Reliable insulation vermiculite 5 features

Insulation vermiculite features and applications

Composition and processing of vermiculite

Vermiculite contains several components linked by one chemical formula. Most of all, it contains silicon - about 35%, there is also magnesium 10%, iron, potassium, calcium, etc.

Natural vermiculite is a large scaly crystals. From exposure to high temperature, they are transformed into winding twisted threads-columns, increasing in volume up to 10 times.

Reliable insulation vermiculite 5 features

When the material is heated above 1000 degrees, swollen vermiculite is obtained - a light bulk material, brownish, golden in color.


The main distinguishing feature of expanded vermiculite (hereinafter simply vermiculite) is its high hygroscopicity. 100 grams of material can absorb up to 500 ml of water. But vermiculite is just as easy to dissolve with water.

Reliable insulation vermiculite 5 features

In fact, it is a natural accumulator. Therefore, it is mainly used in crop production, as an additive to the soil.

thermal insulation

Another feature of the material is its high thermal insulation qualities. The thermal conductivity coefficient of bulk vermiculite is in the range of 0.05 - 0.07 W / (m * K) depending on the size of the fractions and the density of the rammer. That makes it possible to use the material as an effective insulation.

1 mm, 120 kg / m3 - 0.059

2 mm, 110 kg / m3 - 0.057

4 mm, 95 kg/m cube - 0.054

8 mm, 65 kg / m3 - 0.052

The use of vermiculite as a heater

It is effective to use vermiculite as a bulk insulation for thermal insulation of floors and ceilings. And also for backfilling various cavities in walls, partitions, pipeline boxes ....

Reliable insulation vermiculite 5 features

When used on attic floors, reliable waterproofing is required from the roof side, as well as covering the material layer with a vapor permeable membrane (paper layer). From the side of the room under the material there must be a vapor barrier film

During installation, special attention is paid to ensure continuity

Special use

Hard slabs are made from vermiculite. They are more expensive, but can be used instead of mineral wool, as they have characteristics similar to it.


Reliable insulation vermiculite 5 features Expanded vermiculite is produced in accordance with TU 5712-091-00281915-2007 and is subdivided into grades depending on bulk density and grain size of the main fraction.

VVF stands for Expanded Fractionated Vermiculite. Grade 100 means that the bulk density of vermiculite is not more than 100 kg/m³.

St. Petersburg Mica Factory offers expanded vermiculite:

Most heat insulators have one or more flaws - they are either fire hazardous, or expensive, or not environmentally friendly. In search of the best option, developers are often interested in the idea of ​​using vermiculite in this role - a layered mineral that changes its structure at high temperatures and acquires new properties, at first glance - quite suitable for building insulation. How versatile is such a heater, does it have disadvantages, and how to use it correctly?

Expanded clay properties

  • high strength
  • fire resistant
  • frost-resistant
  • does not contain harmful impurities;
  • does not absorb water;
  • durable
  • does not lose its properties and does not collapse when frozen
  • not subject to decay

Absolutely safe for humans and the environment.

Expanded clay is a product of fast firing of fusible clays. From the Greek, the word "expanded clay" is translated as "burnt clay", which is absolutely true. Despite the heat treatment, it not only does not lose the properties inherent in the clay itself, but also acquires additional ones, becoming porous.

Reliable insulation vermiculite 5 featuresPhoto: Expanded clay material properties. Application area

On their basis, claydite-concrete blocks are made, the heat-insulating and mechanical properties of which make it possible to use them for the heat-insulating construction of floors, walls, ceilings, foundations and basements. Thanks to expanded clay filler, these blocks also acquire its properties. They are light, strong, fire-resistant, acid-resistant, etc.


Discovered relatively recently, such a mineral as vermiculite and its derivatives have found many different applications today:

  1. Ecology, oil and chemical industries. Few people will be able to answer when asked about vermiculite, that it is an excellent sorbent that can bind alkalis and acids. This property allows it to be used to neutralize a variety of chemicals in industries, as well as to contain oil spills.
  2. Nuclear industry and energy. It is used as an absorber of such radioactive elements as cobalt-58, strontium-90 and cesium-137, as well as a reflector of gamma radiation.
  3. Automotive and aviation industry. Various sound-absorbing and heat-insulating materials and products are made from vermiculite.
  4. In industrial and civil construction, vermiculite is used as follows:

insulation, as well as sound and heat insulator for roofs and floors;

Reliable insulation vermiculite 5 features

  • for backfilling as an insulating material in hollow panels;
  • as an integral component of various plasters, lightweight concretes and dry building mixtures;
  • in the manufacture of concrete and cement blocks, as well as heat-insulating mastics as a filler;
  • in the production of fire-retardant and heat-resistant plates, panels and other wall materials;
  • when arranging self-leveling floors.

5. In industrial and private crop production and horticulture. Let us consider in more detail how vermiculite is used for plants.

Technologies for laying vermiculite building materials

Works with mineral insulation are not difficult or harmful - according to the degree of impact on the human body, vermiculite coating, according to GOST 12.1.007-76, belongs to class IV (low-hazardous substances). To prevent dust from entering the eyes and respiratory organs, before using vermiculite, the worker should protect them with goggles and a respirator. Provided that building materials are stored in dry enclosed spaces, their shelf life is unlimited.

Reliable insulation vermiculite 5 featuresThermal insulation of building envelopes with bulk vermiculite

To protect the attic ceiling and the surface of the pitched roof from heat leaks, you must follow a simple algorithm:

  1. Overlap the inner lining with a vapor-tight film that will prevent moisture from entering the vermiculite from the inside.
  2. Pour dry vermiculite into the formed cavities in the roof frame.
  3. On top of it, lay a windproof superdiffusion membrane, the task of which is to prevent the weathering of the material and at the same time allow the fumes to circulate freely.
  4. Install the counter-lattice and make the roofing flooring.

The scheme of insulation of attic floors, in principle, is similar:

  1. Reliable waterproofing is laid on the filing between the beams.
  2. The lag system is mounted, with a layer of 100–150 mm.
  3. A bulk insulation for the floor is introduced, which must be immediately covered with a vapor-permeable film.
  4. After installing the plank or plywood flooring, the floor is ready for fine finishing.
  5. To reduce the cost of the material, vermiculite can be mixed with sawdust in a ratio of 1:1 or 3:2.

Reliable insulation vermiculite 5 featuresModel of insulation of frame wooden walls

Backfilling of vermiculite into the walls is possible at the stage of their erection along the frame or well technology or in the process of external insulation.To do this, as the load-bearing wall and the facing layer are erected, the space between them is filled with vermiculite granules with light tamping. Approximate layer thickness - 100 mm (for Moscow). Additional vapor and waterproofing is not required, ventilation gaps in the outer wall are also not needed.

Another way to create an insulated wall is to fill the cavities of building blocks with vermiculite. The heat-insulating effect of such a design increases dramatically, and free vapor exchange in the wall is not disturbed, and it remains light and breathable. If necessary, the outer wall can be further insulated if it is built from concrete panels based on quick-setting cement with the addition of bulk wall insulation.

Reliable insulation vermiculite 5 featuresProportions of solutions for screeds

Warming with dry vermiculite is a rather expensive solution, therefore, in private construction, they prefer to add this material to the composition of building and finishing mixtures. To prepare a solution for a thermally insulated screed, you need to stock up on standard M400 Portland cement, sand and fine or medium fraction vermiculite. Due to its high water absorption, the solution must be used up within 30 minutes of mixing.

For reliable insulation of the ceiling above the unheated space, 100 mm of screed is usually enough, and 30 mm is enough for interfloor ceilings. It must be remembered that the flooded ceiling, due to the small mass fraction of cement, does not have frost resistance, therefore such screeds are recommended only for heated rooms.

Reliable insulation vermiculite 5 featuresRecipe for plaster mortars for outdoor use

To plaster the walls from the inside, you can use the same composition, and for their external processing, the proportions of the solution must be slightly changed. Both external and internal plasters have high vapor permeability, which contributes to the normal self-regulation of the internal microclimate. Warm vermiculite-based plasters have a natural golden or silver sheen, but if desired, pigment of the desired shade can be added to their composition.

Plaster for interior decoration: C - cement, I - lime, G - clay, V - vermiculite

When laying walls, it is advisable to use modern thermal insulation materials (gas, foam blocks, vermiculite concrete), and the seams between them should be made of masonry mortar with a low thermal conductivity. You can knead it using the same vermiculite, having previously decided on the optimal composition.

Thus, the demand for vermiculite in construction is obvious: excellent manufacturability and a unique combination of properties bring vermiculite backfill and slabs to the fore among fire-resistant insulation. A fairly significant obstacle to expanding the scope of their application is only a high price, but the increase in production gives hope that it will be eliminated in the near future.

Insulation properties vermiculite

Insulation vermiculite is a material that is widely used in construction and finishing works in the construction of new buildings, capital and ongoing repairs of old buildings. It is used in the form of pressed boards, as a filler and as an additive in plaster mixes. It is used for insulation of walls, floors, attics and ceilings. Insulation with vermiculite is carried out during the construction of pipeline systems and highways for various purposes, which significantly extends their service life. This has a positive effect on the operation of equipment and pipeline fittings installed for the smooth functioning of the entire system.

Technological features

Reliable insulation vermiculite 5 features

Vermiculite in the form of plates and in bulk.

Vermiculite is an environmentally friendly material created by nature. It belongs to the minerals of the hydromica group. It has a crystalline form of golden-brown, yellowish or bronze color.It was found that when the plates of vermiculite are heated, they are converted into threads or worm-like columns. Actually, this property made it possible to give the material such a name, because. Vermiculite means worm in Latin. After examining its physical and chemical properties obtained after heating, vermiculite insulation began to be used in various industries, agriculture and construction. They also read: “Choosing the best insulation for the roof.”

The main advantages of the material include:

  • fire resistance (1350 0 С);
  • density (not higher than 150 kg / m3);
  • low thermal conductivity (no more than 0.12 W / m * K);
  • resistance to aggressive environments, bacteria and does not form mold on the surface;
  • hygroscopicity;
  • the ability to absorb sound (sound absorption coefficient up to 0.8);
  • environmental friendliness;
  • service life (60 years).

Before pouring antifreeze into the heating system of the house, it is necessary to clean the pipes and batteries from all kinds of contaminants.

Here you can read what equipment is needed for pumping the heating system with antifreeze (non-freezing liquid).

Ways to insulate walls with vermiculite

Reliable insulation vermiculite 5 features

View of a wall plastered with a mortar with the addition of vermiculite.

Wall insulation with vermiculite is carried out in the process of erecting new buildings and objects of the old building, erected from different materials. Thermal insulation in bulk form can serve as a filler in the manufacture of heat-resistant concrete and is used for plastering surfaces. It is produced in different fractions (from 0.5 to 12 mm) and is sold in the distribution network in paper bags, most often weighing 25 kg.

Granular vermiculite can be poured into inter-wall voids. Pressed plates are fixed with special fasteners; they can be cut before installation. Plates can serve as good insulation when facing fireplaces, stoves, chimneys and pipes. Vermiculite for ceiling insulation additionally performs soundproofing functions in multi-storey buildings.

Vermiculite insulation, whose properties remain unchanged regardless of its type, is also used for plastering vertical surfaces. To do this, in certain proportions, it is added to concrete mixtures. You can make your own or buy ready-made ones. Comprehensive insulation of the house with vermiculite (walls, floors, attic) will save on heating bills.

The method of how to install an electric heating boiler consists of two parts: a tie-in with a circuit and a connection to the network.

Warming with vermiculite of the floor, attic

The technology of floor and attic insulation with vermiculite is the same. In this case, the thermal insulation is protected by special films. From the side of a warm room, a vapor barrier is laid, and from the side of the street or an unheated attic - waterproofing.

When performing thermal insulation with vermiculite, the presence of waterproofing and vapor barrier is mandatory

At the same time, it is extremely important to correctly place these protective layers.

Pitched roof insulation

Reliable insulation vermiculite 5 features

When insulating the floor, waterproofing is placed under the vermiculite.

With such insulation, it is important to choose the right thickness of the poured vermiculite. It depends on temperature conditions and ranges from 10 to 20 cm.

The pitched roof insulation technology is as follows:

  • a vapor barrier film is laid on the rafters;
  • granular vermiculite is poured;
  • it is covered with a layer of waterproofing and a counter-lattice is stuffed;
  • the roof is spreading;
  • internal cladding is carried out with any material.

Insulation vermiculite, whose properties are well studied, is a modern material that has a wide range of applications.

Vermiculite scope, pros and cons, installation features

Reliable insulation vermiculite 5 features

Solving the actual issue of thermal insulation of a dwelling, one has to face the problem of choosing a thermal insulation material.

The range on the market is quite wide, but almost every option has significant drawbacks. In one case, flammability repels, in the other - a high rate of hygroscopicity.

The article discusses the characteristics and benefits of vermiculite, which is the golden mean of price and quality.

Description and scope of vermiculite

Vermiculite is a natural crystalline mineral with a layered structure. Belongs to the group of hydromicas. It consists of: silicon, iron, magnesium, calcium and other mineral components.

The main advantages due to which the material is used in construction are resistance to aggressive influences, high acidity, retains integrity for a long time, does not decompose.

Many gardeners are familiar with vermiculite, it is often used as a mulch material, substrate component, aerator. In construction work, it is not used so often, although properties and physical indicators are of great interest to this field of activity. Among the developed areas:

• production of paint and varnish products, soft roofing;

• when arranging the "warm floor" system;

• as a filler for heat-insulating and decorative plaster mixtures;

• for insulation of individual areas in the house (chimney, floor, roof, etc.);

• as a component of a screed mixture.

Vermiculite has good insulating characteristics, due to which it is used in regions with a warm climate as a backfill in three-layer walls to prevent overheating of the house, and in the northern regions - for thermal protection of housing.

The land in the regions of the middle zone and the Urals freezes heavily in winter, which often causes cracks in the concrete bowls of pools. Vermiculite helps to correct the situation. It is poured to the bottom, as well as into the cavity between the bowl and the edge of the trench during the construction process.

Insulation is produced in the form of backfill, pressed plates, blocks, pipe segments, liners.

Pros and cons of vermiculite

To appreciate the material, you need to familiarize yourself with its advantages and disadvantages.

Among the main advantages of vermiculite:

• environmental friendliness, no toxic substances are emitted during operation during heating;

• low thermal conductivity (0.055–0.098 W/m•°C);

• fire resistance (operating temperature range from minus 260° to plus 1200°);

• does not shrink over time;

• has good vapor permeability, which eliminates the formation of condensate in the room;

• resistance to microbiological processes, rodents and insects are not interested in the material;

The use of expanded clay gravel

Indicators Fractions of expanded clay gravel, mm




Pitched roof insulation


Thermal insulation and sloping of flat roofs, lawns on terraces


Production of ultra-light concrete and lightweight clay-concrete blocks




Thermal insulation and sound insulation of floors and ceilings



Thermal insulation and reducing the depth of laying foundations



Ground insulation



Thermal insulation and drainage in earth embankments of roads laid in water-saturated soils



Hydroponics, creating an optimal microclimate for the root system of plants



As a dry backfill for GVL floors in order to improve the heat and sound insulation ability of the floor


Warm solution production


Production of facade and paving slabs


Expanded clay will also be useful to those who lay heating networks near their homes. Firstly, you will be sure that your pipes are heating you, and not the cold ground. Secondly, in the event of an accident, you do not have to dig the ground for a long and tedious time in search of a leak. Thirdly, after a successful repair, nothing prevents you from using the material again, while it will not lose its properties.

Expanded clay can be used not only in construction.With its help, they improve the paths in the summer cottage and even increase the yield of fruit trees, creating a kind of drainage system for their roots. The same applies to indoor flowers and plants. For these purposes, expanded clay is used smaller in size.

The use of expanded clay as a concrete filler when pouring the foundation is not recommended. In this case, it is better to use any crushed stone, even crushed stone, even granite. Expanded clay is bad in this capacity because it has even rounded edges, and this does not prevent the occurrence of shear work (shear-fracture) of the concrete mass. And the foundation should precisely exclude cracks (shifts) of the tape in the cross section.

Scope of expanded clay

In addition, expanded clay is also used as a heater, but it must be a highly porous material, and before using it as a backfill insulation, calculations that are not very complicated, but accessible only to specialists, should be made. Regarding its capabilities in the field of heat saving, we will only say that as a filling option, it loses to other heaters. The calculated thickness of the expanded clay backfill with a density of 600 kg / m3 is approximately 40 cm. This is not entirely effective.

At the same time, used in the manufacture of expanded clay concrete blocks, it significantly increases their heat-saving characteristics.

Expanded clay is also actively used in the construction of a dry screed. Now this method is very popular, as it allows you to get a solid base for laminate, linoleum, cork in the shortest possible time, literally back.

Also, due to its unique properties, including resistance to moisture and frost, it is actively used for filling the foundation in the construction of various buildings and structures. This allows you to reduce the depth of the foundation by almost 2 times - from 1.5 m to 0.8 m, which leads not only to saving building materials, but also to preventing freezing of the soil near the foundation of the building. The latter is fraught with skewed doors and window frames of the building.

Expanded clay, agloporite or perlite what is the difference

Sometimes builders use these terms almost interchangeably. But how legitimate is this? These materials have, perhaps, only one similar feature: they are manufactured by swelling the feedstock. This is where the similarity ends. A few more matches can be found in their properties and, accordingly, their fields of application: they are non-combustible, light, inert.

The raw material for the production of expanded clay is clay, agloporite is clay-containing rocks, perlite is volcanic glass, and vermiculite is hydrous mica.

Expanded clay gravel is made by firing granules made from intumescent clays. It is a lightweight and durable aggregate. Its bulk bulk density ranges from 250 to 700 kg/m3. In a fracture, the expanded clay granule has the structure of a hardened foam. The sintered shell covering the granule gives it high strength.

Expanded clay sand (grains up to 5 mm) is obtained in the production of expanded clay gravel (albeit in small quantities) and also by the fluidized bed method by firing raw materials in a suspended state. In addition, it can be obtained by crushing a substandard product - gravel grains larger than 40 mm and welds.

Expanded perlite is made by firing volcanic glassy rocks (perlite, obsdian) that contain a small amount of water. At a temperature of 950-1200 degrees. Water is released and perlite increases in volume by 10-20 times.

Expanded perlite is used as a filler for the production of lightweight concrete and molded thermal insulation products. In addition, it is good as acoustic sound insulation, as a component in plasters (a layer of perlite-containing plaster of 3 cm is equal in terms of thermal insulation properties to 15 cm brickwork).

Expanded perlite is used both in the production of decorative acoustic panels, and as a granulate for rooting plant cuttings, a substrate, in soil conditioning. And this is not a complete list.

Expanded vermiculite is a porous bulk material obtained by firing hydrous micas. This aggregate is used for the manufacture of heat-insulating lightweight concrete.

Agloporite is obtained by firing clay-containing raw materials with the addition of 8-10% fuel on grates of sintering machines. Coal burns out, and raw material particles are sintered. The production of aggloporite is beneficial when local types of raw materials are used for its manufacture: fusible clay and loess rocks, as well as industrial wastes - ash, fuel slag and coal-bearing mine rocks. Agloporite is produced in the form of porous sand and gravel.

It is necessary to use some kind of building material, taking into account the tasks that the construction faces. Let's say you need to insulate the floor of a room where there is high humidity. In this case, the best option would be to use perlite - its hygroscopicity is higher. Expanded clay is much stronger and harder, and this quality can be useful in solving special problems. Take a look at the bulk density of the materials: perlite is much lighter and finer, and this can make the design much easier.

If more porous and lightweight expanded clay is used mainly for wall panels, then for agloporite the main area of ​​application is structural lightweight concrete. Aggloporite concrete is used for the manufacture of prestressed reinforced concrete structures for floors and roofs, large-span beams and trusses, bridge spans, etc.

Question: I want to insulate the attic on the 2nd floor, and fill the ceiling between the 1st and 2nd floors with expanded clay (does it matter if it is large or small?). Will it be a heater and is it necessary to put hydro and vapor barrier films on it and under it?


