How to insulate a water pipe with your own hands

Insulation of heating pipes in the basement

How to insulate a water pipe with your own hands

The cost of heating a house increases every year. Each owner is looking for ways to save money: the boiler turns on periodically, or it constantly works only at a minimum, and so on.

The use of such methods leads to a significant decrease in the temperature in the house.

But few people think about how efficiently the residential area is heated, because most of the heat is lost on the way to it.

If heat loss can be minimized, then the rooms will warm up better and faster, so the boiler will not need to work continuously, and it will be possible to resort to savings without compromising the temperature. Since boilers are often located in basements and other utility rooms, we will consider how to insulate heating pipes in the basement and other possible places for the system to pass through.

- advice on insulating pipes in the basement

Only the purchase of materials that will pay off in the first heating season will be costly.

And changes in the quality of residential heating will be noticeable immediately, since the heat will not be wasted.

Thermal insulation of external pipelines: choice of material

For central and autonomous heating systems, a common problem is the decrease in the temperature of the coolant during its movement through the pipeline.

First of all, this concerns the external sections of the heating network, but also inside the building, in some areas, thermal insulation of heating pipes and hot water supply is required to avoid heat loss.

Variety of materials

Communications inside the house, as well as within your land plot, can be insulated on your own by choosing the right materials. By performing the insulation of the heating main and the DHW pipeline, you will achieve:

  • reduction of heat losses in areas where the heat supply pipeline is laid on the ground or passes through unheated (including basement) premises;
  • reducing the risk of corrosion from the outside of metal pipes;
  • prevention of freezing of the coolant when the boiler is stopped (freezing of the system leads to its failure due to pipe breaks);
  • saving money on heating the house and preparing water for hot water supply.

Types of materials for thermal insulation

Insulation of pipelines of heating networks increases the efficiency of the system, reduces the load on the heating boiler, and contributes to fuel savings.

For these purposes, thermal insulation is used for pipes of various types; when choosing, one should take into account the functional features of insulating materials and the principles of their installation.

The following types of thermal insulation are distinguished:

  • roll;
  • piece;
  • casing;
  • sprayed;
  • combined.

Types of thermal materials

Thermal insulation materials allow you to insulate building structures, chimneys, ventilation ducts, pipelines for various purposes.

When choosing a material for insulating pipes with a heat carrier or hot water, which are laid outside the building by land or air, you should use a moisture-resistant insulation.

The universal properties of heat insulators, with which you can insulate heating pipes on the street and in the house, include:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • resistance to the effects of chemically active substances;
  • does not corrode;
  • fire resistance;
  • safety for human health;
  • simple installation;
  • durability.

When choosing an insulating material for pipelines, the diameter of the pipe, the location and operating conditions, and the operating temperature of the transported medium are also taken into account.

Foamed polyethylene

Thermal insulation for heating pipes made of polyethylene foam is in high demand due to its affordable cost and functionality.

The thermal conductivity coefficient of the material is about 0.035 W/m•K, while the material due to its cellular structure has a low weight and does not exert a significant load on the pipes.

Insulation of pipelines according to SNiP

How to insulate a water pipe with your own hands

When performing work on equipment and installation of pipelines, it is necessary to comply with the norms of SNiP.

What is SNiP? These are building norms and rules for the organization of construction production, for compliance with standards, specifications and regulatory departmental acts.

Basic norms and rules for thermal insulation

Heat networks are one of the main elements of district heating. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the norms and rules when drawing up a project for the thermal insulation of pipelines.

Subject to SNiP, thermal insulation of pipelines will be carried out qualitatively without violating standards.

Thermal insulation of pipelines SNiP is provided for linear sections of pipelines, heating networks, compensators and pipe supports.

Insulation of pipelines in residential buildings, industrial buildings requires strict compliance with design standards and a fire safety system.

The quality of materials must comply with SNiP, thermal insulation of pipelines must be aimed at reducing heat loss.

The main tasks of thermal insulation, features of the choice of materials

The main purpose of thermal insulation is to reduce heat loss in heating systems or pipelines with hot water supply. The main function of the insulation is to prevent condensation.

Condensation can form both on the surface of the pipe and in the insulating layer.

In addition, according to safety standards, the insulation of pipelines must provide a certain temperature on the surface of the insulation, and in case of stagnant water, protect it from freezing and icing in the winter.

Insulation of pipelines also increases the life of pipes.

According to the norms of SNiP, thermal insulation of pipelines is used both for centralized heating and reduces heat losses from in-house heating networks. What to consider when choosing thermal insulation:

  • Pipe diameter. It depends on what type of insulator will be used. Pipes can be cylindrical, semi-cylinders or soft mats in rolls. Insulation of pipes of small diameter is mainly carried out using cylinders and half-cylinders.
  • Heat carrier temperature.
  • The conditions under which the pipes will be operated.

Types of heaters

Consider the most popular and commonly used materials for thermal insulation:

  1. Fiberglass. Glass fiber materials are often used for above ground pipelines because they have a long service life. Fiberglass has a low application temperature and is characterized by low density. High-quality fiberglass has high vibration, chemical and biological resistance.
  2. Mineral wool. Thermal insulation of pipelines with mineral wool is a very effective heat insulator. This insulating material will be used in different conditions. Unlike fiberglass, which has a low application temperature (up to 180ºC), mineral wool can withstand temperatures up to 650ºC. At the same time, its heat-insulating and mechanical properties are preserved. Mineral wool does not lose its shape, has a high resistance to chemical attack, acid. This material is non-toxic and has a low degree of moisture absorption.

In turn, mineral wool comes in two forms: stone and glass.

Insulation of pipelines with mineral wool is used in mainly in residential buildings, public and domestic premises, as well as to protect surfaces that are exposed to heat.

  1. Polyurethane foam has a wide range of applications, but is a rather expensive material.According to the norms of SNiP, thermal insulation of pipelines is environmentally friendly and does not affect human health. Polyurethane foam is resistant to external factors, non-toxic and quite durable.
  2. Styrofoam. In some areas of industry, foam is an indispensable material, as it has low thermal conductivity and moisture absorption and a long service life. Expanded polystyrene is difficult to ignite, and is an excellent sound insulator.
  3. In addition to the above materials, the insulation of pipelines can also be carried out using other less well-known, but no less practical heaters, such as foam glass and penoizol. These materials are strong, safe and are close relatives of Styrofoam.

Corrosion protection and high thermal insulation of pipes can also be provided by heat-insulating paint.

This is a relatively new material, the main advantage of which is that it penetrates into hard-to-reach places and is able to withstand high temperature differences.

Pipeline insulation options

Thermal insulation of pipes in the ground requires the greatest amount of work. It is necessary to carry out earthworks and the insulation itself, which combines the properties of insulation and waterproofing.

Features of various methods of pipe insulation:

How to insulate a water pipe with your own hands

Thermal insulation thermoflex

  • Thermoflex, which is a foamed polyethylene with closed air pores, is produced in the form of hollow pipes that are put on the pipeline. This is an effective material, since insulating pipes in the ground in this way helps prevent their deformation by the mass of soil.
  • The space between the inner and outer shells of the pipe is filled with polyurethane foam, then parts of the system are mounted in place and the joints are protected with foam.
  • Expanded polystyrene (polystyrene) is produced in the form of a shell of two parts with a tongue-and-groove lock.
  • Penoizol is made in liquid form, can be applied to any pipes to create sealed structures.
  • Heat-insulating paint containing ceramic nanoparticles is applied to pipes by spraying.

Thermal insulation for underground heating pipes

GOST 30732-2006 regulates the direct underground laying of heating networks by pipelines with polyurethane foam insulation in a polyethylene sheath or sealed channels with a galvanized steel outer protective layer.

For domestic use, the laying of steel pipes underground with non-hermetic protection is prohibited if a pipeline made of polypropylene PP is used, it can be placed in a rigid shell of ordinary or extruded polystyrene foam PS, polyurethane foam.

Many firms and individuals use a combination of an external large-diameter rigid pipeline and a soft foam polyethylene insulation in the underground installation, similar to factory pipes with a PPU thermal insulator and a protective PE sheath. When laying on the pipeline, they put on a tube of soft foamed polyethylene, fix it with adhesive tape, and then insert the resulting structure into sewer pipes of a larger diameter.

How to insulate a water pipe with your own hands

Rice. 14 Factory pipe insulated with PPU insulation

Insulation of sewer pipes with foam

Styrofoam is exactly the material that has all the necessary advantages inherent in a good insulation:

  • Excellent insulating properties;
  • Low weight;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Acceptable price.

Styrofoam shells are a fairly new heat insulator suitable for insulating pipes of various diameters with a working environment in the range from -180 to +80 ° C. The shell consists of two (rarely three) parts, equipped with tongue-and-groove locks, which provide high quality fastening and prevent the appearance of cold bridges.

Due to its performance characteristics, foam can be used in any climatic zone.

Obviously, this also applies to record low temperatures. The durability of the material makes its use profitable. One of the most important properties is self-extinguishing. By themselves, the foam shells burn for only a couple of seconds. For the use of insulation indoors, this indicator is quite important.

Due to its versatility, the foam can be covered with an additional layer of protection in the form of roofing felt or foil, or you can not do this, since the foam shell is not affected by bacteria, fungi, mold.

How to insulate a water pipe with your own hands

As for the installation work, they are so simple that it is not even worth focusing on this issue. The halves of the shell should simply be picked up, then put on the pipe, offset by 0.2-0.3 m in relation to each other

In addition, shells made of foam plastic can be given almost any shape without reducing the thermal insulation and protective properties.

As for the final choice of insulation, this is largely determined by the setting of tasks, the availability of the project, the financial budget and other less significant factors. A properly selected and installed thermal insulation layer will ensure stable operation of the sewer system for the entire period of operation.

Considered modern insulation for heating pipes, its types and features. Recommendations are given on the choice of heat-insulating material for hot water and heating systems. The properties of all possible heaters are listed.

Technology and features of thermal insulation

Proper thermal insulation technologies vary depending on the laying conditions. Let's analyze each case separately.

On open air

Outdoors, the pipe is exposed to the weather. This is expressed in increased humidity, ultraviolet radiation and mechanical stress from solid precipitation.

Therefore, the insulation for street heating pipes should be:

  • Resistant to mechanical damage
  • Non-hygroscopic
  • Resistant to UV rays.

On the other hand, there are requirements that are not at all mandatory for outdoor insulation, these are biological inertness and resistance to pests. Ideally, outdoor insulation should be hidden in additional casings to prevent any aggressive impact.

How to insulate a water pipe with your own handsInsulation of heating pipes on the street

In an unheated room

In an unheated room, there are no special requirements for insulation. Pipes are insulated in such rooms in order to save thermal energy, which is spent nowhere, heating completely unnecessary areas. Therefore, in this matter, it is desirable that the insulation be biologically inert and unaffected by rodents. The rest of the factors are secondary.

Separately, it must be said about the insulation of risers in heated rooms. Theoretically, heat should enter the room only through radiators. In practice, there is no difference: heat will pass into the room through the radiator or immediately through the riser. Therefore, the insulation of heating pipes in heated rooms is a waste of money.


Underground, the greatest danger to the insulation is mechanical stress and high humidity. No hygroscopic insulation underground will last longer than 2-3 months, so the choice of such material threatens to cost re-installation. Styrofoam for underground insulation is also not suitable, as it is a fragile material.

In addition, the earth is a good conductor of heat. This means that when laying above the freezing level, heat losses from the coolant increase sharply. Therefore, it is necessary to apply the maximum possible thickness of the insulation, which is defined for each area in SP 41-103-2000.

There is nothing complicated in warming heating pipes

It is important to clearly understand under what conditions which insulation is most appropriate and remember the first rule of any construction site: Maximum quality at minimum cost.It makes no sense to overpay for a super-expensive insulation in order to use it indoors later.

Such spending simply does not pay for sowing. Whereas the use of cheap materials underground will lead to re-insulation of the requirements and unnecessary expenses. With the right choice of insulation and high-quality installation, no problems will arise.

How to choose a heater

When applying insulation, you should try to choose the material that is optimal in its properties, taking into account the characteristics of the soil in which it will be laid.

In general, the types of heaters can be divided into several groups:

  1. Bulk;
  2. Roll;
  3. Plate-sheet;
  4. Foam blocks.

When using the first type, the pipeline laid in the trench can simply be covered with expanded clay. This method of insulating sewer pipes in the ground with your own hands is the simplest and most inexpensive, but it will only work if the trench is dry. With roll and slab types of insulation, a protective waterproofed box is required. This is necessary to prevent the formation of ice plugs in cold winters.

How to insulate a water pipe with your own hands

High-quality insulation of external sewer pipes is due to well-chosen material. The range of thermal insulation materials for sewer pipes on the market is very wide and it is not so easy to make a choice.

But what you definitely need to pay attention to is that the insulation is already waterproofed. In this case, you will not have to worry about additional measures.

Pipeline insulation

Making the water supply of a private house from a well and a well, the pipeline can be laid at a very shallow depth - 40-50 cm - this is quite enough. It is only necessary to lay pipes in such a shallow trench insulated. If you want to do everything thoroughly, then lay out the bottom and sides of the trench with some kind of building material - brick or building blocks. From above everything is covered with plates.

How to insulate a water pipe with your own hands

An example of laying pipes above the freezing depth in a prepared ditch. Warming of the water supply is carried out with a special heater, with a suitable inner diameter

If desired, you can fill up the soil and plant annuals - if necessary, the soil can be easily removed and free access to the pipeline is provided.

Insulation for water pipes

You can use two types of heaters:

  • special energy-saving shells molded in the form of pipes, they are also called "pipe shells";
  • roll material - a common insulation in the form of rolls, which is used for walls, roofs, etc.

Thermal insulation for pipes in the form of a shell is made of the following materials:

How to insulate a water pipe with your own hands

Insulation of water supply pipes in a private house is done using thermal insulation

Mineral wool - glass wool and stone wool - have one significant drawback: they are hygroscopic. By absorbing water, they lose most of their heat-insulating properties. After drying, they are restored only partially. And another very unpleasant moment, if wet mineral wool freezes, after freezing it turns into dust. To prevent this from happening, these materials require careful waterproofing. If you cannot guarantee the absence of moisture, it is better to use a different material.

How to make drip irrigation systems for greenhouses and gardens with your own hands is written here. An article about manufacturers of ready-made kits for drip irrigation is here.

Materials providing thermal insulation of pipes

There are quite a few types of materials used to insulate sewer pipes, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Below we will take a closer look at each of them so that you can make the best choice.


The basis of its production is suspension polystyrene. As a result, a foam material is formed, consisting of a large number of fused granules. Expanded polystyrene is highly rigid.

Extruded polystyrene foam

The structure of the material is closed cells. This is the most optimal solution for sewerage insulation, which is operated under conditions of high loads and humidity levels.


The material consists of moisture-resistant granules ranging in size from 0.1 to 0.5 cm. Under the influence of high temperatures, the granules are sintered with each other. The basis of the foam is polystyrene.

polyurethane foam

The main advantage of this material is its lightness and strength. It is used as a heat insulator in the case of arranging industrial and domestic sewer systems.

glass wool

This material has a high density, it is customary to use it as a heater for metal-plastic pipes. Additional external isolators are required.


The basis of the material is special basalt fibers stitched with the finest glass lines made from basalt itself.

How to insulate heating pipes

Insulation in a room where hot pipes should not store heat, but give it into space, contradicts this rule. Only in unheated rooms should there be heat-insulated lines, and such rooms include basements and attic space.

How to insulate a water pipe with your own hands

Since a properly built basement cannot have water on the floor, and there should not be even more water in the attic, basalt or stone wool, not very dense foam plastic and / or polyurethane are usually used to insulate the tracks in such rooms. If the room is dry enough, then waterproofing can be omitted.

The cheapest heat insulator (which plays a secondary role in the private sector) is mineral wool. In any case, the insulation for pipes passing through the attic or basement must also be resistant to high temperatures: if the expansion tank of the heating system is installed in the attic, then under certain conditions the water temperature in it can reach high values, or even reach boiling points.

How to insulate a water pipe with your own hands

Insulation of the highway in the ground has its own characteristics:

  1. It is necessary to lay heating communications only below the freezing point of the soil in a specific geographical and climatic region;
  2. Moisture in any form should not fall on the insulation material;
  3. Insulation should not be subjected to mechanical stress and deformation under the weight of the soil.

In addition, given the earthworks for digging trenches and backfilling the soil into the ditch, the insulation of the pipeline underground will be quite an expensive, but one-time event - the service life of properly insulated and protected pipelines is calculated for many decades.

The most reliable, and therefore popular, method is the laying (winding) of heat-insulating materials, which are then protected with rigid casings:

  1. The track, insulated by any method, is placed in a PVC pipe of a larger diameter. Usually these are products Ø 110-160 mm - in a large space there is enough space for pipes with a working fluid, and for basalt wool or other types of thermal insulation;
  2. In addition to self-made multilayer structures, the industry produces factory-made multilayer pipe products of various designs and degrees of complexity. Basically, in the context of such products, they look like: a pipe, thermal insulation, a rigid outer casing. The only, but significant drawback of this technology is the high cost, therefore, the first option for insulating underground heating pipes is still used more often.

Insulation of the heating main on the street should take into account the possible area of ​​contact of the route with precipitation - rain, dew, fog, snow, etc. Such highways must be protected by a waterproofing layer with the following layers of insulation of street pipelines:

  1. Mineral (basalt, stone, fiberglass) wool;
  2. Fastening the insulation with a silk cord;
  3. Ruberoid;
  4. Roofing material winding with galvanized or aluminum wire.


Those who have seen the state of the city's heating mains sometimes understand why the radiators in the apartments are barely warm, and why it is so necessary to insulate their own heating main of individual or centralized heating, approaching the house from the street. The better the insulation is made, the less heat loss will be during the delivery of hot working fluid to batteries in heated residential premises, and the lower will be the cost of energy carriers that run a boiler room or an individual boiler.

Reliable insulation materials for heating mains to a house or apartment, proper installation and protection of all layers of insulation - this is the protection of the route from negative atmospheric influences and saving on energy resources - on gas, coal, electricity or wood, which means saving the family budget.

How to insulate a water pipe with your own handsThe thermal insulation of the pipes of the heating system is an important issue, taking into account which the quality of the heating of the house will depend. The need to insulate external heating pipes consists of many factors that must be considered when insulating pipes underground, indoors or outdoors.

How and what is the best way to insulate heating pipes on the street? Below we will study this issue in detail in order to carry out the insulation process on our own.

Why is insulation necessary?

There are several reasons why underground water supply should be insulated, all of them are related to the rules for laying communications and financial savings - it is obtained after the implementation of insulation work. The main reasons for conducting thermal protection of the water supply system:

  1. When laying an underground water line, the possibility of draining water from the system is taken into account; for this, the pipeline is laid with a slope of about 20 mm per linear meter towards the source. If the house or cottage is located at a great distance from the well or well from which water is taken, for example, 50 m, then when laying the pipeline near the house at an average freezing depth of about 1.5 m, at the entrance to the source, it will be necessary to bury the pipe by 2.5 m (0.02 x 50 = 1 m). This is economically impractical and rather difficult to implement technically.
  2. To take water from wells, caisson wells are often used, in which pumping equipment is placed and maintenance of the electric pump is carried out. A standard caisson tank has a depth of immersion under the ground of about 2 m, while the upper pipe of the casing, according to the standards, is located 50 cm above the floor level. Thus, at the outlet of the caisson chamber, which is an unheated room, the pipeline is .5 m, and given that when connecting to the house through the basement, a slope is needed, the entire section of the water supply will be above the freezing point - accordingly, it must be insulated. Read more about plastic caissons.

  3. Insulation of water supply pipes in a private house, passing underground, saves significant funds that are spent on heating cold water for household needs. It is clear that less chilled water after flowing through an insulated water supply system will require less electricity for heating than chilled water after passing through a non-thermally insulated main.
  4. It is known that the thermal insulation of an underground water supply system from contact with the ground does not heat the pipes, but prevents heat loss, therefore, insulated pipes for water supply can be effectively operated in the summer - they prevent water from heating when the main line is shallow.
  5. To prevent freezing, not only the water pipes are insulated in the ground, but also on its surface at the exit from the well and the entrance to the house, if it is located on piles, for this they often use thermal insulation methods and materials similar to underground utilities.

Self-regulating electrical cable device

Insulation of pipes on the street

If you are faced with the task of insulating outdoor heating pipes on the street, then contact with moisture should be taken into account. Therefore, waterproofing is mandatory in any case. Otherwise, the whole point of thermal insulation is nullified.

The algorithm of the standard insulation scheme:

  • a layer of mineral wool;
  • winding with silk threads;
  • a layer of roofing material to limit contact with moisture;
  • winding with a wire that is resistant to corrosion (aluminum or galvanized).

If you decide to do everything yourself, then pay attention to the choice of material, its resistance to various external factors, including moisture resistance. Remember that if moisture gets on the structure of the insulation, all work will be useless, because under the influence of water, the thermal insulation gets wet and loses all its properties

Otherwise, seek help from specialists, but be prepared for the fact that you will have to pay a considerable amount for such work. Although in fact the work itself, which consists in finishing the pipes of external heating, does not cause any difficulties.

Insulation selection criteria

There are a lot of selection criteria, but all of them are due to significant factors. Let's go through the points so that everyone can choose a heater for a specific situation.

  • Price. Yes, the first point is always the price. The question is not so much in the cheapness of the design, but in the specific budget for insulation. A specific amount must be allocated, which must be met, and only then do the rest of the parameters go. The cheapest option would be expanded clay backfill, but you need to mount a separate box under it, which is extremely inconvenient, but cheap.
  • Thermal loads. You need to know the temperature of the coolant in the supply line. Insulation without any kind of deformation must withstand this temperature.
  • The impact of pests. If you are firmly convinced that you do not have pests, then you can not look back at this item. If they are, you will have to treat the insulation with an antiseptic or use mineral wool. Remember, any modern insulation must be biologically inert. This means that despite any influences, bacteria or fungi will not start in the insulation.
  • Hygroscopicity. A heater that draws water is not the best option. It will have to be covered with additional covers to protect it from moisture. But, if there are no other options, hygroscopic heaters can also be used.
  • Shrinkage ability. A good insulation should not “sit down” over time. In practice, shrinkage means that after a certain period of time the insulation will have to be changed. The absence of shrinkage prolongs the life of the insulation.
  • Ease of installation. The easier it is to install the heater, the better. But among other indicators, this one is in last place. If after you have gone through all the points, there are still a few options left, you can think about the ease of installation.

Advantages and disadvantages of various heaters

Before giving preference to any particular material, you should study all its advantages and disadvantages.

So, mineral wool has many advantages, and indeed this heat insulator occupies, perhaps, a leading position in terms of popularity and frequency of use. The main advantages of mineral wool include:

  • excellent thermal insulation;
  • resistance to aggressive environment;
  • does not rot;
  • durable;
  • not affected by rodents;
  • can be used for pipes with high temperature indicators;
  • budget cost.

As for the seamless insulation with penoizol, it has excellent thermal insulation, does not need an additional layer of waterproofing and is a biologically stable material. The main disadvantage is the need for special coating equipment.Therefore, this method is far from cost effective.

Styrofoam insulation is a very worthy option, featuring all the same advantages and relatively low cost. Thanks to the fastening grooves, the expanded polystyrene shell is carefully fixed on the pipes and allows you to achieve good tightness of the structure. Again, the downside is hygroscopicity and the need for additional waterproofing, as is the case with mineral wool. In fact, both of these materials are almost identical in efficiency.


