Expert answers
Slept legs by the bathroom ;). Well, or the growth of the screen itself, it's easy, it was tested in practice.
leave a gap between the floor and the screen
Artem Novikov:
don't worry .. I'm washing myself in the sink ...
Tamara Safronova:
Yes, just raise the floor! We did just that!
Dmitry Solovyov:
And if there is no gap, then you can buy a board of a suitable size and repair the remaining space.
User removed:
You can put the screen on some kind of base, lay out a brick wall and tile it like on the floor.
so in the same place the screen has legs, I even like it, but there is no dampness there! attach borders
Big girls don't cry:
you can put a step on the floor
we also have a bathtub above the standard, it generally hangs, built into the wall, the legs were not even fastened, the cast iron was painted white and that's it. so much space under the bathroom! and basins can be pushed in there, and washing powders. We have different plastic containers with powders. and beautiful, and there is where to put your legs when you stand near the bath. and space is being used. minus the high position of the bath - the water drains so quickly that it is already buzzing. and then sometimes it smells like sewage, there is no water plug in the pipes. but this is the fault of our builder, he could not do the drain correctly. our bathroom is tiny so the screen would eat up the rest of the space. and you, maybe a big one, have somewhere to hide basins and accessories.
Marfa Vasilievna:
I like this, I won’t get it together, the process is described in detail stranamasterov /node/416491
Put rails, doors, and there will be a closed cabinet under the bathroom.
screen close
There are special "screens" - doors in the frame, in the plumbing store you can choose the size.
Construction portal REMONT-39:
there is an excellent article on this topic with examples
Southern beauty:
Bath screens have been on sale for a long time.
I like to use the place under the bathroom. And when it is closed, it is removed from the eyes and the order is immediately beautiful. Any furniture maker can easily build such a thing. Here, enjoy:
Another name - capital screens are non-separable panels. The closed part below the bathroom makes it difficult to access the basement. Do-it-yourself installation of the product will be very difficult, so it is better to trust the professionals. These models are a design that needs additional finishing. Such screens are usually made from the following materials:
Once the material has been chosen, the panels can be finished in any style. If desired, they can be painted with your own hands or use tiles instead of paint, which is very convenient. In addition, as a finishing material, it is possible to use a film, PVC panel or artificial stone.
In some cases, the basement space is decorated with wood, however, in this case it is better to choose waterproof species - oak or beech.
brick options
Brick models are the most reliable foundation, they are distinguished by an affordable price, as well as ease of construction, which can be done by hand. The one-piece construction is a laying of bricks with cement mortar, which provides the screen with reliability and strength. Facing is carried out with any material available for this. The closed space will look attractive, and the irregularities of the masonry can be corrected with the amount of glue when finishing.
Drywall, MDF or plastic
Models made of plastic or drywall, like other materials, are attached to a pre-assembled structure in the form of metal profiles, as well as wooden blocks. For timber bars, certain conditions must be met, i.e. they were processed and impregnated with protective compounds against moisture.After installation, the entire frame is sheathed with the necessary material.
Best Answers
Uncle from the Future...
That's how you yourself like and would like - and do it. , just approach this issue wisely. If the Screen - then stuck and that's it. But I note that these screens are not such durable things. And sometimes they fly out and become loose. And warps them with time... If it is tiled, then of course there is an access hatch in the area of the drain at the bathtub. And you did not think to combine. Make a tile, but on a removable shield. And the hatch is not needed and can be removed at any time ...
Der Serpent:
screen. If it leaks, you'll have to pick it with a crowbar. Better let it ventilate.
Valery Maslov:
What if the pipes under the bathroom? We'll have to break everything, so - the screen.
screen. Otherwise, the repair will be associated with destruction.
Julia Sidorova:
screen is better. you can put something there ... it's very practical ...
Alexander Borisov:
the tile is also placed on the screen, there is no such thing as better and worse. there is more that is more beautiful, that is more suitable. you can just put a white screen, depending on which bath. or if you find a tile that just super mega matches your bathroom in color or texture - then lay the tile. In the version with tiles, do not forget to leave a technical hole !!
Tiled is prettier, but what if it leaks?
Elena Dmitrenko( Workbench):
Better screen, easier to remove later if something happens.
Heinrich Mont:
screen. Tiles are a useless swell of dough. My sister has an overflow. Can you imagine? The whole bath is under the tile, and the carving is there, behind it. And the gasket needs to be pressed from THAT side. And you say pipes. So I periodically remembered my common mother. But did. And how - I will not say! know how!!!!
We covered it with tiles, much more beautiful than the screen, and in case of “leakage”, any professional decorator leaves a hole so that the leak can be eliminated. Our bathtub leaked once, we didn’t break anything with a crowbar, we just moved the moidodyr and the plumber fixed all the problems without any problems.
I'm behind the screen! Among other things, in this case, the space under the bath can be used to store washing powder, for example.
Eka find a screen under the tile and don't worry)
Tiles are more glamorous, but for mere mortals, SCREEN is better, cheaper, and more practical.
They laid out tiles for us, and when the pipe under the bathroom broke through, the entire tile was turned around.
Evgeny Sidulin:
I'm laying tiles. I recommend the screen to customers. But if they insist, I don’t resist, even with a fence iron.
White Oleg:
The screen is cheaper and simpler, the tiles are more expensive, but more beautiful. And about the fact that it will flow, a hatch is left. You can make just plastic, you can tile.
ApucTapx Co/\oMoHoB:
Of course, with tiles .. For convenient access to the siphon, a hatch is arranged. foto.mail /mail/vdvgsvg/243/255
Tiled, of course. So that if it leaks under the bath, then break everything. So there will be no unemployment in Russia.
do not need anything
Yes, nothing is better for me. The tiles are uncomfortable, and the screen periodically falls. I tried both, eventually threw it all away, put tiles behind the bathtub and painted the bathtub in a nice white color.
Screens with sliding doors
Screens with sliding doors are considered the most convenient and functional option. Two, three or four door panels move along the guides and, when opened, slide behind each other, less often there are models when the screen folds like an accordion when opened.
Bath screen with sliding doors
When opened, such doors do not occupy the free space of the room, which is especially important in small bathrooms. In addition, they are convenient for storing various items under the bathroom and do not interfere with urgent repairs of communications located here.
Attention! Bath screens can be equipped with one or more doors, and there are also single and double doors, when behind the hinged and sliding doors there is another screen in the form of niches and shelves, which allows you to conveniently arrange containers and other household trifles
What's in the bathroom
The availability and placement of appliances and furniture depends more on the preferences of the owners. In the bathroom, you can place several elements at once:
- bath or shower (or both);
- toilet;
- sink with mirror;
- cabinets and shelves with personal care products;
- household chemicals for cleaning, as well as buckets and basins;
- washing machine;
- clothes dryer.
All this takes place. In a small room, you have to save space in order to simultaneously fit the necessary items and maintain convenience. The location of the bath, shower, sink, toilet and washing machine depends on the piping, but it can be changed if necessary. In addition to large objects, you can place various little things and additions.
Arranging the space below the bathroom with your own hands
How to equip the space below the bathroom with your own hands?
When the renovation in the bathroom comes to an end, the room begins to match the chosen interior style, an important problem may arise.
The empty space under the bowl can spoil all the aesthetics and creativity of the design.
Regardless of whether new equipment is installed, or the old one still has sufficient functionality, the original screen, especially for a cast iron or steel bath, will be the best option to create a unified composition.
To equip such a box, it is not necessary to invite specialists, it is easy to do it yourself.
The main types of screens for the bath
This is the name of a lightweight design that easily hides communications, is easy to install, and attractive in appearance. There are different designs of this type. In each case, access to the niche under the plumbing fixture is provided in different ways.
In this case, the installation of a closed wall is performed. In this case, an inspection hatch is not provided, which makes it difficult to maintain and repair communications. To get to the pipeline, you need to dismantle the screen. This option is more often used when there is a lot of space in the room for storing household items, containers, items, since a niche cannot be used for these purposes.
With sliding or hinged doors
To close the bottom of the bath, this method is often chosen. This is due to the ability to maintain communications, use the space under the plumbing fixture to store detergents. Sliding panels are easy to use. They move along the guides in different directions. Swing doors lose to this option. To open them, you need more free space next to the bathroom. The disadvantage of sliding panels is the inability to provide full access to the niche.
With drawers
Separate compartments are provided. The doors that close them move across the plumbing fixture. This option is considered the most expensive. In addition, it is not always possible to plug the bath in the event of a leak, especially if the inspection compartment is located farther from the pipe connection point.
These are non-removable panels that are designed for further tiling, mosaics or other material. It is quickly impossible to dismantle such a screen if a leak occurs. For this reason, it is recommended to make a cut yourself near the siphon and the sewer junction, which will be used for maintenance and repair of the pipeline.
Decorative curtain
Curtain is the fastest and most inexpensive way to hide all the flaws of plumbing. In addition, it is easy to store household items under it. To make a curtain, it is enough to choose a suitable piece of fabric and stitch it around the perimeter, if the fabric is dense, you can make folds or do without them.
Decorative bath screen
You can attach the curtain in several ways, the easiest is to use a double-sided Velcro tape. One side is attached directly to the curtain, and the other is glued with liquid nails under the rim of the bath.You can also use a thin furniture pipe with fasteners, to which the curtain is tied with loops.
Important! When choosing a bath screen, you should also consider the style of the interior. For country, a curtain would be an excellent option, while in modern a metal screen would be more preferable.
Reasons for the appearance of a gap
Sealing the joints in the bathroom is important to prevent water or steam from entering the gap against the wall. A gap can occur if the walls are not strictly perpendicular. The slightest deviation from 90 degrees will lead to a gap. If during the repair you saw that the walls were not deviated from a right angle, they need to be leveled. The same applies to the floor, it must be perfectly even and smooth.
The floor in the bathroom should be perfectly flat.
The gap between the bathroom and the wall will appear if the dimensions do not match. If the bathtub is too short, you can build up the wall with drywall. The proposed option is suitable for spacious rooms. In small bathrooms, it is easier to immediately purchase a bath of a suitable length.
The reason for the formation of a gap between the bath and the wall may be inappropriate tank sizes
If a gap is found between the bathroom and the wall after the repair, instead of dismantling the tile or plaster, it is enough to simply cover the joint to level the base.
Making an unattractive joint at the border with the cladding
Many owners are interested in the question of how and with what to close the gap between the bathroom and the wall in order to increase the overall aesthetics of the bathroom and the practicality of the further operation of the room. To do this, you need to take into account some nuances.
After installing the bathtub, there is often a gap between the wall and the side
First decide on the width of the gap
It is necessary to pay attention to the temperature regime of the room, the shape and material of the bath, as well as the surface finish of the walls. Previously, only a cement-sand mixture was used to decorate such a joint, but progress and technology are constantly developing.
To date, there are several options for solving this problem. Your choice only determines the distance from the wall to the edge of the bathroom and personal preferences.
Helpful Hints
Regardless of which joint sealing method you choose, there are some useful tips that will make the job easier:
When sealing an acrylic bathtub, it should be borne in mind that acrylic begins to sag over time. To prevent this from affecting the quality of the seams, fix the bath on four sides.
Any work on grouting cracks is carried out only when the bathtub is filled
Water is drained only after complete drying of all materials.
It is important to place metal bathtubs on a completely flat floor in order to eliminate wobbles or vibrations.
A bathtub made of any material must be located strictly parallel to the floor.
If all conditions are met, the above measures will significantly extend the life of the sealants. If you are not sure that you can accurately seal the seam between the bathroom and the wall, you can always use the services of specialists.
In order to properly seal the bath along the edges and close up all the cracks, it is necessary to correctly determine the choice of materials. An important role in the selection is played by the width of the gap, the purpose of the repair, as well as your own skills. You can combine different materials, so the seam will be more reliable.