How to effectively clean sewer pipes in a private house home cleaning products

The use of chemicals

In addition to self-made mixtures, other methods of cleaning sewer pipes are used. Now any store boasts a huge selection of various chemicals specially designed to remove blockages in the sewer. There are not only domestic products, but also foreign ones. There should be no doubts when choosing one or another means, since they all perfectly cope with their task.

The only caveat is that you only need to read the instructions before use, although usually all you have to do is just pour the solution into the pipe and wait a while.

Removing blockages mechanically

You can also break through the blockage in the pipe at home mechanically, using a ruff, plunger, cable or metal wire with a brush at the end. The degree of clogging of the sewer will affect the choice of tool for work. For example, a shallow blockage can be pierced with a brush - making sudden movements.

How to effectively clean sewer pipes in a private house home cleaning products

To clean the pipes with a plunger, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Place the tool over the drain channel.
  2. Open the water and draw it into the sink so as to cover the bowl of the plunger.
  3. Make sure there is no water under the plunger.
  4. Perform 15-20 vertical swinging movements without lifting the tool from the surface.

If all other methods of mechanical cleaning have not yielded results, you will have to use a cable. However, this procedure is the most difficult. The cable is very rigid, because it is made of twisted wire, rolled into a rod with a cross section of 3-5 mm.

How to effectively clean sewer pipes in a private house home cleaning products

The procedure for using the rope is as follows:

  • first dismantle the siphon;
  • the end of the cable with a handle is inserted into the sewer pipe and, turning it counterclockwise, is gradually immersed;
  • during operation, the cable is periodically pulled out for cleaning;
  • the procedure is repeated until the blockage is completely eliminated;
  • at the end of work, mount the siphon again and flush the system with hot water.

After cleaning, a test run of water is carried out. If it leaves quickly, then the sewer is cleared well. If not, you will have to repeat everything.

Use of household products

How to clean the sewer? To answer this question, it is enough to recall the properties of various household products that everyone has in the house. The following sequence will help clear the blockage in a short time:

  1. First you need to clean the drain hole from large debris.
  2. Next, fill it with one liter of very hot water and leave it to soak for a few minutes.
  3. Then you need to use the plunger.
  4. After several manipulations with the plunger, you can fill the hole with one mug of soda, and then pour boiling water into it again.

This procedure may be carried out more than once.

How to effectively clean sewer pipes in a private house home cleaning products

Baking soda will help form an alkaline environment in the sewer pipes, which can remove blockages. In addition, it has excellent disinfectant properties. More:

  1. And you can also arm yourself with this method.
  2. In equal proportions, soda is poured into the pipe and vinegar is poured.
  3. After the substances are mixed, foam forms, therefore, it is better to close the drain well with something and forget about it for two hours.
  4. As a result, it remains only to get the cork and pour everything with boiling water.

A mixture of salt and soda will also save you from blockages at home. To create it you need:

  1. Both ingredients are mixed in equal parts.
  2. Boiling water is poured into the drain, and the mixture is left for several hours. At this time, you can not drain anything else into the pipe.

In general, in order to avoid the accumulation of debris in sewer pipes in advance, it is necessary to pour boiling water into them from time to time, which easily dissolves not only fat, but also soap pieces.

In a private house for flushing pipes, you can use the following recipe:

  1. The combination of a glass of salt, a glass of soda and a quarter of a glass of cream of tartar after mixing should be poured into a well-closing container.
  2. This mixture should be poured into the drain from time to time and poured with boiling water.
  3. In just a minute, all that remains is to rinse the hole with ice water.

How to effectively clean sewer pipes in a private house home cleaning products

mechanical cleaning

What to do if the pipe in the kitchen is clogged, and the time for the cleaning procedure is limited? In this case, a mechanical method is used, implemented by a plunger and a pipe cleaning wire. A plunger is basically a home appliance that uses the principle of changing the pressure in a pipe. Thus, blockages are often either completely removed or noticeably weakened. In the future, you can apply the already familiar method of flushing the pipe with hot water. It does not require any special skills in handling the tool.

How to effectively clean sewer pipes in a private house home cleaning products

How to clean the pipes in the kitchen if the blockages in them are deep enough? This is done with the help of such a special tool as a wire. It consists of a metal or wire cable, and at the end there is a kind of hook or tip in the form of a ruff. These devices are quite thin and flexible, which makes it possible to get to a great depth of the sewer system. Next, you will need to carry out rotational and translational manipulations, leading to the removal of blockage by pushing it down the pipe.

If the cable has moved about two meters from the blockage, the work can be considered done: it is completed by the traditional flushing of pipes. To implement this method, in addition to the presence of the plumbing cable itself, certain skills will be required, as well as information about the approximate location of the blockage. However, you can also learn along the way.

How to clear a blockage in the kitchen sink

Every home has a sink in the kitchen or bathroom, which, unfortunately, is prone to clogging. Such a nuisance creates a lot of inconvenience - it interferes with work and most often spreads an unpleasant odor.

The cause of the blockage may be leftover food or small objects that could get inside due to the lack of a protective mesh in the sink. The waste decomposes and forms fat deposits inside the pipes. Another reason is errors in the installation of the drainage system. If you have such a nuisance in your kitchen, do not panic and call specialists, because the problem can be solved on your own. So, what to do if the sink in the kitchen is clogged?

3 Use of chemicals

The action of chemicals is based on the fact that they corrode various deposits. This method is applied to plastic and cast iron pipes. It is recommended to carry out such cleaning for prevention once every 2-3 months.

Before using any chemicals to clean pipes at home, you should learn how to work safely with them.

Always remember the following precautions:

  1. It is necessary to prepare protective equipment: glasses, rubber gloves, a mask to protect the respiratory tract, which will help to avoid burns of the mucous membranes during chemical reactions.
  2. It is necessary to ventilate the room during the use of funds and after.
  3. Do not lean over the sink when a chemical reaction is taking place and gurgling is heard, this can be dangerous to your health.
  4. Do not use products with different chemical compositions at the same time.

It should be noted that using chemicals can damage aluminum pipes and sinks, since chemical reactions (most of them) can occur with the release of a large amount of heat.Therefore, before cleaning, you should carefully read the instructions to find out if this product is suitable for your sewer system.

Use of chemicals:

  1. Pour or pour a chemical agent that is used for its intended purpose into the drain hole. These can be gels, liquids, powders or granules.
  2. Pour in about 2 cups of water.
  3. Leave for 15 minutes
  4. Flush the sewer system with running water for 10-15 minutes.

Methods for cleaning sewer pipes

To decide how to eliminate blockages in sewer pipes, you must first find out exactly where the stagnation occurs and for what reason.

In cases where there is only a slight deterioration in the throughput of pipes, you can solve the problem yourself. But in very difficult cases, it is advisable to call the master.

We can name the following main methods of cleaning pipes:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • hydrodynamic;
  • folk ways - soda and vinegar; soda, salt and boiling water.

It is worth noting that with the help of folk tricks at home, everyone is quite capable of getting rid of blockages and smells from pipes.

How to effectively clean sewer pipes in a private house home cleaning products

If you decide to eliminate blockages in the pipes with folk remedies, then you can do this in one of the following ways:

Soda and boiling water. To do this, you need to dissolve a glass of soda in three glasses of boiling water and pour the pipe with this solution.
Soda and salt. For cleaning, you need half a cup of soda dissolved in water and the same amount of salt. The entire composition must be left in the pipe for 10 hours to interact with the blockage.
Soda and vinegar. Half a cup of soda and vinegar should be poured into the drain hole and, covering it with a cork, wait 2 hours

In this case, be careful, because mixing the ingredients leads to a violent reaction.

Rope application

Sometimes the garbage is clogged somewhere deep in the pipes, and then you have to use the help of special equipment.

Usually, a cable acts as such a tool for plumbing work. It is created from steel wire and is made in the form of an elastic spring. On one of its ends there is a convenient handle for comfortable operation, and on the other - a spiral, on which all kinds of interchangeable attachments such as a hook, ruff and many other items can be fixed. In a private house for removing debris from pipes, such a thing is simply irreplaceable.

Using a cleaning rope.

Before you start using the cable, you need to make a few preparatory steps:

  1. First, you should visually inspect the tool and check its integrity.
  2. Then the strength of the grip handle is checked.
  3. The bushings from which the handle is made are lubricated.
  4. Each nozzle is examined for malfunctions.

If everything is in order, you can start cleaning the pipes:

  1. Taking the cable by the handle, its opposite end must be pushed into the pipe. Moreover, it is better to remove the siphon in advance, which will allow for a more thoughtful cleaning.
  2. Next, you should rotate the cable, pushing it as far as possible. If everything is done correctly, the translational movements made will give the cable the opportunity to go around all the bends and knees. The main thing is not to put too much pressure on the cable, otherwise it may break.
  3. When the blockage is detected, it remains only to rotate the cable more intensively. Such manipulations will quickly push rubbish. And if a nozzle in the form of a hook was chosen, then you need to pull the rubbish out into the light.
  4. When the water begins to drain, you can turn on hot water, first under low pressure, and then more and more.
  5. The formation of a funnel will show that everything is done correctly and the pipes are cleared.


Thus, using one of the methods described above, it will be possible to easily clean pipes in a private house. If there is a clogged pipe, you can always turn to specialists, but it will be much faster to do everything on your own.

More materials:

Using a plunger

A common way to clean the sewer is to use the well-known plunger. The genius of this invention is undeniable. Blockages, after the pressure created by the plunger, either begin to move further along the pipe and collapse, or go outside, where they can be easily removed and eliminated.

How to effectively clean sewer pipes in a private house home cleaning products

A good result from working with a plunger will be achieved with its proper use. You should follow the steps below:

  1. If the pipeline in a private house has an overflow hole, it must be closed with something. This manipulation will not allow the level of pressure on the blockage to decrease.
  2. The plunger should be hermetically pressed with its rubber part to the hole.
  3. Then you need to rhythmically make progressive movements.
  4. As a result, you need to rip the plunger from the hole with a sharp movement.

The correct execution of all actions will allow you to clean the pipe in several approaches.

Effective Methods

How to break through the sink and at the same time clean the sewer pipe? There are many proven methods. The time of action, the price of special tools and the amount of effort expended are their main differences. So that you can choose the best method, I will present you the most effective.

Improvised means: 6 ways

In order to clean the pipe with high quality and at the same time not damage its structure, you should first resort to the simplest methods.

The instructions presented in the table will tell you how to clean the sink in the kitchen with improvised means:

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Method 1. Hot water

Hot water flushing is suitable for plastic pipes. Turn on the maximum pressure of hot water for 10 minutes.

Method 2. Soda

You can clean the drain with plenty of soda. Pour a pack of baking soda into the drain hole and let it sit for 30 minutes. Then drain some water.

Method 3. Salt

A dense cork of fat and food waste can be eliminated with ordinary table salt.

Pour one large glass of salt into the drain and immediately pour the same amount of water.

Method 4. Soda + salt

  1. Mix a glass of soda and a glass of salt in a container.
  2. Add 2 cups of water and mix well.
  3. Drain the resulting mixture into a drain.
  4. Wait 15 minutes and flush the blockage in the pipe with running water.
Method 5. Soda + vinegar

  1. Pour a glass of baking soda into the drain.
  2. Pour 200 ml of vinegar on top.
  3. Plug the hole with a stopper and wait 20 minutes.
  4. Rinse with running water.
Method 6. Washing powder

Pour 2 scoops of the powder (example in the photo) into the drain and turn on the water supply for 5 minutes. The loose blockage will disappear.

Mechanical cleaning: 3 methods

Now let's find out how to clean the sewer in the kitchen with special plumbing tools:

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Tool 1. Plunger

How to use a plunger? The mechanism is quite simple:

  1. The drain hole is covered with a bowl of a plunger.
  2. Several pushes are made in the direction of the drain using the tool handle.
  3. The process is repeated 15–20 times.
  4. The plunger pulls up with effort.
Tool 2. Plumbing cable

  1. Push the cable through the drain as far as possible.
  2. At some stage, you will feel a seal in the pipe - this is a blockage.
  3. Start scrolling the cable in parallel by raising and lowering it.
  4. As soon as you feel that the cable is free to slide through the pipes, the plug is removed.
Tool 3. Wrench and screwdriver

  1. Place an empty bucket under the sink.
  2. Using a wrench, remove the siphon (either unscrew the manhole cover or unscrew the sump).
  3. With any oblong tool (in our case, a screwdriver), scrape off the accumulated fat and food debris from the siphon.
  4. Replace the siphon.

Chemical cleaning: 2 products

You can also clean the blockage with the help of aggressive household chemicals. Such funds are available in liquid and bulk form. Instructions on how to use them correctly:

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Remedy 1. Powder

  1. Pour all the powder into the drain.
  2. Leave on for 8-10 hours, preferably overnight.
  3. Drain some water and evaluate the result.
  4. Repeat if desired effect is not achieved.
Remedy 2: Clog Fluid

  1. Shake the contents of the container well.
  2. Pour about 250 ml of cleaner into the sink.
  3. Leave it like this for 4 hours.
  4. After a while, turn on the maximum water pressure for 5 minutes.
  5. If necessary, repeat the process from the beginning.

How to clean a blockage in the pipes in the bathroom at home

How to clean the blockage in the pipes in the bathroom at home with a plunger? The bathroom, unlike the sink, is equipped with a safety drain hole. It must be closed before cleaning. With the help of a plunger, a water hammer is formed, which shifts the accumulation of dirt down the pipe from the bottleneck of the drain, where blockages are most likely to form. First you need to draw water into the bath so that the cup of the plunger is covered. Install the plunger over the drain hole, press firmly against the hole and sharply press the handle 3-4 times and sharply remove the plunger from the water. Repeat if necessary until water flows freely.

You can clean the bathtub with a brush, for which it is introduced into the sewer hole and the resulting blockage is pierced with sharp movements. If necessary, you can attach a ruff to a flexible rod to lengthen the structure and get the blockage at great depths.

If a plumbing cable is used for cleaning, the siphon is turned out and the cable is inserted into the drain hole as deep as possible. At the same time, it rotates in both directions. Screwing into the pipe, the cable clears all blockages, debris moves along the drain and is washed out. At the end of cleaning, all elements of the drain channel are washed and the siphon is cleaned.

If you do not have wire or cable at hand, you can take an electric drill or a screwdriver, which will also effectively help to deal with blockages.

Now let's look at how to clean a blockage in pipes at home safely and effectively using folk methods. Baking soda is great for this. This is the cheapest and easiest way that any housewife can use without waiting for the help of a plumber.

In equal proportions, you need to take soda and vinegar, for example, one glass each. Soda is poured into the drain hole and then vinegar is poured on top. The hole is closed with a cork and left in this state for 2-3 hours, after which the pipe is washed with hot water. This method of cleaning the blockage is completely safe for pipes. It can be used not only to eliminate the existing blockage, but also for prevention.

Consider a few more solutions made from soda that will help get rid of the blockage. To do this, take about 150 g of soda and ignite it in a cast iron pan for about 15 minutes. After it has completely cooled, dilute it with a glass of water and stir thoroughly. Such a composition can be compared in effectiveness with the well-known store-bought chemical agent "Mole".

Another safe way to clear the drain is with a regular lemon. To do this, take a few lemons and squeeze them right into the drain hole. Soak without opening the water for at least an hour. If lemons are not available, you can use half a cup of lemon juice concentrate. This method is also quite effective.

If a clog has formed in the sink from a fatty plug, you can prepare a strong salt solution. It is poured directly into the drain hole and they begin to clean the drain with a plunger. To ensure a better fit of the plunger, its edges can be smeared with an inexpensive cream.

A simple blockage in the sewer can be removed with a powerful vacuum cleaner using its blowing function.

How to prevent clogged drains

Of course, it is much easier to take timely precautions than to clean sewer pipes later. The following activities should be carried out:

The following activities should be carried out:

  • regularly, at least once every two weeks, the drain should be washed with boiling water;
  • chemicals, household and food waste should not be thrown into the toilet or sink;
  • use a fat separator.

Vinegar and soda can be used to periodically flush cast iron and plastic pipelines. In some systems, it is enough to create conditions for a powerful flow of water so that the pipes remain clean.

On sale you can find chemical pipe cleaners in the form of gels or granules that prevent grease from accumulating on the walls of the sewer. About once a week it is desirable to carry out vinegar cleaning of plums.

How to effectively clean sewer pipes in a private house home cleaning products

Fat separators are a very useful invention. They are mounted under the sink on the drain hole.

The principle of operation of such a separator is as follows:

  1. First, water with fat and debris passes through the first filter, where coarse cleaning takes place.
  2. Fat accumulations are retained on the second filter, so that relatively clean water is drained.

It is worth noting that prevention methods significantly extend the life of the sewer pipeline and save the owners from many difficulties, from an unpleasant odor to a complicated outflow of water.

How to clean the blockage in the pipes at home and not spoil them

Keep in mind that using chemical clog cleaners can damage plumbing fixtures, aluminum pipes, and sinks. The fact is that some chemical reactions proceed with the release of a large amount of heat. It is not recommended to lean over the sink and look into the drain hole if a gurgle is clearly heard. This indicates a reaction is taking place and can be dangerous.

It is important to remember that chemicals for cleaning sewers should be selected taking into account the material of the water supply and the type of pollution. In most cases, the universal remedy "Mole" is suitable, which copes with various types of pollution.

The use of a plumbing cable is suitable for cleaning metal pipes, as it helps to effectively remove, including rust, from pipe walls. Plastic pipes can be damaged as a result of increased mechanical stress.

They must be cleaned with extreme care. By itself, this material is not subject to corrosion, and contaminants adhere poorly to its surface.

But over time, fat gradually clogs the drains, and when it becomes necessary to eliminate the blockage, it is best to use chemicals or a plunger.


