Dependence of characteristics on the removal method
The main characteristics of manure, i.e. moisture content and organic matter content, directly depend on the method of its removal.
Most often, the following types of manure / litter removal are used to clean rooms in which livestock or birds are kept:
- gravity;
- manual;
- mechanical;
- flush.
When cleaning by gravity, the excrement flows into the storage tanks through floor slots or special openings, and they are removed from the storage tanks by a conveyor or pump. The manure collected in this way has natural moisture and some bedding material, therefore the amount of organic matter in it corresponds to standard values.
With manual cleaning, the level of humidity depends on the design of the building in which livestock or poultry are kept.
In this case, the proportion of organic matter in any case will be much higher, because such excrement is removed along with the bedding material.
When cleaning by flushing, the humidity of the excrement increases sharply, and the specific content of organic matter drops noticeably, even despite the amount of bedding material.
For mechanical cleaning, various scrapers are used that collect the manure mass and move it to the grate, through which they enter the manure receiver.
In the manure collected in this way, the level of moisture content and content of organic matter depends on the amount and type of bedding, as well as on the possibility of removing liquid fractions.
2 Bioreactor for processing organic waste
A bioreactor is used to dispose of biological waste to obtain organic fertilizers and, at the same time, biogas. The BUG installation, which has several modifications, has become widespread. They differ in their performance.
A standard biogas plant includes the following equipment for processing manure and other organic waste:
- container for homogenization;
- loaders of liquid and solid raw materials;
- security system;
- instrumentation and automation with visualization;
- bioreactor with gas holder;
- mixers and separators;
- pumping station;
- heating and water mixing systems;
- gas system.
2.1 Processes occurring in the bioreactor
The bioreactor consists of three divided sections:
Biogas plants
- boot;
- working;
- unloading.
The inner surface part of the reactor is not smooth, but is made in the form of a tubular container. This contributes to the acceleration and more complete flow of the processing process. From the receiving section, the substrate processed into a homogeneous biomass and mixed with water through the technological hatch enters the bioreactor.
The upper middle part of the working section is also equipped with a sealed hatch, on which there are devices for monitoring the biomass level, biogas sampling and its pressure. When the pressure inside the reactor increases, the compressor automatically turns on, which prevents the tank from bursting. The compressor pumps the biogas from the reactor to the gas tank. A heating element is installed in the bioreactor, which maintains the temperature necessary for the fermentation of the biomass.
In the working section of the reactor, the temperature is always higher than in the other two sections. This ensures the completeness of the cycle of the chemical process and increases productivity. In this part of the reactor, the biomass is continuously mixed, which prevents the formation of a floating crust that prevents the biogas from escaping.
Completely processed substrate enters the unloading section of the bioreactor. Here the final separation of gas residues and liquid fertilizers takes place.
Installations processing manure, bird droppings and other organic waste of any kind of action are widely in demand and used in agriculture. Biogas plants are used in urban utilities for the disposal of organic waste and the production of biogas for thermal power.
The value of manure
Manure is the end product of the digestive process of animals and birds (in the latter case, the substance is called droppings). Farmers and gardeners resort to the introduction of horse, cow and other excrement into the soil to enrich the soil composition with useful elements. Horse waste is more valued for its properties, but is found in smaller volumes due to the reduction of horse farms and their inhabitants.
It is important to dispose and process manure into fertilizer. As a result of top dressing, the soil layer of the earth becomes loose and permeable to moisture and air, the temperature rises, and the acidity decreases.
Seeds sprout better, an adult plant is characterized by abundant flowering and brings many high-quality, large fruits.
Manure contains phosphorus, nitrogen, molybdenum, calcium, potassium, copper, magnesium and other elements. They provide a favorable environment for healthy growth and development of plants, affect the quality of budding and fruiting processes.