landing with a "hoof"
The cords are pulled along which the landing will be made. Planting tubers are laid out at the right distance. It remains only to walk and press them into the soil.
Some are afraid that the "hoof" will crush the potato. If the soil is well dug up, then you should not worry. Depth is regulated by a cross bar. It is nailed at a distance of 15 cm from the edge of the hoof. Three to five potatoes are brought into the soil per minute. Landing is quite fast.
Using a potato planter
Many craftsmen make potato planters. This device has movable cheeks, they can be moved apart by the handles.
- The cheeks close and they are pressed with a foot.
- Under the influence of the weight of a person, a deepening of 10 ... 12 cm occurs.
- Seed material is thrown into the existing hole.
- Then the handles move apart, the potato reaches the bottom.
- The potato planter pulls out.
- The existing holes are covered with a rake or chopper.
Landing is carried out at high speed. It is inconvenient just to carry a bag of seeds over your shoulders.
Landing by digging channels
Another interesting way and a device for it is landing in prepared trenches. Using a small plow mounted on wheels, furrows can be made in a short time. Then it remains to spread the planting tubers in them. The work is completed by sprinkling the soil with a rake.
With the help of such a device, two people sow a hundred square meters of potatoes in 40 ... 50 minutes.
mechanized landing
Motoblocks have firmly taken their place in personal plots, they are used in summer cottages and in garden partnerships. Farmers in large fields use mechanized planting methods.
For walk-behind tractors, several types of potato planters are produced. They help to sow quickly and efficiently different varieties of potatoes. Adjustments help to achieve stable seeding. It remains only to choose a convenient mode of operation according to your abilities.
The least time-consuming landing is with the help of a walk-behind tractor and attachments.
Why Correct Piping Depth Is So Important
Sufficient sewerage depth will ensure the unhindered movement of wastewater, the system will function properly all year round. If this factor is missed, and the pipes are laid too close to the surface, then the liquid in them will freeze in the cold season. Freezing in the sewer system leads to the impossibility of its further functioning.
Proper piping also includes the absence of turns in the system. The corner can be the result of constant congestion that needs to be cleared. Such phenomena can occur not only in the cold season, but also when it becomes warm enough.
Therefore, when laying pipes, you should know exactly the depth of soil freezing in a given region. This information can be obtained from reference books or from the Internet. If the sewer system has bends, without which installation is impossible, then concrete rings must be installed in such places. They will provide constant access to the pipes for cleaning them. You can use not rings, but line the walls of the trench with bricks, but this will lead to additional costs.
Depth limits for placing an electric pump in a well
Determination of the depth of lowering of the electric pump is always associated with the dynamic and static level of the source. The static level is understood as the distance between the soil surface to the water horizon of the source in the absence of water intake; when compiling a well passport, it is determined an hour after pumping.
The dynamic level of wells and wells is fixed when the electric pump is turned on at full power, which carries out water intake in this source, it is also equal to the distance between the surfaces of the earth and water. The dynamic threshold is fixed at the equilibrium point of the incoming and outgoing flow, when the water table is at a constant level.
Rice. 3 Water level indicators
It is clear that when determining the depth of descent, it is necessary to take into account the dynamic characteristics of the well, that is, the electric pump must be located below the dynamic threshold by at least 1-3 m - this is the first indisputable condition.
In addition, such water will become unsuitable not only for drinking, but also for household needs. Therefore, a correctly calculated lowering depth should take this factor into account, the distance to the bottom should not fall lower than 0.5 - 1 m. For powerful electric pumps, the highest limit is chosen and even this distance is increased.
How to draw up an external sewerage scheme
External sewerage has one important factor - the need for excavation. During the construction and installation of an external version of the sewer system, it is necessary to know exactly the sequence of the process and some of its technological aspects. A fairly large number of land owners draw up a scheme and are engaged in laying sewers on their own.
The following factors must be taken into account during construction:
Choosing the right angle of inclination at which wastewater will freely and quickly reach the septic tank, cesspool or local treatment plant. The angle of inclination is 2-3 cm for both external and internal sewer systems.If this factor is violated, a large amount of sewage will be retained in the pipes, which will lead to frequent clogging and unstable operation of the entire system.
Pipes must be laid below ground freezing. Data on the depth of soil freezing are indicated in most sources on the Internet. In some areas, the soil freezes too deep and it would be too expensive to drain deeper than this level. In this case, you can make the circuit a little higher, but then you should insulate the system with more expensive and modern materials. If these factors are not taken into account, then during cold periods, the wastewater will freeze, and you will have to wait for warming.
The external sewerage system must be installed without corners or too many of them. A correct change in the direction of the pipeline implies an angle of 45 degrees. This will not create an obstacle to wastewater, since at an angle of 90 degrees, frequent blockages are possible, which must be cleared manually.
In the middle of the sewerage system, a concrete ring must be installed. This element is called a manhole and serves for free access to the pipes. The same rings must be installed in places where the system changes direction.
In modern construction, a septic tank is installed ready-made. It looks like a tank made of metal or other durable material.
Therefore, when installing such a septic tank, it is necessary to make sure that its inlet is directed towards the house.
When choosing sewer pipes, your attention should be stopped on plastic products. They meet all modern technological requirements, are durable and do not require specialized equipment for installation.
You should know the technical characteristics of the pipes
If the septic tank is at a decent distance from the house, then the diameter of the pipeline should be increased, which will affect the cost of building materials.
Subtleties of water supply to the house in winter
The water supply is usually connected during the construction of the house, so as not to experience problems with water, with individual water supply, water is taken from wells or wells by submersible (in most cases) or surface electric pumps
When supplying water, you need to pay attention to the following factors:
- For the plumbing system, it is better to use HDPE pipes that have high strength and simple connection with compression fittings. The HDPE water pipe is sold in coils of considerable length; when laying, it should not have joints along the entire route. The fitting connection is made only at two points: at the head of the well when connected to the pressure pipe of the electric pump and in a residential building when connected to a domestic water supply line. Thus, high sealing of the line is ensured throughout, and possible leaks at the joints are easily accessible in the caisson and at home.
- The caisson well should be below the water supply, if this distance is too large and the cost of a deep caisson is significant, the water supply will have to be insulated and raised higher. In order not to carry out complex calculations of insulation, it is better to place an electric cable inside the pipeline channel. This solution will allow maintaining the temperature inside the line above the freezing point with minimal power consumption, and lowering the cable along the pressure pipe into the well for a certain distance will also prevent its possible freezing. At the same time, it will not be necessary to insulate the walls of the caisson for the winter, the head of the well and the water supply itself with foam or foam plastic shells - this solution (using an electric cable) can be more efficient and even cost-effective.
Rice. 10 Pipelines laid in a trench
The use of an electric cable in the water intake system from a well with a small distance of the pipeline from the earth's surface is also much more effective in preventing freezing of the pressure pipe than insulating the walls and the well hole with thermal insulators.
Insulating materials with low thermal conductivity in the insulated well do not prevent the water in the pressure pipe from freezing at low temperatures (they increase the time to crystallization). Unlike heat insulators, a heating cable effectively copes with the task of heating with minimal power consumption - it only requires maintaining the temperature of the water in the line just above 0º C, and not boiling it. The construction market is widely represented by self-regulating devices that automatically change energy consumption and heating depending on the temperature of the flowing fluid.
The standard length of electric cables with regulators produced by the manufacturer is up to 25 meters, the length of one connected section reaches 100 meters.
To determine how much water pipes can be buried in cold ground with individual water supply from a well or a well, they use a map of the depths of soil freezing in their area, add 0.5 meters to the maximum indicator and get the desired result.
It is possible to reduce the distance of the water supply from the ground surface using heat insulators or heating electric cables, the latter are more efficient, but are too expensive (the minimum price of 1 running meter of a self-regulating heating cable is 3 USD).
At what depth is the sewer pipe laid near the house
The standardized standards indicate that the branch pipe leaving the room must be positioned so that it rises above the average freezing depth by about 30 cm.
The depth of the trenches must exceed 70 cm.
For the middle lane, the minimum sewerage depth should reach 50 cm. This is quite enough if there is no area nearby that needs to be cleared of snow, and there is no roadway.
It is very important to comply with the last above requirements. The fact is that the pressure of the machines can lead to a breakdown of the pipeline, and with a large accumulation of snow, the pipe will simply freeze.
To create a gravity flow of sewage, you need to know exactly what slope you need to create for the sewer pipe, especially in a private building.
In principle, you can ask your neighbors. They know well how deep the trench is. They have already laid such pipes and tested the system. Therefore, their data will be the most optimal, especially for winter time.
If you have any doubts and difficulties in carrying out such plumbing work, you should contact the professionals. These companies employ highly qualified specialists with extensive experience and appropriate tools. If there are no skills for such work, then independent operations can lead to material damage and additional monetary costs.
How to choose a place for a drain receiver, how to calculate its parameters
Whatever the type of receiver, its volume must necessarily correspond to the three daily norms that all residents of the house consume.
According to the established standards, one person consumes 200 liters per day. Therefore, the volume of the receiver should be equal to 600 liters. If the treatment plant has several tanks connected, the total volume will be equal to their sum.
The choice of receiver location depends on several requirements.
The system should be mounted at the lowest point of the site, especially when there is a very difficult terrain.
The regulations also establish distances to especially important objects, they must comply with accepted standards:
- 50 meters - to a pipe with drinking water;
- 5 meters - to the road;
- 30 meters - to the reservoir;
- 5 meters - to the living quarters.
How deep should sewer pipes be laid?
Technological standards (SNiP) establish a certain depth of sewerage in a private house.
For a more accurate definition of this value, you need to familiarize yourself with the zone map.
It shows the depth of soil freezing in various regions of our country. For example, in Moscow, the depth of laying a sewer pipe should be at least 1.4 m. For Sochi, this value is much less - 0.8 meters.
Such parameters are taken taking into account the characteristics of the terrain when the soil freezes. If nozzles with a cross section of less than 500 mm are installed than those indicated on the map, it is imperative to subtract 0.3 meters from this value. When it is required to lay sewer pipes of large diameter, the laying depth must be reduced by 0.5 meters.
At what depth to dig a water pipe in a private house how to calculate correctly
The depth of the trench for the water supply depends on the climatic conditions of the area, so the main document for its calculation is a map of freezing depths. This information can be obtained from Internet sources using the application to the map of Russia, where more accurate data on the temperature of the earth are given for various cities, taking into account the structure of the soil.
When water is taken from wells, caisson pits are often used to accommodate pumping equipment, in which the laying of a water pipe in the direction of the foundation of the building occurs through the walls of the caisson.
If the depth of laying the water pipeline from freezing is significant, it will be necessary to deepen the caisson to an appropriate distance - this will lead to additional financial costs for construction and inconvenience when using the pit. The way out is the option of thermal insulation with a water pipe insulation, which allows to reduce the depth of its laying.
To determine at what depth to bury the water supply in this case, it is necessary to carry out calculations using formulas that take into account the temperature of water and soil in winter at a given depth. If there are no problems with water in the presence of a conventional thermometer, it is rather problematic to measure the temperature parameters of the soil at the required depth. Therefore, the best option is to obtain information about the permissible depth of the water supply in winter with this material and the thickness of the insulation from the manufacturer or seller of the heat-insulating shell.
The second way - independent calculation of insulation using formulas according to the well-known standard method (SNiP 2.04.14-88 paragraph: Calculation of thermal insulation) is difficult. The formulas and methodology given in it are developed only for determining the parameters of the insulating sheath against cooling by the environment of pipelines with a working fluid temperature from +20º to +300º C.
Rice. 4 Installation of an external water supply for water intake from a well - diagram
On the web you can find the Belarusian Technical Code of Practice TKP 45-4.02-129-2009. Clause 3.10 provides engineering formulas for calculating the thickness of a heat-insulating material to prevent freezing (hardening) of a liquid for a certain time when its movement stops or the time before freezing in the pipeline begins. The formulas have a complex form and are designed for use by specialists; moreover, they are designed to calculate the parameters of the insulation of pipelines located on the surface of the earth or indoors (one of the input indicators is wind speed).
A faster and more efficient way to determine thermal insulation parameters is to use online calculators, but even in this case it is difficult to find a calculator that can carry out these calculations.
A radical and expensive way to solve the calculation problem is to use a thermal electric cable, its heat output is calculated in watts per meter, the required length and power to prevent freezing during the purchase of goods will be indicated by trade managers. The advantage of the cable is the ability to adjust its temperature manually or automatically, so crystallization of water in a line with a laid heating element is unlikely in case of any errors in the calculations.
Also, when calculating the depth, coefficients reflecting the dependence of the distance at which the earth freezes through on the composition of the soil can be useful:
- for sand and gravel soils, the indicator is taken equal to 1;
- for sandy loam - 1.25;
- in loamy and clayey soils, the indicator is 1.5;
- in peatlands - about 2.
Rice. 5 Connection diagram and depth of water supply when water is supplied from a well
Connecting the pipe to the electric pump and correctly fastening the cable
After preparing the electric pump, they begin to install it in the well shaft, the operations are carried out in the following order:
- Before work, you need to know the depth of lowering the electric pump, which determines the main dimensions. First, the HDPE water pipe and the cable of the required length are cut off, the length of the power cable is calculated in advance at the stage of preparing the unit for descent.
- An adapter is screwed into the outlet fitting of the electric pump for connection to the HDPE pipe; if there is no check valve in the device, an adapter must have it.
- Using a compression fitting, the HDPE pipe is connected to the electric pump, if a head is used, the pipe and the power cord are first pulled through it.
- They pull a stainless steel cable, or a cheaper plastic-insulated steel cable, through the lugs in the pump housing, fix it with special clamps in two places, and cover the steel at the end with waterproof glue.
- Tape all clamps and ends of the cable with tape.
- Connect together the electrical cable, pipeline and cable with ties or insulating tape in increments of 1 - 2 m.
- The cable is hung on a carabiner to the head and the electric pump is lowered into the well of the borehole channel, the protruding section of the pressure pipe is cut off and connected through compression fittings to the pipeline, after which the system is ready for operation.
When placing the electric pump in the well by means of an adapter, all preparatory procedures and its connection to the cable and pressure pipeline are carried out in the above way, the adapter is installed using a dovetail fitting, which is attached to the end of the plastic pipe using a compression clamping nut with a cone ring.
The top of the well is covered with a lid, to which it is possible to tie a cable and pull the power cord through the body.
Rice. 8 Pump connection via adapter
Distance from the foundation to the well and well for sanitary zones
SNiP 2.04.02-84 establishes three protection zones for deep water intake sources, the minimum boundary of the first belt has the smallest radius and is:
- 30 m - when operating protected water horizons;
- 50 m - with insufficiently isolated water reservoirs;
- 15 or 25 m - used for sources located on a site with a house, if any possibility of soil and deep water pollution is excluded. It applies to water intake sources located in favorable places in terms of sanitary and geological conditions, the standards should be reduced by an agreed decision with local sanitary services.
In the area of the first belt are prohibited:
- All types of construction work, except operations for the reconstruction, repair or branching of water pipes.
- The location of any buildings, the location of permanent residents.
- Laying of any communications, except for serving water wells or wells.
- The house must have a sewer outlet to the central system or to the treatment facilities located behind the first ring.
- If there is no sewerage, sealed septic tanks are installed in places that exclude sewage from entering the soil of the first belt when emptying the tank.
- Drainage should be arranged outside the boundaries of the first zone.
Thus, on an individual site there is no unambiguous distance from the well or well to the foundation of the house and outbuildings, the degree of removal depends on the protection of aquifers, terrain features and can range from 15 to 50 meters. It should be noted that in everyday life, due to the small area of \u200b\u200bthe plots, other standards apply - wells and wells are located much closer to the house.
Rice. 8 Placement of a water source on an individual plot
How to lower the pump into the well
There are two main technologies for lowering the pump into the well - the first traditional one is to use a head, which is put on the outlet casing pipe, while the entire system is in the caisson pit (caisson). A more economical and more complicated way to lower the electric submersible pump is to use a downhole adapter, which is cut into the side wall of the casing pipe underground at a mark below the freezing depth of the soil.
In both cases, a cable is tied to the electric pump (the cable must be of high quality, excluding breakage and jamming of the pump in the well shaft), fasten the pressure pipeline with fittings and connect them together with the power cord, which, if necessary, is extended.
Features of laying sewer pipes
Laying sewer pipes must be carried out in accordance with the following rules:
- pipes of the required diameter must be used;
- it is necessary to observe the standard slope rate (about 0.03 m per 1 linear meter of pipe);
- it is permissible to use pipes from different materials, but in one pipeline the pipes must match in material.
The depth of the pipeline can be determined based on the following points:
- the nature of the site (its relief, soil features);
- the exit point of the sewer pipe from the house.
The angle of inclination is needed so that the wastewater flows by gravity, in this case it is not necessary to install a pump, excess dirt will not accumulate inside the pipe, which can cause blockages. For the same purpose, the outer part of the system is performed without turns. Here, indoors, the sewerage laying scheme in a private house allows pipe turns, this will not become a serious obstacle to the functionality of the system. If you allow the outer part of the sewer system to turn, you will definitely have to tear off these pipes to remove blockages. Consequently, neglect of these rules can create very serious problems that are not always really quickly solved.
Advice! If it is impossible to lay a sewer pipe without turns, a well must be made at the place of the turn, into which it will always be possible to penetrate and eliminate the blockage in this area. This technique allows you to lay a sewer pipeline in any area.
Laying depth of the sewer system
Modern sewer systems significantly improve the standard of living in a private house. If in previous years a toilet on the street was perceived as an unpleasant necessity, inseparable from a private house, today it is a sign of laziness of the owners or their extremely low income. Moreover, in the first case, you can get out of the situation by hiring professionals who will perform absolutely all the work.
Currently, more often a septic tank is installed in it. For him, you need a pit corresponding to its size. Between the septic tank and the house must be left more than 5 meters. Deepen the septic tank by about one and a half meters.For greater reliability, a concrete pad or concrete container is equipped at the bottom of the pit. Such a structure will not allow the soil to damage the body of the septic tank with its weight, protect it from groundwater.
The depth of the pipeline depends on the depth of the septic tank.
Advice! The pipe laid between the building and the septic tank must be straight. Knees, turns will provoke the appearance of blockages.
Before arranging the sewer system, you should find out what is the average freezing depth in your area. Pipes need to be laid a little lower than these figures. Usually, the depth at which sewer pipes are located in a private house in the south is more than 50 cm. In the central part of the country, where the climate is harsher, the depth of sewerage in a private house is at least 70 cm. These figures are especially significant if sewer pipes are located under the platforms or under the paths, which are freed from snow in winter.
In the conditions of the middle lane, it is quite enough that the depth of the trench for laying sewers near the house is 0.5 meters. Further, the pipes should go with the slope recommended by SNiP.
You don't have to worry about the sewers freezing up. Firstly, draining, as a rule, occurs with water at least at room temperature, so the frost that appears on the pipe walls is simply washed off.
Secondly, heat penetrates into the pipes, which is formed due to the biological processes occurring in the septic tank. At the same time, when the sewer system is not in use, the pipes are empty, so there is nothing to freeze there.
Before you start installing sewer pipes in a private building, for example, in a cottage, you must first develop layout drawings and draw a laying diagram.
Such materials will help to correctly install plumbing products, calculate the correct slope of the pipes and draw up an estimate of the materials necessary for work.
A system created according to the drawings will work without breakdowns, and if a blockage occurs, it can be quickly eliminated.
The article was written specifically for those who are engaged in the construction and installation of sewers. Builders will be able, based on the text below, to draw up a sewerage scheme for an individual house. Examples of the calculation of the external and internal systems for installing sewer pipes are given.
Masters will be able to calculate how deep to bury the sewer pipe. It will be possible to calculate the necessary consumables for the installation of an autonomous sewer system, laid independently both indoors and around the house.
The development of the scheme must begin with the most distant plumbing fixture installed on the top floor. Conducted horizontal lines must necessarily come to the riser. To save materials for work, plumbing fixtures are located on different floors, but maintaining the same vertical.
The composition of the domestic sewer includes:
- A water seal that protects the room from unpleasant odors;
- Pipes through which drains enter the external system;
- Knees;
- Tees;
- Clamps supporting pipes and creating a certain slope;
- central riser
When installing a sewer, it is very important to monitor the transition of pipes. It should not change from a larger diameter to a smaller one.
To take into account such a nuance, you need to install a toilet on the layout at the closest distance from the riser.
The drawing of the internal system includes several very important parameters:
- Number of floors;
- Basement;
- Number of plumbing fixtures;
- Number of apartments.
It is very important to determine the depth of the septic tank and its installation to additional systems, for example, an installed pumping station. The diagram must be drawn to a certain scale.
This will help you quickly understand the piping layout when you need to identify problems in the event of an emergency.
The diagram must be drawn to a certain scale. This will help you quickly understand the piping layout when you need to identify problems in the event of an emergency.