Causes of Noise Generation

To find out the cause of noise in water pipes, it is necessary to determine the type of hum. He can be:

  • permanent;
  • periodic;
  • in the form of a knock.

Why is it constantly buzzing in the pipes of the plumbing system? The reasons for the formation of constant noise can be:

presence of a leak in the system. Leakage may occur due to a faucet not closed by neighbors, the formation of a fistula, wear of the plugs installed in the basement, wear of the gaskets installed on the mixer;


Depressurization of the plumbing system

insufficient patency of individual sections of the pipeline, which may occur due to the formation of a blockage or the installation of a fitting with a lower throughput.

If the noise stops together with the cessation of water intake, then the cause of the hum is the narrowing of the pipeline.

The reason for the formation of a periodic hum, as a rule, is a failed gasket, the noise from which spreads when the tap is opened. Finding out the presence of problems with taps is quite simple - alternately opening all the taps that are part of a single system.


Noisy faucet gasket

The reasons for the formation of tapping in the pipes can be:

incorrect installation of the valve in the apartment or on the riser

When installing the valve, it is important to observe the direction of water flow, which is indicated by an arrow on the device body. If the valve is installed in the reverse order, then when the liquid passes, water hammer will form, which will be the source of tapping;


Correct flow direction

thermal expansion. If hot water pipes are not used for a long time, they cool down and a slight decrease in diameter occurs. When the water in the bathroom is opened and it heats up, the pipes expand again, while making some sounds.

Expansion is possible when used for the construction of a steel pipeline and is completely excluded when using various types of plastic pipes.

Why does the kettle make noise when heated?

And it’s best to immediately go and look into the kettle - we will see rising air bubbles, which at the end of their path burst and make a sound.

Where do these bubbles come from?

Let's say that we have an ordinary electric kettle that heats water using a current that heats the spirals from the bottom of the kettle. Therefore, the temperature at the bottom of the kettle is very high, which is higher than at the top of the vessel. Because of this, bubbles form at the bottom, which form during boiling. After the water gets very hot, the bubbles separate from the bottom of the kettle and float to the top, where they shrink until they burst.

Later we don't hear the popping because the temperature in the kettle is so high. The kettle is boiling and all we hear is gurgling, as these bubbles get very large from heating and become much larger.

Maybe, of course, this is due to the contact of hot with cold, and when the water is very hot, the sound becomes less. But we still hear the gurgling!

By the way, we should not forget that sounds fade in the volume of the room, and that our ear perceives low and high frequencies differently, and because of this, the noise becomes less noticeable when heated.

In conclusion, I’ll say: “What difference does it make how it gurgles there, the main thing is that the tea is tasty!”

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warns: despite the fact that this is very important to know, this is not taught in school. When water boils, its composition changes, which is completely normal: volatile components turn into steam and evaporate

Thus, boiled water is safe to drink.

But when the water boils again, everything changes for the worse:

Boiled water is completely tasteless.
If it is boiled several times, it becomes very, very tasteless. Some may argue that raw water also has no taste. Not at all. Do a little experiment.

At regular intervals, drink tap water, filtered water, boiled once and boiled many times. All of these liquids will taste different.

how to boil water properly

Preparation of water. First of all, you need to choose the dishes for preparing water. In China, teapots made of white Guangdong clay are used at their best. In our conditions, as a rule, this is a glass refractory teapot. We do not recommend using electric kettles, especially high power ones, because when boiling in such a kettle, the water boils unevenly and, as a rule, boils over. As for metal teapots, when using them, the water acquires a peculiar taste and this spoils the taste of tea. Next, you need to decide what to use to prepare water. Best of all, of course, is a live fire. For these purposes, you can buy a camping gas burner or use a gas stove (preferably use a flame spreader). Throughout the entire process, the temperature of the fire (plate) should be approximately the same. So, after you put the water on the fire, you need to carefully monitor the stages of boiling and remove the water at the right time, preventing it from boiling over. Properly prepared water is water that is in that stage of boiling that precedes intense, violent boiling. In this case, the water itself often becomes completely white from the smallest bubbles located in the water column. When preparing water in a transparent bowl over an open fire, you can visually trace all the stages of boiling that it goes through. Boiled water can ruin tea because boiling causes the mineral salts contained in the water to precipitate and adversely affect the taste of tea. So, the basic requirements for water for tea: it should be tasty, soft and not boiled over. There are such stages of water boiling: 1. Crab eyes. The stage of the appearance of small bubbles in the water, before this, a slight crackle usually begins.2. Fish eyes are larger bubbles that separate from the bottom and rise to the surface of the water.3. Pearl threads. Large bubbles are combined into chains and rise up, usually along the walls of the teapot.4. The noise of the wind in the pines. At this stage, the noise from boiling gradually increases and changes its tone. It is at this stage that water must be removed, preventing it from boiling rapidly over the entire surface. These stages are a conditional division, and the nature of their flow can vary greatly depending on the shape and material of the kettle, the quality and quantity of water, and so on. The main thing to remember is not to remove the water too early or too late. Both are bad for tea. The water temperature for tea of ​​different varieties ranges from 80-95 degrees. If you are not using a thermos and you need to maintain the temperature of the water, you can put the kettle back on the burner when it cools down and heat it over low heat, preventing it from boiling again.

why does an incomplete kettle make more noise before boiling water ...

Why does an incomplete kettle make more noise before boiling water than a full one? Ekaterina Igorevna Pupil (159), on voting 7 years ...

Life is in full swing

When you drink the last version (boiled many times), an unpleasant aftertaste will remain in your mouth, some kind of metallic taste.

In addition, if you decide to boil water again, then pay attention to how much time has passed since the last boiling process.
If a sufficiently long time has passed, then it is better to drain the water and pour fresh water into the kettle. The fact is that various harmful microorganisms develop faster in stagnant water, and more dust and other debris get into it.

So here are some helpful tips:

  • for boiling each time pour fresh water;
  • do not boil the liquid again and do not add fresh water to its remains;
  • before boiling the water, let it stand for several hours so that heavy substances settle to the bottom;
  • after pouring boiling water into a thermos (for preparing a medicinal collection, for example), close it with a cork after a few minutes, not immediately.

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09.03.2011, 10:42

Alexander Sofienkov

09.03.2011, 10:48

Why does the kettle with water make noise just before boiling and the noise drops sharply at the moment of boiling? What processes create such noise? Don't ask for a guess... I don't know her, I can only guess. At the heated bottom of the kettle, water turns into steam, bubbles with steam rise up. But before reaching the surface, the vapor cools down, the bubbles collapse.

Hence the noise. The whole process can be seen in a glass teapot.

09.03.2011, 10:53

Alexander Sofienkov

09.03.2011, 11:04

But before reaching the surface, the vapor cools down, the bubbles collapse. Hence the noise. So why the noise? They collapse - they don't burst. Moreover, they collapse as evenly as they appear. By the way, when water is heated in a saucepan (without a lid), there is no such sound, but with your explanation, the sound should not disappear. Maybe the hydrodynamic and acoustic characteristics of the kettle somehow affect. It is necessary to observe

Evgeniy Sklyarevskiy

09.03.2011, 11:38

in a saucepan (without a lid) there is no such sound. So it's all about the spout!

09.03.2011, 11:45

Collapsing - it's not bursting.

09.03.2011, 11:52

Clap your hands and think about where the noise comes from. When I press my hands, there is no noise (this corresponds to the reverse absorption of steam into water), and if there is, then from escaping air escaping from my hands (and we don’t have escaping steam - the vapor pressure is not lower than the pressure of water on the walls of the bubble). So? So it's all about the nose!

Extraneous sounds in heating boilers

Noises heard in heating boilers arise for the same reasons as in cases with pipes and radiators. Most likely, they appeared as a result of clogging of the heat exchanger due to lime deposits. Not the last role is played by the design feature of the unit. If the problem is a blockage, it needs to be fixed. When cleaning does not help, you should look further for the cause of the malfunction, but calling a specialist is the best solution.

When determining the problem of noise in the boiler, one should independently take into account the peculiarity of its design and the fuel used:

  1. Gas unit. Perhaps the whole point is that the burner is functioning unevenly. Such a problem as knocking in the gas pipe appears in already outdated boiler models that lack additional control over the flame. In this case, it is advisable to update the device so that it meets modern standards.
  2. The boiler is solid fuel. Extraneous sound can be heard from behind the chimney. As a result of long-term operation, it begins to clog and the traction force decreases. It is necessary to clean the chimney structure.
  3. A diesel appliance or apparatus that functions in a working out. A whistling noise is heard from the injector nozzle and should be cleaned.

Causes of noise


Most often, valve taps make noise.

Most often, noise occurs in mixers and shut-off mechanisms of taps due to the phenomenon of hydrodynamic cavitation.

Cavitation is a process that occurs when the pressure in the liquid decreases and the subsequent appearance of bubbles or cavitation cavities (caverns), which then collapse when the pressure equalizes, releasing energy in the form of a shock wave and sound.


Cavitation is most clearly seen with the rapid movement of solids inside liquids.

If the valve is working properly, then when it is opened, the transient process with a significant pressure drop in the fluid flow lasts a very short time, and there is practically no noise.

However, due to the wear of the sealing gaskets, the effect of a local drop can be observed, where cavitation cavities with a characteristic hum or whistle will form.

Also, the cause of noise can be a poorly fixed outer pipe in the place of its narrowing, which, during the passage of the water flow, enters into resonance and begins to oscillate, emitting low-frequency sounds.

In this case, it is enough to fix the pipe in a fixed position with the help of additional brackets or spacers. Often this problem is observed in flexible hoses that are connected to the mixer.


Old and loose pipes can also make noise.

If you hear a noise in the bathroom when the water is turned on, there are a few things you should do:

  • Determine which faucet is making noise. To do this, alternately open the hot and cold water valves, and in this way identify the source of the sound;
  • Determine the type of crane box (head). This is easy to do: if you need to make two or more turns of the valve to open, then you have a faucet with a rubber gasket. If it takes no more than a turn to unlock, your faucet is equipped with a ceramic head;
  • If the noise originates somewhere under the sink, then. noisy flexible hose. It will have to be tightened and fixed in any convenient way.


Sometimes flexible hoses make noise.

Important! Most often, the worm-drive crane box becomes the culprit due to the wear of the rubber gasket. However, the ceramic head can also make noise, since the silicone ring can sag and the axle box will become less dense.



The crane device should be disassembled in such cases:

  1. If the faucet leaks and water drips from it.
  2. If water flows even when all valves are closed. If, after opening the mixer, a rustle or sound occurs in the pipes.
  3. When the water jet is thin and does not have sufficient pressure.
  4. When, when the faucet lever is turned, it creaks or opens hard.
  5. If the faucet lever does not return to the desired position after opening it.
  6. With the formation of cracks in the body.
  7. When the rubber pads have already worn out.
  8. When the cartridge or aerator is clogged.
  9. If the water pipe or hose that supplies water is broken or also clogged.

In order to disassemble the faucet with your own hands in the shower, bathroom or kitchen, you need to follow this action plan:

  1. First you need to turn off the water supply to the entire room.
  2. Remove the upper "dome" or unscrew the fixing nut.
  3. Using a hexagon, loosen the cap screw and remove the lever.
  4. Take out the cartridge and replace it with a new one.

The rest of the actions must be done based on the specific problem with the tap and the mixer device itself.


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Causes of noise when boiling


The first signs of boiling can be observed at the bottom of the kettle - there is the highest temperature, it is there that the first bubbles appear. Each of them contains gas and saturated steam. While the bubble is small, it is held by surface tension forces. Then the fast moving water molecules that form the vapor accumulate inside the bubble and it begins to expand. Detachment occurs at the moment when the Archimedes force pushing the bubble out becomes greater than the tension forces holding it. The bubble is released and rushes to the surface

The separation causes the fluid to vibrate. It is these vibrations that are the first cause of noise during boiling. You can estimate the frequency of the received sound. It is inversely proportional to the time it takes the bubble to break away from the bottom. Time characterizes the strength of the oscillation caused by separation.

Calculations showed that the average separation time is about 0.01 seconds, which means that the sound frequency is about 100 Hz. It was these data that allowed scientists to understand that there is some other reason for the noise when the kettle boils. After all, the real sound frequency was measured and turned out to be an order of magnitude higher than the calculated one.

The discovery of the dual nature of noise was made by the Scottish scientist Joseph Black. This happened in the 18th century, during his work at the University of Edinburgh.

The main source of noise when boiling water

It was Joseph Black who first investigated the boiling process and identified the source of additional noise. He found that not all bubbles breaking away from the bottom and walls reach the surface. And at the very beginning of the boiling process, not a single bubble reaches the surface - they disappear in the water column.

The phenomenon so interested the scientist that he spent several sleepless nights trying to find the reason for the disappearance of the bubbles. Research helped to draw the right conclusion. The answer turned out to be simple - the temperature difference. At the beginning of their movement, the bubbles are in the hottest part of the vessel. Saturated vapor pressure allows them to maintain a spherical shape.

Why is the electric the kettle starts to make noise as soon as scale appears in it

And after the expiration of these 3 years, it is certainly better to replace the device with a new one. There is a wide range of electric kettles of different models on the store websites, so if your product needs to be replaced, just go and choose a new suitable device.

Myth 2 (this is not a myth, but the truth - editor's note). Electric kettles can cause a fire

Modern kettles have a power of 2-2.5 kW and are designed for standard wiring, sometimes you can find 3 kW models that can only be used if the wiring is in perfect condition. The use of the latter type of product with insufficiently high-quality wiring can just cause a short circuit. The only thing worth noting is that a short circuit due to poor-quality wiring can occur when using any electrical appliance - not just a kettle. In any case, you should be careful with electric kettles.

Myth 3. In electric kettles with a “gold-plated” spiral, scale does not form.

“Gilding” on the product spiral is titanium nitride. This compound is resistant to a variety of chemicals and protects the coil only from corrosion. Protection against scale is provided by the use of purified or spring water, as well as the purchase of kettles equipped with built-in filters. It is better not to buy teapots with a “gold-plated” spiral, as the “gold” gradually passes into the water you consume, and there is nothing good in that.

Myth 4. You can’t heat a small amount of water in an electric kettle.

If the device has an auto-off function when boiling and works without water, you can safely heat water for one cup in it. It is only necessary to ensure that the liquid completely covers the heating element.

Myth 5. Electric kettles are suitable for heating soup and boiling milk.

Which of the first users of electric kettles did not try to cook dumplings, sausages or warm soup in them? Remember the result? And also remember that the manual for any product says that nothing but water can be placed in it, since food particles can stick to the heating element, and the expanded liquid can squeeze out the device cover? Similarly, you should not use sparkling water to clean the kettle from scale. Our inquisitive minds have long found out that the same Coca-Cola or Sprite contain orthophosphoric and citric acids, which dissolve plaque. However, along with them, there are also dyes with sweeteners, which are easily eaten into the coating of the heating element and the inside of the instrument case.


Every day, hundreds of millions of kitchens around the world boil water several times a day. And every person at least once in his life wondered: “why does noise occur before boiling?”. Someone immediately recalls the school curriculum and an unusual word “cavitation” pops up in their memory.

“Some bubbles are bursting – hence the noise,” the subconscious mind helpfully prompts. But few people remember the exact course of the process. And, moreover, few people know that noise is created simultaneously by two phenomena.

Sound change when boiling water

When moving up, the bubbles enter the colder layers. The steam begins to condense, the pressure inside drops. At some point, it can no longer hold its shape and collapses. The phenomenon of formation, separation and collapse of bubbles during boiling is called "cavitation"
. The necessary calculations were carried out, which showed that the frequency of sound during the collapse is close to 1000 Hz. The data correspond to the experimentally measured parameters. As the liquid heats up, the bubbles stop collapsing and the noise level changes. The sound frequency is markedly reduced. Soon, without exception, all the bubbles reach the surface. The noise subsides, there is a "gurgling".

The birth, separation, ascent and bursting of bubbles is a physical phenomenon that millions of people see every day. But boiling is more complicated than it first appears. Two processes can be distinguished: cavitation and oscillation of the liquid during bubble separation. Both cause a characteristic sound, but the acoustic effect of one is easy to distinguish from the other. By the noise, you can easily determine when the water in the kettle has heated up to the desired temperature.


2014-05-31 Why does the kettle make more noise before boiling?


Before boiling, in the hottest areas of the kettle, for example near the walls, steam bubbles begin to form. However, as a result of contact with colder masses of water, the temperature of the bubble walls may not be sufficient to create atmospheric pressure in the bubbles. Therefore, the newly formed bubbles collapse, which causes a lot of noise.

Have you ever thought about what makes sounds when the kettle boils?

If you think carefully, you can guess.


