What is sewerage in utility bills Calculation of payment

How not to pay for sewerage

Payment for wastewater disposal is mandatory for all citizens living in Russia, and cancellation is not provided. However, on April 16, 2013, the Government of the Russian Federation issued Decree No. 344, according to which the determination of the standard for wastewater disposal for general house needs is cancelled.

Therefore, now the payment for the diversion of water for general use should not be included in the receipt (unless otherwise indicated in the agreement with the water utility or the management company). Otherwise, consumers have the right to file a lawsuit against violators and demand a recalculation, taking as a basis the consumption of the meter.

Receipt with an error in favor of the consumer

The consumer may receive receipts with reduced rates in the event that the management company did not take into account one or more residents registered in the apartment. In this case, the receipt will indicate the amount calculated according to the old number of registered tenants in the apartment.

The result of an error in the number of registered tenants will be a growing debt. In fact, unregistered tenants will also use the services, so the accumulated debt will in any case fall on the shoulders of the homeowner.

Sooner or later the error will come to light. The Management Company will establish the fact of an error in the number of registered tenants, and then require compensation for losses from the owner of the housing.

The management company has the right to demand payment of the accumulated debt only for the past 3 years.

This means that a homeowner who pays for utilities without taking into account one of the registered tenants for 5 years is obliged to pay the resulting debt only for 3 years. Accordingly, the management company is obliged to calculate the debt only for 3 years, ignoring the remaining 2 years.

If the management company does not agree with this provision, the user has the right to go to court.

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How to pay for water supply

Like any other utilities, you must pay a fee for a calendar month for sewerage to an apartment. Payment deadlines are pretty clear. At the end of the reporting period, a receipt is sent to the name of the consumer, which indicates the amount payable. The rent must be paid by the 20th day of the month following the reporting month.

Otherwise, non-payers who owe money will be penalized in the form of penalties for each day of late payment. Delaying payment will entail consequences, since the water utility will consider that its interests have been violated.

What do we pay for

What is sewerage in utility bills Calculation of payment

There is no separation in utility payments, therefore, the total amount is calculated for the consumption of resources and for services, as enshrined in the "Rules for the provision of utility services for housing and communal services for owners and users of premises." The meaning of the decree is this: even if your apartment does not consume one of the resources, turning it off, you still have to pay. Example: there is no installation of an individual gas meter for a neighbor, but the house is on gas supply, you pay not only for yourself, but also for your neighbor.

And although the consumption shows the same amount of one resource (how much comes, the same goes out), the billing for water disposal and water supply is calculated differently.

At the same time, it does not matter at all that the user does not drain all the incoming water into the sewer, something goes to water the plants, something to drink, and so on. However, with all the seeming injustices of the housing and communal services, one should not forget that the used flows without fail go to the treatment facilities, where deep biological treatment is carried out and the user also pays for this.

Formation of the tariff for drainage

The tariff for wastewater disposal is subject to a separate determination in each region, which is carried out by a special authorized body.

  • The parameters for the calculation are indicators such as:

Climatic features of each specific area.
Condition of sewer networks.
Condition of water supply networks.
Distance of pumping water and wastewater.
Condition and quality of equipment of pumping stations.
The number of citizens using this service.
Payment for the work of emergency teams responsible for maintaining the state of the network.
Ensuring and monitoring the performance of automated control systems.
Payment to the workers of the water utility.

  • As an example, several tariffs for water disposal:

Rostov region - 24.26 rubles / cubic meter
Moscow region - 23.43 rubles / cubic meter
Surgut - 25.44 rubles / cubic meter

Intentional draining of water

The housing and communal services have the right to demand payment for the deliberate discharge of water only in the situation when it was made by the owner of the premises, or the noted situation occurred due to leaks and the improper state of the system in the apartment. Note that it is periodically worth draining water, but the issue of payment remains open.

According to the current norms, the owners are obliged to monitor the integrity and safety of their property, and if it is established that the drain occurred due to the negligent attitude of the owner, he will pay. But if the sewage system is new, and everything is in order in the apartment, then the housing and communal services will pay for the deliberate drain.

If there is a deliberate discharge of water by housing and communal services employees, consumers will not pay for it. If the payment order indicates otherwise, that is, there is an unlawful charge of the payment, they have the right to turn to law enforcement officers with a complaint against public utilities.

Billing or self-calculation

What is sewerage in utility bills Calculation of payment

Calculating the receipt column is quite simple: water disposal is equal to the sum of hot water and cold water multiplied by the tariff. For example, the flow of water is 20 m3, the tariff is 20 rubles, the total amount is 400 rubles. However, if the payment line shows a total receipt of 20 m3, and a drainage of 25 m3, this is unacceptable, there is a common deception of utilities that can be challenged in court.

Apartment buildings often have a common house meter, according to which the amount of payments is revealed, but if it is not there, the calculation is made by the housing and communal services through the service provider company. If necessary, you can always install your own meter, after submitting an application for the installation of the device. As soon as permission is issued, the meter is set, sealed and the amounts payable are recalculated. What the counter looks like, look at the photo.

What is KPU? This question is often asked by users. KPU is a collective metering device installed in a general house order. In other words, KPU is a counter that shows how much sewage has been drained during a given time. However, there is no abbreviation KPU in any official document; in the lines and columns there is “Common house or common house. utility metering devices. It turns out that the KPU is an invention of the housing and communal services and nothing more, especially since the use of abbreviated names of devices in official documents is not allowed unless it is indicated by the rules or an addition to the resolution.

What is sewerage in utility bills Calculation of payment

So, the fee calculated for water disposal can be checked independently, and in case of the slightest violations when making payments for utilities, you can go to court for housing and communal services. If there is no meter, the amount is calculated according to the standard rates established annually. You can find out the standards both in the management company and on the website of the administration of the city, settlement.

And, most importantly: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2013 No. 344 payment for utility services for wastewater consumption was canceled. Cancellation date 06/01/2013.The document “On Amendments to Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the Provision of Public Services”, therefore, if your housing and communal services do not know about this, it would be useful to remind them of this by attaching a photo or a copy of the document.

The article was written based on materials from sites: domdomoff.ru, fb.ru, realtyinfo.online, 1kvartirka.ru, vodakanazer.ru.

How to calculate the cost of a service

How many cubic meters of water the tenant has spent in a month, he must pay so much. If ten cubic meters of cold water were used, then the indicator that is in the "Tariff" column must be multiplied by 10. The same with hot water. But how is the water supply billed?

Both cold and hot water are recycled. When calculating, you should multiply the tariff (water disposal) by the total number of cubic meters used. That is, if eight cubic meters of cold water and four hot water are used in a month, you should find the derivative of the numbers 12 and x. X is the tariff, which, as already mentioned, can be different. But in most cases it is from 20 to 25 rubles.

Payment for wastewater disposal is divided by the number of residents in the event that a common house meter is installed. Installing an individual can significantly reduce the total amount in the receipt.

Water disposal in utility bills

Many citizens of the Russian Federation do not fully understand the concept of "water disposal" and even more so they do not understand what the water disposal of the kpu is in utility bills.

It seems to them that they pay twice for the same thing, and the second one is even more expensive. Actually it is not.

Video: payment for housing and communal services

Used water does not just go down the drains of our sinks and bathtubs somewhere in the dungeon and get lost there.

Water disposal includes the following technological stages:

  1. Wastewater disposal.
  2. Transportation to treatment facilities.
  3. Cleaning.
  4. Disposal or use for technical purposes.

Thus, it is clear that wastewater disposal is a complex process that requires serious labor and financial costs.

All these costs are included in the tariffs for sewer services.

What it is?

Many people confuse such similar names for utilities as "water supply" and "water disposal".

And here and there the main “actor” is water, but in completely different forms:

Since the main cost of the sewerage service consists of the subsequent stages of cleaning and disposal, the obligation to pay is assigned to absolutely all city residents living both in apartment buildings and in the private sector.

An exception is frequent residential buildings that are not connected to a common sewerage system.

Calculation examples

Calculating how much you have to pay for sewer services is quite simple.

The main thing is that water metering devices are installed in the house.

It can be either individual meters for hot and cold water, or common house meters.

Based on the readings for the reporting period, it is necessary to add up the consumption of hot and cold water.

The amount received is multiplied by the tariff for water disposal and the amount payable for sewer services is obtained.

For example, a user used 25 cubic meters per month. hot and 43 cubic meters of cold water. The tariff for wastewater services is 9.42 rubles per 1 cubic meter. We get the expression - (25 + 43) * 9.42 = 649.54 rubles.

The calculation rules are established and approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the procedure and conditions for payment by citizens of housing and utilities."

Tariffs in individual regions and constituent entities of the Russian Federation are set by local authorities.

Their value is significantly affected by the state of the city's sewer systems, as well as the availability of modern treatment plants and disposal equipment.

If there is no meter?

Sanitation services are not cheap, and those consumers in whose apartments or houses do not have metering devices and you will not envy at all.

In the absence of meters for hot and cold water supply, the calculation of monthly consumption is made on the basis of general standards.

As you know, the average consumption rates do not correspond to the actual volumes of water consumption, they are much higher.

In the absence of metering devices, the cost of monthly wastewater disposal costs is calculated as follows:

How to refuse TO KPU

and all the sanctions from this year will actually begin, because the lack of a certificate of timely verification is equated to the absence of a meter as such, respectively, the Criminal Code will begin to charge at the current rate, this time, but here the Jewish nature is very often included in some residents: and I have two registered, but four live, it’s more profitable for me without meters, and this case is now provided for: starting from this year, multiplying coefficients are introduced to calculate the cost of water in apartments that are not equipped with water meters http://www.rg.ru/201. /schetchik.html

Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 344 of 16.04.13 was issued. , according to which from January 01, 2015. increasing coefficients will be applied to the standard for those who voluntarily did not install meters. Also, increasing coefficients will be applied to those who did not check in time, who did not replace the broken meter, this may also apply to those who did not allow the controller into the apartment.

What do abbreviations mean on rent receipts

If there are few lines, the purpose of payments is not disclosed in detail - this is the first reason for suspicion. Usually the management company deliberately does not disclose the purpose of payments

It is worth paying attention to the final amount: if it differs from the one that was a month earlier, it is better to carefully check the entire account. At the same time, after the increase in tariffs, we recall that they were raised from July 1, the account should be checked especially carefully

Management companies and utility providers can overcharge the bill, hiding behind a planned increase.

The payment usually consists of a number of mysterious abbreviations, and each district may introduce its own abbreviations. There are a few common ones: If KPU is indicated, then you pay for water according to the apartment meter.

That is, the cold water that is used for heating, in another line they give the price for the heating itself. Adding them up, get the final price of hot water. These are the services of a company managing an apartment building for the maintenance and current repair of common property in an apartment building. That is, if you have this line, it is assumed that order is maintained in your entrance and everything works. This line may include various services for maintenance of in-house engineering equipment, cleaning, maintenance, garbage collection, concierge services, etc.

At the same time, the amount and services that are included in the receipt must be approved by the decision of the tenants themselves at the meeting. There are also services that in reality citizens do not use: for example, payment for an antenna and radio points. They can be waived on an individual basis by contacting the Criminal Code with a request to exclude these items from the general account. Amounts for individual consumption of utilities that are used in the apartment and for general house needs; for example, the cost of heating and lighting the entrance to the payment should be posted in different columns.

There are cases when the amount of payment for the use of utilities per person per person exceeded the amount of individual consumption in apartments. This can happen when payments for ODN are accrued not according to meters, but according to standards with a multiplying coefficient due to the lack of a meter. To cut costs, the owners must vote at the meeting for the installation of meters. Install their resource supplying organizations. You should check whether the area of ​​​​the apartment is indicated correctly in the payment.

Heating and overhaul payments are calculated per square meter. Regional authorities allocate subsidies that compensate for part of the payments, but they operate only within the social norm in Moscow - 33 square meters. You will have to pay for housing surpluses. Also, do not rush to register new tenants. The more people, the more expensive it will be, for example, water if meters are not installed.

If one of those registered in the apartment does not live in it for a long time, then a recalculation can be achieved. It is only necessary to prove the absence - for example, to bring a certificate from the management company from the real place of residence.

The same applies to summer residence in the country and long business trips: if the relevant documents are available, the Criminal Code is obliged to recalculate. Calculating how much you have to pay for a new service is easy. In Moscow, the monthly fee is 15 rubles. The new line appeared in the capital in July and has already caused a wave of discontent.

However, so far the practice is not in favor of the residents. In this case, you must apply to the district department of housing subsidies, presenting a certificate of income and a certificate of ownership. At the same time, there should not be excess living space: the established norms are 33 sq. If it turns out that the bill is too high, you need to file a complaint with the management company.

Receipt with an error in favor of the management company

The main reason for the overstatement of utilities is the cancellation of other people's debts at your expense. The management company accrues additional amounts to taxpayers in order to reduce the amount of the main debt on utility bills. They rely on the fact that most ordinary citizens pay rent automatically, without thinking and without checking receipts for payment.

Prevention in the fight against inflated utility bills is a careful check of each receipt for errors.

The best way to spot errors is to compare old receipts with new ones.

If you find errors in receipts or the presence of non-existent services, you must contact the management company with a written request to recalculate utility bills.

You can request a recalculation of the receipt for the following reasons:

  • Inflated utility tariffs;
  • Compensation for non-existent workers;
  • Payment for non-existent services;
  • If the specified services in the receipt were not actually performed by the management company.

As practice shows, in order to avoid litigation, management companies meet the needs of service users and recalculate.

Individual meters installed for the consumption of hot and cold water will help reduce the risk of overpayment for housing and communal services. In this case, the service user will pay utility bills only for the amount of water that he actually used. In houses that do not have individual water meters, utility bills are calculated on the basis of average indicators, which gives rise to Management Companies to charge extra cubic meters of water.

Water disposal in the receipt what it is and what it is eaten with

Knowing how to calculate water disposal, the consumer can accurately pay the required amount. The case with apartment buildings has an interesting nuance: if there is no common house meter, then the housing and communal services make the calculation through communication with the company that supplies the specific service. At present, the popularity of individual meters has sharply increased for a simple reason: the device is located at the owner of the premises, which makes it easier to find out the drainage system. To better understand the calculation procedure, an example should be given to show what the calculation operation looks like.

It follows that water supply and sanitation are different categories, contrary to popular belief that they are one and the same. It should be noted that water supply is more expensive than its “brother” due to the fact that water supply also includes activities for heating and cooling water.

Water disposal in utility bills what is it

According to the majority of Russians, payment for sewerage means payment only for sewerage, that is, exclusively for water flow. In part, this assumption can be considered correct. But in addition to draining water, this service includes the removal, disposal, transportation and further purification of consumed water.

With regard to water disposal, it consists in the removal of used water. Simply put, wastewater disposal is the purification of already used water and its further disposal through sewerage. This utility service is obligatory for payment by all residents of the city: from apartment owners to owners of private houses.

What is sewerage in utility bills and how is it calculated

Since 2012, another line has appeared in utility bills - “Water disposal”. In a simplified sense, this refers to the discharge of water used by the residents of the apartment into the sewer.

The contractor is responsible for the smooth functioning of the process, with which the municipality, management companies, cooperatives or private individuals have concluded a contract for the provision of public services.

In many localities, this is a unitary enterprise (or JSC, OJSC) Vodokanal. And all owners of MKD and private houses connected to a common sewer system pay the costs of water disposal.

Is it legal to pay for water heating on a receipt in 2018

If the legitimacy of the appearance of an additional line “water heating” in the receipts is in question, in order not to overpay for heating, it is recommended that you first contact the Criminal Code with a request to explain what this item means. The appearance of a new line in the receipt is legal only on the basis of the decision of the owner of the MKD premises. In the absence of such a decision, a complaint should be written to the GZhI. After filing a claim with the Criminal Code, you must provide a response with explanations within thirty days. In case of refusal to justify why such a service is prescribed in the receipt, a complaint should be filed with the prosecutor's office with a lawsuit in court. In this case, if you have already paid the amount indicated on the receipt, Article 395 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation will serve as the basis for the claim. If a refund is not required, but you still have to pay for services that you are not provided with, file a claim to exclude the "heating water" line. In this case, it is worth referring to Article 16 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights".

Regulatory regulation

What is drainage in utility bills - explains the Federal Law No. 416 of 07.12.2011. It has replaced numerous disparate federal and local laws. Some of them continue to operate, setting, for example, tariffs and requirements for the quality of water supplied to apartments and then discharged into natural reservoirs.

Federal Law No. 416 describes:

  • powers of central, regional and local authorities in the field of wastewater disposal;
  • methods of ensuring and checking the quality of water, its compliance with environmental standards;
  • water disposal procedure;
  • tariff regulation rules, etc.

Water disposal as one of the public services also affects the Housing Code of the Russian Federation in section VII. The Code establishes, in particular, the obligation of citizens - residents and owners of premises - to pay for the receipt and disposal of used resources. It describes the procedure for calculating and sanctions for the occurrence of debt on housing and communal services.

Decree of the Government of Russia No. 354 dated May 6, 2011 supplements Law No. 416 and the Housing Code of the Russian Federation with the rules for the provision of housing and communal services and the procedure for calculating fees for them. It provides formulas by which any citizen can check if there are any errors in the utility bill.

Decree No. 306 of May 23, 2006 defines the methods and procedure for setting the standards for cold and hot water supply (and, accordingly, sanitation) if the house is not equipped with apartment meters. Their values ​​are set by the regional authorities and published in the public domain on the websites of departments or management companies.

How to legally not pay for sewerage

It is impossible to refuse to pay utility bills, however, in order not to make a regular payment for drainage, you can submit a special application to the managing organization.

What is sewerage in utility bills Calculation of payment

Discounts available for some people

The application must indicate the desire of the landlord to receive a list of mandatory utility bills. In addition, the managing organization must submit documents to substantiate its claims for payment.

Whether the payment for the drainage service will be canceled depends on many factors. The consumer must:

  • Make a recalculation of fees, for which you will need to use receipts;
  • Submit a report on the work performed by the organization that is responsible for the drainage (for the required period);
  • Send proposals to the organization, which provides for possible expenses for the next year, with the provision of estimates;
  • Obtain a document from the management company, which reflects the expenses and income of the enterprise.

Water disposal in the receipt is a sewerage service. When draining the waste water, it is biologically purified. This service should not be perceived by consumers as another way to increase the final amount in the receipt. It is through the drainage of housing and communal services that it ensures compliance with the sanitary standards necessary for the safety of everyone.


