General information
Acoustic materials are materials that can reduce the energy of a sound wave, reduce the level
internal or external sound volume.
Sound is the perception by the ear of elastic mechanical vibrations and waves that arise in a medium under the influence of
coercive influences.
The human ear perceives sound only when its strength is not lower than a certain minimum value,
called the threshold of hearing. The hearing threshold is different for low, medium and high frequencies. Most
the human ear is sensitive to vibrations with frequencies in the region of 1000 ... 3000 Hz, when the hearing threshold
reaches the intensity of the sound.
The real loudness level is considered to be a value proportional to the logarithm of the ratio of the strength of a given
sound to the sound strength at zero level, expressed in bels (B) or decibels (dB). For example, whisper - 10 dB, quiet
conversation - 40 dB, street with normal traffic - 60, and with noisy traffic - 70 dB, truck - 90 dB,
aircraft motor - 120 dB, pain threshold - 140 dB. E
For most buildings, the task of acoustics, acoustic improvement is to reduce
levels of external noise to the permissible level under relative silence in industrial premises,
educational, residential, cultural and other buildings
For public buildings, it is also important
ensure good audibility and intelligibility in the main rooms, and even more in the music rooms
and natural sounding of instruments and voices. The solution of these problems is carried out by a complex of constructive,
planning and preventive measures
The main one is the correct assignment.
building materials in structures, especially in enclosing (walls, partitions), interfloor
ceilings and roof coverings. The choice of materials is based on their different retention capacity.
(absorption) of a sound wave, which can propagate both in air and in solids and
liquids. The speed of sound in air is approximately 340 m/s, in water 1450 m/s, and in solid
bodies are even higher: in brickwork - 2000 m / s, concrete - 4000 m / s, metal - over 5000 m / s.
Sound-absorbing barriers are installed on the way of air transport of sound.
and designs. It is more difficult to install obstacles in the way of the material (shock), sound transfer, for example, when
the device of interfloor overlappings. Most often, air and impact noise transfers are combined,
especially in modern buildings made of precast concrete with low sound absorption,
and having gaps, leaks and holes, and with thin structures - capable of bending
fluctuations. With an increase in the mass of the fence, sound absorption improves, since a massive fence
it is more difficult to translate into a bending oscillation under the influence of wave sound pressure. But with increasing mass
fencing gain sound insulation is slow. So, for example, if with a partition mass of 100 kg
sound insulation is 40 dB, then with a mass of 200 kg -44 dB, with 300 kg -48 dB. To further reduce
noise, it will be necessary to arrange either very heavy homogeneous fences, or to replace them with fences made of
two walls with continuous air gaps (without rigid connections between the walls), go
to layered structures.
To combat noise and sound transmission, sound-absorbing (actively absorbing sound) and
sound-proof (noise-reducing) materials. Below are the main types of these
materials. They can be finishing and lining.
Finishing materials partially absorb sound indoors, such as industrial workshops
or technical devices such as ventilation ducts. Finishing sound-absorbing materials
also optimize the audibility conditions in rooms, for example in auditoriums, lecture halls,
broadcasting studios. Most or less of the sound waves are usually reflected from structures
made of finishing sound-absorbing materials. As a result, the sound remains in the room even
after the source of the sound has ceased. This phenomenon is called reverberation.
Gasket materials are used under elastic floors of intermediate floors,
thereby protecting the premises from the spread of material (shock) sound transfer.
Often these materials are combined with finishing.
Types of soundproofing materials
It should start with the fact that noises are divided into separate groups:
- Structural - caused by vibration due to the operation of various equipment (from household equipment in the house to construction equipment on the street), vehicles, elevators, etc.
- Percussion - can be caused by stomp, the movement of interior items.
- Air - conversations, television and radio sounds.
In building acoustics, there are three main types of sound protection from the above noise:
Assumes protection from noise transmitted through the air (human speech, music, etc.). It works according to one of two principles: a decrease in the degree of intensity of sound waves in the process of their passage through a dense partition or sound reflection from an obstacle.
Noise isolation
This assumes protection from complex sound waves caused by a combination of sounds of different strengths and frequencies. It can be structural, air, impact, etc. noise.
Sound absorption
Actual for soft structures, uses the method of converting sound energy into thermal energy.
In order to correctly select the appropriate soundproofing material, one should take into account what types of noise the protective barrier is “constructed” from. Let's conduct a small comparative study of products from well-known manufacturers recommended for residential premises (the group under consideration included only noise insulators that are effective in the range of 100-3000 Hz)
Let's conduct a small comparative study of products from well-known manufacturers recommended for residential premises (the group under consideration included only noise insulators that are effective in the range of 100-3000 Hz).
1. Art.TB-6.9/13.8 Soundproofing membrane with "critical" frequency outside the sound range. Thickness: 4 mm.
2. TIKHOSIlk or Sh.E.S. Acoustic 3. GLUE 4. art. IT 5(top). art. IT 5(bottom). art. FD 6. art. FD or Art. A-S2-30 7. gypsum board at least 10 mm thick. |
DESCRIPTION: As an additional partition, you can use a soundproof structure on a metal frame for drywall. The metal frame is mounted on rails that are fastened to the ceiling and floor and insulated with a self-adhesive polyethylene foam strip art. IT from above and at the points of contact with the walls, the bottom guide must be installed on the membrane for soundproofing the floor from impact noise art. FD cut into strips of a suitable size. In this case, it is MANDATORY to install the frame on the screed, since in this case the structure will be better decoupled from the supporting structures.
If necessary, the frame can be attached with self-tapping screws, but through gaskets from the sound-absorbing strip art. FS-14/33, or using special washers with a rubber layer.
When building a frame for soundproof structures, it is necessary to use high-quality guides and profiles (note Knauf). In this case, if the height of the ceilings is higher than 2.5 meters, it is necessary to use vibration-proof wall mounts art. A-VIP.
The space between the frame profiles is filled with TIKHOSIlk soundproofing material, which is attached to the wall with GLUE.
The first layer of drywall panels is attached to the metal frame, to which the soundproof membrane art.TB-6.9 / 13.8 is glued with glue p.3. The joints of the membrane and draft sheets are glued with liquid nails, and the joints of the membrane are glued with mounting tape.
Then a second layer of drywall panels is installed, the joints between which are plastered with gypsum mastic. After that, the panels are ready for finishing (paint, wallpaper, etc.).
Airborne sound insulation of walls insulated with a soundproof membrane art. At the same time, when using two sheets of drywall instead of one, the airborne sound insulation of the walls will increase by 4-5 dB.
It is better to avoid mounting flush switches for sockets and lamps.
Acoustic materials and products
Sound is understood as a wave-like oscillatory motion of particles of an elastic medium (air, water, solid body). The frequency range of sounds audible to the human ear lies in the range from 15 to 20,000 Hz (1 Hz - 1 count / s). Waves with lower and higher frequencies are not perceived by the human ear. Sounds can be divided into musical, noise and sound impulses.
The amount of energy brought by a sound wave every second through an area of 1 cm2 perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave is called the sound power. The strength of sound is proportional to the square of the amplitude of oscillations of the particles of the medium, as well as to the square of the amplitude of pressure oscillations in the sound wave. The strength of sound is expressed in decibels, and its physiological characteristic is the level of sound volume, expressed in phons. The speed of sound propagation in air is 340 m/s at 15°C.
Noise is a collection of numerous sounds that rapidly change in frequency and strength. Noises by their nature can be audible and inaudible, air and shock. Prolonged exposure to audible noise on the hearing organs and especially high-frequency noise is harmful to human health.
The noise level is significantly reduced if the correct design and finishing solutions are adopted based on the methods of architectural acoustics. Architectural acoustics is a branch of building physics that considers sound processes in a room. Along with this area of science, there is a distinction between building acoustics, which considers the issues of sound insulation of enclosing structures of buildings from airborne and impact noise; the issues of reducing the level of these noises are solved by various methods.
Sound energy incident on the building envelope (floor, wall, ceiling) is partially reflected from its surface, partially absorbed by the material of the structure, and partially passes through it and is transmitted to the other side of the structure. The ability of a material to transmit sound through itself characterizes its sound permeability or, if we use the reverse concept, sound insulation. The soundproofing ability of the material in the fence is estimated by the difference in sound levels on both sides of the fence and is expressed in decibels. Materials that have the advantageous property of absorbing sound energy are referred to as sound-absorbing materials, and materials that can isolate from sound penetration are referred to as soundproofing. All of them have a common name - acoustic materials.
Sound-absorbing and sound-proof building materials and products are classified according to the following main features: purpose, shape, stiffness (relative compression value), flammability and structure.
CARA fabrics
Acoustically transparent synthetic fabrics
- seamless finish
- environmental friendliness, abrasion resistance 40 thousand cycles
- 40 standard colors
Everything you need to know in order for the studio to produce a truly high-quality and natural product.
To complete the experience, it is not enough to buy high-quality equipment. We need to properly prepare the room.
Design features of the acoustics of concert and theater halls.
It is necessary to pay the most serious attention to the issues of sound insulation, vibration isolation, as well as the creation of the required acoustic comfort in the premises. Take advantage of a free consultation with an acoustic engineer by phone:
Take advantage of a free consultation with an acoustic engineer by phone:
For example, due to background noise reaching 40 dBA, a person will have problems with sleep, and with systematic noise above 60 dBA, structural changes in the body will occur in 90 cases out of 100. Insulating materials are used to minimize or completely eliminate the risk of such situations.