Air heating systems for industrial premises

infrared heating

If it is not possible to install liquid or air heating, or if these types of systems do not suit the owners of industrial buildings, infrared heaters come to the rescue. The principle of operation is described quite simply: an IR emitter generates thermal energy directed to a certain area, as a result of which this energy is transferred to objects located in this area.

In general, such installations allow you to create a mini-sun in the working area. Infrared heaters are good because they heat only the area to which they are directed, and do not allow heat to dissipate throughout the entire volume of the room.

When classifying IR heaters, the method of their installation is primarily considered:

Air heating systems for industrial premises

Infrared heaters also differ in the type of emitted waves:

  • shortwave;
  • medium wave;
  • light (such models have a high operating temperature, so they glow during operation;
  • longwave;
  • dark.

You can also divide IR heaters into types according to the energy resources used:

  • electrical;
  • gas;
  • diesel.

IR systems running on gas or diesel are much more efficient and much cheaper. But such devices negatively affect the humidity in the room and burn out oxygen.

There is a classification by type of work item:

  • halogen: heating is carried out by a fragile vacuum tube, which is very easy to disable;
  • carbon fiber: the heating element is carbon fiber, hidden in a glass tube, which is also not very durable. Carbon heaters consume about 2-3 times less energy;
  • Shadow;
  • ceramic: heating is carried out by ceramic tiles, which are combined into one system.

Infrared heaters are well suited for use in all types of buildings, from private homes to bulky industrial buildings. The convenience of using such heating lies in the fact that these structures are able to heat individual zones or areas, which makes them incredibly convenient.

IR heaters affect any objects, but do not affect the air and do not affect the movement of air masses, which eliminates the possibility of drafts and other negative factors that can affect the health of personnel.

In terms of the heating rate, infrared emitters can be called leaders: they must be launched while at the workplace, and there is almost no need to wait for heat. Such devices are very economical and have a very high efficiency, which allows them to be used as the main heating of production workshops. IR heaters are reliable, able to work for a long period of time, practically do not occupy usable space, are light in weight and require no effort during installation. In the photo you can see different types of infrared emitters.

In this article, the main types of heating for industrial buildings were considered. Before installing any selected system, it is necessary to calculate the heating of industrial premises. The choice always rests with the owner of the building, and knowledge of the tips and recommendations for calculating the heating of a room will allow you to choose a really suitable option for the heating system.

Central water heating

In the case of a central heating system, heat generation will be provided by a local boiler house or a single system that will be installed in the building. The design of this system includes a boiler, heating appliances and pipelines.

The principle of operation of such a system is as follows: the liquid is heated in the boiler, after which it is distributed through pipes to all heating devices. Liquid heating can be single-pipe and two-pipe. In the first case, temperature control is not carried out, and in the case of two-pipe heating, the temperature regime can be adjusted using thermostats and radiators installed in parallel.

The boiler is the central element of the water heating system. It can run on gas, liquid fuel, solid fuel, electricity, or a combination of these types of energy resources. When choosing a boiler, it is necessary first of all to take into account the presence of one or another type of fuel. For example, the possibility of using main gas allows you to immediately connect to this system

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the cost of the energy resource: gas reserves are not unlimited, so its price will grow every year. In addition, gas pipelines are very prone to accidents that will adversely affect the production process.

Air heating systems for industrial premises

The use of a liquid fuel boiler also has its “pitfalls”: to store liquid fuel, you must have a separate tank and constantly replenish stocks in it - and this is an additional cost of time, effort and finances. Solid fuel boilers are generally not recommended for heating industrial buildings, except in cases where the building area is small.

True, there are automated versions of boilers that are capable of taking fuel on their own, and in this case the temperature is adjusted automatically, but the maintenance of such systems cannot be called simple. For different models of solid fuel boilers, different types of raw materials are used: pellets, sawdust or firewood. The positive quality of such structures is the low cost of installation and resources.

Electric heating systems are also poorly suited for heating industrial buildings: despite the high efficiency, these systems use too much energy, which will greatly affect the economic side of the issue. Of course, for heating buildings up to 70 sq.m. electrical systems are fine, but you need to understand that electricity also tends to disappear regularly.

But what you can really pay attention to is combined heating systems. Such designs can have good performance and high reliability.

A significant advantage over other types of heating in this case is the possibility of uninterrupted heating of an industrial building. Of course, the cost of such devices is usually high, but in return you can get a reliable system that will provide the building with heat in any situation.

In combined heating systems, several types of burners are usually built in, which allow the use of various types of raw materials.

It is by the type and purpose of the burners that the following designs are classified:

  • gas-fired boilers: equipped with two burners, they allow you not to be afraid of a rise in fuel prices and malfunctions in the gas supply line;
  • gas-diesel boilers: demonstrate high efficiency and work very well with large areas;
  • gas-diesel-wood boilers: extremely reliable and allow you to use them in any situation, but the power and efficiency leave much to be desired;
  • gas-diesel-electricity: a very reliable option with good power;
  • gas-diesel-wood-electricity: combines all types of energy resources, allows you to control fuel consumption in the system, has a wide range of settings and adjustments, suitable in any situation, requires a large area.

The boiler, although it is the main element of the heating system, cannot independently provide heating for the building.Can a water heating system provide the required heating of a building? The heat capacity of water is much higher compared to the heat capacity of air.

This suggests that the piping can be much smaller than with air heating, which means better economy. In addition, the water system makes it possible to control the temperature in the system: for example, by setting the heating at night at 10 degrees Celsius, you can significantly save resources. More accurate figures can be obtained by calculating the heating of industrial premises.

Types of air heating

There are two fundamentally different schemes for this type of heating.

Air heating combined with ventilation

The transfer of heated air is carried out using elements of supply and exhaust ventilation. In this case, the operating parameter is not only the temperature in the room, but also the set air exchange rate.

Heat is generated by boilers or gas heat generators. A system of air ducts is connected to them, through which warm air is distributed over all areas of the heated premises. The system can be supplemented with filtration, humidifier, recuperator.

Why is heating needed?

To create a heating scheme for a particular production building, a lot of time and effort is spent. After all, each of these places is individual. It has its purpose and dimensions. High ceilings, machinery, shelving and electronics can make piping difficult

And yet, why is it so important:

  1. If your heating system is well thought out and designed to create the most comfortable working environment, the efficiency and productivity of employees will increase.
  2. The equipment will also be operated in favorable conditions, which will protect against breakdowns. Due to hypothermia, mechanical and electrical devices fail.
  3. Heating will ensure the safety of products. Goods suffer from hypothermia no less than people or electronics.

Entrepreneurs are stopped by the high cost of laying and maintaining heating. But if you choose a simple, reliable heating scheme, thought out for your industrial area, the costs will be small, and the benefits of using them will more than cover them.

Advantages and disadvantages

The air heating method has undeniable advantages:

  1. The efficiency reaches 93%. When organizing heating, the installation of intermediate heating devices is not required.
  2. Heating systems of this type can be fully integrated with ventilation systems. This allows you to constantly maintain an optimal microclimate inside the production complexes.
  3. Very low level of inertia. Immediately after the activation of the equipment in the room, the air temperature begins to rise.
  4. High efficiency has a positive effect on the economic performance of production and lower production costs.

Along with this, air heating has obvious disadvantages:

  1. Constant technical maintenance of the active elements of the system is required. It is quite difficult to modernize existing installations.
  2. In order to avoid interruptions in heat supply, a backup power supply is needed.

Water heating of industrial facilities

Water heating is appropriate if there is a private boiler room nearby or if there is a central water supply. The main component in this case will be an industrial heating boiler, which can run on gas, electricity or solid fuel.Air heating systems for industrial premises

Water will be supplied under high pressure and temperature. Usually with its help it is impossible to heat large workshops with high quality, therefore the method is called "on duty". But there are a number of advantages:

  • air circulates freely throughout the room;
  • heat is distributed evenly;
  • a person can actively work in conditions with water heating, it is absolutely safe.

The heated air enters the room, where it mixes with the environment and the temperature is balanced. Sometimes it is necessary to reduce energy costs. To do this, the air is cleaned with the help of filters and reused for heating industrial buildings.

Features of industrial heating

  • Firstly, most often we are talking about work on energy-intensive Objects of a fairly large area, and there is a requirement for the maximum possible energy saving for heating systems (as well as for all other auxiliary systems). It is this factor that is at the forefront
  • In addition, often in heated rooms there are non-standard conditions for temperature, humidity, dustiness. Therefore, the thermal equipment and materials used must be resistant to such adverse effects.
  • Flammable and explosive substances may be used at a number of Sites, and, based on this, the installed system must comply with stringent explosion and fire safety requirements.
  • Another important difference between the systems under consideration is, as a rule, their large total power. It can reach hundreds of megawatts. Therefore, boilers used for heating houses are often not suitable for the scale in question. The use of cascades from domestic boilers is simply becoming economically impractical
  • In addition, the heating of industrial buildings is often designed and installed in a single complex with climate systems. This makes it possible to implement heating of industrial premises with large areas and at the same time save resources and the space occupied by the mains. First of all, this method is used in the organization of air heating.
  • The next feature that the industrial heating of a building has is its “unconventionality”. There are certain standard solutions on the basis of which the heating of a country house is carried out. These solutions can be applied with small nuances almost everywhere and always. Technical solutions for large-scale Objects are much more diverse. Engineering art in this segment is the selection of the optimal technical solution. Before the start of the project stage, the most important stage will be the competent preparation of the Terms of Reference. And when the installation of heating of industrial facilities takes place, the Terms of Reference drawn up by qualified designers and engineers will help optimize the process of installation work. Designers carry out various engineering calculations. Based on an individually selected engineering solution, the most efficient way of heating the Object in question is determined
  • Often, if we are talking about production, then technological equipment is located at the Facility - machines, conveyors, production lines. Also, perhaps, the people who work on it. This needs to be taken into account
  • As a rule, uniform distribution of heat is necessary, unless the project involves the creation of zones with a special temperature regime. By the way, the presence of such zones is also a feature that must be taken into account when organizing the heating of industrial buildings.
  • As already mentioned, the traditional method for heating the housing stock (in particular, cottages) using a domestic boiler and radiators in the conditions under consideration is, as a rule, inefficient. For this reason, industrial heating systems are built according to other principles. Recently, these are most often autonomous systems of the scale of the Object, and sometimes of its individual parts. Autonomous heating is easier to manage than centralized (through CHP) due to the ability to control and regulate the consumption of fuel resources
  • There are some features and at the stage of operation.In the residential sector, often the level of service of the heating system is sometimes not professional enough. If heating is installed in an industrial building, then, as a rule, you can be sure that the maintenance service will be carried out by a qualified team (most often, this is the chief power engineer’s service or a staff unit of the enterprise similar in function). On the one hand, this somewhat facilitates the responsibility of the installation organization. Most likely, after the commissioning of the facility, no one will apply "on trifles". On the other hand, the requirements for the composition and level of writing as-built documentation are increasing. Employees of the operation service, being professionals, are well aware of what exactly it should include and how to compose it. All necessary licenses, certificates, permits, passports for equipment, acts of work performed must be provided without fail. Only after that the system will be put into operation.

Radiant or convective heating

In traditional heating systems, it is considered normal when the air temperature near the ceiling is much higher than near the floor. This is due to objective physical laws - the density of heated air is less, which is why it rises. As a result of these processes, an uneven distribution of temperature along the height is formed. And the most unpleasant thing is that the warm layers remain inaccessible to humans.

In addition, unused thermal energy is lost through the ceiling structures. That is why when designing air, steam or water heating, the height of the premises must be taken into account. Depending on this value, the power of the heating equipment is selected. The higher the ceilings, the greater the performance you need to buy a boiler.

Radiant heating systems in industrial buildings with high ceilings look much better. IR rays are directed to the lower zones and transfer thermal energy to the surface, not to the air. This eliminates the need to purchase costly powerful equipment. Heat losses are also reduced, since the heated air does not accumulate under the ceiling itself.

The air temperature in the building itself is somewhat lower than the generally accepted one, but the working staff does not experience any discomfort. The high temperature of working surfaces (table, machine tool, tools, etc.) even in relatively cold rooms has a positive effect on the productivity of the company's employees. Radiant heat generators do not need a heat carrier and transfer the generated energy directly to the object.

Installation of air heating

Air heating systems for industrial premises

Heating of production halls

Having a clear plan for the location of components and assemblies of the system, it is very easy to carry out installation work by the employees of the enterprise. However, if you wish, you can contact specialized companies.

With self-installation, attention, first of all, must be paid to the completeness of the delivery. Under the order, manufacturers supply air ducts, dampers, tie-ins and other standard elements

In addition, you can additionally purchase the following materials:

  • flexible lines
  • aluminum tape
  • insulation and mounting tape

Warming some areas is very important because it helps prevent condensation. For this purpose, a layer of foil insulation on a self-adhesive basis is laid over the walls of the pipelines.

Its thickness may vary. The most demanded materials are 3-5 millimeters thick.

Depending on the geometry of the premises and the design solution, rigid or flexible lines are installed. Separate sections are connected to each other using reinforced tape, plastic or metal clamps.All installation work is reduced to the following set of actions:

  • installation of hot air lines
  • installation of distribution pipes
  • installation of a heat generating unit
  • laying a thermal insulation layer
  • installation of additional equipment

Air heating in warehouses. production and utility rooms is a complete system of heat supply. It is characterized by economy and high efficiency.

Industrial heatingcolor

Industrial heating is a system of measures aimed at creating favorable conditions for the implementation of production activities. The main task of industrial heating is to maintain a comfortable working temperature in the workplace, which, as a rule, contributes to an increase in labor productivity. Maintaining the optimum temperature is also necessary to protect equipment from sudden changes in heat, which can lead to failure of machines and equipment, which leads to unnecessary financial costs for their repair or replacement. Before the management, who set the task of organizing industrial heating, there are complex issues that need to be solved in the most optimal way. The problem immediately arises of how to achieve this goal while spending the minimum amount of funds. First of all, the entrepreneur must take into account the climatic features of the area where industrial heating is required. For the regions of the city of Moscow or St. Petersburg, these will be one conditions with a characteristic climate for this area for Tyumen or Yakutia, completely different due to severe frosts and winds in the winter. All these features are taken into account in questionnairecolor>to calculate the heat loss of production presented on the site.

Production heating systemscolor>

Production heating systems are technical means that allow creating acceptable climatic conditions at workplaces for the implementation of production activities. The most common today are infrared, air and water heating systems. The last two belong to the central systems allowing to provide heat from heating plants. With an air system for industrial heating in the workshop, air ducts are installed through which warm air is supplied from a heat generator located outside the production. The coefficient of performance (COP) of this heating method reaches about 50%. Water, unlike air, has its advantages and disadvantages. Because heat capacitycolor> water is much higher than the heat capacity of air, then its consumption for heating the same room will be much less, and therefore the coolant delivery systems are much less than those of air ones. At the same time, the water heating system has a large inertia due to the fact that the heating of water takes much longer than air. This significantly increases the time required to warm up the room to the desired temperature. The main disadvantage of these industrial heating systems of enterprises is the presence of a significant amount of additional equipment (heat generators), bulky supply systems that ensure the delivery of heat to the heated object, large heat losses on the route, and low efficiency.

Air heating systems for industrial premises

Infrared heating systemscolor> devoid of all the disadvantages inherent in the above methods. There is an opportunity to significantly free the working space from the excessive bulky thermal management of the production space that takes up a lot of space and deploy the production of additional products manufactured by the enterprise on it.At the same time, the efficiency of this heating system is about 70 - 90%, depending on the method of using infrared heating, which also gives serious money savings and ultimately reduces the cost of the final product. The absence of expensive supply systems and heat losses on the route also reduces the operating costs for industrial heating, which in turn makes it possible to additionally provide heat to new jobs. The customer, as a rule, chooses which industrial heating system to use at a given enterprise. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account all the features inherent in a particular method of delivery of the coolant and its efficiency, depending on the prevailing conditions and prices on the market.

Heating with infrared heaterscolor

Heating with infrared heaters - one of the many heating options that uses infrared radiation as a heat generator.color>

The properties of infrared radiation to transmit heat over long distances allow the development and use of economical heating systems used to maintain comfortable heat in work areas. Infrared heating electriccolor> makes it possible to heat people at workplaces with the help of infrared heat coming in the form of a stream of radiant energy. At the same time, unlike convection heating, bodies and objects that are in the path of propagation of the infrared beam, which accumulate heat, are heated first of all, the air is heated again from the heated bodies. This eliminates the excess transfer coolant (air), which provides additional savings. A worker who is at work in the zone of local heating of infrared radiation receives heat both from the heater itself and from partially reflected radiation from the rest of the heated surface (floor, equipment, etc.). Infrared heat has a positive effect on humanscolor>, it allows you to feel great at fairly low temperatures of the air surrounding it. The thermal sensations of a person who is in the area of ​​work of an infrared heater are 1 - 2 degrees higher than with conventional heating, which allows you to reduce the temperature in the local area to +15 ° C and the employee will feel comfortable. Reducing the temperature by one degree allows you to save up to 5% of the electricity used for heating production. Since the person (equipment) primarily receives heat, and the air is secondarily, then the gradient of the temperature difference between the working area and the ceiling (12 meters) will be about 3 - 4 degrees, that is, at the level of the ceiling space, the air temperature will be about 19 - 20 ° C , which will significantly reduce heat losses due to the thermal conductivity of the room. Using infrared heaters for heating production, it is possible to organize local heating of workplaces, which cannot be done with conventional heating. In this case, only the space where the person is located is heated and a temperature comfortable for him will be maintained in it; the rest of the room is heated to a temperature 3-5 ° C lower due to the convection of heated air and secondary radiation from walls and equipment. During the absence of an employee at the workplace, infrared heating can be completely or partially turned off, which will reduce the temperature in the production room to 5-10 ° C, obtaining additional savings in electricity supplied for production heating. Due to the fact that this type of heater enters the operating mode within five minutes, it will take 30-60 minutes to obtain a comfortable temperature, that is, heating can be turned on at full power one hour before the start of the work shift.The cost of introducing heating production with infrared heaters is much lower than when laying expensive heating mains or gas pipelines, this is due to the fact that there is usually excess electricity in the workshop and it will not be difficult to redistribute electrical networks.

Production heating

Heating of a workshop, which is part of a plant or a separate production facility, which is located in a separate building and is not gigantic in itself, has a lot in common.

In Soviet times, the heating of workshops was most often implemented on the basis of convection systems. With this approach to this issue, a large amount of heat rose, according to the laws of physics, to the high ceiling of the production room. At the same time, the area where people and equipment were located was practically not heated. Consequently, a lot of energy was wasted. Due to the extremely low efficiency of such systems, they are practically not used at present.

Air heating systems for industrial premisesModern heating is much more efficient, and its efficiency in terms of heat generation is much higher.

Production heating is a system of measures aimed at creating and maintaining the necessary climatic parameters in workshops and other areas of production and other purposes.

On the one hand, it is aimed at providing comfortable conditions for employees of the enterprise working there. On the other hand, it must provide reliable protection of the technological equipment used at the Objects under consideration from excessive cooling, which can lead to its breakdown and failure.

It must be understood that the development and installation of the system is a long and multi-stage process, which includes:

  1. Preparation of terms of reference (TOR). The technical task displays the main task, as well as additional data and nuances that may affect the choice of the type and power of equipment, the nuances of heating installation, etc.
  2. Design work
  3. Delivery to the Facility of equipment and materials
  4. Installation work
  5. Testing and commissioning

Mistakes, even minor ones made at any of these stages, can later turn into serious problems. To fix them, you will have to spend a lot of nerves and financial resources.

Therefore, the heating of the workshop and production as a whole must be carried out professionally, with high quality and to avoid mistakes and imperfections.


