Installation of steel radiators

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In the process of performing any repair and construction work, one cannot do without preliminary calculations specifying the upcoming volume of planned operations, the cost of the necessary materials, as well as the prices for each of them, both for the customer and for the contractor. Documents that record information of this kind are called work contracts, as well as estimates for the repair of a central heating system or autonomous heating circuits. It is difficult to overestimate their role in the contractual relations between the parties, since it is the estimates that declare in detail all the components of the repair work. What activities will be carried out and in what order? What will be purchased for this (pipes, radiators, boilers, valves, gaskets, chemicals for flushing, etc.)? What tools and technologies will be involved? Which personnel will be responsible for the various technical processes? The answers to all these questions are contained in the standard estimate for the repair of batteries and maintenance of the heating system.

Its abandonment, as a rule, is made before the conclusion of a transaction for the provision of services, at the stage of drawing up an agreement. A preliminary document with calculations is provided to the customer for review and making a decision on the advisability of ordering this service in a particular company. And only after the client makes a decision on cooperation, the estimate is approved by both parties, if necessary, adjustments are made to it, and the final contract is signed. The schedule and prices for each type of work are printed and signed in two copies - one for each of the parties.

After that, the conditions stipulated in these documents come into force. To change anything in the list of procedures, to make any amendments and simply deviate in practice from the agreed course of action is considered a violation of the terms of the agreement. Therefore, the estimate for the current repair of hot and cold water supply or heating in this case serves as the main plan for the implementation of work, from which it is impossible to deviate. In fact, such paper is a kind of guarantee for the customer and the contractor, because according to the prescribed provisions, the first must receive a high-quality and accurately planned repair of his equipment, the second - payment for his services.

Installation of a chiller and air conditioning system in a shopping center building on Kashirskoe shosse in Moscow

Employees of CJSC "United Service Center" carried out the installation of a chiller and related equipment in the building of the shopping center on Kashirskoye Highway.

Price classes of autonomous heating systems

How much does heating cost in a country house? The average cost of arranging the heating system of a private house is from 30 € per 1 sq. m of heated area when using heating equipment of the ECONOMY price class, up to 100 € per 1 sq. m of heated area when using heating equipment of the PREMIUM price class. The final prices for equipment and the price for installation are individual in each case.

Heating system of a private house of the ECONOMY price class

It implies a minimum level of automation for the control of heating equipment. It is completed with equipment and materials of well-established Russian, Turkish or Chinese manufacturers

Heating system of a private house in the STANDARD price class

Provides automatic switching on and off of the heating system of a private house. The system is completed with heating equipment of popular European manufacturers (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Italy)

Heating system of a private house heating price class PREMIUM

It is characterized by the most comfortable level of operation of heating equipment, has weather-dependent automation, which can significantly reduce fuel consumption for heating a private house. These individual heating systems are designed on the basis of heating equipment from leading manufacturers.

It should be borne in mind that the preliminary prices for turnkey heating, including the selection and installation of equipment, as well as the division into price classes, are rather arbitrary. The exact parameters will be obtained only when designing the heating system. Systems can be equipped with heating equipment from different price classes in order to most effectively solve the problem of heating a private house.

Our experts will help you make the right choice. Look at the calculation of the heating of a private house - estimates for the individual heating system of a private house.

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the main walls of the building must contain embedded elements;
technically competently executed chimney shaft;
some final finishing work must be left unfulfilled: cement screeds, wall plastering and others. (See also: Do-it-yourself Russian oven repair)

The organization of heating of private housing construction must begin with the design work. During the construction of a private house, a heating project is part of a general project that prescribes architectural and structural solutions. This document is compiled by a specialized design organization and requires quite serious time and material costs.

Specialists of various engineering profiles read the required power of heating equipment, provide axonometric drawings for laying pipelines, installing heat generators, heating devices, control and locking devices. An estimate for heating is drawn up, taking into account the costs of acquiring the necessary elements of the heating system, carrying out installation and commissioning activities.

The estimate, drawn up using the standards for the cost, duration, amount of labor and material intensity of work, is called the investor's estimate. (See also: Do-it-yourself plastering ovens)

However, when contacting a contractor, an estimate for heating, compiled by a non-contractor, will most likely require revision and specification.

To draw up an engineering justified estimate, the customer must provide the necessary raw materials.

Assignment for installation work for engineering systems provided for by the plan of the house.
What elements should the budget include? Separately, it should be noted the availability of backup boiler equipment in case of failure of the main boiler, the installation of a guaranteed power supply system in the event of a cessation of centralized electricity supplies. The presence of a pipeline system for heating a second building or a heat consumer such as a swimming pool. (See also: How to install a stove in a bath)
Desired design and prospects for further development of heat supply for this facility.

Formation of estimates for the maintenance of the heating system

Installation of steel radiatorsHeating flush

What is the difference between an estimate for the repair of a heating system and a document for installation work? First of all - significantly lower costs

However, in this case, special attention must be paid to the selection of consumables. They must be adapted to the current system. First, an analysis of future repair costs is performed.

To do this, the area of ​​​​the heat supply problem is determined and materials are selected to eliminate it. Unlike estimates for a heating installation, consumable components cannot have a large assortment. So, for chemical flushing of pipes, it is necessary to use a special liquid, which will be problematic to find an analogue.

In general, when forming an estimate for the repair of a heating system, the following rules should be followed:

  • The technical and operational parameters of the replaced components must fully comply with the old, failed ones. For example, when replacing a piece of plastic pipe, you should choose the same one, made of a similar material and having the same geometric dimensions;
  • In addition to the cost of new components, an estimate is filled out for their installation in heating;
  • Transportation costs and the services of repair specialists are necessarily taken into account.

Often, in the repair estimate for heating a private house, there are components that are purchased "in reserve". The specialist can identify the "weak" points of heat supply and advise you to buy the most necessary components for prompt repairs.

Estimate for flushing pipes and heating radiators

Installation of steel radiatorsEstimate for flushing heating

Cleaning of heat supply from accumulated dirt and limescale should be carried out at least once every 3-4 years. It depends on the composition of the coolant and the material of manufacture of the radiator pipes. For steel models, the frequency is less, since a corrosion layer is formed on their inner surface.

A correctly formed estimate for flushing heating directly depends on the chosen technology. In chemical cleaning, most of the costs will be a special composition. For a hydraulic system, the estimate for flushing heating must indicate the cost (rent) of the apparatus for performing this work.

The features of filling out this type of document include the following:

  • The costs of conducting an analysis of the degree of contamination of the pipeline and radiators are necessarily taken into account. Without this, the estimate for cleaning the heating will not be complete;
  • After performing all preventive measures, the current state of the system is checked;
  • The costs of disposal of contaminated liquid are taken into account. If the work is performed by a specialized company, most often this item is not indicated in the flush estimate for the heat supply of a private house.

A separate category of work is flushing the boiler heat exchanger. As well as when filling out an estimate for the installation of a heating system, additional disassembly and assembly of the heater will be included in the costs. It is not recommended to flush the heat exchanger in a flow way.

Estimate for pressure testing of heat supply lines

Installation of steel radiatorsPressure testing of heating

After installation, repair work or before filling the system, it must be pressure tested. Its meaning is to create excess pressure inside the pipes and radiators (1.25 times higher than the nominal one) to search for a possible gust and check the tightness of the entire heat supply.

The estimate for pressure testing of the heating system must indicate the type of work performed. It can be done hydraulically or by air. It is preferable to choose the first one, since it is easier to identify microcracks or improperly installed fittings with it.

As additional equipment, hydraulic pumps can be included in the estimate for pressure testing of the heating system. They can be rented, as the purchase for autonomous heat supply is impractical.

In the video material you can see an example of a specialized software package for budgeting of varying complexity:

Installation estimate of heat supply

Installation of steel radiatorsEstimate for the installation of radiators

This selection of components for the future heating system is one of the most important. In practice, problems begin at the stage of choosing the main components of the system - the boiler and radiators.

In an effort to save as much as possible, the cheapest models are purchased. At the same time, their nominal characteristics do not correspond to the calculated ones. As a result, this leads to a significant decrease in the efficiency of the system.

How to avoid such a situation? It is necessary to correctly calculate the costs of organizing heat supply. To do this, you will need an estimate for the installation of heating and the purchase of components. Its correct compilation is possible only if the following recommendations are followed:

  1. Calculation of heating depending on the current parameters of the building (heat losses), type of energy carrier (gas, solid fuel, diesel, etc.). The required heat supply capacity for each room in the building is also calculated.
  2. Based on the data obtained, a list of equipment is compiled - a heating boiler, radiators, a safety group (air vent, expansion tank, thermostats) and pipelines. The type of the latter largely affects the estimate for the installation of heating. Polymer can be installed independently, while steel lines are mounted with the help of specialists.
  3. Market monitoring is carried out, as a result of which heat supply components that are optimal in terms of cost and technical characteristics are selected.
  4. The columns of the estimate for the installation of the heating system are filled in: the cost of equipment, transportation costs and installation work.

Accepted samples of estimates for heating may have a different format. The main thing is that it is convenient for the compiler to fill them out, and then use them as the main financial document for procurement planning.

When involving third parties (organizations) to install heating, it is necessary to agree in advance on all items of the estimate in order to avoid further inconsistencies, both financially and technically.

Execution of design work

The organization of heating of private housing construction must begin with the design work. During the construction of a private house, a heating project is part of a general project that prescribes architectural and structural solutions. This document is compiled by a specialized design organization and requires quite serious time and material costs.

Specialists of various engineering profiles read the required power of heating equipment, provide axonometric drawings for laying pipelines, installing heat generators, heating devices, control and locking devices. An estimate for heating is drawn up, taking into account the costs of acquiring the necessary elements of the heating system, carrying out installation and commissioning activities.

The estimate, drawn up using the standards for the cost, duration, amount of labor and material intensity of work, is called the investor's estimate. (See also: Do-it-yourself plastering ovens)

An example of calculating the price of heating a country house

To make it easier for you to predict your own costs for the installation of heat supply, we will give an example of calculation.

We recommend a small estimate for heat supply using the example of a small house.

Conditions for calculation: 1-storey house outside the city limits with a total area of ​​100m2 (3 rooms). Perimeter for pipe laying (figuratively speaking) 40 meters + 10 meters of supply to heating appliances.

A simple traditional heating system is installed:

single-pipe with convective circulation, powered by main gas

Includes expansion tank and pump

- mounting kits with spider fasteners for batteries

see catalog of heating appliances


