Types and GOSTs of ventilation, exhaust and sewer hoods made of sheet metal and PVC. DIY manufacturing

Manufacturing process

Types and GOSTs of ventilation, exhaust and sewer hoods made of sheet metal and PVC. DIY manufacturing

Now you need to fix the product on the pipe using two methods:

  • Constructing a wire frame on a metal pipe.
  • Implanting ordinary nails into the brickwork of the chimney.

If you wish, you can decorate home-made caps for pipes, here the master's imagination has no limits. The easiest way is to beautifully design the edges of the chimney: using the wavy trimming method or using cuts and bending the petals.

Thus, taking the time to make an umbrella, you can extend the service life of the chimney, and give the roof a finished look.

Cooking meat, fish and vegetables on the grill is a traditional, pleasant, festive affair, but it has its drawbacks. The process is sometimes interrupted by bad weather, and the smoke spreading around the yard creates a certain discomfort for others. To make barbecue bring only pleasure, use an umbrella for barbecue. The element is installed above the firebox and serves as a chimney.

Features of brick construction

The basis of the dome is an iron frame welded from a strong corner. Before laying, it is treated with a primer and painted for better protection. Since the temperature directly above the firebox is quite high, the smoke collector is made of refractory bricks. The design form is stepped, narrowing.

Types and GOSTs of ventilation, exhaust and sewer hoods made of sheet metal and PVC. DIY manufacturing

Types and GOSTs of ventilation, exhaust and sewer hoods made of sheet metal and PVC. DIY manufacturingTypes and GOSTs of ventilation, exhaust and sewer hoods made of sheet metal and PVC. DIY manufacturing

The chimney is made of both fireclay and oven bricks. If the brazier stands in an open area, drainage slopes are made of heat-resistant roofing material on the walls of the smoke box. Then, during precipitation, moisture will not destroy the building structure. The umbrella over the pipe is metal.

Features of the device and its purpose

An important part of the heating system is the chimney, regardless of the place where the smoke is removed, be it a stove or a gas boiler. Most often, a pipe that has access to the roof acts as a chimney.

An unclosed chimney ceases to perform its functions very quickly, so it needs such protection as an umbrella on a chimney pipe.

In addition to the protective function, the umbrella has the following purpose:

  • Fixes and strengthens brick or masonry.
  • Prevents destruction of the upper part of the pipe.
  • Removes condensation and excess moisture.
  • It completes the appearance of the pipe and the entire roof.

Types and GOSTs of ventilation, exhaust and sewer hoods made of sheet metal and PVC. DIY manufacturing

The main part of the design is a head, made in a free form and having edges lowered down (read: ""). As additional structural elements are: a drip, a device designed to collect condensate, and fixing elements. The dropper is not a mandatory element, but its absence leads to a reduction in the service life, since under the influence of moisture the masonry is destroyed, and corrosion may appear on the metal parts. For the same reason, it is recommended to install additional protection in the form of a grid.

1 The principle of operation of the ventilation hood

This device works as follows. The air that is processed to become hot has a much lower density and therefore rises to the top to be replaced by cold air currents.

Then the air enters the pipe and passes through special grease filters, where it is saturated with a large amount of oil vapor, due to which it begins to cool over time.

In the end, passing through such a pipe due to strong temperature changes, the oil condenses, air flows begin to separate from it and allow the fat to drain into the bath through special channels.

In turn, the air, which after such a process is purified, enters the round or.

Useful functions and principle of operation

Making the exhaust part with your own hands is a feasible task. The smoke collector for the barbecue performs two main functions:

  • Removal of volatile compounds. In fact, an umbrella is a chimney that raises the gases formed during combustion. As with the barbecue oven system, the action is based on traction. With sufficient combustion intensity, the smoke heats up to such a temperature that it becomes lighter than the surrounding air, and tends to rise. If an umbrella is installed, the combustion products do not have time to dissipate, but are collected in a pipe and released only at the end of the chimney. Thus, all unpleasant compounds disappear without harming a person.
  • Protection of the frying surface from precipitation. This is ensured by the presence of a smoke box, which, due to expansion, covers the entire brazier. Usually this function is performed by a gazebo or a canopy, under which a frying device is installed, however, an umbrella allows you to use the barbecue both under the roof and in the open area.

Types and GOSTs of ventilation, exhaust and sewer hoods made of sheet metal and PVC. DIY manufacturingTypes and GOSTs of ventilation, exhaust and sewer hoods made of sheet metal and PVC. DIY manufacturing

Metal umbrella

For the manufacture of the hood, durable stainless steel or sheet metal with a protective coating 2-3 mm thick is used. A whole sheet is drawn. Separately, parts are cut out for the collector, pipe and elements for the umbrella. After bending according to the shape of the cut parts, the seams are welded or fastened with rivets or latches.

Thematic material

Installing an umbrella over the barbecue is carried out in different ways:

Types and GOSTs of ventilation, exhaust and sewer hoods made of sheet metal and PVC. DIY manufacturing

The root of construction troubles is hidden in the details. Neglecting small details, the owner of private housing inflates the family budget inefficiently with repair costs. But if the owner treats the house as a whole organism in which everything is interconnected, his money does not fly into the pipe, and the costs are limited to scheduled maintenance. Improper installation of protective devices on the chimney provokes losses - both financial and human.

Installing an umbrella on the chimney helps to maintain the heating system in optimal mode, prevent premature aging of the chimney, and improve air circulation in the house.

Caps and caps on pipes are designed for the following purposes:

  • close the ventilation duct, protecting it from rain, snow and dirt. The lack of protection can lead to the accumulation of a large amount of water in the chimney, which contributes to a decrease in draft and, accordingly, a drop in the efficiency of the heating system;
  • protect the pipe material from damage, removing accumulated condensate due to the presence of special grooves;
  • do not allow insects and birds to fall into the pipe, serve as an obstacle for leaves and branches from trees;
  • perform a decorative function. They give the roof a complete look, especially if the design contains elements of artistic forging.

Some types of caps have a design that creates a rarefied environment in the upper part of the pipe. Due to this, an improvement in draft in the chimney is achieved, excess moisture, exhaust air and combustion products are removed faster.

2 Device classification

Today, two types of rectangular umbrellas are used for the chimney:

  1. Hoods

    . Their main purpose is the complete elimination of unnecessary gases, substances, combustion products from the chimney. Heavily heated air streams are drawn in by an umbrella, after which they are transported through a pipe where grease filters are placed and are eventually transported back to the air duct, with the help of which they are removed from the building. All this can be easily done by hand.
  2. Supply and exhaust umbrellas

    . Thanks to them, both the exhaust of polluted air and the supply of new, clean air into the room are ensured. These umbrellas are best used in those rooms where, due to certain circumstances, the flow of clean air is limited.It is always necessary to carry out the calculation, taking into account the fact that the volumes of supplied and exhausted air flows will always differ from each other. Therefore, in no case should you rely on the fact that exhaust hoods will contribute to the complete destruction of odors, gases and other substances. Although the chimney, of course, will work much more efficiently.

There is also a classification according to the type of construction. So, exhaust and supply-exhaust rectangular and round umbrellas are divided into island and wall.

Do-it-yourself installation and calculation features

I would like to note that installing such umbrellas with your own hands is quite real, since in fact there is nothing complicated in such work. Below are some of the most popular ways to install a chimney umbrella.

Method number 1. Installation of wall exhaust hoods using anchors. After a certain calculation, the length of the umbrella is selected and 2 or 3 equal holes are drilled in the back of the wall. Using enlarged models of washers, the exhaust hood is first attracted, and then installed on the wall

It is very important that the wall is perfectly flat.
Do-it-yourself installation of rectangular umbrellas through collets and studs to the ceiling. At the very beginning, it is necessary to drill 4 identical holes for the studs

All these holes are drilled strictly along the edges of the umbrella, after which the device is attached directly to the ceiling. A modern chimney works perfectly if this option is used. The only negative, the calculation of the ceiling height to the standard length of the stud, does not allow the use of this technology if the height of the room is more than 4 meters.
Installation of exhaust hoods for the chimney using various cables and chains through anchors and brackets to the ceiling. In order to do everything with your own hands, you need to weld 4 brackets of the required parameters to the upper horizontal part of the umbrella, after which, using a carabiner, securely fix the chain or cable. The second end of such a chain or cable must also be securely connected to the ceiling. Among the disadvantages of this method, one can note the precariousness of the structure, so it is not at all easy to tie it with air ducts, but such a scheme is perfect for a chimney.

Types and GOSTs of ventilation, exhaust and sewer hoods made of sheet metal and PVC. DIY manufacturing

As you can see, it is not at all difficult to do the installation yourself. The main thing is to adjust the umbrella as close as possible to the chimney pipe and take into account some of the nuances.

Application area

Supply and exhaust and exhaust hoods of ventilation systems are widely used today by industrial enterprises and not only. Such systems are widely used in public catering establishments, such as restaurants, canteens, bars, food processing plants, cafes and so on.

Also, the installation of umbrellas is carried out over all kinds of devices of thermal equipment, in particular, this applies to deep fryers, gas stoves, and ovens. If the calculation allows you to install such umbrellas, then they are also used in various industrial premises - food, pharmacological, physical, chemical.

It looks like a ventilation rectangular umbrella - video


The choice of material for the exhaust device depends on the design of the barbecue. If the structure is brick, then both metal and brick are suitable for making an umbrella. How are these materials different?

  • Strength and rigidity. Masonry has greater mechanical resistance than metal. Of course, no one is going to drive into the brazier on a tank, but these qualities are useful during operation: the brick structure will not be disturbed by accidental impacts, strong gusts of wind, and with high-quality masonry it will not deform over time.
  • Service life. The metal rusts, burns out in the sun and at high temperatures, so the duration of its operation is much lower than that of a brick.
  • Complexity and production time. To make an umbrella from a sheet of steel, you do not need to have masonry skills, knead the binder solution and carry bricks.Making a hood out of metal is easier.
  • The cost of expenses. And on this point steel wins. Buying a sheet of iron will be much cheaper than buying bricks and mortar.

Both steel and brick umbrellas do their job well. There is no difference in the removal of combustion products.

Types and GOSTs of ventilation, exhaust and sewer hoods made of sheet metal and PVC. DIY manufacturing

Metal chimneys for: 1) barbecue, 2) barbecue

What is a chimney umbrella and why is it needed

Umbrella on the pipe - a device that is located on top of the pipe at home and has several functions. In appearance, the following main types are distinguished: in the form of a cone, pyramid and semicircle, there are also umbrellas of more complex designs. It is installed both on the chimney and on the ventilation pipe.

Types and GOSTs of ventilation, exhaust and sewer hoods made of sheet metal and PVC. DIY manufacturing

Performs several basic functions:

  1. Prevents precipitation from entering the chimney or ventilation system. When moisture accumulates inside the chimney, the draft function of the air system decreases by an order of magnitude.
  2. Prevents the destruction of the chimney pipe. Significantly increases the service life of the pipe; also, with proper arrangement, it is possible to drain the accumulated condensate through special grooves.
  3. Debris protection. Protects against ingress of leaves, insects and other foreign objects into the system.
  4. Increase in traction properties. Increases traction by almost a third.

Despite the ease of installation and low cost, the umbrella has many advantages.

When choosing an umbrella, you should also pay attention to the fact that your friends and neighbors will see it, so if possible, do not forget about the design


