Repair of batteries in the apartment and what to do in case of leakage of heating radiators

Pipe connection leaking

It is possible to eliminate leaks at the junctions of pipes with the same home-made or factory clamps. If there is a difference in diameter, you can first wind up the rubber band, and then make or put on a clamp.

If the connection is threaded and drips from under the winding, you can pour alcohol on the tow, and then smear it with BF glue. It is alcohol soluble. Once on the alcoholized tow, it liquefies and can flow inside the joint. Then, when the alcohol evaporates, the glue dries, the "drops" stop. But this method works only if you have exactly “drops”, and not “fountain”. And one more thing: such a processed connection is then very difficult to disassemble.

If it is possible to stop the system or turn off the radiator (if there is a leak at the junction with it), it is better to repack the threaded connection. To do this, carefully and slowly unscrew the nut (locknut). It needs to be unscrewed, then wrapped. Do not make significant efforts - there is a great chance to break, and then you will definitely have to stop the system and redo everything. Having unscrewed the nut, remove all the tow or fum-tape, remove the remnants of the sealant, in general, thoroughly clean the threads. Wipe it to a clean state, you can treat it with a degreaser (acetone or pure gasoline).

Repair of batteries in the apartment and what to do in case of leakage of heating radiators

If it leaks under the locknut, it can be repackaged

Please note that no excess tow - just a little, and paste on top. Take winding and paste (sealant), wind flax and grease everything with paste

Now you can twist. First with a hand, then with a key. But here, too, you need to work carefully: it is very easy to break the thread. Therefore, do not hold the key by the edge, but in the middle - it is easier to calculate efforts this way. With the amount of tow, too, do not overdo it. If cast iron, in principle, no matter how much winding you wind, then aluminum and bimetallic, as well as steel, can crack from a large amount. First, a microcrack appears in the collector, into which water seeps. Metal is corroding, paint is blistering, a section (or entire radiator) is damaged

Take winding and paste (sealant), wind flax and grease everything with paste. Now you can twist. First with a hand, then with a key. But here, too, you need to work carefully: it is very easy to break the thread. Therefore, do not hold the key by the edge, but in the middle - it is easier to calculate efforts this way. With the amount of tow, too, do not overdo it. If cast iron, in principle, no matter how much winding you wind, then aluminum and bimetallic, as well as steel, can crack from a large amount. First, a microcrack appears in the collector, into which water seeps. The metal corrodes, the paint swells, the section (or the entire radiator) is damaged.

But this is all in cases where a threaded connection flows. If the fitting under the press has leaked ( metal-plastic pipes), you can try to simply tighten it. In the case of copper pipes, only the soldering option will pass. In case of a leak at the junction of polypropylene pipes, there is also only one option - cut out the damaged piece and weld a new one.

Repair of batteries in the apartment and what to do in case of leakage of heating radiators

It doesn't matter what you use. The result is important

Downpipe pipes leaking

For hidden laying pipes, reliable ones are used. But even in this case, leaks can occur. Breaking walls or floors is an option, to put it mildly, “not very”. There are two ways to eliminate this heating leak:

  • Old-fashioned method, but working. By the way, it will also help in cases of open wiring - if there is a caplet somewhere, but it is difficult to get there. Eliminating a leak in the heating system in this case is simple: a couple of packs of mustard powder are poured into the expansion tank and the system is started with such a coolant. After a couple of hours, the leaks are tightened: they are clogged with suspension.So it is possible to “clog” small leaks in the boiler. Then the mustard coolant is drained, the system is washed and it is started up with clean water. The method is working, but risky: something else can clog at the same time, and the filters and mud collectors will have to be cleaned for sure.
  • On the same principle, but only with the use of polymers, the work of factory sealants for heating systems is based. They are poured into the system for a certain period of time. Circulating through the system, the polymers settle on the walls, in those places where there are leaks, they are not carried away by the coolant flow. Gradually, a blockage forms. When the leaks are blocked, the composition is drained, clean water is poured into the system and the heating continues to work.

Repair of batteries in the apartment and what to do in case of leakage of heating radiators

Sealants of heating systems close up all leaks

Of course, it is cheaper to use mustard, and much cheaper: a canister of such a sealant with a volume of 1 liter (added at the rate of 1 * 100) costs from 6 thousand rubles. But the result may be different: mustard is organic, and the sealant contains a suspension of polymers. Moreover, there are ready-made sealants for antifreezes, for water, for leaks of different intensity.

And by the way, this is almost the only way to eliminate antifreeze leaks: it is very fluid, and often also poisonous (ethylene glycol) and you need to work with it extremely carefully. It is impossible to live in a room where ethylene glycol flows: its vapors are also toxic

There are enough ways to eliminate a leak in the heating system. But everything, except for the replacement of a damaged part, only gives only some respite - to survive until the end of the heating season. Then you need to change pipes or radiators, redo the connections. Read about how to change radiators here.

Temporary solution

So, if water runs in a thin stream from anywhere in your radiator, and you have no way to stop the coolant supply, then you can try to block the damaged place in such a way as to prevent further trouble. To do this, you need something rubber: for example, an old rubber boot, a camera from a bicycle or car wheel, a household or medical glove - in general, anything, as long as it is made of rubber.

The algorithm of actions is simple.

  1. Cut the rubber product into strips. The longer they are, the better. The width of each strip should be such that it is possible to completely block the leak.
  2. Now you need to wrap the damaged area with the resulting strips. Start the process near the place where the water flows from, gradually moving towards it. In this case, the coils should slightly overlap each other. It is necessary to wind the rubber as tightly as possible - the tighter the fit of the strips, the more reliable the effect will be.
  3. After the winding is done, it must be fixed. To do this, make a strapping using a fabric tourniquet - it must be placed over the leaking place. Instead of fabric, you can use strong wire, while it must be wound in the same way as rubber, with turns over the entire width of the original winding. A car clamp is also suitable - this is generally a rather useful thing that can be useful on the farm many times, so it is recommended to purchase more of them for the future. Another option for fixing the patch is a strip of tin. It can be pulled over the rubber with bolts.

Of course, this solution is only temporary. Ideally, after fixing the leak in this way, it is still advisable to call the emergency service so as not to risk it. But In many cases such a rubber patch helps to hold out until the end of the heating season, and there you can already safely do more global repairs or battery replacement.

You can further simplify your life if you purchase special plumbing clamps to eliminate such troubles. They are designed specifically for repairing pipes. Such a clamp is a metal product with rubber attached to the inner wall.That is, in fact, this is the same patch described above, but its use is much more convenient - it will take about a minute to fix the leak.

If this solution did not work, and the coolant still continues to seep out from under the patch, then you still need to either call an emergency team, or, if possible, stop the heating system yourself and start serious repairs. There are several ways to fix a leak. The simplest of them is gluing.

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The heating battery is leaking what to do

The first thing to do if the radiator is leaking, as in the photo, is to turn off the water. But if the leak is serious, then it is urgent to call an emergency team - the plumbers have all the necessary tools and materials to fix the problem if the battery has leaked.

If boiling water is gushing out of the radiator in all directions, then you need to throw something dense on it - for example, a blanket. This is not a way to get rid of the leak, but at least you can approach it without fear of injury. Next, if possible, turn off the water. It is good if there is a tap or valve in the apartment itself - this will quickly turn off the water supply and save property. But what if there is no such valve, and the radiator is leaking - what should I do? Then you need to turn the coolant supply valve to the heating system, which is located on the main pipe near its entrance to the basement. If the leak is minor, then you can try to fix it yourself (for more details: “How to fix a heating pipe leak if it leaks“).

What to do if batteries are leaking in a country house

If you live in a country house, the situation is somewhat facilitated by the fact that the system can always be drained and a thorough battery repair can begin. This, of course, is also troublesome, so if the situation is not so catastrophic, you can save yourself in the ways listed above and, after waiting for the end of the heating season, replace the worn-out elements of the heating system.

We will analyze which methods are suitable in a given situation, since in hard-to-reach places it is not possible to use some of them.

If a pipe connection is leaking :

  • as an ambulance, a home-made or factory clamp is suitable, how to apply and secure is described above;
  • if it leaks from a threaded joint, pour a little alcohol on the tow and smear butyral with phenolic glue (BF glue, sold in a store). The glue dissolves in alcohol, flows onto the thread, the alcohol evaporates, the glue blocks the leak;
  • try to repack the connection: if there is a shut-off valve, disconnect the battery, then slowly turn the nut in different directions, without making any effort, so as not to strip the thread; then remove the remnants of sealant, old tow, degrease the surface of the pipe; then wind a fresh winding and smear everything with sealant; then carefully tighten the nut with a wrench until it stops.

Repair of batteries in the apartment and what to do in case of leakage of heating radiators Elimination of leakage in the heating pipe to the radiator

If there is a leak between battery sections :

  • so that the battery no longer flows, it is better, of course, to disassemble. This is possible if there are shut-off valves, and the battery can be turned off. It would be nice to replace a few sections, but you can clean the inside and change the gaskets, which are corroded by water and corrosion over time;
  • if it is not possible to disassemble, use improvised means: “cold welding” (how to repair, described above) or epoxy glue. The method of its application is the same as the gypsum-cement mixture, but the strips of fabric need to be made a little narrower. For greater reliability, a clamp can be applied on top.

How to fix a leak in a heating pipe, radiator, between sections

The method of eliminating leaks in the heating system largely depends on the place where the leak appeared. The leak may be:

  • on a solid pipe;
  • at the junction of pipes and radiators, pipes and fittings (adapters, tees, etc.);
  • between battery sections;
  • right on the radiator.

Depending on the scale of the disaster (how else to call it?), the actions differ. If these are only the first bells - a few drops per hour or a very thin trickle - you can try to eliminate it yourself, using improvised or purchased means.

Repair of batteries in the apartment and what to do in case of leakage of heating radiators

You can fix a leak in the radiator and pipe with your own hands. The main thing is that it does not flow too much

If it flows strongly, for residents of high-rise buildings, the first thing to do is to call an emergency team. The next step is common to all: shut off the coolant supply. There are several options here:

  • The radiator is leaking. At the same time, there are shut-off valves at its inlet and outlet. Then just close the faucets. For owners of individual heating, everything is simple, but for subscribers of centralized heating, there are several situations.
    • The radiator is installed with a bypass, then when the device is turned off in your apartment, nothing happens to the common riser, the heating continues to work. No problem, easy repair.
    • There is no bypass. Then you need to either inform the neighbors and (or) the DEZ, ZhEK, etc. and then fix the problem.
  • There are no taps blocking the supply, or they do not save the situation - they are in the wrong places. Owners of private houses need to stop heating, residents of high-rise buildings need to block the riser. If the DEZ did not report by closing the valve yourself, hang a sign explaining the reason so that people do not turn on and spoil the process of fixing the leak.

We really don’t like to call “emergency gangs” and often try to fix everything ourselves. There is a chance to eliminate the leak with your own hands if it does not flow “within the radius”. Then let's try to localize the problem.

Repair of batteries in the apartment and what to do in case of leakage of heating radiators

The difference between new and used pipe is obvious

Why pipes wear out

For the installation of heating systems in residential buildings and apartments, metal pipes and radiators are most often used. They have high wear resistance, have a long service life, high heat transfer. But even the most wear-resistant structures have a tensile strength and a lifespan.

Repair of batteries in the apartment and what to do in case of leakage of heating radiators Steel heating radiator

Most often, leakage occurs on metal pipes and batteries. Possible causes of wear :

  • Aggressive coolant environment and external factors causing metal corrosion. This process occurs due to the ingress of condensate into hard-to-reach and unprotected areas and contributes to the gradual destruction of the walls.
  • Factory marriage - in order to protect yourself from buying such products, ask the seller for a quality certificate with a quality control stamp.
  • Long service life and mechanical damage. No matter how strong the metal is, it cannot withstand constant increased physical and mechanical stress. The equipment is constantly under high pressure, so it gradually becomes thinner and wears out.
  • Incorrect tie-in, violation of threaded connections, installation technology. The most vulnerable places where water flows most often are welds, joints, threaded connections and places around them.
  • Violation of the normal operation mode: the cause of a battery breakthrough can be excessive or, conversely, insufficient pressure in the system, as well as a violation of the operating mode.

Scheduled Maintenance

Repair of batteries in the apartment and what to do in case of leakage of heating radiators

All of these methods are mostly used in winter, when something urgently needs to be done. In the warm season, scheduled maintenance of risers and batteries can be carried out so that there are no leaks in winter. The battery is completely removed from its place and unwinds into sections. All threaded connections are cleaned of the old sealant. Nipples, if necessary, are replaced with new ones. Intersection gaskets are also completely replaceable. The fistulas found are welded or soldered, and the battery is installed in its place. In the video below, you can see other ways to eliminate leaks.

Between battery sections

If a leak appears between the sections, this means that the rubber or paronite gasket has become inelastic and / or the coolant has corroded it. There is another possible reason - corrosion "ate" the nipple. In any case, for a major overhaul, it is required to disassemble the heater into sections and change the damaged part.

If the heating does not work or the radiator can be turned off without stopping the system, it is removed, disassembled, old gaskets removed, new ones installed and assembled again. How to assemble / disassemble the battery, read here.

If not, you can temporarily seal or close the leak. With aluminum or bimetallic radiators, this trick is very difficult to perform - the distance between the sections is very small. And with cast-iron type MS-140, this can be done really.

Repair of batteries in the apartment and what to do in case of leakage of heating radiators

First you need to clean up the leak

First you need to clean the place where the coolant is leaking: remove everything to the metal. Where there is access, remove with a spatula or a brush with metal bristles. Where there is no access, we take a metal cable and peel it off with it. We pass it around the collector in the place where processing is required, and pull it from one end to the other. After a while, everything that can fly off, flies off.

We will lay the same composition on the cleaned surface as for pipe insulation: epoxy resin and metal powder or “cold welding”. Only strips of fabric are needed narrower and longer. Wipe dry and clean, apply the composition, wrap it with a cloth, spread it with glue, another turn. So 4-5 turns. Do not smear the top. For reliability, you can pull it off with a clamp.

If there is a ready-made iron putty, you can apply it (or make it). Then 3-4 turns of fabric smeared with composition will suffice. The simplest recipe that is suitable for fixing a leak in a cast-iron battery: add drying oils to red lead, grind to make a slurry. And impose it between sections. If there is lead white - mix with minium, add drying oil. The consistency is the same: gruel.

In any case, such a radiator repair is only a temporary measure. After the end of the heating season, repacking is necessary.

First aid for a leaking radiator

This article will be useful not only for those who are faced with the question of how to fix a heating radiator leak. Since the situation is everyday, and plumbing equipment tends to wear out (especially in old houses), everyone needs to know the strategy of action in case of a leak. The battery is leaking, what should I do? - the answer to this question will be exhaustive.

It is important to understand that leaks vary in complexity and localization, and in the event of a real hot flood, you should immediately call the emergency service by calling the control room

Before proceeding with the elimination of the accident, you need to know about the precautions

Health is more important than property

When the battery is leaking, it is important to know exactly as much what to do as what not to do!

  • If hot water is gushing in all directions, forget about the property and, first of all, take safety measures in order to protect yourself and loved ones from thermal burns. Repair, things, equipment is not the most important thing.
  • Throw a blanket over the leak, preferably a wadded one. Or something that can absorb water for a while and prevent it from splashing.
  • Do not get carried away with safety nets in the form of buckets, basins and rags - this temporary measure may cease to be effective at any time, especially if emergency flooding begins. The amount of water in the cast iron battery is quite large.
  • Do not count on the myth that a leak can eliminate itself, boil over and grow with rust.
  • A leak in the heating battery detected before going to bed or before work, even if it is minimal, should in no case be ignored.A simple layman is hardly able to estimate the scale of the accident and the destruction of the mechanism by eye: a leak may not expand for weeks, or it may turn into a flood in a couple of hours
  • Try to shut off the coolant supply to the batteries. The valve for this procedure is usually located in the basement of the house.
  • In the event of emergency flooding, after shutting off the water in the riser, nothing better can be done except to drain the water from the batteries. In this case, the elimination of the breakdown will be quick and safe.

Repair of batteries in the apartment and what to do in case of leakage of heating radiators Option to collect water

Complicated breakdowns

Repair of batteries in the apartment and what to do in case of leakage of heating radiatorsOn steel and cast iron batteries, over time, small holes may appear that leak. They can be plugged with small wooden pegs, which are coated with sealant or cold welding. The place is pre-cleaned well. The hole can be plugged with a self-tapping screw. It is enough to find a suitable size, process it with a sealant and use it. All these are just temporary options that allow you to delay the repair time.

In private houses, pipes are usually laid under the floor. Therefore, such a leak is difficult to fix, since breaking walls or other surfaces is not the best option. You can try to use the old way to fix the problem. Pour mustard powder (2 tablespoons) into the expansion tank. After that, the coolant is started. In a few hours, the answers will be covered in suspension. This method is suitable for "clogging" small boiler leaks. Then the liquid is drained from the coolant and poured clean. This method has a significant drawback - filters and mud collectors are clogged.

But the elimination of leaks by any of the methods is temporary. For major repairs, it is better to invite a specialist. If necessary, completely replace the radiators. In a privatized apartment, this can be done at the expense of the management company, since monthly contributions for home repairs cover such expenses. But in practice this is difficult to achieve. Do not postpone repairs, as in the event of a strong breakthrough, there is a risk of flooding other people's apartments.

General recommendations

Repair of batteries in the apartment and what to do in case of leakage of heating radiatorsThe owner has many ways to fix a radiator leak, and he can choose the most suitable option based on the equipment available. However, the above recommendations allow you to urgently solve problems in the winter season, when it is not possible to turn off the heating system for a long time and overhaul the heating devices.

Repair of batteries in the apartment and what to do in case of leakage of heating radiatorsIt is quite natural that homeowners have a question: the heating battery is flowing, what to do in the summer? Having survived the winter with a hastily patched radiator, in the summer you should remove the battery from the mounts, examine for damage and take a number of measures:

  • remove old patches;
  • clean the leaks with a metal brush;
  • treat cracks and holes with a grinder with a cleaning wheel;
  • eliminate the defect by soldering or welding.

Next, paint the battery (you can read about paint for radiators here) and install it in place

At the same time, it is important to follow the installation rules - use tow, FUM tape, high-quality shut-off valves and pay special attention to the joints

After installing the battery in the circuit, it is worth filling the system with water and checking the tightness of the heater

It is important to carry out this step with the boiler running, as the circulation of the pressurized coolant can reveal leaks and weak points in the connections. If no leak is detected during the intensive use of the heating system during the day, then the problem can be considered solved.

With what and how to fix a leak in the heating battery

Repair of batteries in the apartment and what to do in case of leakage of heating radiatorsA leak from the radiator does not mean at all that the owner of the house is negligent in the process of operating the heating system. Leaks are fairly common problems. They are a consequence of the physical wear of the radiators.Violation of the tightness of the batteries can also be caused by a number of other factors - illiterate installation, poor quality of the coolant, the occurrence of water hammer and metal corrosion.

If the property owner has discovered a leak in the circuit, then he needs to understand how to fix the leak in the heating radiator and return the heating system to its original efficiency and functionality. Otherwise, the leak will provoke not only damage to the repair in the room, but also lead to a decrease in the performance of the heater. The constant loss of coolant due to leakage will help reduce the pressure in the circuit to a critical level, as a result of which the boiler and circulation pump may fail.

To avoid this, it is important to carry out timely repair of heating batteries and make sure they are tight. The owner can learn how to fix a leak in the heating battery, but to carry out the work he will need a certain set of tools and basic locksmith skills

Having the necessary tools at hand, he will be able to repair bimetallic heating radiators with his own hands, as well as restore tightness to heaters made of cast iron, aluminum, steel and copper.


From a leak in the battery or in the heating system, no one is safe

That is why it is important to always be ready to eliminate a possible leak. To do this, you need to get clamps of the required diameters and rubber trims.

Polymer compounds, for example, cold welding, are perfect for eliminating leaks. It is not advisable to fix leaks in pipes using conventional arc welding. It is better to do this by gas welding, which does not damage the area around the leak. Due to the impact of arc welding, a leak will reappear over time at the repair site.

In order for a leak to become a nuisance that rarely makes itself felt, it is necessary to carry out scheduled maintenance of problem areas. Do not neglect the help of professionals when fixing a leak. Some expenses may be required, but it will be cheaper than doing repairs to neighbors. In some cases, it may be necessary to completely replace the wiring. This is especially true if the leak occurs in one place after another. If the house is on the balance sheet of the management company, then the application should be addressed to it.


