Replacing a gas boiler in a private house rules and equipment options

What you need to replace in 2018

If you plan to install a new boiler in another room, consider the following requirements:

  • Installation is allowed only in non-residential premises with a door.
  • For the installation of equipment with an open combustion chamber, it is necessary to have a window with a window and a room area of ​​​​8 m² or more. For closed devices, the requirements are only in terms of volume - from 9 m².

How to arrange the installation and collect documents:

  • Write an application to the gas service for a permit.
  • Get a list of specifications. If it turns out that only the equipment changes, then the project remains the same. If the installation site changes, the communications scheme changes, then a new project is being developed. To do this, you need to contact a company with a license.
  • Take a construction passport from the replacement company. With it, an act on the condition of the chimney channels, an act on the conformity of equipment with standards, contact the gas inspection.
  • Dismantling, installation, commissioning.

You can do the collection of documentation yourself or give an order to a special service.

Is unauthorized installation of equipment in a private house or apartment allowed?

Do-it-yourself installation is not prohibited by documents. Only unauthorized connection to the gas main is not allowed. The rest of the work the user can perform with the skills.

Replacing a gas boiler in a private house rules and equipment options

When connecting gas without approval, you face a fine of 10,000 to 15,000 rubles (under Article 7.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). This does not frighten many consumers: they carry out installation without authorization, and then pay a fine. But you should understand that you are endangering not only yourself, but also your neighbors.

What steps should be taken when replacing:

  • The organization of condensing boilers requires a connection to the network, the connection of a system for removing condensate according to the rules.
  • Before switching on, you will need to agree on the condition of the chimney. The inspection is carried out by a gas service specialist. After that, such an audit will be carried out once a year.
  • You won't get a warranty if you do it yourself.

Dismantling and installation of wall and floor equipment

Before dismantling the device, flush the heating system so that accumulated dirt does not block the operation of the new device.


  • Drain the water from the boiler.
  • Disconnect the appliance from gas, heating and water.
  • Disconnect the flue pipe from the shaft outlet or ventilation.
  • Remove the case from the wall or dismantle it from the floor and put it away.

How to replace the device with a more powerful one:

Replacing a gas boiler in a private house rules and equipment options

  • With wall-mounted equipment ("Bosch", "Ariston"), make markings on the wall. Attach the plank. Then hang the structure on the brackets or anchors. Check the location with a level - the case must be located strictly horizontally. A solid foundation is being prepared for the Baksi outdoor unit.
  • Keep a distance of 30–50 cm from the wall. If the wall is made of combustible material, insulate it with asbestos sheet.
  • Water communications are connected through a mesh filter that traps small particles of debris from the water supply. Additionally, you can install a water purification filter from impurities, so you reduce the likelihood of scale deposits. Taps are mounted on both sides of the filter. So you can clean the part without draining the water.
  • The connection to the gas pipeline is in progress. At the same time, there must be free access to the shut-off valves.
  • If this is a turbocharged device, then connect it to a 220 volt network with grounding. Watch out for polarity. It is recommended to install a voltage stabilizer.
  • For a closed type, the procedure for creating a chimney is as follows: a coaxial chimney is connected to the new branch pipe of the product, the other end is led out into a hole in the wall, a ventilation duct. This is the same principle of organizing a conventional chimney.In this case, steel pipes are used.
  • Fill the system with water. First, turn on the current through the heating circuit, and then open the valve of the boiler itself. Watch the pressure, the norm is from 0.8 to 1.8 bar.
  • Check connections for tightness.
  • The launch must be carried out by an employee of the company. After that, the equipment is put into operation.

Carry out the work on your own or turn to specialists - it's up to you. Even with unauthorized installation, you will have to commission and test the device.

Watch a helpful video on the topic:

Unauthorized replacement of a gas boiler consequences

All work related to gas supply should be directly carried out only by employees of those organizations that have a special license for such work. Unauthorized replacement or installation of a gas boiler, at best, can lead to a large fine and numerous problems.

If you arbitrarily installed a gas boiler, and after that there was a leak or fire, then you automatically become the culprit of this incident. And this, in turn, will entail administrative and criminal penalties. So, it’s better not to take risks and do everything in accordance with all the rules and requirements.

It is best to entrust the replacement, as well as the installation of a gas boiler, to specialized workers who will perform all work in accordance with all standards and rules. A professional team will carry out high-quality installation and connection, and this will be the key to the successful and uninterrupted operation of new equipment for quite a long time.

Replacing a gas boiler in a private house rules and equipment options

The sequence of procedures for replacing the boiler:

  • An application is written to the gas industry to obtain a permit;
  • Changes are made in the project;
  • An agreement is concluded with a specialized company that will install and connect;
  • The old device is being dismantled;
  • A new device is being installed;
  • Acceptance and delivery to special gas control bodies.

Having done everything correctly and correctly, you thereby create security, warmth and comfort for your loved ones at home. And thus, the boiler will delight you with its serviceability and work for a long time.

UKOT - today

  • The date of establishment of the educational institution is August 31, 1936, when, in accordance with Decree No. 1231 of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR, the Bashkir Technical School of the Flour Milling Industry was organized. Two departments were created - flour-grinding and baking. More information about the history of the college can be found on the website of the Bread Museum.

  • The functions and powers of the founder of GBPOU UKOT on behalf of the Republic of Bashkortostan are carried out by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
  • The State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Special Education "Ufa Mechanics and Technology College" has a perpetual License for the right to conduct educational activities
  • The college has state accreditation of 12 educational programs (Certificate of state accreditation No. 0468 dated June 22, 2012)
  • The college has developed and implemented a quality management system in relation to the design and implementation of educational activities in the field of secondary vocational education in accordance with GOST ISO 9001: 2008; On July 18, 2012, the Certificate of Conformity was received Registration No. ROSS RU FK68 K00031.
  • The mission of the college in the framework of the quality policy is to train competent specialists at the level of international and national standards in accordance with the requirements of employers who are competitive in the labor market and have high civil and moral qualities.
  • The college also provides training in 13 accredited specialties and 13 programs of additional education (preparation for admission to the CSUZ, the course "Love the confectionery art", advanced training in the profile of the main professional educational programs of the college, etc.).
  • The college has 3 classrooms for course and diploma design, model laboratories in chemical disciplines, a commodity science laboratory with a full set of necessary equipment; locksmith workshops; training and production bakery (certified with the right to sell finished products), consisting of 2 shops (baking and confectionery), sports and fitness rooms, a sports ground, an assembly hall, a canteen, a first-aid post, a dental office, educational and auxiliary and storage rooms, vehicles , library, reading room, Museum of Bread.
  • GBPOU UKOT is constantly developing - it opens up promising specialties, builds up and modernizes educational and laboratory areas, introduces new technologies, and looks for productive ways of development.

Dismantling and installation of equipment

The procedure for replacing a gas boiler in a private house includes dismantling the old unit, and then installing a new one. Many are interested in whether it is possible to replace the gas boiler on their own. In general - yes, it is allowed to do it yourself by removing the old device and installing a new one. But the connection of the system to the gas main and the first start-up of the unit should be performed only by a gas specialist.

… Note! Regarding self-installation, one nuance should be taken into account - some manufacturers prohibit installing their equipment with their own hands, otherwise the user will lose the warranty on their boiler. Therefore, before making a decision, it is worth weighing all the pros and cons.

It is quite possible to remove the old unit yourself - this is a fairly easy process and it does not carry any risk

Here it is important not to forget to perform the following sequence of actions:

  • flush the heating system;
  • drain water from the unit;
  • shut off gas, water and heating pipelines;
  • disconnect the flue pipe;
  • remove the boiler from the wall or remove it from the floor.

Replacing a gas boiler in a private house rules and equipment options

Installing a new gas boiler requires certain skills, so if you are not sure that you can connect everything without errors, it is better to entrust the installation to a specialized organization. Self-installation of the device includes the following steps:

After the specialist starts the unit and checks the operability of the system, he will issue a document authorizing the use of the equipment. If there is any problem, you will have to fix it first, and then call a specialist again for verification.

If you want to minimize the time spent on obtaining permission to replace the boiler, it is better to choose a unit with characteristics similar to the old model. But this option is only suitable if there is no need for other device parameters.

Why is it being replaced

During the operation of the boiler, its power and efficiency level gradually decrease. The equipment is outdated and no longer meets modern standards.

Replacing a gas boiler in a private house rules and equipment options

The most common reasons for replacing equipment:

  • The performance of the boiler is no longer satisfactory. If you made an extension or connected additional devices to the circuit (for example, a boiler), then the old unit may not pull the load.
  • Inappropriate functionality. Installing a double-circuit device instead of a single-circuit one allows not only to heat the room, but also to use hot water supply (DHW).
  • Questions of rationality. Standard boilers consume a lot of gas. But more modern, condensing devices use not only gas, but also steam. This approach increases efficiency by 110%.
  • Depreciation or breakdown of equipment.

Therefore, if your old AOGV is working “on its last breath”, if the cost of maintenance is equal to buying a new device, then a replacement is a must.

Replacing a gas boiler in a private house rules and equipment options

What designs does the market offer?

  • With closed combustion chamber.This is a safer variety, because the burner is closed from external influences. Smoke is removed by a fan. The connected coaxial chimney contains two tubes through which air enters and fumes are removed. Requires a network connection.
  • With an open chamber. An open burner requires air to be drawn from the room to maintain the flame. Good ventilation and connection to a chimney are required.

Replacing a gas boiler in a private house rules and equipment options

Installation instructions gas boiler replacement and some prohibitions

When the old boiler has been transferred, the workers proceed to install the new one. To do everything right, you need to take into account some of the nuances and rules. The boiler must be installed in rooms with an area of ​​at least 4 sq. m, and the height of the room should be 2.5 m. Also, the room must be ventilated, and the place where the boiler will be attached must be chosen smooth and heat-resistant.

When installing a new boiler, it is necessary so that access to it always remains open. If the boiler is wall-mounted, then it is hung on special brackets and this is done under the level, and the floor-mounted one is simply installed on a flat place.

The gas boiler is not recommended to be installed in the bathroom, as well as in the basement or balcony. The ideal place for installation is the kitchen, as it is most similar to the boiler room and it will be convenient to connect the boiler to hot and cold water here.

Replacing a gas boiler in a private house rules and equipment options

Step by step installation of a new device:

  • Installation of the boiler itself;
  • Connecting it to the water supply;
  • Then a connection to the gas pipeline is made;
  • If the boiler is electric, then a connection to the power supply will be made;
  • Ventilation is done;
  • Fill the heating system with water;
  • A leak test is carried out.

The very first start-up is carried out under the careful supervision of specialists who installed the boiler. If everything went well, then they must issue a guarantee for the further maintenance of the boiler.

Replacing a gas boiler in a private house documents that will be needed

Maintenance of the boiler, as well as its installation, is carried out only by specialized employees of state bodies, for example, Gorgas

The gas boiler AOGV and AGV are a responsible and important part of housing, therefore only the relevant authorities have the right to replace them, and then only with the knowledge of the authorities

Replacing and installing a boiler is a very responsible matter, as it entails a threat to people's lives, so only specialists should do this. Under no circumstances should you do this on your own. However, dismantling can be done with your own hands.

To replace the boiler in a private house, you will need to draw up some documents that will need to be provided to government agencies so that the new device can be legalized. This procedure must be followed so that later there are no problems with the relevant authorities. The owner will be able to collect all the documents on his own or seek help from a special specialized organization.

Replacing a gas boiler in a private house rules and equipment options

Required documents:

  • Certificate that meets all safety standards;
  • DVK inspection report;
  • Technical passport and instructions for the boiler;
  • A contract that will provide a 1-year service guarantee;
  • Project and changes made to it.

With all these documents in hand, you can go to the Gorgaz for permission. Be sure your project must be approved, and only then proceed to replace the boiler. While you wait for approval, you can choose the right model that will meet all your requirements and ensure uninterrupted heating operation.


