Selecting a location for the installation
Installation of a gas tank in the private sector is an important event, on which the performance and service life of the entire system fully depends. It should be noted that the progress of the installation depends solely on the type of installation of the equipment and the integrity of the tank.
In this case, the location of the fuel storage tank itself in relation to the surface can be of 2 types: horizontal, vertical.
To ensure all safety standards, some requirements for installing a gas tank should be taken into account:
- The distance between the installation and living quarters must be more than 10 meters.
- The distance between the tank and industrial facilities should be more than 8 meters.
- The distance from the installation to outbuildings, garages or trees must exceed 5 meters.
- The distance between the water intake and the gas tank must be more than 15 meters.
- The distance between the tank and the septic tank (storage well) must be more than 5 meters.
- The distance from the gas tank to local power lines should be one and a half heights of the support.
When installing a gas tank in a pre-arranged area, changes may be made to the criteria for installing the system. However, for the implementation of these, the conclusion of a qualified engineer about such a need is necessary.
Requirements for the location and installation of the gas tank
The tank should be placed at such a minimum distance from other objects:
The area allocated for the installation of the tank must be flat. After installation and backfilling of the gas tank, it cannot be concreted, paved with tiles, planted with trees, etc. It is more convenient to place the container closer to the gate to provide access for vehicles and facilitate refueling. But this is not necessary: modern gas carriers supply gas over considerable distances (for example, our cars can refuel a gas tank at a distance of more than 40 m).
The pit is dug after receiving the terms of reference and drawings from the seller company. It must have gentle walls, a minimum depth of 1.9 m and a width of 2 m. The length depends on the volume of the tank and is:
The pit must be covered with a 30-centimeter layer of sand, and if the site has a high level of groundwater, then also with a layer of rubble.
According to current regulations, the gas tank should be installed:
After installation, the container around the perimeter is covered with sand, which will ensure that melt water leaves for the lower layers of the soil. Also, the gas tank must be equipped with electrochemical protection against corrosion.
Primary requirements:
The underground pipeline is assembled from polyethylene pipes designed specifically for the transportation of liquefied petroleum gas. The polymer section of the gas pipeline should not rise above the point at which the ground temperature can drop to -20 °C. The above-ground pipeline is mounted only from steel pipes. The polymer-to-steel transition is protected with a polymer coating up to a height above ground level.
A steel ball valve must be installed in the basement input for manual emergency shutdown of gas in the building. In liquefied gas systems, a plinth entry designed for natural gas cannot be used.
Permits required for installation of a gas tank and installation of an independent gas system
When a specialized division of the oblgas is engaged in independent gasification of a private house, the owner needs to do the following:
After that, you can purchase everything you need and conclude a service agreement with the installation organization. In the case of gasification of an industrial facility, it is even more difficult, since the finished gas system must be put into operation. In addition, much more requirements and permits are needed here than when organizing gas supply to a private house.
If you entrust the gasification of your housing or production to a bona fide private company, then you won’t have to run around the authorities. It is enough to provide the necessary documents and tell about your preferences regarding the future gas system. And the specialists will take care of all the preparation, coordination, calculations, selection of equipment and its installation. You will receive a turnkey gas system - all that remains is to turn on the boiler or stove and enjoy the comfort.
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Underground system installation
Ensuring the supply of gas to the house is possible only if there is its evaporation, which is ensured by the transition from a liquid to a gaseous state. The process of transition from one process to another directly depends on the direct temperature of the gas and its environment. If the gas temperature is negative, then to ensure evaporation, it is necessary to connect special installations, which is quite expensive.
The simplest and most rational solution in this case is to install the system in the ground at a mark below its freezing point. In such a place, a stable temperature is often maintained throughout the year.
Features of underground vertical tank installation
- Most of the vertically located gas tank is always installed below the freezing point of the soil, which ensures a constant temperature of the substance and a stable process of its evaporation.
- Tanks are less prone to ejection during low ambient temperatures.
- There are more options for setting up the unit.
- The disadvantages of such a system can only be attributed to the need to prepare a deep container, in which there is a small evaporation area.
Features of underground horizontal installation
- Quick preparation of the pit for the installation of equipment.
- The evaporation mirror has sufficient dimensions to ensure the supply of gas in full volumes.
- The disadvantages of this arrangement include: the need for reliable fastening of the cylinder to prevent the system from being pushed out of the ground.
The procedure for installing an underground unit
In order to properly install an underground gas tank on the territory of a country house or an uninhabited area, it is first necessary to prepare a foundation pit, the bottom of which must be compacted in any acceptable way. The bottom of the pit is closed up according to the foundation principle (sand, gravel, concrete), which can later be used as a kind of anchor.
For more durable fastening of the gas tank to the concrete slab, specially made paws are used, which are installed at the factory according to individual orders. If the design of the tank does not provide for such benefits, then a connection of steel cables and loops pre-mounted to the concrete base can be used.
In the process of installation, it is mandatory to install the electrochemical protection of the gas tank from all kinds of corrosion, and install a container for collecting condensate.
Before direct backfilling, pressure testing of the gas supply system is carried out. It should be noted that the first layer of such backfilling is carried out with fine sand, and all subsequent ones with sorted soil.
Ground gas tank installation
During the ground installation of the unit, the obligatory fastening to the base is carried out, which ensures the most stable position of the tank in space. It is also necessary to protect the tank from direct exposure to sunlight, lightning, and corrosion. Otherwise, an emergency may occur.
In winter, operation of above-ground installations is only possible with the use of evaporators.
Installation of a ground gas tank is possible only if:
- It is necessary to ensure a small consumption of gas.
- The inability to carry out earthworks (close occurrence of groundwater, mountainous terrain).
Installing and connecting a gas tank is the most acceptable solution for providing residential premises with an uninterrupted gas supply. The life of such a system depends entirely on the quality of the equipment and the installation process of the system.
Install on your site autonomous gasification system
much easier than connecting the main gas. But any gas networks are an object of increased danger, so their installation and operation must strictly comply with officially accepted standards. The list of basic documents (SNiP) regulating the construction of autonomous gas supply systems includes:
Their full and up-to-date text can be found on the official websites of state bodies. We will give the basic requirements for the placement and installation of gas tanks. We will also talk about the construction standards for an external gas system, which is mounted together with the tank and connected directly to it.
Rules and regulations for installing a gas tank in a summer cottage
Installation of gas equipment belongs to the category of work of increased danger, therefore, it must be carried out by professionals, taking into account all the rules and regulations. There are a number of rules for the installation of gas tanks, which is regulated by documents (SP 62.13330.2011, SP 42-103-2003, SP 31-106-2002, PB 03-576-03, 123-FZ). Tanks from 2400 to 12,000 liters, depending on the volume of gas consumption. The reservoir must be located at least 10 meters from a residential building, and at least 2 meters from the foundation of any non-residential building. The backfilled surface of the gas tank should not be concreted or planted with vegetation. The pit should be at least 2 meters deep and wide.
You can buy a gas tank with installation by contacting our company. We have certifications and attestations for gas works and competitive prices for services. Our specialists will carry out the installation strictly according to the technology in accordance with all regulatory documents.