Why you need to insulate the hangar
High-quality thermal insulation helps to expand the scope and functionality of such a hangar. So, a warm building can be used as a sports complex or a farm, as an office building or a production workshop.
Modern heaters, such as mineral wool, polyurethane foam, foam polyethylene foil, etc., are fire-resistant, environmentally friendly and safe material that can even be used for residential buildings.
In addition, thermal insulation solves the following number of problems:
- Low level of sound insulation.
Metal structures are practically not isolated from noise. The use of insulation, in addition to reducing heat loss, will also provide insulation from noise. - Subcooling and heating of the room.
In winter, thermal insulation keeps warm air inside, and in summer, on the contrary, it prevents the building from overheating due to high temperatures outside. - Insufficient strength of the hangar.
The use of several layers of heat-insulating material gives the walls additional strength and rigidity, and also protects against condensation and rust.
Is it worth choosing alternative solutions?
Insulation with ecowool hangar is used quite rarely - in cases where it is possible to create additional conditions for attaching the material to the frame. If this can be achieved, then the integrity of the structure may be violated, since the elements contribute to the weighting of the system. Among other things, additional use of a vapor barrier layer will be required, which entails certain difficulties. Materials with similar functions include a special film, which provides for the need for additional reinforcement. However, it will not be able to serve for a long time, and it is expensive. Even if the hangar can be insulated from the inside in a similar way, there will be gaps and cracks that cannot be eliminated even when working strictly according to the technology. Thermal insulation with mineral wool will also take a lot of time, since the work will have to be carried out at a considerable height. This will increase the cost of services. Therefore, insulation of hangars with polyurethane foam is considered the most optimal solution.
The optimal solution is the insulation of the hangar. As a rule, certain requirements are imposed on the insulation.
- Fast installation. Downtime in production, renting additional warehouses for the period of repair are expenses that are difficult to recoup.
- The minimum weight of the insulation and installation elements to reduce the load on the supporting structures of the building.
- Fire and environmental safety.
- Versatility. To close with the help of insulation such pressing problems as dampness, noise, leakage of the roof joint is a significant savings.
- Long service life.
Based on these characteristics, thermal engineers recommend polyurethane foam (PPU) as a heater. It is a multifunctional material with unique thermal and adhesive properties.
Functions of the insulation system
Insulation of metal structures with mineral wool, polystyrene foam, ecowool, polyurethane foam spraying (PPU) makes it possible to expand the scope of their use: sports, trade and exhibition complexes, administrative and amenity buildings. Modern thermal insulation systems guarantee the stability of internal climatic conditions, they are durable, reliable, and meet all environmental and fire safety requirements.
It should be noted that the insulation of hangars and warehouses is quite an expensive undertaking. But to insulate a metal structure means to solve several more problems.
Reduction of indicators of "noise"
It is especially important if the building is planned to be used as a place of work / residence for people or as an element of a livestock complex:
View from inside the insulated hangar
- workshops;
- vegetable stores;
- dormitory;
- trading platform;
- sports facility;
- administrative building;
- pigsty;
- barn;
- poultry house, etc.
Moreover, not only the “noise” of the structure during rain, snow, hail is reduced, but at the same time, protection of the interior from street noise is ensured.
overheat protection
The thermal insulation system will prevent heat loss and prevent overheating of the air inside from the metal heated by the sun. The last point is important when organizing a refrigerating chamber inside the hangar, a warehouse for combustible materials, and housing for animals.
Increasing the strength of the metal structure
Modern multi-layer insulation of frameless hangars gives them additional rigidity.
Another function of thermal insulation is that it protects metal elements from condensation, which is the prevention of corrosion.
Important! The cost of insulating the hangar will almost double the cost of the structure, but will improve its technical and operational performance tenfold.
Advantages of polyurethane foam
- High-speed technology of installation of thermal insulation. The installer applies from 300 to 400 m2 of coating on the surface of the hangar in one shift.
- Light specific gravity and the absence of additional fasteners make it possible to insulate the room without loading the foundation and bearing supports of the hangar.
- High adhesion PPU. The material is applied by spraying, under pressure it penetrates into the pores, cracks, joints and seams of the surface. When solidified, it expands and sticks without additional fasteners and adhesive mixtures.
- PPU forms a dense monolithic layer, which increases the rigidity of the hangar structures, which increases the resistance to wind and snow.
- Thanks to its adhesive properties, it adheres firmly to inclined and sloping surfaces, and does not slip over time under the weight of its weight.
- The finished design of the PPU insulation has no seams and joints, so there are no “cold bridges”, the appearance of condensate on the walls and corrosion on metal parts is excluded.
- It is provided with certificates of ecological and biological safety.
- Polyurethane foam is a non-combustible material, it belongs to fireproof heaters.
- Possesses steam and waterproofing, sound-absorbing properties.
- Retains its thermal insulation properties for over 30 years.
Preferably internal installation of thermal insulation. These works are not tied to the season, they are performed at any time. After spraying, the walls are reinforced for greater strength and plastered.
External insulation is carried out only at an air temperature of +10 degrees, in the absence of wind and precipitation. After hardening, reinforcement also occurs and coating with a special paint is required. PPU is sensitive to direct sunlight, so it is protected by staining.
The price of insulation with the use of polyurethane foam does not differ much from the prices for thermal insulation work with classic materials. The difference pays off with the speed, durability, and versatility of polyurethane foam.
Interested in economical, fast, efficient insulation? Leave a request for a consultation on our website. We will call you back and choose the most appropriate options for thermal insulation of your premises.
With our company "PPU Insulation" fast means high quality!
Warming with mineral wool
For the manufacture of mineral wool, limestone, soda, sand and glass are used, which determines the excellent performance of this material:
- The low value of thermal conductivity allows you to create high-quality protection against heat loss.
- A high degree of sound insulation makes it possible to prevent the penetration of noise into the hangar.
- Long service life without performance degradation.
- Excluded mechanical damage or deformation due to prolonged mechanical load on the surface.
- Mineral wool is a non-combustible material, does not contain substances hazardous to humans or the environment.
The only drawback of mineral wool insulation is its high hygroscopicity, which makes it necessary to take additional measures to protect this material from moisture.
Mineral wool installation technology
When frameless hangars are built: insulation is the next step. Work using mineral wool is carried out in the following sequence:
- In the process of performing work on the installation of the arch, the installation of embedded parts is carried out.
- Embedded parts act as a support for mounting the battens from a galvanized corner and a board treated with an antiseptic.
- Mineral wool slabs are installed until the inner surface is completely covered.
- The entire surface of the thermal insulation material is protected with a vapor barrier film.
- The inner surface of the frameless hangar is lined with a profiled galvanized steel sheet.
The use of such a technology for insulating hangars can effectively reduce heat losses, eliminate freezing of the walls and accumulation of condensate in the heat-insulating material.
Insulation with polyurethane foam
Polyurethane foam (PPU) is a modern heat-insulating material in the form of a gas-filled thermoset infusible mass. The cellular structure of polyurethane foam provides numerous advantages of this material:
- A high degree of thermal insulation, which allows you to create high-quality thermal insulation protection of enclosing structures.
- The high degree of sound absorption provides effective sound insulation.
- Excellent adhesion to all types of surfaces: steel, wood, concrete, brick and others.
- The application of PPU on the surface is carried out by spraying, which takes a minimum of time and effort.
- High degree of resistance to moisture.
- When applying PPU, there are no connecting or technological seams.
- Good elasticity, which helps to prevent deformation and cracking during mechanical shocks.
- High resistance to the spread of fungi, mold and other microorganisms.
- Lack of reaction when exposed to chemically active substances.
One of the significant disadvantages of polyurethane foam is a high degree of degradation due to exposure to ultraviolet radiation. For this reason, it is not recommended to use it when insulating the outer surface of the hangar.
Polyurethane foam application technology
When frameless hangars are built: insulation is the next stage, which occurs as follows:
Polyurethane foam is applied to the inner surface of the hangar by mixing a liquid solution of polyol and isocyanate in a high-pressure dispenser. The result is a finely dispersed aerosol that has high adhesion and is able to penetrate into the most inaccessible places and crevices. After applying PPU on the surface of the walls of the hangar, it acquires a hardness of 90% of the nominal value during the first two hours. After the first day after application, it completely passes into a solid state up to 100% of the specified strength. Insulation of frameless hangars with polyurethane foam occurs as soon as possible. To protect the heat-insulating material from damage and to give the inner surface high aesthetic qualities, the installation of a profiled galvanized sheet on a pre-mounted crate is used. This helps to protect the foam from thermal and mechanical stress, which can cause its destruction or loss of performance.
Floor insulation materials
In addition to wall insulation, you will need to insulate the floors in the hangar.For this, sheet materials, bulk mixtures or liquid formulations are used. Installation is usually carried out directly on the ground, additional basic structures are rarely used. In the hangar, it is technically possible to organize "warm floors" (both electrical and water systems).
Heat insulators for metal structures are selected based on the purpose and design of the hangar
Such an event will not be cheap even if insulated with economical materials, therefore more attention is paid to the effectiveness of thermal insulation.
Farming is not complete without the use of a hangar, which is necessary for storing vegetables and grains. Among other things, such premises are used for the location of equipment and are used as places for keeping poultry and cattle.
Our offer
The SMK group of companies provides professional services for the insulation of frameless hangars using polyurethane foam or mineral wool. The cost of the services of our company for the insulation of the hangar with mineral wool is from 1800 rubles per square meter, when using polyurethane foam, the cost of the service will be from 1100 rubles per square meter. If necessary, you can get an approximate calculation taking into account the individual design parameters of the hangar, you can use our online calculator, which is posted on the official one. Each customer receives from us the highest quality services, certified materials, competitive prices and a long-term guarantee for work. We are waiting for your calls by phone, which are listed in the "Contacts" section or leave a request through a special form on the site. After that, our specialists will get in touch as soon as possible.
The metal hangar has advantages over brick and concrete structures. Such buildings are easier and faster to build, if necessary, they can be easily dismantled and moved to another location. However, the thermal insulation of the metal structure leaves much to be desired, and in some cases a warm hangar is needed (for example, if the building is used as a warehouse or workshop). For insulation, several standard materials are used.
Hangar insulation is one of the main conditions for saving in business
Thermal insulation of the hangar will expand the functionality of the premises. The insulated building can be used as a sports or shopping complex, as an administrative and even residential building. Thanks to modern materials, it is possible to create a comfortable microclimate, while the building will comply with technical standards, remain fireproof, and heaters will not harm health. Insulation of the hangar will cost a lot, but as a "side effect" a few more problems will be solved.
Noise isolation
Metal structures are poorly insulated from noise. At the same time, sound insulation, along with insulation, is a key point if the hangar is used for domestic or industrial purposes, such as:
- trade area;
- workshop;
- administrative or sports facility;
- dormitory;
- vegetable store;
- facilities for keeping animals and birds.
After insulation, the hangar not only “noises” less when it rains or hail. The interior space is also protected from the "regular" background noise from the street.
Heat protection
Thermal insulation maintains a comfortable temperature level in the building. In winter, it protects the space from heat loss, in summer - from overheating.
This quality of thermal insulation is especially important when using the building for storage, warehouses or for domestic purposes.
Strength increase
Thanks to several layers of thermal insulation, the walls of the building receive increased rigidity. After installing the insulation, the metal structure will also be protected from another enemy of the base material - condensate, the appearance of which over time can lead to the formation of rust on the walls.
Ecowool insulation
The environmental safety of ecowool largely determines its widespread use. It is 82% cellulose. Also included is borax.
Sodium tetraborate increases fire safety. Thanks to him, the material acquired class G2 in terms of combustibility. This means that ignition does not occur and combustion is not sustained.
Boric acid was introduced as an antiseptic. It prevents the formation of fungus and mold in the insulation. In addition, this component excludes the interest of ecowool rodents.
In terms of its insulating properties, ecowool is superior to mineral wool. Its thermal conductivity coefficient is from 0.037 to 0.042 W/mK.
The material has a low level of vapor permeability. When sprayed from the inside, this means protecting the outer layer from moisture
This is especially important for metal finishing.
A valuable property of ecowool is the preservation of insulating properties when wet. When absorbing 25% of the liquid, the thermal conductivity increases by only 2-3%. Compared to mineral wool, the heat retention properties are reduced by 9% at 1% moisture.
Cotton wool is able not only to accumulate moisture, but also to give it away. It needs air to dry. You should also cut off the insulation from the basement or soil. For this, two layers of roofing material or painting with mastics are used.
Laying cotton wool occurs in dry and wet ways. Dry installation is simple and does not require additional equipment. Its minus is some shrinkage of the insulation. Before you insulate the hangar, you need to calculate the shrinkage of cotton wool and put it into the project.
With the wet method, a special supercharger is used. He sprays the mixture under pressure. The installation is big enough. Raising it to a height can be problematic. Lifting equipment or extended supply hose is used.
High adhesion is possible due to the presence of a large amount of lignin. In the case of horizontal surfaces, adhesives are added to the mixture. They enhance adhesion and grip.
Wetting of the mixture occurs at the outlet. Very little liquid gets in and it quickly disappears.
With uneven application, excess insulation is cut off. After that, the removed parts can be used again. This ecowool compares favorably with polyurethane foam. The production is non-waste.
To insulate the hangar with polyurethane foam, or other considered materials, means to expand the range of its use. A warm room is more readily acquired by tenants and will pay for itself in a short time. And if the hangar is used for your own needs, you should not save on high-quality materials.
Hangar design
Hangars can be insulated using one of the many existing technologies. Everything will depend on the design features of the building. Such tasks may be based on a framework, and sometimes lack it. In the latter case, it is possible to build a structure quite quickly: there are no internal partitions in it, and a metal corrugated profile is used as the main material. In order for the area of which is 1500 m 2, it will be necessary to involve about 12 people, which will take 24 hours. Such structures are completely waterproof, as they have reinforced seams, and the panels are coated with an anti-corrosion galvanized compound that does not require maintenance.
If there is a need, then the owners can install an additional waterproofing layer. The disadvantages are the lack of windows, which makes it impossible to use hangars as cowsheds. The device of such buildings involves the use of steel or aluminum sheets, from which panels of the desired length are made. The rectangular planks go to the machine, where they are shaped and become arched panels with a diameter of 4 to 40 m. Next, the automatic machine stitches the panels and forms waterproof seams.This allows you to form ready-made sections that are installed on the site.
If necessary, the structure can be moved using a hydraulic crane, and if small panels are used, their installation is carried out manually. The sections are placed next to each other with the help of a machine, and additional sealing is not required - the hangar is waterproof. After installation, the sections are strengthened to the foundation by welding, the structure is supplemented with doors and end walls.
Insulation with polyurethane foam
The biggest plus of this material is the insulation of surfaces of any shape.
This is especially important for frameless, arched structures. Moreover, it does not require a large number of employees.
One person with a sprayer is enough.
Insulation of hangars with polyurethane foam does not require additional hydro- and vapor barrier. This, firstly, saves time on installation several times. Secondly, funds are saved for the purchase of insulating films.
The coating layer is continuous. Doesn't occur:
- bridges of cold;
- cracks;
- leaks.
A continuous coating reinforces the metal. Even small defects in the profiled sheet will not reduce the bearing capacity of the entire scheme.
You can spray the material of any thickness. There is no need to choose from a limited number of sizes. This characteristic allows you to save consumption by adjusting the parameters of the foam to the thermal data of the region.
When storing food, it is very important to avoid rodent attacks. PPU is not affected by them
Also, the foam coating is resistant to fungi and mold.
Often, the high cost of the material is taken out as a significant minus. But if you calculate the costs of:
- the formation of cold bridges, with other types of insulation;
- gaps from fasteners into which moisture seeps;
- additional cost of coatings and fasteners;
- an increase in the number of employees, because it is difficult to work at a height with long mats;
- even cheaper.
A slight difficulty lies in the need for a foam generator - an installation for spraying the material. Do not immediately rush to extremes and purchase a device. Many organizations are engaged in the rental of equipment. This option will be much more rational and cheaper.
The internal lining of the insulation occurs with any, not very heavy, material. In the case of a frame, it is attached to it. In the case of an arched scheme to the stiffeners.
Material selection
Insulation of hangars can be carried out by various means. The main factors on which the choice of a particular solution will depend are temperature and humidity changes, mechanical loads, as well as possible atmospheric influences. The return on investment is determined by the ease of installation and low cost. Insulation of frameless hangars can be carried out using mineral wool, foam or polyurethane foam. Penoplex is made of expanded polystyrene using extrusion. Raw materials receive cells that are filled with the best insulation - air. After solidification, a strong structure is formed, so the material has the quality of resistance to compressive loads.
Mineral wool is a fibrous insulation based on a synthetic binder. Silicate melts of rocks act as the main source of this compound. Polyurethane foam is another type of polymer material for thermal insulation. In the process of use, it exhibits the qualities of strength and resistance to mechanical damage.
Insulation systems are attached to the internal or external surfaces of metal structures. These can be sandwich panels, sheet or liquid insulation (ecowool, polyurethane foam coating) - it is determined by the type of structure, its scope.
Sandwich panels
Sandwich panels are moisture resistant and do not freeze through
Standard sandwich panels are expanded polystyrene foam, mineral wool (density from 100 kg / m3) or polyurethane foam (PPU) between steel profile sheets. Manufacturers offer roofing, ceiling, wall, corner "sandwiches" for indoor or outdoor installation.
Wide choice of design - the outer sheet can be painted or imitate wood, plaster, masonry. A good option for buildings, the appearance of which is subject to high requirements.
Plate, roll materials
Flexible plates, rolls of natural or synthetic materials - mineral wool, glass wool, polyethylene foam, non-woven fabrics (holofiber, from vegetable fibers) allow you to create an effective thermal insulation system.
Materials for insulation of hangars
The problem of cold bridges is solved by using overlapped roll materials. The use of sheet insulation is complicated only by its installation features:
- crate;
- fastener elements - adhesives, self-tapping screws, etc.
The fastening system not only creates additional loads on the metal structure, but also violates the tightness of the waterproofing and vapor barrier sheets. Additional "cold bridges" are created. Foil materials simplify the creation of modern multilayer thermal insulation systems.
It is difficult to insulate surfaces with a complex configuration - with protrusions, recesses. In addition, the "soft" insulation of the metal hangar is subject to mechanical stress, and to protect it from damage, it will be necessary to install a "hard" layer of exterior finish.
Ecowool, polyurethane foam coating
The use of liquid heat insulators is a fairly new trend in construction. They will penetrate into any, the most inaccessible place, creating a uniform continuous coating.
Ecowool is an excellent insulation of frame structures. The technology involves the construction of a rigid structure into which cellulose material is blown. Be sure to use moisture and vapor barrier.
Hangar insulation with polyurethane foam is the most effective method
Polyurethane foam - insulation of hangars with polyurethane does not require any additional fasteners. PPU is simply sprayed on the surfaces of metal structures - like painting. Several layers are applied. The resulting monolithic surface is not afraid of mechanical damage, it can be left unfinished or plastered, painted. On a dense frozen mass, sheet finishing materials are easily mounted - drywall, PVC panels, etc.
The PPU system is resistant to moisture and temperature changes, but if direct exposure to UV, water is possible, then additional protection measures should be provided.
It is difficult to insulate arched hangars or other types of frame and frameless metal structures: tent, polygonal, straight-walled polyurethane foam or ecowool on your own. The technology implies the availability of expensive professional equipment, experienced craftsmen.
Fastening sheet materials - sandwich panels, rolls, mats can be done on your own.
To insulate the floor surface, there are also several ready-made solutions using bulk, sheet, liquid building materials. They can be mounted directly on compacted soil. If necessary, installation of electrical or water systems "warm floor" is possible.
Important! No need to plan to insulate the hangar cheaply! First of all, insulation must be effective.
The method and materials are selected depending on the functionality of the building. When planning a thermal insulation system, ventilation, air conditioning, and other communication lines are provided. It is possible to achieve high efficiency of insulation only by competent calculation of the "pies" of insulation and strict adherence to building technologies.