Heat-resistant paint for metal up to 1000 degrees

Refractory wall cladding

To prevent spontaneous combustion of walls adjacent to furnaces, it is required to install special sheathing made of non-combustible materials with thermal insulation properties.

Heat-resistant paint for metal up to 1000 degrees

Thermal insulation for furnaces in this case is carried out in two ways:

  1. For sheathing, materials are used that have reflective properties and are resistant to high temperatures.
  2. The heat-insulating furnace lining is covered with a lining of heat-resistant tiles.

Heat-resistant paint for metal up to 1000 degrees

Good reflective qualities are shown by metal sheets covering non-combustible heat-insulating sheets. It is best to use stainless steel, since galvanized steel releases toxic substances when heated.

Heat-resistant paint for metal up to 1000 degrees

The following materials are used as thermal insulation:

  • basalt cardboard;
  • basalt wool;
  • minerite;
  • asbestos cardboard.

In accordance with SNiP 41-01-2003, the skin is installed in the following sequence:

  1. Installation of insulation in compliance with the ventilation gap from 2 to 3 cm. The thickness of the insulating material is not more than 2 cm and not less than 1 cm.
  2. Installation of a metal sheet.
  3. Observe the distance between the furnace and the casing of at least 38 cm.

For fastening materials to the wall, ceramic bushings are used: they allow you to maintain the necessary clearance and are resistant to fire. If it is not possible to maintain the specified distance between the furnace and the casing, then two layers of heat-insulating sheets should be used. For example, two sheets of mineralite are attached using ceramic bushings. The distance between them is 2-3 cm. The outer sheet is covered with stainless steel.

The design of a room or bath does not always allow you to install metal cladding. Often it will not fit into the interior of the room. In this case, you can resort to sheathing with heat-resistant tile lining, which is fastened with a special adhesive that is resistant to high temperatures. We list suitable materials for cladding:

  • terracotta tiles;
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • tiles;
  • clinker tiles;
  • soapstone.

Heat-resistant paint for metal up to 1000 degrees

During installation, the following rules are followed:

  1. The ventilation gap between the wall and the refractory sheet should be 2-3 cm.
  2. A refractory tile is attached to the installed sheet using special adhesive mixtures.
  3. The oven should be located no closer than 15 cm from the surface of the tile.

As sheet refractory materials for sheathing with cladding, the following are suitable:

  • minerite;
  • refractory drywall, incorporating fiberglass;
  • glass-magnesium sheet.

Heat-resistant paint for metal up to 1000 degrees

Facing will help not only beat the design of the room and maintain a single style, but also reduce the allowable distance between the stove and the wall.

Thermal insulation of sauna stoves

The stoves in the baths deserve special attention. The most popular material for insulating sauna stoves is felt - this is a cheap but effective material: it does not burn, but smolders, emitting a characteristic smell, which often becomes a fire signal.

The use of thermal insulation materials for furnaces has several goals: ensure fire safety and reduce heat loss
. The latter option is most often used in the construction of fireplaces, since in this case it is required to create a directed heat flow, and not to warm up the entire stove array. When carrying out work, it is recommended to use existing standards in order to avoid errors and prevent the risk of fire of building structures.

Heat-resistant paint for metal up to 1000 degrees

Special thermal insulation for fireplaces is used to minimize heat loss in all parts of the fireplace: the chimney, the stove mass and the firebox itself. This allows you to increase the efficiency of heating equipment.Insulation of different parts of the fireplace has the following goals:

Keeps the chimney from the destructive effect of condensate, which is formed during a sharp change in temperature. The aggressive effect of condensate is due to the content of moisture, various acids formed during combustion and carbon dioxide.
In the place where the pipe passes through the ceiling, special care should be taken to comply with fire safety standards.

If wooden building materials are used, special care must be taken to protect the surface of the ceiling.
High-temperature thermal insulation of fireplaces is used to create a directed flow of thermal energy to heat the people sitting opposite it. For these purposes, infrared reflectors are used, which are installed in the furnace itself.
Protection of wall structures with a heat-shielding layer

Otherwise, the brick wall can quickly become unusable.
from a sharp temperature drop, and the wooden one will catch fire.

Heat-resistant paint for metal up to 1000 degrees

The building materials used for thermal insulation of the fireplace are represented by the following groups:

  • containing stone fibers (Rockwool, TEXHO T80, PAROC FPS 17) - are produced in the form of plates and have a foil coating on one of their sides, which allows them to withstand temperatures of several thousand degrees;
  • based on silica, obtained from quartz sand and alumina, are produced in the form of flexible plates;
  • Superizol - made using calcium silicate and has good thermal insulation qualities, suitable for insulating fireplace bodies and their chimneys, fastened with glue or self-tapping screws;
  • Vermiculite - presented in the form of plates (Scamol, Thermax), consists of compressed grains of the substance, has rigidity, is well sawn, has a surface suitable for finishing;
  • Superseal - is a fabric made of silica with a layer of foil, has a high cost;
  • gypsum fiber - obtained by mixing and pressing gypsum and cellulose, suitable only for insulating an array of fireplaces, floors and walls, does not withstand loads and deforms.

When choosing materials, it is important to make sure that they are environmentally friendly so that they do not release toxic substances into the environment when heated.

How to insulate a chimney

Having protected the walls from a red-hot fireplace insert, proceed to insulate the pipe. To do this, use one of the following materials:

Chimney insulation

      • mineral wool is the most popular and sought-after material, which is convenient and inexpensive to work with;
      • glass wool - similar in properties to mineral wool, but it is more difficult to work with it;
      • brick - the use of whole and chipped specimens is allowed;
      • slag plates - designed for insulation in unstable climatic zones.

If the fireplace and chimney are made of brick, then the insulation is carried out quickly and with little financial loss. To do this, the surface is plastered using a reinforcing mesh. At the junction of the pipe with the roof, make reinforcement - lay an additional layer of brick. This completes the insulation.

It is much more difficult to work with round metal and ceramic pipes. These materials get very hot during the operation of the fireplace, and accidental contact with them will inevitably lead to severe burns. Therefore, be sure to take care of the insulation of such pipes. This is necessary to reduce heat loss and keep the pipe intact for a long time.

Thermal insulation is carried out with non-combustible materials of a dense structure. Mineral wool is ideal, which wraps the pipe as the first layer. The second layer of insulation is strengthened from above - stainless steel sheets. They are wrapped around the chimney and brewed. Instead of stainless steel, plaster can be used.

The given method of thermal insulation increases the efficiency of the chimney, increases the service life of the structure and prevents overheating of nearby surfaces. If all the work is done correctly, then re-installation will be required after about 15 years with intensive use of the hearth.

The main task of thermal insulation of fireplaces and stoves

Fire safety is considered the most important nuance in the operation of fireplaces and stoves.

This is exactly the option when the desire to save money or ordinary inattention, together with ignorance, lead to big trouble. A key structural element, it is responsible for safety, is high-temperature thermal insulation.

Heat-resistant paint for metal up to 1000 degrees

In theory, you can do the installation with your own hands, but since we can talk about human lives, it is better to entrust this work to professionals. There are a lot of companies on the construction market that can provide such a high-quality service, however, the selection of a contractor must also be approached with all rigor - the company must be on the market for a long time and have an excellent reputation. It is not necessary to attract guest workers and coven workers, there will be no one to ask.

Requirements for materials for thermal insulation

In essence, a fireplace is considered the same stove with an open combustion chamber and a chimney, equipped with decorations. These products do not have other design features, due to this, the approach to their installation and equipment is the same. Thermal insulation, of course, is performed separately for the combustion chamber and for the chimney and must meet the following requirements:

  • Low thermal conductivity
  • Environmental Safety
  • Great resistance to fire
  • Durability
  • Maximum possible heating temperature

The specified properties of materials must be stored in full throughout the entire operational period.

Heat-resistant paint for metal up to 1000 degrees

Refractory material for rooms with different heating elements

Protective materials for the bath

In order for the walls of the bath to acquire refractory properties, they are finished with heat-resistant materials. These include:

  • Pie from a layer of thermal insulation and a metal reflective coating;
  • Sheets of fire-resistant drywall;
  • Minerite slabs;
  • Superizol sheets;
  • Stainless steel sheets (a relatively expensive option);
  • Glass-magnesite plate with increased moisture resistance;

There are 2 types of LSU boards on the building materials market - with and without a laminated coating.

Silicate-calcium sheet materials. It has all the properties of LSU boards, however, in comparison with them, such sheets are less durable;
Terracotta tiles.

For facing the fireplace

Heat-resistant paint for metal up to 1000 degreesThe main sheet fireplace material is fire-resistant drywall.

However, fire-resistant tiles are more commonly used. In addition to its protective properties, it has excellent decorative properties, thanks to which it is possible to achieve aesthetics and a feeling of comfort in the room.

Types of fireplace tiles:

  • Terracotta. The numerous positive qualities of this material include a high ability to give off heat, which is an excellent indicator of a finishing fireplace material;
  • Tiles. The properties are similar to terracotta. The main difference is the complex decorative pattern on the front surface of the piece element, which is often applied by hand;
  • Clinker tiles. Differs in simplicity of installation and leaving;
  • Porcelain tile. It has increased resistance to cracking. According to its characteristics, it is similar not only to clay materials, but also to granite;
  • Majolica. Its basis is terracotta tiles, which are covered with an additional layer of glaze during manufacture.

Basic rules for choosing the right refractory tiles for the fireplace:

  • The material must be moisture resistant;
  • Resistant to sudden changes in temperature;
  • The minimum number of pores will allow the tile to last longer;
  • The optimal thickness of a piece element is 8 mm;
  • Tiles marked "A" are of better quality than "B" elements.

Blast Furnace Lining Materials

The lining of blast furnaces is an internal refractory shell that protects the main body from overheating.

It is carried out using vermiculite plates of kaolin cardboard or paper.

Heat-resistant paint for metal up to 1000 degreesIn addition to sheet material, linings can be found using the following materials:

  • Chamotte brick;
  • Basalt fiber;
  • Hewn stone (quartz, sandstone, conglomerate);
  • Chamotte or mullite solutions.

Instructions for laying refractory bricks in the kiln:

Wall decoration for the boiler

The following sheet materials are used for sheathing wall structures near the heating boiler:

  • Fireproof drywall;
  • Sheets, with a backing of xylolite fiber.

Wall decoration for the oven

Produced using the following sheet materials:

  • metal screens;
  • Reflective skins made of rolled stainless steel sheets;
  • Minerita;
  • Fire resistant plasterboard;
  • Glass-magnesium plate material.

Ensuring the protection of wall structures from the harmful effects of high temperatures is a mandatory event that can be done in a great variety of ways. Installation of piece and sheet elements will not take too much time and money, however, it will allow the heated room to last much longer.

Why is thermal insulation needed?

The role of the heat-insulating material is that due to its poor thermal conductivity, the transfer of energy through the layer of material is difficult. Thus, it is possible not only to save the heat that the fireplace emits, but also to protect the structural elements of the house from high temperatures.

Chimney insulation serves several purposes.

  • In the place of the external location of the pipe, intensive heat exchange with the cold air of the street space takes place. A huge part of the amount of heat is released into the atmosphere, but it could be used in space heating. If this proportion is reduced, then higher efficiency rates will be achieved. The solution to this issue will be a heater, which is superimposed on top of the walls of the chimney.
  • Combustion products that are thrown out through the chimney contain carbon dioxide and water vapor. The temperature of all this gas exceeds a hundred degrees. In contact with the walls of the chimney that have cooled down from the external environment, condensation forms on the surface of the latter. Acids, which are a product of combustion, are mixed into it. The result is a chemically active environment, leading to the destruction of the walls. Condensation can be avoided only by raising the temperature of the pipe itself, that is, by providing it with high-quality insulation.
  • In places where the chimney pipe passes through the ceiling or roof, contact of materials necessarily occurs. In the case of wooden buildings, this situation is a fire hazard. But an additional function of insulation will be to protect the surfaces of the ceiling.

Heat-resistant paint for metal up to 1000 degrees

Corner accommodation option

The internal insulation of fireplaces implies the localization of energy inside the firebox for the purpose of its directed transfer. The fireplace should not emit heat in all directions, especially if it is installed near the wall. It should warm those sitting directly in front of the hearth. Special reflectors for fireplaces are installed inside the firebox and serve as a shield from infrared radiation. As a result, all the heat exits through the furnace hole into the room.

Reliable thermal insulation for stoves and fireplaces means protecting the walls of the building from the negative effects of temperature. When the fireplace is close to the wall, a heat-shielding layer is installed, since high temperatures can lead to the destruction of the brickwork of the wall or fire if the building is wooden.

Comparative Test Experiment, Tempered Glass vs Heat Resistant Glass-Ceramic SCHOTT Rabox

  • at the fireplace door
  • in a fireplace insert (steel, cast iron, brick, fireclay)
  • into the oven (furnace door)
  • on the fireplace (fireplace cladding, decorative elements, individual projects)
  • in the fireplace screen (decorative, protective)
  • into an open fireplace to cut off smoke, heat, soot on the chimney beam
  • bath, sauna
  • in a barbecue grill (masonry brick, steel) to cut off smoke, heat, soot and grease
  • into the bio-fireplace (hole for the bio-insert, walls of the bio-fireplace)
  • in an electric fireplace (decorative design elements)
  • in the oven (gas, electric, oven), oven
  • for non-standard interior design elements, lamps, countertops, kitchens, hobs, technical equipment, viewing windows.

Incl. non-standard glass shape, drilling through holes/recesses/grooves, rounding, glass edge processing (grinding, polishing), engraving, glass sandblasting, design.

Call! 8-499-398-1641, 8-929-508-7594, Vasily

Construction/installation/repair of fireplaces/stoves/barbecues/industrial ovens, ventilation equipment, implementation of non-standard technical solutions. Please contact us in Moscow and the region and beyond.

Heat-resistant paint for metal up to 1000 degrees


Technical description of the German transparent heat-resistant glass-ceramic Shot Robaks


  • High temperature resistance (up to 750°C)
  • Good heat transfer
  • Excellent thermal shock resistance
  • Blocks UV radiation

During operation in a fireplace insert or stove, up to 35% of heat radiation is reflected back into the combustion chamber. Result: the energy of radiation passing through the glass is reduced and
the temperature in the combustion chamber increases significantly. The resulting energy can be used for more efficient heating or as an additional source of energy. How
the higher the temperature in the combustion chamber, the better the combustion of firewood and the lower the emission values ​​to the environment.

Even under thermal load glass-ceramic panels Shott Robax AG (Germany) show thermal expansion close to zero.

Heat resistance of Shot Robux glasses up to 760 °C.

Transparent ceramic glass combines good transmission (including infrared, which we perceive as heat) and low coefficient of thermal expansion, which makes Robax
an excellent choice for viewing windows in heating appliances. The most commonly used fireplaces, stoves and other heating systems.

Recommendations for the installation (installation) of heat-resistant glass-ceramics in a fireplace or stove door

When installing heat-resistant glass in a metal/cast iron fireplace door frame, consider:

  1. Various coefficients of expansion of glass and frame material.
  2. Glass should not have direct contact with the frame and fasteners, in order to avoid uneven overheating and compensation for shocks when the door slams sharply.
  3. The pressure of the fasteners must be the same at all fastening points and there must be no pinching.
  4. When the frame is deformed (skewed), the joint with the glass must be compensated with a heat-resistant cord.
  5. It is forbidden to seal the joints of the glass and the frame with a heat-resistant sealant (especially on a silicate basis), in order to avoid the formation of cracks, otherwise, when the geometry of the fireplace door changes, the sealant pulls the thermal glass along with it and it bursts.
  6. Metal burrs on the glass-pressing plates, digging into the glass surface, cause microcracks and in the future grow into large cracks and, as a result, the glass cracks.

Glass-ceramic for the oven (oven) hardened / heat-resistant to order according to your sizeGOST Glass tempering

Basalt with cladding

Facing basalt slabs look aesthetically pleasing and provide good fire protection. In addition, this material gives off heat for a long time after heating.It is possible to clad with this material both a brick screen and the wall itself over the insulating sheets.

Fire safety should not be treated negligently - the consequences of carelessness can be tragic. The modern building materials market allows you to choose an option according to your means and taste, while providing reliable protection against fire.

Installing a fireplace in a room and organizing its efficient and safe operation is not limited to just building a foundation, a frame and a chimney. To perform all the work on your own, it is necessary to apply knowledge of several sections of physics at once, including thermal phenomena. One of the most important stages of construction is the thermal insulation of the fireplace, this is a set of measures to ensure that the surface is protected from heat leakage. Several blocks of the fireplace are insulated at once: a firebox, a body and a chimney.

Fireplace device drawing

Why insulate the oven

When it comes to thermal insulation of fireplaces, the question arises of its necessity. If there is no time, money and desire to carry out additional work with the stove, then insulation can not be carried out. But to increase the efficiency and increase the operational life, the work is necessary and important. And for what specifically it is required to make insulation, it is worth considering for each part separately.

fireplace insulation

  • to prevent heating of walls located near the pipe;
  • to increase the cooling time of the pipe, the heat from which is evenly distributed in the room;
  • to prevent the accumulation of condensate.

Thermal insulation is also required to protect the walls adjacent to the fireplace.

It is important to strengthen the supporting and interior structure to prevent fire and damage to the finish along with the base. Insulation also increases efficiency, contributing to the rapid distribution of heat throughout the room.

High Temperature Insulation for Furnaces at Home

High-temperature insulation for stoves involves a comprehensive protection of this heater, which provides both its insulation from the walls of the house, and the protection of the surface facing the inside of the room, including ensuring the safety of people inside the building.

Each refractory material for furnaces presented in our catalog is a modern, high-quality product, which, in addition to fire protection, also ensures the resistance of the heater to mechanical, chemical and other types of damage.

Of course, refractory materials for lining furnaces are used not only in domestic construction, but also for processing industrial furnaces.

Stainless steel cladding

Thermal insulation of the furnace with stainless steel casing has several options. By orientation in space, they distinguish front and side screens
. Recommended Distance from the oven to the screen - from 1 to 5 cm
. Thanks to such structures, it is possible to achieve a decrease in the intensity of thermal radiation of a metal furnace, since the outer surface of the protective screens warms up to 1000 C. In this case, it is possible to reduce the distance from the furnace to the wall to half a meter. The ease of installation and the presence of special legs that allow you to securely fix the screens make their use especially attractive.

Overview of the market of materials for thermal insulation

Next will be shown the comparative characteristics of the materials presented in the free sale.

Rockwool Firebatts

Due to its attractive price and high availability, it is considered the most common product in this area of ​​​​use. Composition - 100% stone (gabbro-basalt) wool. Available in two versions: uncoated and with aluminum foil on one side. The maximum possible temperature on the foil side is +500°C, on the cotton side +750°C. Plate size 1000*600*30 mm, density 100 kg/m3

The thermal conductivity index at +300°C is 0.088 W/m*K. Option without foil does not ignite, with foil flammability class G1

When choosing this material, it is fundamentally important to calculate the peak temperature of the combustion chamber, since during overheating the foil may fall behind and a bad smell spreads throughout the room along with microparticles of cotton wool fibers. The insulator plates are more flexible, thanks to which they are installed in a rigid metal frame

Heat-resistant paint for metal up to 1000 degrees


A real mineral from the group of hydromicas, the layered structure of which, when heated, forms multi-colored threads. Fire-resistant materials are made from it by pressing. In addition to combustion chambers, it is used in the aviation and automotive industries, as well as in the nuclear power industry as a reflector and absorber of gamma radiation. On the market, the material is provided by 2 products:

  • Vermix Refractory The country of manufacture is the Russian Federation, the thermal conductivity index at +300°С is 0.18 W/m*K, the plate size is 600*600*30 mm, the density is 300 kg/m3, the possible temperature is +800°С. Among the advantages is ease of processing and installation, no rigid frame is required. Cons are also present - the material is not moisture resistant.
  • Skamolex is a vermiculite insulation imported from Denmark. It is a combination of refractory and panels with decorative elements with different designer solutions. Heat conductivity at +200°С is 0.16 W/m*K, plate size is 1000*610*25 mm, density is 600 kg/m3, peak temperature is +1100°С. Pros: does not require the next finishing treatment - according to the “set it and forget it” principle, it is used for lining combustion chambers. Of the shortcomings - a high price, depending on the region of the Russian Federation, the price of a plate can be 5 times higher than a plate of the same area Vermix Refractory.

Heat-resistant paint for metal up to 1000 degrees

Based on calcium silicate

Another series of thermal insulators is calcium silicate, an inorganic substance in the form of a calcium salt and metasilicic acid. On the market, the mineral is presented in the following performance:

Heat-resistant paint for metal up to 1000 degrees

Minerite LV

Another group of thermal insulators is represented by one cement-based material. Minerite LV is imported from Denmark. Product size 1200*630*9 mm, density 1150 kg/m3, in other words, the material is very heavy, but thin - it saves usable living space. The thermal conductivity index is 0.25 W / m * K, which is significantly inferior to the previously considered samples.

Temperature of use of Minerita LV is up to +150°C. is considered an easily accessible material due to the reduced price. Based on the indicators, it can be used as an additional component in an already thermally insulated combustion chamber of a fireplace or stove, or in highly specialized products.

Heat-resistant paint for metal up to 1000 degrees

The most important argument determining the selection of thermal insulation for combustion chambers is considered to be a good calculation of the high temperature. The temperature depends on the fuel option, the volume of the combustion chamber and other indicators, so it is better to entrust the designation of this main parameter to a professional.


