Warm toilet in the country

System design development

Warm toilet in the countryFor organizing a warm toilet in the country the best solution
will carry two containers. The first of these will carry out the primary
decomposition of wastewater, and in the second - final.

For a homemade cleaning system, you can use
durable plastic containers. They are sold at paint and varnish enterprises and at
warehouses for returnable packaging. A hole is made in the first container, which will
serve as an inlet for the drain pipe. A message is made between the containers, then
hole for the outlet of the ventilation pipe, as well as for the drainage outlet.

To equip a warm country toilet use ordinary
sewer pipes with a diameter of 100mm to 150mm. It's best to work with
metal-plastic pipes. Their sections are combined with collets and fittings. Tee with
connector is used for input. If you are planning your warm toilet
use in the winter, then lay the pipes underground for one and a half meters
(or deeper). It is better to pre-insulate the pipes.

Examples of finished projects

One of the simplest solutions for country toilets, which are used everywhere, is the construction of a "birdhouse". This is the name of a standard rectangular restroom. Most often, it has a shed roof, which is made of slate. Below you can see a drawing indicating the dimensions of just such a restroom. Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the instability of the restroom to loads, as well as the need for additional upholstery material, which will eliminate drafts.

Warm toilet in the country

If you want something more intricate, then you can build a triangular toilet. They call it a hut. It is him that he resembles in his form. The triangle is one of the most stable shapes, so such a restroom can withstand both wind and snow loads. Unlike the previous option, the snow cover will not be able to accumulate on such a restroom. Below is a drawing showing all dimensions of the restroom. You should not save when choosing the width of the toilet. If it is made too small, then it will be almost impossible to stand up in the restroom.

Warm toilet in the country

A more complex option for a toilet for making in the country is a diamond-shaped restroom. It is also called a hut. Such a restroom will require a significant consumption of building material. But in relation to such a restroom, you can be sure of stability even with strong winds. Another solution would be to build a restroom in the form of a small house. It usually has a gable roof and is constructed from any kind of material.

Warm toilet in the country


Before starting the construction of a warm toilet in the country, you need to decide on its type. In doing so, consider the requirements described above. The types of this sanitary and hygienic can be as follows.

Equipped with a cesspool. The most common and simple construction. The cesspool has a depth of no more than one and a half meters. A toilet house is being built on top of it. In the course of use, the accumulation and gradual decomposition of sewage occurs.

If the pit has insufficient depth and does not cope with the task, then there are two options for solving the problem. The first of them is to demolish the structure and bury the pit. The second involves cleaning the pit with the assistance of sewers or independently.

Powder closet. Use is convenient in areas with nearby water sources. In this case, there is no need for a cesspool, and it is replaced by a specially equipped container, which is placed directly under the toilet seat. The use of various powders allows you to remove unpleasant odors. Apply dry peat, sawdust or ash. This event is similar to powdering, which gave the name to the design.

Powder closet

When filling the container with sewage, its contents are removed to a place adapted for this. Over time, compost turns into a wonderful fertilizer.

Backlash closet. The design of such a structure assumes the presence of a sealed cesspool. The removal of accumulated sewage is carried out using special equipment. Most often, such a bathroom is located in the house near the outer wall, and the cesspool is located on the outside of the same wall. Effluent enters it through a pipe. The pit is built with a slope from the house, which simplifies the cleanup activities.

Dry closet. In fact, such a bathroom is a modern modernized powder closet. The difference between these structures is the replacement of peat or sawdust by microorganisms. When installing a dry closet, there is no need to build any structure, as it is a ready-to-use device. There is a wide choice of dry closets in sizes and shapes, which makes it possible to operate the device in the house. For the functioning of this toilet, it becomes necessary to acquire microorganisms. The advantage is the receipt of valuable fertilizer as a result of the decomposition of sewage in a biological way.

dry closet

Chemical toilet. Its difference with a dry closet lies in the tool that processes wastewater. The use of chemicals makes the contents of the toilet unsuitable for further use.

Peat toilet. According to the principle of action, it is similar to powder closet, but somewhat modernized. This bathroom resembles a traditional toilet, the tank of which is filled with dry peat. When using the device, dusting of sewage occurs. Often, such a design is installed in the house, having previously organized high-quality ventilation.

Choosing a wastewater treatment system

Warm toilet in the countryThe most common way for summer residents is
biological treatment. This method is based on the life process
placed in a well or septic tank of special bacteria.

Usually used:

aerobic cleaning system.

They provide for the use of a septic tank - a special
a container in which the aforementioned microorganisms decompose the waste of our
vital activity. After that, the runoff through the drainage enters the ground (if the soil
does not absorb moisture well enough, then the effluents go to the place of filtration, i.e. v
nearest ditch).

It must be borne in mind that the septic tank must be removed from the house
at least 5 meters, and from the well - 20 meters. The volume of the septic tank should
three to four times your daily water intake.

The biological treatment system can be organized and
in a simpler way - by installing a well of reinforced concrete rings or one
large capacity:

The bottom of the wells must be sealed with roofing material or
waterproofing (several layers), or cement.
Joints of reinforced concrete rings must be made airtight. For this
use cement mortar or liquid glass.
The well is equipped with a tightly fitted lid with a viewing
Content output is arranged at the level of the lower ring
or with the help of a sewer machine.

The procedure for constructing a warm toilet

The construction of a warm toilet in the country begins with laying the foundation. If the cesspool has already been dug and ennobled, then you can start making the foundation. There is no need to make it with a large depth, because the total weight of the structure will not be too large. A square and a rectangle are marked for the restroom. Pegs are hammered in the corners and a fishing line or rope is pulled between them. Using a tape measure, the size of the sides is checked, as well as the diagonals of the future restroom. This will straighten out the corners. You can also use the most common square. The width of the trench for the latrine, which is dug according to the marks, should be from 20 to 30 cm.

It is necessary to deepen at least 50 cm. The walls of the trench under the latrine are compacted. A layer of crushed stone 10 cm thick is poured to the bottom. Medium-grained sand is laid in the same layer. It must be well compacted so that the load is evenly distributed over it. The foundation of the restroom should rise 15-20 cm above the ground. Therefore, it will be necessary to build a small log formwork. It is exposed both on vertical, and on horizontal level that will facilitate further construction of a restroom. The reinforcing mesh is laid in a trench and rises by 5 cm so that the mortar gets under it. The solution is poured and the upper end is leveled with a trowel.

Warm toilet in the country

It will take from two weeks to a month to set the strength of the base for the restroom. Everything will depend on weather conditions. The next step is the floor for the restroom. It can be made wooden or monolithic. For the latter, you will need to install wooden supports, lay waterproofing, mount a reinforcing mesh and fill the space with concrete mortar. In this case, in the middle with an offset to the back wall, it is necessary to leave a hole for the toilet. To do this, you can use a wooden frame. A small rectangle is knocked down, which fits into the place of the hole. Before erecting the walls of the restroom, it is necessary to provide waterproofing. Bituminous mastic is applied to the foundation and a double layer of roofing material is laid. On it you can carry out bricklaying or installation of a wooden frame.

Warm toilet in the country

The last step will be the insulation of the walls of the restroom. For these purposes, penoplex will be an excellent material. It can be fixed to a brick wall with the help of special umbrellas. After that, it is plastered with further finishing. The roof should also be insulated. To do this, foam sheets are attached from the inside and closed with a vapor barrier. After that, the ceiling of the toilet can be lined with clapboard or other material.

Particular attention should be paid to the door. A warm toilet cannot be closed with a simple wooden shield

You will need to purchase a full-fledged wooden door for the toilet. If the toilet will be used in winter, then a small heat fan can be placed inside, which can be turned on from home. This can be done in a few minutes for a visit, which is quite enough to raise the temperature to a satisfactory level.

Warm toilet in the country

You can build a warm toilet for a summer residence not only using brick or other stone. It is easy to make a toilet out of wood or metal, but then you will have to put more effort into warming the restroom

You will need to make sure that the cesspool does not have cracks through which weathering would occur. A video of the construction of such a toilet can be viewed below.

What to build from

After choosing a specific size of the restroom, you can decide on the material from which the construction will be carried out. His choice will also depend on the expected period of use of the country toilet.


Warm toilet in the country

Wooden cubicles for toilets are the most common. This is due to the fact that latrines can be built from the remnants of the material that is stored after the construction of the house. The advantages of such a solution include:

  • high speed of erection;
  • ease of repair;
  • ease of ventilation;
  • the possibility of transferring the structure;
  • light weight;
  • the possibility of independent construction.

It takes about a day to build a wooden toilet box, taking into account the preparation of all the necessary details. The main frame in the design of the restroom is the main frame, which consists of a beam with a size of 10 by 10 cm. When the frame is ready, it is simply sheathed with available boards. Renovating such a restroom is not difficult. It will be enough to replace the leaky part.Even roofing material can be used as a roofing flooring for a restroom if it is placed at an angle on a solid crate. The wooden structure of the restroom is quite light, so several people can move it to a new place.


Warm toilet in the country

The construction of a metal toilet will require skills in working with a welding machine. At the same time, it can be built much faster than the wooden version of the restroom. The advantages of such a restroom will be:

  • long service life;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • low price of the project;
  • the possibility of movement;

A metal toilet is a base that is sewn up using one of the roofing materials. Most often, corrugated board or slate is used for this. The first can be fixed with self-tapping screws or aluminum rivets.


Warm toilet in the country

As blocks for building a toilet, you can use silicate brick, foam block, shell rock, etc. The advantages of just such a project can be considered:

  • ease of insulation;
  • coolness in the hot season;
  • resistance to any kind of loads;
  • presentable appearance;
  • long service life;
  • ease of form selection.

Even an inexperienced builder can lay a toilet. There will be an opportunity to practice on the restroom before the implementation of large projects. It will be convenient for such a toilet in the country to make a cesspool under it, which will eliminate the need to constantly take out waste. Such a toilet will cost more than the above options for latrines. In addition, for such a restroom, it is necessary to take care of a high-quality foundation that can withstand the weight of the structure.


The main task before starting the design of a building for an outdoor toilet is to choose a place for its installation.

This is especially important if the restroom is made with a cesspool. The toilet must be at least 5 meters from the house

It is advisable to make it larger so that unpleasant odors do not reach the dwelling.

Particular attention should be paid to wells or other tanks for storing water.

It is important that waste does not leak into them in any case. To do this, it is necessary to provide a distance of at least 30 meters.

If there are fruit trees nearby, then a gap of 5 meters must also be observed for them. It will be convenient to locate the toilet closer to the road, from where the access of the sewer will be carried out, but a distance of 5 meters must also be observed to it. It is necessary to remove the toilet from the neighbor's fence by 2 meters or more

To do this, it is necessary to provide for a distance of at least 30 meters. If there are fruit trees nearby, then a gap of 5 meters must also be observed for them. It will be convenient to locate the toilet closer to the road, from where the access of the sewer will be carried out, but a distance of 5 meters must also be observed to it. It is necessary to remove the toilet from the neighbor's fence by 2 meters or more.

Warm toilet in the country

After choosing a place for the restroom, you can determine the size of the future building. There are a few rules that apply to outdoor toilets. For example, the height of the restroom should not be too high. If it exceeds 2.5 meters, then due to the high windage, the toilet will simply be overturned. If the height of the roof of the latrine is below 2 meters, then there may not be enough air in it and there will be some difficulties for tall people to visit. In order to make it convenient to turn around, the width of the outdoor toilet should be from 1 meter. The depth of the restroom is also an important factor in order not to rest your knees on the door, so it is calculated from a minimum value of 1.2 meters. Below is a drawing of a country toilet, on which all the required dimensions are indicated.

For brick buildings of latrines, the maximum height of the room can exceed 2.5 meters without fear of damaging the structure.

Warm toilet in the country


Traditional Options

Different types of toilets for summer cottages require a different approach to the arrangement, therefore, before starting work on the installation of the sewer system, it is worth exploring all the available options and analyzing their pros and cons.

Warm toilet in the country

So, what can you choose for a suburban area:

The simplest design is a wooden or plastic-lined booth installed directly above
. This option is the least expensive in equipment, but it also provides very conditional comfort: it is cold, the wind blows in the crack, it smells bad inside.

Warm toilet in the country

The advantages of dry closets include ease of use and the ability to move from place to place.
. By the minuses - the need for regular replacement of filling containers (the price of the service company's work can be very high). Yes, and in winter in such a booth is still quite uncomfortable.

Warm toilet in the country

Innovative Solutions

If you want to equip a winter toilet (i.e.

one that can be used throughout the year without the risk of catching a cold), then in addition to traditional solutions, you can pay attention to modern models

Warm toilet in the country

Some of them are presented in the following table:

Device type Operating principle
Compost with partial recycling Peat or a mixture of peat with sawdust is used as a reagent. When interacting with wastewater, the material is effectively composted. In modern models, backfilling with peat is carried out using an automatic dispenser.
Compost with full recycling of waste It differs from the modification with partial processing by the large volume of the waste bin. Long-term storage of wastewater allows more efficient composting of faeces, turning them into a fairly productive organic fertilizer.
Separation During operation, the separation of liquid and solid fractions is carried out. This makes it possible to extract faeces for composting and to better treat wastewater with a high moisture content by filtration.
Thermal Waste disposal is carried out by incineration to ash. Burning is carried out in a special thermally insulating container with an incandescent coil or an open flame. The main disadvantage of this technology is the high power consumption (up to 5 kW).
Freezing Perhaps the most unusual toilet described in this section. It consists of a container and a container for freezing waste. Deep freezing avoids the appearance of an unpleasant odor, in addition, almost all microorganisms are destroyed during the cryoprocessing process. As a result, fecal masses become completely suitable for composting. The main disadvantage is energy dependence.

As you can see, such devices can significantly optimize the process of removing sewage. At the same time, for their operation, the availability of a source of electricity is mandatory, therefore, when they are installed, the rental of a diesel generator for a summer residence will move from the “desirable” category to the “necessary” category.


As you can see, it is easy to build a warm toilet using any of the above designs. Its use will be available at any time of the year. An outdoor toilet remains an indispensable solution for those areas where there is no centralized sewage system. For greater convenience, electricity can be supplied to the restroom for lighting. Switches make it easy to turn it on. One of them can be located in the house, and the second directly in the toilet.

A toilet in the country - in the house or on the site - must be mandatory. Well, if we plan to use a country property not only as a garden, but also as a recreation area, then the availability of an equipped and comfortable enough latrine should not be discussed at all.

Those are to be done - it is necessary! It remains to decide what exactly to do, and how you can implement the building with your own hands.We will talk about this in our article!


