Lavsan description and main characteristics of the material
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET or lavsan) is a thermoplastic from the polyester class. The material is distinguished by reliability, resistance to wear and moisture. Polyester film is used in a variety of industries - from the manufacture of packaging for foodstuffs and medicines, to the lamination of fabric used for insulation. Great application possibilities are determined by the qualities of polyester: resistance to frost, low vapor and gas permeability, wear and tear resistance.
For floor thermal insulation, roofing, walls, pipelines and ventilation systems, metallized film is offered. It is a composite of aluminum and lavsan. The reflective material is welded with gas-foamed polymer ethylene, which increases the resistance to heat and sound transmission.
The thickness of the metal layer determines the ability to reflect the insulation, if it is extremely thin, then infrared radiation is weakly reflected. The size and quality of the metal spraying of the heat insulator cannot be determined visually, so in order to protect yourself from fakes, you need to buy products of famous brands: Izolon, Izodom, Penoplus, Termodom.
Lavsan insulation, soldered to the base of polyethylene foam, has a couple of main advantages:
- low thermal conductivity;
- soundproofing effect due to the presence of air layers;
- protection against the manifestation of moisture and steam, due to the upper density and resistance of the film to the manifestations of moisture;
- light weight and thickness of the insulating layer do not create a load on the structure and do not take up free space;
- fire safety, the cloth does not burn and does not emit toxic smoke;
- resistance to chemical reagents (acids and alkalis);
- dielectric properties.
Scope of use and installation specifics of reflective insulation
Thermal insulation with a metallized layer is produced in accordance with all hygienic standards and is considered a slow-burning material. Due to its small size, it does not cause problems during transportation and installation. The rolls are well cut, and for fasteners you only need a construction stapler and specialized adhesive tape.
Reflective insulation is good at reducing building heat loss when combined with a key thermal insulator. Installation of a cloth with a lavsan film provides protection against steam and moisture. Its use as part of a roof pie is possible from the outside and from the side of the attic. Insulation work of the roof under the roof covering is carried out with the simultaneous exclusion of noise and protection against moisture ingress. The panel is attached to the frame with a stapler, the connecting points are glued using adhesive tape. The reflective layer is directed upwards. On the finished insulation, a control crate is stuffed under the final coating.
When fastening the heat insulator, it is necessary to calculate the air gap of at least 20 mm between the insulation and the finish on the outside. Reflectivity, water resistance and high temperature make it possible to use the material when facing baths and saunas. For balcony insulation, polyethylene foam with lavsan is considered an excellent choice. A thin insulating layer does not take up the area of a small room, while it creates the role of hydro and vapor barrier and does not require the creation of additional layers.
Low water absorption and heat conductivity, resistance to temperature extremes and most chemicals, long service life heat insulator a popular insulating material for air ducts, water mains, refrigeration units and equipment. It is used outside and inside buildings, protects structures from temperature changes.
Installation of a heat insulator with lavsan is suitable for surfaces of any combination. It is productive in standard housing construction and in the construction of houses from sip panels. First of all, fastening the panels end-to-end, excluding overlap.
The connecting places are sealed with a special type of adhesive tape, consisting of a foil with a layer of glue or a composite of aluminum and polymeric ethylene. The connection element has strength, the ability to reflect ultraviolet and infrared radiation, and water resistance. Its service life is equal to the operational period reflective insulation.
The use of a heat insulator with lavsan allows you to reduce the cost of heat supply and ensure energy conservation.