Ways of warming interfloor ceilings on wooden beams

floor structure

The basis of the wooden floor is the beams that are held on the load-bearing walls and serve as a kind of "foundation" for the rest of the structural elements.

Since the beams during the operation of the floor will bear the entire load, special attention should be paid to their proper calculation

For beams, massive or glued beams, logs, and sometimes boards (single or fastened in thickness with nails or staples) are usually used. For floors, it is desirable to use beams made of coniferous species (pine, larch), which are characterized by high bending strength. Hardwood beams work much worse in bending and can deform under load.

Ways of warming interfloor ceilings on wooden beams

Draft boards (OSB, plywood) are fixed to the floor beams on both sides, on top of which the front cover is sewn. Sometimes the floor of the second floor is laid on logs, which are fixed on the beams.

It is worth remembering that the wooden floor from the side of the first floor will be the ceiling, and from the side of the second floor (attic, attic) - the floor. Therefore, the upper part of the ceiling is sheathed with floor materials: grooved board, laminate, linoleum, carpet, etc. The lower part (ceiling) - clapboard, drywall, plastic panels, etc.

Due to the presence of beams, space is formed between the draft boards. It is used to give the overlap additional properties. Depending on the purpose of the second floor, heat-insulating or sound-proofing materials are laid between the floor beams, protected from moisture by waterproofing or vapor barrier.

In the event that the second floor is a non-residential attic that will not be heated, thermal insulation must be laid in the floor structure. For example, basalt wool (Rockwool, Parock), glass wool (Isover, Ursa), polystyrene, etc. A vapor barrier film (glassine, polyethylene and polypropylene films) is laid under the heat-insulating layer (from the side of the first heated floor).

If EPPS, which does not absorb water vapor, was used as thermal insulation, the vapor barrier film from the “pie” can be excluded. A layer of waterproofing film is laid on top of heat-insulating or sound-proof materials that absorb and can deteriorate from moisture. In the event that during the finishing the possibility of atmospheric moisture entering the attic was excluded, the insulation can not be protected by waterproofing.

If the second floor is planned as a heated and living space, then the “pie” of the floor does not need additional thermal insulation. However, in order to reduce the impact of noise that will occur when people move along the floor, a soundproof layer is laid between the beams (usually the usual heat-insulating materials are used).

For example, basalt wool (Rockwool, Parock), glass wool (Isover, Ursa), polystyrene foam, ZIPS sound-absorbing panels, soundproof membranes (Tecsound), etc. When using materials that can absorb water vapor (basalt wool, glass wool), a vapor barrier film is laid between the first floor and the sound insulator, and waterproofing is placed over the sound insulator.

Ways of warming interfloor ceilings on wooden beams

Basic requirements for floors

Ways of warming interfloor ceilings on wooden beams

During the construction of floors, a sufficient degree of sound insulation should be ensured, the value is set by the standards during the design. To do this, close the gaps at the joints of the material, only in this case, sounds from neighboring rooms will spread minimally. Ceilings that separate rooms with a certain temperature difference must comply with thermal protection requirements. This indicates the need for an additional layer of thermal insulation.Any structure, especially made of wood, is not able to withstand prolonged exposure to fire. It should be remembered that each material is characterized by a certain value of the fire resistance limit. For reinforced concrete floors, it is 60 minutes, but if the structure is made of wood with backfill, and has a plastered surface from below, then fire resistance will last 45 minutes. Wooden floors, which are protected by a layer of plaster, are able to withstand a flame for about 15 minutes. If there are wooden floors that were not protected by fireproof materials during the arrangement, it should be borne in mind that their fire resistance limit is even less.

Installation of wooden floors between floors in a brick house

The installation of such an element in a brick house as an inter-beam ceiling should be carried out at the time of its construction. It is worth noting that the depth of the nest under the beam should be at least half the thickness of the material installed in the wall. It is not uncommon for beams to be installed through, but such a design must then be carefully insulated. Many people prefer to build a house on their own, even if it is made of bricks.

Ways of warming interfloor ceilings on wooden beams To connect wooden floors to each other, special fasteners should be used.

It is worth noting that you need:

Follow technology;
Follow instructions;
Pay attention to the advice of experts.

Calculate what will be the support on the beams, it is required as clearly as possible in order to choose the optimal step between the beams

It is important to remember that beams are acceptable for use as floors, including roofing, only if the house does not exceed 8 meters in length (beam support). You need to lay beams according to a certain principle

As a rule, they are installed on brick pillars, when it comes to covering the first floor, as well as on strong pillars made of thick timber, for the second.

In addition to many dangers, wood is the best option for building a house and forming floors, as it is environmentally friendly, completely safe and does not cause allergies and other reactions. Now it is very fashionable to build wooden houses, as they are warm, stylish, durable and, most importantly, not expensive.

Wool insulation

Ways of warming interfloor ceilings on wooden beams Comparison of mineral and ecowool. Click on the photo to enlarge.

Today on the market you can find a variety of thermal insulation materials in the form of rolls or layers of wool. This wool can be mineral, slag, basalt, etc. Among its attractive features are the following:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • excellent sound absorption;
  • high level of fire safety;
  • hygiene and environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to mould, decay, destruction by insects and bacteria.

Today, not only ceilings are insulated with wool, but also walls, roofs and slopes in window and door openings.

Installation of wooden floor beams

The technology of the device for overlapping beams provides for the performance of work in several stages:

1. Calculation of the section (diameter) of a wooden floor beam, taking into account the requirements of SNiP 2.01.07-85 "Loads and effects".

Estimated indicator of the maximum allowable load per 1 sq.m. is:

  • for basement and interfloor ceilings - no more than 210 kg;
  • for the attic - no more than 105 kg.

In more detail, the section is calculated taking into account the distance between the beams (see the table of the section of the floor beams).

Ways of warming interfloor ceilings on wooden beams Floor beam section table

Ways of warming interfloor ceilings on wooden beams

When calculating the length of the beam, it is important to remember that wood is prone to bending.

Calculation of the deflection of a wooden beam

for basement and interfloor floors, the minimum deflection cannot exceed 1/300 of its length. Those. beam 3,000 mm long. cannot bend more than 10 mm. in the place farthest from the support;

for the attic - no more than 1/200.

You can eliminate the deflection by bending the beam. Building lifting - this is the name of this process - allows you to compensate for deformations. Roughly speaking, the beam must be slightly bent inward to take into account the bending to take the proper form.

2. Acquisition of timber, logs or lumber and treating it with an antiseptic, fire-fighting, anti-fungal solution and biological protection.

3. Choice of the type of fastening of the beam to the wall.

Fastening wooden floor beams to the load-bearing wall is carried out in two ways:

wall mounting. The beam is embedded in the bearing wall to a depth of 150-200 mm.

Ways of warming interfloor ceilings on wooden beams Fastening wooden floor beams to a load-bearing wall

With this method of installation, the end of the beam must be cut at an angle of 60 °. To protect the ends of the beam, they need to be wrapped in two or three layers of roofing material. In this case, the end of the beam remains open, and it should not rest against the wall. The presence of a gap of 20-25 mm. allow free air exchange. And the resulting niche (gap) is filled with mineral wool.

hanging method. In this case, the beams are fixed on the wall by means of metal plates.

Ways of warming interfloor ceilings on wooden beams Fastening of wooden floor beams by hanging method

4. Laying wooden floor beams

At this stage, beams of the desired length are prepared. The length depends on the mounting method. If the beam is inserted into the wall, then it is calculated as follows: the length of the room plus 300-400 mm. for wall mounting. If attached to the wall, then the length of the beam is equal to the length of the room.

The installation of wooden floor beams begins with the extreme beams. Each beam is checked with a building level. After that, the beams are fixed in the sockets of the wall using dry crushed stone.

Next, intermediate beams are installed. To do this, it is advisable to stretch the fishing line between the extreme beams and set the rest along it. The distance between adjacent beams must be the same.

When the beams are set exactly in level and the horizontal is checked, they can be concreted in the landing slots.


Wooden beams made using this technology will reliably serve you for several decades. However, in order to prolong its service life, it is necessary to process the wood and carry out periodic inspection to monitor their condition. If there are defects, repair (partial or complete replacement of damaged elements).

From a monolithic slab

Ways of warming interfloor ceilings on wooden beamsOverlapping from a monolithic slab

Such an overlap consists of a monolithic slab, which is made on site and rests on the walls. Reinforcing mesh and concrete are used for manufacturing.

Overlapping from a monolithic slab is distinguished by high surface quality, it can be made of any form of complexity.

Note! The disadvantage of manufacturing a ceiling from a monolith is the mandatory installation of formwork. If you choose the right flooring option for your house and do all the installation and concrete work with high quality, you will get a durable and reliable flooring.

If you choose the right flooring option for your house and do all the installation and concrete work with high quality, you will get a durable and reliable flooring.

Video on the technology of pouring a ribbed monolithic floor, see below:

Ways of laying the basement

For the wooden construction of the base, a cranial bar is required. It will insulate the floor. After all, it is on it that panels or a board covering the insulation are mounted.

A more popular option is a draft layer of rolling or unedged boards. The material is mounted on a wooden block with a square section and a side of 5 or 4 cm. It is best to attach the cranial beam to the logs with self-tapping screws, but you can also use nails.

Ways of warming interfloor ceilings on wooden beams

Advice! You can mount the board not on the cranial bar, but in the groove (quarter). It must be cut with chisels or power tools. It will take longer.

The draft floor of the basement is insulated with bulk materials, including sand.Often, sawdust impregnated with an antiseptic or mineral wool from 10 cm in thickness is used. To protect wood structures, a waterproofing layer is covered from below. The most practical option is bituminous roll materials. For rooms in contact with moisture, waterproofing is also mounted from above.

Ways of warming interfloor ceilings on wooden beams

Wooden floor construction

The most common material from which the installation of interfloor, roofing and floor coverings is carried out is wood. Especially in private buildings, since this material is easy to process, environmentally friendly, easy and quick to install. Restrictions on the length of the span of wooden floors - eight meters. The main load-bearing elements are bars with a section size of 5 × 15 cm (minimum) and 14x240 (maximum). Sometimes a sanded log of suitable diameters is used to make beams. Varieties of coniferous trees are used for overlapping, as the most durable. Before installation, wooden structures must be dried well.

The quality of drying can be determined by tapping the ax on the products, the sonorous and clean sound will confirm this.

Ways of warming interfloor ceilings on wooden beams

The advantages of wooden floors include lightness, the ability to give the structure proper thermal and acoustic properties.

In the ceilings, other structural elements are also used to strengthen the beams, firmly connect them and create a reliable frame for the house. At their device apply:

  • The cranial bar is a 5x5cm wooden bar, which, as a rule, is attached to the bottom of the beam, for hemming the ceilings below the located room.
  • Subfloor boards. Even a low-quality board is suitable for the device - unedged and not planed.
  • Floorboards are specially made, well-planed, tongue-and-groove boards.
  • Warming material - it can be ecowool, polystyrene (foam), roll material for thermal insulation.
  • Waterproofing and vapor barrier films that serve to prevent moisture inside and remove condensate.
  • Antiseptic impregnations, bitumen, paint, roofing material.
  • Decorative finishing materials.

Ways of warming interfloor ceilings on wooden beams

Vapor barrier device in the interfloor ceiling

Some features of wooden floors

As mentioned above, the floor structure consists mainly of wooden elements, but the technology for finishing the floor and ceiling can use any modern material. Correctly mounting the various parts into a single floor structure is an important task, in which case the beams will be reliable and last a long time.

In particular, one of the important functions of floors is sound insulation. The advantage of wooden floors is that any insulating materials are easily attached to them. The installation of decorative finishes is also well carried out to give a modern design to the room.

Another difference between wooden floors is that they do not give additional load. Therefore, choosing wooden structures, it is possible to save on the installation of a reinforced foundation for the house. Competent installation of floors between the levels of the house allows the rooms to "breathe", they maintain the desired temperature and good sound insulation. Wooden beams are very reliable and durable.

Ways of warming interfloor ceilings on wooden beams

Competent arrangement of wooden floors between floors will eliminate noise and create a comfortable atmosphere in the house

The distance between the beams is calculated depending on the number of storeys of the building, its area and floor loads. Varies from 60 centimeters to 1 meter.

The length of the beams is selected taking into account their strong support on the walls of the building in special arranged nests.

Types of wood floors

The houses have a basement and an attic space, and often they equip an attic. The type of overlap depends on this, to which different requirements are imposed in different cases.

There is the following subdivision of load-bearing arches by type:

  1. An interfloor overlap that does not require good insulation, as it separates residential areas.The main requirement is good sound insulation.
  2. Attic, separating living quarters from the attic. Depending on whether the attic is heated or there is no heating in the room under the roof, the flooring is made of the necessary insulating material. But without fail, a vapor barrier layer is applied, which excludes the formation of condensate.
  3. Basement or basement, serving as the boundary between the basement. Here, in the first place is thermal insulation, which cuts off the cold coming from below.

Ways of warming interfloor ceilings on wooden beamsAttic floor from I-beams

Depending on the requirements for flooring, insulation layers of a certain thickness, vapor barrier or soundproof materials are added.

Ways of warming interfloor ceilings on wooden beamsWood floor device

The construction of interfloor vaults in a house made of aerated concrete

The main feature is that aerated concrete, with all its positive properties, does not have sufficient strength. Because of this, it is not recommended to build buildings with more than two floors from ordinary aerated concrete.

Ways of warming interfloor ceilings on wooden beamsTimber flooring between floors

For the installation of flooring between floors, especially when it is necessary to mount the ceiling of the 2nd floor of a house made of aerated concrete, a reinforced support is prepared in advance from a reinforced concrete belt located along the perimeter of the building or room.

Do-it-yourself stages of work:

  1. The ends of the beams must be cut at an angle of 60°-70°, creating an additional cavity for ventilation after installation.
  2. Next, the bars at the point of contact with the wall are wrapped with roofing material, which prevents abrasion of the structure stop. The end must be left open to remove moisture from the wood during ventilation.
  3. When creating niches for laying down, it is necessary to calculate their size so that the gap between the tree and the wall from above is at least 50 mm. After laying the beam, a heater, for example, mineral wool, is laid in this gap.
  4. Installation begins with the extreme bars, mounting the ceiling on wooden beams. Then install intermediate slegs, checking the correctness of the installation according to the building level.
  5. The beam vault is fixed to the reinforced belt using metal corners, studs or special plates.
  6. The next step is the installation of boards and bars, fixed from the bottom of the beams.
  7. After fixing the lower layer of the structure, the insulating layer is distributed, selecting its properties depending on the type of floor - providing thermal insulation, improving sound insulation or waterproofing.

Ways of warming interfloor ceilings on wooden beamsFinishing the floor on the beams

At the end, logs are laid on top, on which the finishing floor is mounted. The lower part of the arch is also ennobled, sheathed with clapboard, fiberboard, plywood or other finishing material.

Of all types of floors, those made of wood are more preferable when building a house on their own - wooden interfloor structures require less cost and are not very labor intensive. Using timber, you can build floors of any kind - interfloor, attic or basement (basement). It is only necessary to correctly calculate the load and correctly select the lumber for construction, which will ensure the strength and durability of the structure.

Calculation of the floor structure in a wooden house

It is from how correctly the calculation of the expected load will be carried out that it is possible to create a high-quality reliable design that will perform its main functions and last a very long time.

Most often, the beams in the room are laid in the direction of the shortest wall. This makes it possible to make the span minimal. The step between the beams will depend primarily on the size of the section. On average, this size is 1 meter. Making the distance less is not worth it, as this will only increase the consumption of material and the complexity of the work.

Scheme of installation of floor beams.

It is better to give preference to beams with a large section than to make an overlap with a small step and a weak overlap.

The main dimensions of the beams for a certain span size:

  • 2200 mm span - section 75 * 100 mm;
  • 3200 mm span - section 100 * 175 mm or 125 * 200 mm;
  • 500 mm span - section 150 * 225 mm.

If the overlap is made between the first floor and the attic, then the step between the material should be the same, but the cross section of the beams can be chosen much smaller. This is due to the fact that the load in the attic will be much less than on the full floor.

Technical requirements for floors

Interfloor structures consist of the following elements:

  • beams;
  • bars;
  • board layer;
  • heat and sound insulating layer;
  • waterproofing film;
  • finishing board;
  • ventilation slot;
  • plinth.

The following requirements are recommended for floor structures:

If the floors between which the floors are mounted have a temperature difference of more than 10 degrees, then it is necessary to lay heat-insulating materials. Most often this happens between residential floors and a basement or attic. In such rooms, a heat insulator is indispensable.
Regardless of the type of wood, structural beams must have high strength. They need to withstand the load of the structure, the interior of the room and people. But in addition to this weight, there must be a certain margin. It should be remembered that the indicator of the minimum load on such floors is 210 kg / sq. m. For attic, the figure starts from 100 kg.
For wooden structures, the deflection value is applied. It must be less than 4 mm per meter. The indicator is calculated as follows, the board length is divided by 250 and the maximum deflection value is obtained. For the coating on which it is planned to lay the tiles, the indicator is divided not by 250, but by 400. For attics, the figure is divided by 200.
The sound limit for materials should not exceed 50 decibels. This should be taken into account when choosing soundproofing. Heat insulators can significantly hide noise

Sounds should not pass through ceilings and communications.
When calculating floor materials, it is also important to take into account the length of wooden beams. It should not be more than 5 meters

For attics - 6. However, it is rare to find wooden structures over 6 meters. If the area of ​​​​the rooms exceeds 6 meters, supports are installed under the beams.

Ways of warming interfloor ceilings on wooden beams

Note! Wood belongs to the class of flammable materials. In addition, it is prone to putrefaction, fungi and various bacteria.

Therefore, floor materials must be processed before installation. The minimum set of impregnations consists of flame retardants and antiseptics.

How to protect the floor between floors

It is not enough just to build a house correctly, it is necessary that no problems arise during operation. To do this, even at the design stage, all factors contributing to its durability and protection of building structures are taken into account.

Of no small importance is the solution of two problems - protection from fire and biological influence of the environment.

According to combustibility, materials are divided into five categories, ranging from highly combustible to non-combustible. Structures made of various materials are distinguished by their ability to prevent the spread of fire. Flame retardant properties - completely excluding the spread of fire and semi-flammable - capable of delaying its spread for some time. It should be noted that flammability is not the same as fire resistance. Fire resistance is understood as the property of a structure or material to save load-bearing and enclosing functions in case of fire.

Protection against fire, fungus and insects

For this purpose, the wood is treated with fire-resistant solutions to ensure fire resistance for at least 30 minutes under experimental conditions. In residential construction, the design of the second floor floor structure must have at least semi-fire-resistant properties.

When drafting ceilings, it should be borne in mind that the beams are exposed to fire not only from the bottom side, but also from the sides.

The burning rate of coniferous wood is 0.8 mm/min according to the resistance parameters. Taking into account fire resistance, a material with a cross section of 11 by 24 cm should be chosen, because with a beam height of 24 cm and a span width of 5.8 to 5.85 m, their width is increased to 120 mm and more.

The problem of protecting wooden structures from biological influences is also very relevant:

  • water, which violates the structure of the tree and is a breeding ground for microorganisms.
  • molds, rot.
  • insects that cause damage to the structure of wood and rottenness.
  • ultraviolet light, which softens and darkens the wood.

Unlike other materials, wood is an environmentally friendly product, which is important for a living space. In addition, the wooden floor retains heat well in the house.

Now there is a tendency to return to natural materials that were previously used everywhere. Means of effective protection of wood from harmful influences that worsen its performance have already been created.

We choose the material for the device of interfloor ceilings

There are 3 types of floors for houses of different heights:

  • basement (basement, lower);
  • attic (upper);
  • interfloor.

Any of them consists of 2 structural elements: supports (beams) and sheathing (flooring). Depending on the purpose of wooden floors, different materials are used for their construction. Since they are all made of wood, installation work can be done by hand, without involving complex lifting equipment.

Ways of warming interfloor ceilings on wooden beams

Wooden floors can be built only if the width of the span between the structural elements of the building is no more than 8 m.

Beam Selection Criteria

The following materials are used as supporting elements:

  • solid timber;
  • knocked down boards;
  • barked logs.

The standard section of the beams is 150/150 mm or 20/150 mm for timber, 140/240 or 5/20 mm for boards. You can use glued timber. In terms of bending strength, it is not inferior to solid, and often surpasses it. Any material chosen for the device of wooden floors must be well dried and not have flaws in the form of cracks, knots and wormholes.

Ways of warming interfloor ceilings on wooden beams

Logs are selected by tapping on them with the butt of an ax. The tree should make a clear and sonorous sound. It is recommended to use coniferous woods, as they bend much better than hardwoods. The length of the beams should be such that it is possible to lay the support in the sockets intended for this purpose in the walls.

Requirements for timber floors

  • the design must be strong and flawlessly withstand the expected loads;
  • all floor elements in a wooden house must be designed for a service life that corresponds to the planned period of operation of the building;
  • interfloor ceilings should provide for the presence of a heat and sound insulation component.

Estimated load calculation

Ways of warming interfloor ceilings on wooden beams

Before starting work, calculations are performed that help determine the required section of the beams, the step between them, the amount of lumber. For this purpose, either special programs are used, or they are guided by standard indicators. They are:

  1. For flights whose width does not exceed 2200 mm, take beams with a section of 75x100 mm.
  2. For spans of 3200 mm - with a section of 100x175 mm or 125x200 mm.
  3. For spans 500 mm wide - beams with a section of 50x225 mm.

The supports are laid in increments of at least 60 cm. If the beams are of a large section, the distance between them is increased to 1 m. The installation of the ceiling starts from one of the short walls of the house. Beams (logs) should be laid perpendicular to the long walls.

Insulation and finishing

The location of the horizontal partition in the cottage determines the use of insulating and finishing materials. The thickness of the floors between floors depends on the height of the beams, the number of layers and the characteristics of the finished flooring. Do-it-yourself rolling device diagram:

  • cranial bars 50x50 mm are nailed to the lower part of the side surfaces of the beams. They will support the roll and the insulation layer;
  • a roll is laid on the bars, which can be done by knocking down shields from boards;
  • shields are connected and attached to the cranial bars;
  • if the ceiling is basement, then a vapor barrier film and insulation are laid on the “black” floor. Waterproofing and a finishing floor are laid on top;
  • interfloor ceilings from below are lined with a vapor barrier coating, then with a ceiling board, plywood or wood boards. After laying heat and sound insulation, the structure is covered with a steam membrane and floorboards are laid.

Floor boards are impregnated with protective agents, painted or varnished. Linoleum, laminate, parquet are laid on chipboard. The ceiling is leveled with decorative tiles, board or drywall. Then the finish coat is applied.

1. Wooden elements are treated with water-based products that are intended for indoor use. Russian-made Senezh ognebio is suitable for this - complex impregnation belongs to the 1st group of fire protection efficiency and the influence of biological factors on wood.

2. The floor opening should not exceed 6 m, and the step of laying the load-bearing beams should not exceed 1 m.

3. The minimum distance between the support beams and the exhaust ventilation shafts is 250 mm.

4. The minimum thickness of the thermal and sound insulation layer is 100 mm between living spaces and 200–250 mm for attic and basement systems.

Expanded clay with a fraction size of 5–10 mm, perlite, slag, dry sand, foam plastic or mineral wool are used as insulation. Bulk materials are more accessible, but make the structure heavier. The most acceptable option for a private house - mineral wool has a low thermal conductivity, repels moisture and, unlike polystyrene, allows air to pass through.

Insulation of floors with slabs


Insulation of floors in basements, residential and attic spaces is very often carried out by installing fire-resistant non-rotting slabs in niches of interfloor wooden floors. You can buy them, or you can make your own. You can independently determine the shape and area of ​​\u200b\u200bsuch a slab in order to best fit it into the space between the beams. The density of such plates reaches 500 kg / m3, that is, a plate with an area of ​​\u200b\u200b1 sq.m and a thickness of 1 cm weighs about 5 kg.

Ways of warming interfloor ceilings on wooden beams View of the interfloor floor prepared for insulation. Click on the photo to enlarge.

Raw materials for plate insulation

The most common types of raw materials for insulation boards are foam concrete, cinder concrete and sawdust concrete. Here are some recipes:

  • sawdust, clay, sand, cement, water in the ratio 4:1:2:0.3:2.5;
  • sawdust, lime paste, cement, water in the ratio 1:1.5:0.5:2.

All components must be mixed well until a homogeneous mixture is obtained, and then poured into pre-prepared frame forms, the length, width and height of which are determined depending on the design of the floors in the house (on the distance between the beams). The plates are kept in a shaded and protected from moisture place until the mixture is completely dry.

The last requirement - the complete absence of moisture in the slabs - is mandatory, otherwise the insulation along the interfloor beams will be ineffective. If moisture collects in the insulation already during the operation of the floors in the house, this also threatens the plates with a complete loss of thermal insulation characteristics.

The recipe with the use of roofing material also shows good results. First, roofing material is spread over the beams, and a layer of sand-clay mixture is poured on top of it. When this composition is completely dry, it is covered with a layer of sawdust, wood shavings or slag. If in your region the temperature does not drop below minus 20 ° C in winter, then 14-16 cm of slag, 5-6 cm of sawdust, 7-8 cm of shavings are enough.

Next, a mixture of water, clay, cement and sawdust is prepared in proportions of 4: 4: 0.3: 1.Slabs are formed from this mixture, dried, and then laid on roofing material. The joints between the plates are filled with clay.

Remember that between the thermal insulation layer and the finished floor, it is necessary to maintain a distance sufficient to ensure free air circulation and removal of vapors from the insulation. If the final floor covering is laid close to the thermal insulation layer, then the wood of the floor can eventually rot or become infected with fungi and mold.

The beams themselves and the cranial bars that are attached between them must be pre-treated with an antiseptic or a special wood primer to protect the wood from waterlogging and the same fungi.

If, at the end of all work on the insulation of floors, the temperature of the finished floor differs from the air temperature in the room by no more than 2 ° C, we can talk about effective thermal insulation.

When the ceiling is insulated

According to the laws of physics, warm air always rises. If the attic is not heated, the heat from the lower floor comes out through it. Heat loss can be up to 40%. Warm air escapes through small cracks in concrete, pores in wooden ceilings. Properly executed thermal insulation will prevent freezing, will reduce heating costs.

In all private houses with a cold ceiling, it is recommended to carry out thermal insulation of the ceiling. Such work can be performed at the construction stage or in an already erected house. In the second case, insulation is carried out if the coatings were made a long time ago and have lost their heat-insulating properties over time.


