How air heating devices work
Air heating units are equipment that heats the air in large areas. They are mainly used in industrial, commercial and warehouse premises.
Testing of VOLCANO air heating units
The appearance of the units is usually not very interesting, but there are also models whose body is made of plastic. They can be put at home or at work, while they will not spoil the interior.
According to the principle of their own operation, air units can be compared with thermal fans, but their power is several times greater. If a domestic thermal fan has a power of 2 kW, then air heaters - more than 10 kW. A characteristic feature is the equipment with closed-type spirals. Due to this, dust does not collect on them and does not burn, emitting a bad smell, like with thermal fans.
The equipment does not stop working by heating the pipe coil with electricity. Air is supplied to it by a built-in fan. Passing through the pipe coil, it heats up and goes to the middle of the room. The devices have dampers, by adjusting which it is allowed to change the direction of heat supply to the room. When installing, it is necessary to leave a distance from the wall surface for air access of about 30 cm.
There is air-heating equipment equipped with a water pipe coil. A circulating heat carrier is supplied to the apparatus, which quickly heats the tube coil. The pipeline has fins in the middle. This serves to increase heat transfer. Air is also supplied and exhausted by a fan
Important: Air units must not be used if there is a possibility of flammable or toxic substances in the atmosphere
Pros and cons
Equipment that works on the principle of air heating has a number of positive qualities over an ordinary radiator system or electric heaters. Main positive qualities:
- Fast heating. Due to forced air injection, the heat supply process is faster than, say, the design of radiators.
- Thrift. The operation of the devices is several times more affordable than the heat supply of an air conditioner or a boiler. The temperature difference with air heating in the lower and upper parts of the dwelling is more than 10°C, depending on the ceiling height. Furnace heating systems involve the supply of air from the ventilation ducts. Even if they are placed in the floor, warm air rises to the ceiling, so it will take a long time to heat up a room with large ceilings. And air units make it possible to regulate the direction of warm air, thanks to this, heating occurs evenly.
- Minimum installation costs. The branching of pipes for water or channels for stove heating requires a considerable consumption of materials.
- Ease of installation. Installation of the device takes less time than the implementation of other heating systems.
Important: Due to the impressive power of the units, they require connection to a 380 V network. Of the poor qualities of the devices, it is necessary to highlight the inefficiency of use for small areas and not a beautiful appearance
Of the poor qualities of the devices, it is necessary to highlight the inefficiency of use for small areas and not a beautiful appearance.
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Technical characteristics of VR1 and VR2 fan heaters
The Volcano fan heater is available for sale in two varieties, which were mentioned in the subheading. In the first case, the number of rows of the heater is limited to one unit, in the second - to two. The maximum air consumption per hour is 5500 and 5200 m 3 respectively.The heating power range in the first case varies from 10 to 30, in the second - from 30 to 60 kW.
The increase in air temperature is 18 and 33 °C, respectively. The maximum coolant temperature in both cases is 130 °C. The Volcano fan heater is also characterized by a maximum working pressure, for both models this parameter is 1.6 MPa. The maximum range of the air jet is also the same and is 25 m. In the heater, the volume of water is 1.7 and 3.1 dm, respectively. The male thread has a diameter of ¾ inch. The air-heating unit Volcano VR1 weighs 29 kg without water, while the second of the described models has a mass of 32 kg. Engine power in both cases is 0.61 kW. The engine speed remains unchanged at 1310 rpm. The second model has a motor protection class within 54 IP.
The principle of operation of the air-heating unit
However, such equipment still has some specific features:
- the power that the air heating unit has is quite high, much more compared to a traditional fan heater with a power of 2 kW;
- air heating apparatus is most often used in industrial premises, and not residential ones, since the design of the product does not play a big role, its reliability and durability are much more important. However, today you can find models that have a beautiful appearance and can be installed, for example, in an office space;
- The main coolant can be not only electrical energy, but also water. It is the heat sources that should be considered in more detail.
Advantages of air heating units
If we talk about how diesel air heaters, as well as these same devices that operate using a different heat source, differ from other standard heating devices, one cannot fail to mention the following list of their advantages:
the rate at which the room is heated
. Thanks to blowing, more heat will be used than in traditional convectors; -
ensuring uniform heating
. With the help of built-in dampers, the flow of heated air can be directed in any direction, which cannot be said about convection devices, where warm air can only move upwards (more: » «); -
high economic efficiency
, which is explained by the previously mentioned ability to evenly distribute warm air; -
simplicity and ease of installation
. The basis of the design is only two pipes - supply and return, so their installation can be completed quickly, and in the case of a large pipeline, this process will significantly slow down and become more complicated.
The main types of air units for heating
An electric heating unit can be classified according to two criteria: the type of heating element and the air flow. If average flow rates of heated air are needed, which should not move throughout the building, then axial fans are used. If we are talking about more powerful systems that are designed to serve entire buildings or several rooms, then they work due to
An air duct is fixed on the free side of the heat exchanger flange; it is necessary for heat distribution within the entire building or one room. To provide air heating inside the equipment, steam, water or electric heat exchangers are installed. The scope of use of electric heaters is limited, there are several explanations for this. The first is the lack of electrical power on the line. To obtain 1 kW of heat, 1 kW of electricity is required, which indicates that a hall of 500 m 2 will require a power equal to 50 kW. There are few networks that are designed to supply such an amount of energy.
The main advantages of air-heating units of the Vulcan brand
If you need a heating unit, then you can consider one of the above models as an option. The main advantages of these devices are:
- high efficiency of the fan heater;
- low operating costs;
- optimal range of air jet;
- reduced noise level;
- high thermal power;
- full regulation of technical parameters;
- simple and fast installation and installation.
With the help of this equipment you will be able to heat, and then automatically maintain the desired level of air temperature in a room or building. In this case, the coolant will heat up to a mark of 90 ° C. The heating unit "Volcano" does not use air masses from the outside in its work, since it is designed to recirculate the air that is inside the building.
As an additional feature, it can be noted that the units have the ability to redistribute air masses, this is ensured by built-in axial fans and guide grilles in the form of blinds. With the help of the latter, flows can be directed to almost any part of a building or room.