Electrode heating boiler Galan

Instructions and description of boilers Galan Galan

Ionization of the coolant is the basis on which the electrode boiler functions. But this is not enough to fully answer the question regarding the features of the equipment.

It is noteworthy that such a Galan heating unit plays two roles at the same time:

  • heating device;
  • Circulation pump.

Now specifically about how all the processes inside the Galan boiler go, which allow you to heat the coolant.

  1. Water is heated by ionization. This is the process when electricity creates current energy and directs them to water molecules.
  2. Then the liquid begins to split into ions - positively and negatively charged.
  3. The opposite of charges leads to their acceleration and exchange. The exchange of poles occurs approximately 50 times per minute.
  4. The exchange process is accompanied by the production of an impressive amount of heat.
  5. The heating of water is direct here, that is, other heating devices do not take part in the heating "operations".
  6. When the water supply stops, which can occur for various reasons, ionization stops, and therefore the operation of the electrode boiler always stops. This provides excellent fire safety performance.
  7. During operation, the main structural element, the electrode, wears out. But the simplicity of the design of the Galant boiler and the detailed instructions that the manufacturer attaches allow you to change the electrodes with your own hands as their resource is depleted.

Factors affecting work

There are several significant points that have a direct impact on the performance and efficiency of heating the coolant in the electrode heating device.

  • Liquid. For the correct operation of the Galan electrode boiler, it needs the appropriate fluid. The coolant must have a certain specific conductivity. To do this, during installation, you must set the appropriate parameters for the current strength. All the necessary parameters for the efficient operation of the electrode boiler are presented in the instructions, so focus only on the guide from Galan;
  • Connection diagram. It has its own characteristics, therefore it is strongly not recommended to deviate from the manufacturer's requirements;
  • Grounding. Without high-quality grounding, the electrode heating boiler will not be able to function. Therefore, if you do not have the skills of an electrician, you should invite a specialist to connect the boiler;
  • When entering the electrode device into the existing heating system, be sure to correctly determine the power parameters in relation to the operating parameters. Connection of the Galan boiler is possible only when using an open two-pipe system with a top spill;
  • There are clear requirements regarding the parameters of the pipes of the heating system. The diameter of the return and supply pipes is at least 32 millimeters, the height of the water supply riser is at least 200 millimeters, and the throughput is determined on the basis of a special formula. 1 unit of heating boiler capacity accounts for 12 liters of water;
  • The presence in the system of the electrical circuit of the coolant. The coolant in the case of an electrode boiler is a direct participant in the electrical circuit. Therefore, if the coolant is absent in it, Galan simply will not be able to work;
  • The dependence of the coolant temperature and electricity consumption. The higher the heating temperature of the coolant, the more electricity your heating system will consume. At the same time, it is not recommended to heat water above 75 degrees, since this leads to increased power consumption and increased load on the electrical circuit. In the case of prolonged operation at such loads, wiring problems may occur.

How economical are electrode boilers?

As for the consumption of electricity by electrode boilers, there is a constant debate. Sellers and manufacturers claim that these boilers are more economical than heating elements. They even name a figure - by 30%. Their opponents say that if the boiler is 6 kW, then it will consume 6 kW. No more, no less.

This is true. But the owners of operating systems claim that they pay less for heating (some used to have heating elements, and some compare their bills with those of friends). Note that negative messages are written only by theorists who advocate the use of good old, well-known heating elements. There is no negative feedback from the owners (5 forums viewed).

There is one conditionally negative: after 2.5 years of “excellent” operation, the efficiency of the system has dropped significantly, and it was possible to raise it only partially, but not enough, by carefully preparing the coolant. At first glance, a significant decrease in the power of the heat unit is possible for two reasons: the electrodes are worn out and need to be changed, or something has failed with the automation. In any case, you need to contact the service center to specialists.

The same situation with the shutdown: the power supply was turned off, the heating stopped. And again, no inertia, and the temperature is stable, and there is no waste of electricity in idle. This is true. But in order for everything to be as described, high-quality automation is necessary, and this, as we know, is not cheap.

Electrode heating boiler Galan

Induction boilers are very small

Practitioners say that electrode and induction boilers are more suitable for warm water floors. than boilers on heating elements. They have more advanced automation and the temperature is maintained more accurately. But modern multi-stage boilers on heating elements can also regulate their power, although this transition is abrupt - turning on / off one or more heating elements gives a power surge. So if you choose, preference for organizing water heated floors can be given to electrode ones. Induction boilers in this area are also good, but are much more expensive.

To the advantages of using electrode boilers for water heating, one can add their small dimensions, low cost (in relation even to boilers on heating elements) and noiselessness during use (unlike induction boilers, which sometimes make a lot of noise). But here it must be taken into account that in addition to the need for a separate power line, it will also be necessary to build a separate ground loop, and these are also costs.

Electrode heating boiler Galan

A diagram that shows the dependence of electricity consumption on outdoor temperature

In general, it is impossible to say unequivocally whether electrode boilers are good or bad. There are some positives, but there are plenty of negatives as well. Actually, it is necessary to decide in each specific case: as always, when there are several options, the problem of choice arises. But everyone makes their own choice. We try to present the situation as fully as possible, but it's up to you to decide.

Making an electrode boiler with your own hands

To assemble an ion boiler with your own hands, you need: a pipe, an electrode, hot metal.

If you have become familiar with the principle of operation of ion boilers, as well as the features of their operation, and still want to make it yourself, then you will need:

  • welding machine and skills to work with it;
  • steel pipe of the required dimensions;
  • an electrode or group of electrodes;
  • neutral wire and ground terminals;
  • insulators for terminals and electrodes;
  • coupling and metal tee
  • desire and perseverance in achieving the ultimate goal.

Before you start assembling the boiler with your own hands, you should pay attention to several important points. First, the boiler must be grounded

Secondly, the neutral wire from the outlet is fed exclusively to the outer pipe. And thirdly, the phase must be supplied exclusively to the electrode.

The do-it-yourself boiler assembly technology is quite simple. Inside a steel pipe with a length of about 250 mm and a diameter of 50-100 mm, an electrode or an electrode block is inserted from one side by means of a tee. Through the tee, the coolant will enter or exit. The other side of the pipe is equipped with a coupling for connecting the heating pipe.

An insulator is placed between the tee and the electrode, which will also ensure the tightness of the boiler. The insulator is made of any suitable heat-resistant plastic. Since it is necessary to ensure tightness and at the same time the possibility of a threaded connection with a tee and an electrode, it is better to order an insulator in a turning workshop in order to withstand all design dimensions.

A bolt is welded onto the boiler body, to which the neutral wire terminal and grounding are attached. It is possible to secure with one more bolt. The entire structure can be hidden under a decorative coating, which will also serve as an additional guarantee of the absence of electric shocks. Restricting access to the boiler is the first and most important task to comply with safety regulations.

As you can see, assembling an electrode boiler with your own hands is an achievable goal for almost any person. The main thing is to know the principle of its operation and observe safety precautions. Warmth for your home!

Advantages and disadvantages of ion boilers

Electrode heating boiler Galan

Graph comparing the efficiency of an electrode and a heating element boiler.

The advantage of electrode boilers over electric boilers is that:

  • they have a high rate of efficiency (reaches 95-98%). Such a high figure is due to the simplicity of the device and the principle of heating the coolant;
  • they do not have the so-called "dry running". The coolant is a full-fledged participant in the electrical circuit, which eliminates overheating in its absence. If the water leaves the system, then the circuit will simply open without any negative consequences;
  • they are very economical, since at a coolant temperature below 75 ° C, as mentioned earlier, energy consumption is minimal. Therefore, if you are tripled by heating the room with radiators with a coolant temperature below this mark, then the energy savings become tangible;
  • they reach operating temperatures faster than conventional electric boilers and cool down just as quickly, which has a positive effect on the use of an automatic control system;
  • they don't suffer from voltage fluctuations. If the voltage in the network drops, the boiler will only work with less power, but will not turn off completely;
  • they have much smaller dimensions for their optimal use in private houses and summer cottages.

However, in addition to the advantages, electrode boilers also have their disadvantages:

Electrode heating boiler Galan

Graph of electricity consumption by an electrode boiler and seasonal temperature fluctuations.

  • ion boilers work only with variable power sources, since electrolysis of water occurs with direct current. Therefore, such boilers cannot operate from emergency power systems, such as batteries;
  • electrode systems are demanding on the quality of the coolant. The lower the conductivity of the coolant, the lower the boiler power. In addition, the power of the boiler decreases with the formation of scale;
  • when installing the boiler, it is necessary to ground it, since the risk of electric shock during the breakdown of the insulator is significantly higher than that of heating boilers;
  • as mentioned earlier, you should not heat the coolant above 75 ° C, as this will lead to increased energy consumption;
  • the ingress of air into the chamber, where the water is heated, leads to an acceleration of corrosion processes;
  • you can not use water from a single-circuit heating system with an ion boiler, as it is saturated with free ions;
  • it is necessary to have knowledge in the field of electrics in order to take into account the peculiarities of the electrical conductivity of water. This knowledge is necessary to control the operation of the boiler.

Heat transfer medium for ion boilers

Electrode heating boiler GalanInstalling an electrode boiler will not take much time from the owner. Compact anode heating boilers do not provide for connection to a gas exhaust system, do not require the construction of a special concrete cushion and take up a minimum amount of usable space in the house. The only nuance that may puzzle the owner is the decision on the compatibility of the electrode boiler with a specific coolant.

Electrode heating boiler GalanOrdinary water is not suitable for filling the system, so the owner will need time to purchase and prepare the necessary composition. You can read more about liquid for heating boilers here. It is worth choosing antifreeze in accordance with the recommendations provided by the manufacturer of the device.

Antifreeze must have the following properties:

  1. protect the internal elements of the system from corrosion;
  2. have a high heat capacity and a maximum operating temperature range;
  3. have a stable chemical composition;
  4. differ in safety;
  5. the presence of an inert chemical composition in relation to the rubber seals used in the circuit, etc.

As you can see, the purchased ion heating boilers, reviews of which you should definitely read before deciding to install the device, will only work correctly with a certain type of antifreeze. Properly selected coolant does not leave sediment and hard salt deposits on the internal components of the circuit and the boiler, retains the original properties of the heat exchange surfaces and contributes to the efficient and economical operation of the entire heating system.

About the benefits

Before talking about the advantages of an electrode boiler as a heating system at home, it should be noted that this option is possible only if there is a reliable electrical wiring and a stable network condition. When frequent power outages and sudden voltage drops occur, it makes no sense to install such equipment, since the unit will not be able to function normally.

But even here you can find a way out if you purchase a diesel generator or a UPS in a timely manner - an uninterruptible power supply. It accumulates a certain amount of electricity, and it can be enough for several hours of operation of the electrode boiler in the event of an accident. Some UPS models can regulate the voltage due to the built-in stabilizer.

In addition, in small suburban villages there is a certain quota for the consumption of electricity by a private house. Otherwise, special permission will be required, provided that this issue is resolved from the technical side.

If the described problems of the owner do not concern, he will be able to appreciate all the advantages of the electrode boiler:

  • High level of security. The equipment is designed in such a way that the possibility of leakage of electric current, and hence sparking and other similar phenomena, is excluded. During operation, the occurrence of a dangerous fire situation is almost impossible, which allows the unit to be used to maintain the minimum temperature without outside supervision.
  • Compact dimensions and the possibility of embedding in a gas heating network. As a result, the electrode boiler starts up when the gas supply stops.
  • Rapid heating of the heating system, silent operation of the unit and the possibility of replacing heating elements without changing the entire device.
  • Installation is possible in residential premises without the arrangement of a boiler room and a chimney. In addition, the installation of the unit is very simple and can be done by hand.
  • High efficiency - up to 96% during operation, and when heated, about 40% of electricity is saved. At the same time, pollution is completely absent - soot, fumes, ash or smoke.

Electrode boilers

These devices have a coolant conductor (electrolyte) between the body (cathode) and the internal element (anode).When the boiler is connected to the mains, electrolyte ions begin to move between the cathode and anode. Particles change direction 50 times per second, as a result of which the coolant heats up quickly. With the correct composition of the electrolyte, the boiler operates with high efficiency.

You can turn on such a device in the heating circuit yourself. But only a qualified specialist can connect it to the network. Despite the fact that the device can be inserted into the heating circuit in the most cramped conditions, it can hardly be called compact - a lot of space is needed to install a circulation pump, a control unit, an expansion tank, protective and control devices. There are restrictions on the length of the system; cannot be used in the DHW circuit.

7. Koterm model "Dachnik M" - for 8,990 and 10,999 rubles

Electrode heating boiler Galan

"Dachnik M" - a flow-type device with 2 or 4 branch pipes. Designed for operation in closed CO circuits with natural or forced circulation of the coolant. Among the advantages are the dimensions of the device and the declared efficiency.

The entire operating heating system with an electrode boiler is always energized. Therefore, plastic piping and dielectric screens on steel or cast iron radiators are required. The list of disadvantages is supplemented by the exactingness of such a boiler to the composition of the coolant.

This boiler is very compact. In the following photo you can see what the heating unit looks like with this boiler:

Electrode heating boiler Galan

Please note: the contacts for ground and zero, which are located side by side on the device case, cannot be combined. Because with the correctly assembled filling of the electrical panel, the RCD or difavtomat will work at the moment the Summer Resident is turned on

Technical characteristics of the line "Dachnik M"
Characteristic Meaning
Serial power options, kW 3.5, 5
Coolant outlet temperature, 0С 10 — 55
Recommended coolant The original aqueous solution of a certain electrical conductivity
Dimensions (LxWxD), mm 250x130x130
Basic equipment Control unit, thermostat, cable

Video review of the owner about the boiler "Dachnik M":

8. Galan - from 3,900 to 13,200 rubles

Electrode heating boiler Galan

Galan electrode boilers are represented by single- and three-phase models. Only suitable for a closed heating system as a main or auxiliary heat source.

The high heating rate of the coolant and small dimensions distinguish the Galan repairable boilers from existing, similar in power, heating equipment options.

The manufacturer claims that, subject to the recommended slope of the piping pipes and a heated area of ​​​​up to 50 m², you can do without installing a circulation pump. Although in practice, connecting a pump is much easier than designing a gravity-flow CO.

Technical characteristics of the Galan line
Characteristic Meaning
Serial power options, kW 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 15, 25, 36, 50
Coolant outlet temperature, 0С 10 — 55
Recommended coolant Original anti-freeze liquid, pure water with a resistivity of 3-3.2 kOhm
Length, mm 315 — 570
Basic equipment Two-channel thermostat Galan "Navigator"

Video report on the use of the Galan boiler in the CO of a private house:

Advantages and disadvantages

Is it convenient to use this type of boiler for heating? I guess, yes. It is especially good in places where the mains voltage is unstable: even when the voltage drops to 180 V, the electrode boiler continues to work. Its power drops, but it continues to work. What else is convenient for such a system: with competent automation and the correct connection of the boiler, the system is autonomous and can maintain the set temperature on its own.Another positive point: if for any reason water disappears from the system, the equipment will simply stop working. It will not burn, will not deteriorate, but simply will not work, since water, in this case, is the working medium. There is no it - there is no current.

Electrode heating boiler Galan

One example of installing an electrode boiler

Now for the disadvantages. From the principle of operation of the electrode boiler, their main drawback emerges: exactingness to the composition of water. Water is not suitable for any, but with certain characteristics. When starting the system, it is necessary to prepare the coolant according to the recommendations of the boiler manufacturer. Usually this is a few teaspoons of salt or soda per liter of water in the system. Actually everything. You can also use special fluids that the same manufacturers produce. But this is for those who do not want to bother at all.

On the other hand, by changing the composition of the water, you can “adjust” the power of the boiler to your needs: in principle, you can make it work with both more and less power relative to what is stated in the passport. It is only required to change the chemical composition of the coolant-electrolyte

It is important not to overdo it here, otherwise you can “modify” the composition until the boiler completely and instantly fails. Therefore, stay within the limits specified by the manufacturer (as usual, “from” and “to” are indicated)

Another bad moment. Even more. The current propagates in the water, and the water circulates in the system. And, in principle, the possibility of touching the radiator and receiving a considerable electric shock is not ruled out. This implies another indispensable condition for safe operation when using electrode boilers for water heating: high-quality and reliable separate grounding is required. It just helps to avoid such a situation.

Not the most pleasant moment - the need for periodic cleaning of the system and replacement of the electrodes - they gradually become thinner and the heating efficiency drops. In this, electrode boilers do not have advantages over traditional electric boilers with heating elements.

Features of ion boilers

There has long been an opinion among property owners that heating using electric energy is a rather risky undertaking that can result in fabulous operating costs. In fairness, it should be noted that this opinion applies to electric boilers with an integrated heating element. The appearance of ion boilers on the market allowed dispelling the myth about the high cost of electric heating at home. The unique device of the electrode heating boiler guarantees a rational and economical use of resources.

In addition to the obvious advantage in the form of efficiency, the electrode heating boiler has a number of other positive qualities, among them:

  • long service life;
  • overheat protection;
  • compact body;
  • simple installation;
  • the ability to select operating modes for the most economical consumption of energy resources;
  • high fire and explosion safety;
  • work with available fuel;
  • universality;
  • protection of the circuit from freezing (for ion boilers, the use of a non-freezing coolant is typical);
  • environmental friendliness;
  • high class of electrical safety, etc.

The principle of operation of the electrode electric boiler for heating

This is what an electric boiler looks like.

Such a boiler is also called ionic. This is due to the principle of converting electrical energy into thermal energy. By itself, the electrode boiler is quite small. An electrode electric boiler for heating is installed on a pipe and does not even need to be additionally attached to the walls. He keeps himself at the expense of the American women to whom he is planted, this is quite enough.

The body of the electrode electric boiler for heating is similar to a piece of pipe, about 40 cm long. A metal rod is screwed into one of the ends. The second end is either sealed, or a branch pipe is welded into it for the circulation of the coolant.In total, there are two branch pipes for supply and return in the heater body. They may be located:

  • one at the end, the second perpendicular to the side;
  • both in the lateral part are perpendicular to the body and parallel to each other.

The principle of operation of an electric heating boiler is that ions move between the cathode (positively charged electrode) and the anode (negatively charged electrode). They, in turn, can also be both positively and negatively charged. At the same time, their polarity constantly changes, the same ion changes plus by minus 50 times per second. Because of this, the movement of ions is chaotic, because the plus attracts the minus, and when there is a constant change in polarity, the particles, accordingly, change the motion vector.

As a result of fast, chaotic movements of ions, friction occurs, due to which the coolant for electric heating boilers quickly heats up. The reaction rate is so high that a length of 40 cm is enough to heat the liquid circulating in the boiler. A metal rod acts as a cathode, to which a phase is supplied, that is, a plus. Zero, which is minus, is connected to the body, while the rod does not contact the body, except through the coolant. They are isolated from each other. If there is no coolant in the electrode electric heating boiler, the reaction stops.

Disadvantages of this heating method:

Heating of the coolant occurs due to the contact of the liquid with electric charges. Water is the best conductor and, due to its resistance, boils quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to change the composition of the coolant in such a way as to reduce its resistivity. In this case, the level of operating current in amperes must be observed. For each heater, the starting and maximum current values ​​are indicated in the technical documentation. To achieve the required current strength, table salt is added to the liquid, the one that is used in everyday life.

The electrode electric heating boiler works only with a specially prepared coolant.

The amount of salt in the water must comply with the state standard No. 2874-72. In practice, everything happens by measuring the current strength. If its value is insufficient, table salt is added to the liquid, but if the value exceeds the permissible norms, then distilled water is added to the coolant. There are practically no metal and salt impurities in distilled water, while there are many such impurities in tap water, especially in water from a well or well. The coolant temperature is controlled by special sensors. When the set temperature is reached, they turn off the boiler and turn it on when the water cools down.

Another alternative to water heating is steam heating at home. which works in a completely different way.

Everything about do-it-yourself steam heating (photos and videos) can be read here.

Comparison of the efficiency of an electrode and a conventional electric boiler.

Manufacturers praise electrode boilers for their high efficiency. They explain the absence of losses by the fact that the electric current directly heats the coolant. But at the same time, for some reason, nothing is said about losses when using heating elements. I will give a picture to remind you of their device:

Inside the heating element, a nichrome spiral is sequentially heated, then a periclase filler, and then a metal tube. This whole structure is tightly rolled and there are no air cavities inside that could retain heat. Therefore, almost all the energy released on the nichrome spiral is spent on heating the water. Exactly the same as in the electrode boiler.

There is one more statement from the manufacturers: “The electrode boiler heats water faster than the heating element. Because the water is heated throughout the volume of the boiler. This is also a controversial argument.There is little water inside the boiler, and a lot of power is applied to heat it. Of course, there will be some kind of advantage in time, but most likely it will not play a role for you. And it will not bring any promised 30% savings.

The temperature of the coolant in the system is also very important. This is due to the fact that when its temperature rises, its resistance drops. And this causes an increase in power consumption:

The moral of all that has been said above is that the electrode boiler does not have any particular advantage in terms of efficiency compared to a conventional electric boiler, but there are added difficulties with operation. We will talk about other difficulties below.


No matter how technologically advanced the methods of heating the coolant are, but in the case of a series of expensive electrical equipment, they cannot be considered profitable as long as the cost of electricity remains the highest among energy carriers in the Russian Federation.

The real solution to the problem of comfortable heating of housing where there is no gas is boilers with heating elements. Today, models are offered for any consumer needs - there are simple ones, there are more comfortable ones. With a good feature-to-model ratio, Vaillant's eloBLOCK VE line is introduced. And thanks to the developed service system of the company, these boilers will be acceptable in houses for temporary and permanent residence. In any region of Russia.


