Is underfloor heating in the shower safe?

Warm floors basic information

The fashion for underfloor heating appeared relatively recently, but it is already firmly established. The reason for such popularity lies in the fact that they provide the most natural and pleasant heating for the human body: from the bottom up. This fact alone is the answer to the question of whether it is worth making a warm floor under the bathroom.

Warm floors are laid based on the following factors:

  • do the walls go out;
  • what floor temperature is needed;
  • room size.

Depending on this, the method of laying the system is also selected. In particular, there are three types;

  • snail;
  • snake;
  • double snake.

In the case of a bathroom where it is constantly very humid, underfloor heating helps to solve a number of problems:

  1. Mold. Due to the constant heat transfer, the air in the room is dried, which slows down the development of bending.
  2. Humidity. The presence of such floors solves the constant problem of high moisture content in the air.
  3. Discomfort after bathing. Putting your foot on a warm tile is much more pleasant than touching a cool surface with your skin.

When placing underfloor heating directly under the bath or shower, it is important to consider that in this case it should be possible to regulate the temperature. Installing underfloor heating in a bathroom without a thermostat can cause the bottom of the tub or shower to be too hot.

Use of mats

For heating, cable or carbon mats are used. Cable systems are a grid on which a conductor is mounted. A mat of a certain size is cut from the roll. Parallel conductor connection.

For the connection node, plastic couplings are required, which are insulated with bituminous tape. Corrugated tubes are used for additional protection.

Carbon mats are made of individual rods, which are interconnected by means of a wire. The connection is the same as for cable mats, parallel. All knots are isolated and protected by corrugation.

Is underfloor heating in the shower safe?

A temperature sensor is installed between the rods or turns of the cable. All conductors are taken out of the room and connected to the regulator; use RCD. The system is closed with an adhesive solution, tiles are laid.

It is not recommended to correct the mats, violate the integrity of the heating elements. If the area of ​​​​the room is smaller than the size of the mats, it is not possible to meet all the standards, then another system is used.

The optimal heating of the shower cabin is liquid floor heating. In city apartments, electric heaters are used, but they are not installed under the cabin or under the bath. The system is mounted only on the usable area.

do-it-yourself shower stall

do-it-yourself shower stall
Laying tiles on a warm floor in 20 minutes. Bathroom renovation. Part 6
Warm floor under the tile video

Is it possible to lay a cable floor in the bath and bathroom


To make electric underfloor heating in a bath, you must follow the typical rules that apply to other electrical equipment installed in wet rooms:

  1. The electrical circuit must be grounded.
  2. Automatic machines are necessarily installed, and an RCD (residual current device) is connected.
  3. The wire must have an internal and external protective coating. It is best to use a cable specially designed for rooms with high humidity.
  4. It is best not to lay a wire under the shower cabin to prevent overheating of the cable.
  1. Quick installation.
  2. Smaller screed thickness.
  3. Less cost.
  4. No danger of pipes freezing in winter due to freezing of the foundation and intermittent heating of the room.

If the laying of an electric floor heating is carried out in the bathroom of an apartment building, then another advantage of the electric floor becomes obvious compared to the hydrofloor. To connect the cable, there is no need to obtain permits and approvals.

There is a need for floor heating in the steam room. This solution makes it possible to ensure the absence of unheated zones, as well as to prevent the circulation of cold air in the lower part of the room.

Warm floor in the shower

For arranging a warm floor in a shower cabin without a pallet, a heating cable in a screed is best suited. Screed systems are easier than mats to install in complex areas because the cable can be placed however you like (subject to installation requirements). The tie perfectly distributes heat and protects the cable from moisture, and thanks to its high power, it copes well with surface heating.

The screed layer is about 3-5 cm, it dries for about a month. Thermal insulation is additionally laid under the cable. The specific power of the system should be higher than when installed in dry rooms: 150-180 W/sq. meters.

How to lay cable flooring in wet areas

Only a qualified electrician who is well acquainted with the rules of the PUE can make a competent laying plan and provide protection against electric shock. At the same time, careful observance of the phased plan for laying the underfloor heating cake will be required.

Carrying out work as follows:

The floors are well tolerated by the winter period and retain their performance at sub-zero temperatures. After switching on, they quickly warm up the surface and the air in the room.

Which electric floor is better

Manufacturers offer several wire options:Is underfloor heating in the shower safe?When choosing a suitable heating system, first of all, it is necessary to focus on the technical parameters of the heated room. Comprehensive information about the parameters of the wire and detailed correct step-by-step installation of cable underfloor heating is given in the operating instructions provided by the manufacturer.

Electric underfloor heating has many advantages over hydrofloor. Compliance with the manufacturer's recommendations makes the operation of the heating system as safe and efficient as possible.

Due to the rather cramped bathrooms provided by developers from the times of the USSR, many apartment owners in high-rise buildings change baths for showers. There is more space in the bathroom, and an elegant shower cabin fits into modern interiors much better than an old bathtub.

When planning to install equipment of this type, you will certainly encounter the problem of installing it. Therefore, many home craftsmen are interested in installing the floor in the shower, because installing such a system with your own hands means saving a significant amount of money on the services of specialists. Below we will talk about how to arrange a shower on the floor.

Key points in shower installation

The most important thing in shower flooring is proper waterproofing to ensure that the connection between the drain, wall and floor is watertight. Most often, a special waterproofing sheet is used for this, which, with the help of an adhesive composition, is laid on a screed, after which tiles can be laid on it.

Also important is the correct installation of the drainage system and ensuring the necessary slope of the floor to ensure a constant outflow of water. Modern technology makes it possible to install an electric underfloor heating in the shower room, which is located directly under the floor covering and must be properly installed.

We mount the drain

Installation of a drain is a very important stage in the process of installing a shower cabin. The drain must be leveled with a level.

Is underfloor heating in the shower safe?

Main aspects of work

The easiest way to install a shower cabin is to use a special tray. It comes complete with a shower and has a slope for efficient water drainage. Thus, you do not need to make a slope for draining, as a result, installation is greatly simplified.

In addition, the plastic tray has a modern attractive appearance, and when using it, the floors in the shower will look great. Therefore, this installation option is the most desirable.

When installing a drain, a number of nuances should be taken into account.

And in order to avoid mistakes in your work, you should listen to a few tips:

  • The easiest way to install a drain is to make a recess in the floor screed that is necessary for it. The space around the drain is subsequently simply smeared with concrete mortar.
  • Before installing the drain on the base film.
  • In order to prevent possible leaks, you need to check the waterproofing at the installation stage. To do this, simply pour water into the siphon.

Is underfloor heating in the shower safe?

  • Between the shower tray and the screed, it is necessary to lay a special sealing sheet, the fixation of which is carried out on the adhesive composition.
  • The shower tray is glued to the ceiling. To do this, a special mounting adhesive is applied to the floor slab, thanks to which installation is quick and easy.
  • To seal the seams between the shower tray and the screed, it is necessary to use an elastic profile that will prevent the appearance of cracks in the seams that occur due to high humidity.
  • Please note that if you are planning to install a hydromassage panel or a large overhead shower, you will need a drain that absorbs about 50 liters per minute.

Drainage ladder device

In the event that you plan to install a shower without a tray (for example, you want to equip a warm floor in the shower room), you should equip a drainage ladder. This is a device for draining water, which is a slightly inclined base of the floor. To achieve this effect, a uniform floor slope of about 3% is arranged in the shower.

Is underfloor heating in the shower safe?

The instruction provides for the following stages of work:

  1. We equip the recess under the drain.
  2. We install waterproofing.
  3. Installing the drain.
  4. To check the waterproofing, we lower a certain amount of water. After you are convinced of the reliability of the installation, work can continue.
  5. We lay voids around the drain with concrete mortar.
  6. We build up the base to form a slope. Thus, the height of the shower cabin from the floor is set, while the slope of the floor in the shower should not exceed 3%.
  7. From above on such a basis it is possible. At the same time, the price of your shower will increase significantly, but in parallel with it, the comfort of using it will also increase. For showers, it is best to use a water heating system that fits under a thin layer.
  8. We cover the floor with non-slip tiles, which have an uneven, slightly rough surface. You can also use materials with an anti-slim coating.

Is underfloor heating in the shower safe?

To date, there are two options for arranging the drain:

  1. The gangway is in the center - this is the classic version, in which the slope of the base is carried out on all four sides.

What to consider before starting work

First of all, it is necessary to mention what types of underfloor heating are used to heat tiles in the bathroom. Among the variety, the most effective are:

  • water floors;
  • electric floors;
  • infrared floors.

The advantages and disadvantages will be discussed in more detail below.

Depending on what kind of underfloor heating in the bathroom is planned to be carried out, the first stage also depends. So, water floors can not be laid in all apartments.

This is sometimes possible, but underfloor heating for a water-type bathroom may require a pump to be installed. About whether the installation of a warm floor in an apartment is allowed, you should find out in the Housing Office.

Private houses are deprived of such a problem, but it’s still worth considering the pipe layout plan in advance - this will allow you to organize efficient heating of the entire room.

Infrared floors device, characteristics and installation methods

The infrared warm floor in the bathroom is a subspecies of the electric one, only instead of a cable a special film is used, in which graphite inserts are located. It is named infrared because of the spectrum in which it operates. Due to this, natural and pleasant heating for the human body is carried out. In the same way as the cable type, infrared is adjustable and is able to give exactly the temperature that the owner of the home will find comfortable.

What are the advantages of such floors? Film underfloor heating in the bathroom has the following features:

  1. Easy installation. Such a floor can be placed directly on top of the old floor covering, leveling the base is not required. Some types of floors can be connected to a conventional outlet.
  2. Availability. The film type of underfloor heating can be bought at the store without any problems.
  3. Reliability. Graphite inserts are not interconnected, so the failure of one element does not affect the performance of the entire system.

Just like electric cable underfloor heating for the bathroom, infrared is not considered a redevelopment, which greatly simplifies the entire installation process.

Installation does not require special skills, so it is quite possible to install a warm floor in the bathroom with your own hands.

The floors themselves can be placed on uneven surfaces. Any floor covering is allowed on top, no screed should be placed on top of the system.

The only drawback of a warm floor is its relative fragility.

Summing up

The modern market offers various options that make it possible to install underfloor heating in the bathroom with your own hands. And yet it is strongly recommended to seek the help of professionals, especially in the case of a water type of heating. To achieve maximum efficiency, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors, as well as carefully consider the scheme of laying pipes or cables.

In order for underfloor heating to please the owners and give only comfort, you should not save on the services of professionals and building materials. A large investment at the beginning will result in a long-term good service for the entire system.

Do you need underfloor heating in the bathroom? Anyone who has ever stepped out of a warm shower onto a cold and inhospitable floor certainly knows the answer to this question.

Underfloor heating in the shower or the room where the shower is located has several advantages.

Firstly, it increases the level of comfort, because getting out of the shower and getting up on a warm heated surface is much more pleasant than on ice tiles. Secondly, it helps to get rid of high humidity in the room, and at the same time prevents fungus and mold from appearing on the floor and walls.

An electric underfloor heating can be equipped both in the shower cabin itself, if it is done without a pallet, and in the room. Moreover, it is safest to use cable systems for this, since they have strong insulation and a protective screen.

When choosing a heating element, pay attention to the possibility of using it in wet rooms (IP class)


As you can see, installing a shower cabin in a brick or wooden house is not a problem for a person who is familiar with installation and construction work. Even if you do not have enough experience in this matter, you can achieve high success if you are diligent and follow all the recommendations in this article. You will learn more visual information after watching the video in this article.

A warm floor in the shower is an opportunity to maximize the comfort of water procedures, as it will be possible to leave the shower cabin and step on a warm, pleasant to the touch coating

However, electric floor heating in the shower requires careful handling and proper installation, as the risk of electric shock in a room with constantly high humidity is much more serious than in a normal living room. However, with the right technology, you can provide a fully functional and safe system that will be practical and useful.

Features of installing underfloor heating in the shower room

For a warm floor, it is better to allocate your own electrical line, since in old houses an overload of the electrical network is possible, which can lead to a short circuit. In addition, care must be taken to install an RCD - a residual current device that will automatically stop the system in the presence of any failures.

This is very important, as it will prevent electric shock.

Is underfloor heating in the shower safe?

For installation, it is necessary to choose heating cables with double insulation, which are designed for use in wet rooms. It is necessary to strictly ensure that the insulation is in good condition, and that the thermostat and sensors have an appropriate degree of protection.

Underfloor heating technology

Is underfloor heating in the shower safe?

Heat-reflecting material that will direct all heat upwards, preventing wasted floor heating.
Heating mats are laid on it: this is a fiberglass mesh to which the cable is attached

If the mat must be cut when laying, it is important to prevent damage to the cable itself, only the base itself is divided.
The heating mat is covered with a layer of tile adhesive, on which tiles or other coatings will be laid. It is important to remember that the system can only be put into operation after the adhesive layer has completely dried.

To control the system, a thermostat is used, which is installed on the wall about a meter from the floor. In addition, temperature sensors can be installed in the room, which will allow the system to start and turn off automatically.

The warm floor in the bathroom or in the shower will allow you to step on the warm coating after water procedures and feel as comfortable as possible. It not only helps to make life more pleasant, but also protects the bathroom walls from mold and mildew. Installation of the system takes a little time, and it can work for a very long time.


