Advantages and disadvantages of infrared floor heating. Mounting diagram

What underfloor heating to choose for the bedroom

When choosing a warm floor for a bedroom, first of all, it should be remembered that it is only an addition to the heating system, and not an alternative. Its direct purpose is to maintain a comfortable floor temperature within 19-21 degrees. But what kind of underfloor heating is suitable for a bedroom largely depends on the type of living space.

Water heated floor is more often used in apartments with a very large area and height in country houses. To install the equipment, you will need additional space, which is not always acceptable in small rooms. In addition, the water floor cannot be connected to a common heating system, and additional pipes to the water supply are also not always possible.

Electric and infrared floors are more suitable for urban apartments. When laying them, the height of the room does not change, the space is not cluttered with auxiliary equipment. Electric will last longer than infrared. But its operation will cost a little more.

When buying materials, it is worth choosing products from well-known manufacturers, among which the following companies are considered the most reliable:

  1. DEVI is the best manufacturer of electrical varieties. The products of this Danish company have a long service life, are suitable for various types of floor coverings, and are equipped with modern temperature control systems. The use of high-quality materials in production, the strictest quality control virtually eliminates the failure of systems.
  2. Nexans is a reliable manufacturer of electric floors from Norway, whose products are very popular all over the world. Progressive methods and innovative technologies are used for manufacturing, which guarantees long-term trouble-free operation.
  3. Aquatherm is a leader in the production of water heating appliances. This German company gives a ten-year warranty on its products, which are equipped with electronic control systems and anti-oxygen barriers.
  4. Rehau is a German manufacturer. The company offers high-quality, environmentally friendly water floor heating, with a low noise level, the working life of which is 50 years. A feature of the product is the ability to operate with cold water, which in the hot season allows you to cool the premises.
  5. EXCEL is a South Korean brand under which high-quality infrared films are produced. These are premium products that offer the perfect combination of superior performance, durability and value.
  6. HiHeat is a company from South Korea, whose infrared underfloor heating is reliable and has a long service life. The product warranty is 10 years.

The warm floor in the bedroom will give a pleasant tactile sensation, and will also allow you to maintain the optimum temperature, which is especially important in the cold season. In order for it to work smoothly and not cause harm to health, the following important rules should be observed when choosing and installing:

In order for it to work smoothly and not cause harm to health, the following important rules should be observed when choosing and installing:

  • purchase high-quality materials from well-known manufacturers;
  • entrust the installation to specialists;
  • use an environmentally friendly floor covering with good thermal conductivity.

What are the advantages of a water heated floor

Water heated floor: 1 advantage - a significant reduction in the amount of condensate in the apartment. As a rule, the circulation in the room occurs according to a regular pattern: warm air rises, which results in catastrophic heat loss.

Advantages and disadvantages of infrared floor heating. Mounting diagram

If the floor base remains unheated, then the cold surface will provoke the formation of condensation, which in turn will lead to the appearance of mold, high humidity, fungus. In this regard, the advantages of a water-heated floor are obvious - it helps to avoid the formation of condensate, which means that there will be no conditions for the existence of fungal mold.

The second advantage: uniform temperature in the apartment. Considering that the underfloor heating system is endowed with continuous priorities, one of the main advantages is the possibility of even distribution of heat within the living space.

Do not forget that for reliable efficiency of heat distribution management, a floor system with water heating requires compliance with all installation rules, calculation of all necessary parameters, and competent connection. To solve the tasks set, special linear devices are presented, with the help of which it is possible to group schematic connection nodes and at the same time not violate the integrity of the heating system.

The third advantage. This advantage of warm water floors is that it is possible, even at the stage of laying the system (hoses, pipes), to make some residential areas more heated, some less. The floor temperature during heating differs slightly from room temperature due to the fact that you can independently regulate the temperature regime.

So, the floor heating system allows you to create heating zones with different intensity in the room. For example, in order to improve the heat transfer flow in the most passable areas (ceiling, corners, floor in front of window / door openings), it is enough to reduce the heat carrier laying step (water pipes) and then the heat transfer coefficient will increase. Do not confuse a step when laying a water pipe with a long one.

Tips for installing a warm water floor

An underfloor heating system requires a coolant with an optimal temperature value. To match the comfortable temperature values, you can use quick installation groups (pump systems), which are additionally equipped with a mixing unit. For a centralized connection, it is better to choose a common heating boiler in which cold and hot water will be mixed.

Traditionally, each quick assembly group is equipped with frequency-controlled systems, built-in shut-off valves, special thermometers, which makes it possible to speed up and simplify the work process.

It is important to know that groups with a mechanical thermostat do not support electrical self-regulation of the mixing unit, so it is better not to save initially, but to choose groups with an electric drive

Advantages and disadvantages of infrared floor heating. Mounting diagram

A modern water-heated floor system needs to be controlled, only in this case the heating device will effectively cope with the task of space heating.

To accurately determine the temperature coefficient, sensors are used, the location of which must be calculated at the stage of laying water coolants (tubes). It is advisable to place the sensor at the base of the floor so that the device shows the most accurate temperature values.

Equipping a warm water floor with electronic systems involves networking a large number of secondary devices - thermostats, servo drives. Accordingly, for the effective organization of such a network, it is necessary to use terminal blocks that are mounted in a cabinet along with a distribution manifold.

To expand the functionality, the communication column can be supplemented with special optional systems.Today on the market you can find budget-friendly terminal blocks with a limited set of functions or purchase expensive devices that are multifunctional, in any case, if you wish, you can mount a water-heated floor with your own hands.


Benefits of underfloor heating

Advantages and disadvantages of infrared floor heating. Mounting diagram

The advantages of this system include the following points:

  1. High efficiency of the system due to uniform heating of the space. Conventional radiators cause the air to heat up and rise up, then cool down and fall down. In other words, convection flows arise, which determine the uneven heating of the entire space. In the case of creating an electric floor, the air warms up evenly in the horizontal plane, in the vertical plane the temperature drops from the floor surface to the ceiling.
  2. A system whose heat exchanger is water is not so comfortable, since it is impossible to indicate the temperature with great accuracy. In this case, there is a thermostat that allows you to specify the temperature with high accuracy. An example is that when it gets colder, you can set a higher temperature. The installation of a thermostat allows you to reduce the cost of the amount of electricity consumed.
  3. It is possible to hide the heat source under the finishing material, which will not affect the interior. In addition, the design of the electric underfloor heating is small, which means it does not steal space. The absence of radiators and a large number of pipes determines a significant simplification of the work on finishing the walls.
  4. The considered heat source does not lead to a decrease in air humidity. Therefore, a favorable microclimate is created in the room. This moment is most important in case there are problems with the lungs.
  5. Almost any base is suitable for the electric floor system, which greatly simplifies installation work.
  6. It is possible to carry out the installation of the underfloor heating structure of both the main and additional heat source. However, experts argue that the system in question should be used as the main source of heat only with thoughtful thermal insulation of the premises, as well as subject to an insignificant decrease in temperature outside the window.
  7. The underfloor heating system allows you to significantly speed up the process of warming up the premises.
  8. With the observance of all technologies and the use of high-quality materials, it is possible to ensure the service life of the system for more than 50 years.
  9. The creation of an electric underfloor heating does not lead to the release of harmful substances into the surrounding space.
  10. When creating this system, you can significantly reduce heating costs by about 30%. Installing an electric floor is most relevant in the case of a high ceiling height.

The above points determine that an electric underfloor heating is a good choice. There are also disadvantages to consider.

Execution of installation work

Advantages and disadvantages of infrared floor heating. Mounting diagram

It is important to pay sufficient attention to preparing the foundation for further work. Among the features of the installation work, we note the following points:

The base is thoroughly cleaned of debris and dust. If there are strong drops or cracks, then restoration work should be carried out.
Depending on which heat source will be laid, the heat-insulating material is selected. Its thickness must be at least 3 mm. Separate pieces of insulation can be connected with adhesive tape.
Almost all modern systems have a thermostat. To accommodate it, a special niche is being created. A cable is connected to the thermostat, as well as grounding. The rise of the thermostat may be different.From the created niche, a strobe breaks down, which is designed to accommodate the power cable and its supply to the main part of the system.
If a power cable is laid as a heat source, then a reinforcing mesh is used. It is necessary to fix the cable in the required position.

In addition, when choosing a cable, the importance of developing a plan for its placement should be taken into account. The scheme should take into account the location of large-sized furniture, since this area should not be heated

To simplify the work on the insulating material, lines are applied with adhesive tape.
After marking the floor covering, the power cable is laid. It should be borne in mind that its bending is not allowed. Fastening is carried out using a special tape or clips
If mats are used, then attention is paid to their cutting - when dividing, the cables should not be damaged.
The connection of the heating cable with the power and temperature sensor must be carried out exclusively on a flat surface. The connection point must be protected with a corrugated pipe
When connected, the cable resistance is checked. The entire system must be connected to a power source during a complete power outage.
All elements should be closed with a screed. With independent work, you can use a composition based on cement. It should be borne in mind that there is also a special composition on sale, the packaging of which indicates the use after laying the warm floor. The mixture is prepared taking into account the recommendations indicated on the package, the thickness of the screed should be approximately 4-5 centimeters.
When creating a screed, it is taken into account that it should not have air pockets. When air pockets appear, the heating efficiency of the floor covering is significantly reduced.

The final stage of work consists in laying the floor finishing material. When choosing a lining, keep in mind that some are not designed to withstand high temperatures. This is due to the fact that some may lose their basic performance properties.

In conclusion, we note that creating an electric underfloor heating is much easier than a water one. Difficulties may lie in connecting the main part of the system to a power source.

Main disadvantages

Advantages and disadvantages of infrared floor heating. Mounting diagram

  1. High electricity consumption. The calculations indicate that there are about 150 watts per 1 square meter. Installed regulators can save energy consumption by about 40%. The indicator of electrical energy consumption may depend on a variety of factors, for each room its own calculations are carried out.
  2. High costs are associated not only with a high energy consumption rate, but also with the high cost of the entire system, as well as the installation work.
  3. If the floor covering is represented by solid wood, then it can dry out and deform. Of course, this disadvantage also applies to a water-heated floor.
  4. Do not forget that the arrangement of the electric floor requires a complete replacement of the wiring due to the increasing load. Often there is a situation when, due to an increase in the load on the electrical wiring, it does not withstand and the wiring heats up, after which finishing materials can also ignite.
  5. If we consider a classical heat source, represented by conductors or semiconductors, then we should not forget that when current is passed, electromagnetic radiation occurs.

This information determines that there are several reasons why some people refuse electric underfloor heating in favor of water. To increase the efficiency of the system, the future arrangement of furniture is taken into account in the development of the project.

Underfloor heating in the bedroom types, properties, pros and cons. Water heated floors in the bedroom pros and cons

Underfloor heating in the bedroom pros and cons - can it be used, types of floors

Underfloor heating is used to maintain a comfortable temperature in rooms. They are used for the main heating of the room or for additional floor heating. Of course, the question arises, in what rooms are such structures laid, is it possible to use underfloor heating in the bedroom? To get an answer, it is worth studying all the pros and cons of such a solution.

Varieties of warm floors

There are two sources of energy for underfloor heating: heated water and electricity. The latter option is more often used for local heating, and the first one is used for autonomous main heating.

Attention! Water floors - a budget option for space heating

Water heated floor

Underfloor heating in a bedroom with a liquid heat carrier is considered durable, less expensive, but problems can arise during installation and maintenance. The design consists of a pump, pipes and a boiler. There are several ways to install it:

  1. concrete screed;
  2. wooden floor;
  3. laying the finishing floor on aluminum sheets;
  4. bulk floor.
electric floor

The arrangement of electric heated flooring in the bedroom is carried out on the basis of the use of a special cable, mats of heating elements. The latest technologies include infrared floors, which are based on rods and films. This floor is used for additional heating. To equip an electric heating system, you must comply with some safety requirements:

  • dry coating;
  • installation of a thermal relay;
  • high-quality insulation and grounding.

Installation of the structure has the following nuances:

  • A warm floor for organizing direct exposure is laid as close as possible to the coating.
  • Cables and mats of small thickness, so they are used even in rooms with low ceilings.
  • The system is able to store heat.

Attention! Cable underfloor heating has a long service life, if you choose the right flooring - laminate is better

infrared films

Heating the flooring in the bedroom with infrared floors involves the passage of an electric current with the formation of electromagnetic radiation that heats the finished floor. In this case, warm air moves over the entire area from the bottom up.

Constructions of mats and cables perform their functions only if you choose the right floor finish. For them, it is preferable to use a laminate, and for a film underfloor heating in the bedroom, it is allowed to choose carpet, laminate, wood, linoleum.

Pros and cons of underfloor heating in the bedroom

To understand whether it is possible to make a warm floor in the bedroom, you should know its positive and negative sides. The first include the following:

  • The warm floor in the bedroom will forever relieve damp corners, the development of fungi on the walls, as it eliminates the increase in humidity.
  • It is impossible to get a burn from such a heating system, since the temperature on the surface is comfortable for walking barefoot - no more than 30 degrees.
  • There is a self-regulation function with the help of additional devices. They automatically control the temperature regime day and night.
  • The arranged heating system is invisible to outsiders, you can apply any design that is limited only by imagination.
  • There are no drafts in the room.
  • Savings on heating are achieved by 30%.
  • The room is easier to keep order and cleanliness.

Disadvantages of floor heating:

  • Comparative cost.
  • Difficulties in laying, especially during ongoing repairs.
  • Non-repairability.
  • High requirements for the floor covering, which is mounted on the heating system - it must have a high thermal conductivity.

Many worry that it is impossible to install heated floors in the bedroom, arguing that they are suitable only for utility rooms and where there are few people.Such a statement is absolutely false and most likely arose after the use of low-quality flooring, which emitted unpleasant odors when heated. There are many coatings on the market today that are of good quality, environmentally friendly and do not emit harmful substances. Therefore, the use of underfloor heating in the bedroom is safe and

Cable heat sources

Advantages and disadvantages of infrared floor heating. Mounting diagram

For many years, a system represented by wires made of various metals has been used as a warm floor. The process of the system is quite simple:

  1. Electricity is supplied through the regulator to the wires.
  2. Wires have a certain amount of resistance; when current passes through, they heat up.
  3. The degree of heating is regulated by selecting the proper voltage using a thermostat.
  4. The cable is encased in an insulating material that can withstand high temperatures.

It is this type of underfloor heating that can create an electromagnetic field that has a negative impact on human health. In addition, there are other disadvantages that have reduced the popularity of the technology in question. An example is the need to create special fasteners for the cable.

Warm water floors pros and cons


  • One of the disadvantages is that it is impossible to install such a floor in old-built houses, since such households are not designed for this heating system and during its installation it is possible to harm the neighbors. The fact is that there were certain standards, according to which, the calculation of pressure was based on the number of apartments that must be heated to a strictly defined temperature under certain weather conditions.
  • There is a slight danger of damaging the main pipeline, and this can lead to rather unpleasant consequences for homeowners, since the entire heating system is completely closed and if a breakdown occurs somewhere, then to get to it, you will need to completely disassemble the entire floor. The problem is aggravated by the fact that not only the pipe may be damaged, but the temperature in the apartment will also drop and water will flow out, which means that you can flood the neighbors from below.
  • A warm water floor is a fairly economical option, with good efficiency. To install it, you do not need a lot of money, you just need to find a competent specialist and purchase high-quality material.
  • The second plus is that the larger the area heated by the water floor, the greater the savings in monetary terms.
  • The water heat-insulated floor does not depend on electronic energy carriers as for its functioning the source of an electric current is absolutely not required.
  • An environmentally friendly system that does not bear any harm. Such a floor can be used in any conditions, regardless of the furniture that will stand on it or other factors. You can safely use the water type of heating in any room. It is also worth noting that with such a heating system, the air does not become dry, which means that it is recommended to use it in children's rooms and where people who have breathing problems live.


The advantages and advantages of warm water floors do not end there, they can be listed for a very long time.

It does not matter if you are just starting to make major repairs in your apartment or perhaps you are at the completion stage, at any time you can quickly, efficiently and efficiently install a warm water floor. Ease of installation, and unpretentiousness to working conditions, makes it possible for everyone to experience all the advantages of this heating system for themselves

We can safely say that the future belongs to warm water floors!

Advantages and disadvantages of electric underfloor heating

Advantages and disadvantages of infrared floor heating. Mounting diagram

The device of an electric heat-insulated floor.

Floors with electric heating are a cement-sand (concrete) screed with a heating cable placed inside. Such a cable usually consists of separate heating sections - cable segments of a certain length, made of an alloy with high resistance and high heat transfer. The sections are interconnected using special couplings and the so-called cold ends - cable sections intended for connection to the mains. Such a system can be installed both simultaneously with the construction of a new building, and when repairing an old floor covering.

Benefits of electric underfloor heating:

  • relatively low cost and ease of installation;
  • the ability to use in any premises at any time, regardless of the operation of the centralized heating system;
  • the ability to control the temperature using a thermostat and program the heating mode of the premises.

This design is not without some drawbacks. Firstly, an electric floor, unlike a water heated floor, consumes a large amount of electricity, which entails considerable cash costs. Secondly, the electric cable heats up very quickly, and a sharp temperature drop can lead to deformation of the floor covering (laminate, parquet, etc.). In addition, the use of electrical cables as heating elements implies the presence of some unwanted electromagnetic radiation.

Features of choice

Advantages and disadvantages of infrared floor heating. Mounting diagram

The choice of underfloor heating system should be given quite a lot of attention. The main criteria are as follows:

Which flooring will be used as a finish, which fixing method will be used

An example of the importance of this criterion is that an array of wood, when exposed to high temperatures, begins to crack and expand.
Whether the system will be used as the main or additional source of heating.
The condition of the ceilings and the height of the rooms.. The most important indicator is what material will be used as a finish.

The most important indicator is what material will be used as a finish.

Considering the main recommendations, attention should be paid to the fact that under a wooden floor, parquet, carpet or laminate, it is recommended to choose a system based on a film. Infrared radiation effectively passes through all such materials.

However, for ceramic tiles or porcelain stoneware, you should choose a warm floor, represented by a heating mat or cable. The substances that make up the tiles can reflect infrared radiation, which makes it ineffective.

A cable or thermomat can significantly reduce the distance between the ceiling or floor. It should be borne in mind that the thickest warm floor is represented by a cable. When choosing, the quality of the floors is always considered. Today, the choice of cable is rarely stopped, and only in the most favorable conditions.


