Neighbors CONSTANTLY drill How to deal with it
Of course, you can first talk with the neighbors, but judging by the work schedule, they work themselves, and drill in their free time
I'm afraid that's all. The new edition of the Moscow city standard for the operation of the housing stock (zhnm-2005/01) introduced the definitions of "reconstruction" and "re-planning" of residential premises, which require coordination with the Moscow Housing Inspection. Everything else does not fall under these requirements.
Moreover, in the previous version of the regulation (Decree of the Government of Moscow dated February 8, 2005 No. 73-PP) it was clearly stated: “2.7. The mode of reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential and non-residential premises in residential buildings is established taking into account the following requirements. In residential buildings during the period of repair and construction work, it is not allowed: - to carry out work on Sundays and public holidays; - start work associated with noise, before 9.00 and (or) finish them later than 19.00;. "
In the new version (Decree of the Government of Moscow dated September 25, 2007 N 831-PP), this paragraph is absent - there is only an indication that in the application to the Moscow Housing Inspectorate for approval of the "reorganization" or "re-planning" of the residential premises, it is required to indicate the period and hours of the works. That is, if these works are NOT "reconstruction" and NOT "re-planning" of the living quarters (which is difficult to prove in principle, if not impossible), then your tormentors and bribes are smooth.
Two ways. The first is the threat of a complaint to the Moscow Housing Inspectorate (and, they say, let them later prove themselves that they did not carry out illegal work or go, e.g., they will coordinate everything retroactively; it provides for drawing up a project even for installing an air conditioner and changing the design of the floors). But be prepared to figure out how, where and to whom to complain. An empty threat is really bad, it’s better not to start. The second is the police (make friends with the district police officer; give him 500 bucks so that he starts meticulously visiting freaks and sending outfits in the evening - it is possible that migrants without the right to work shovel them) ..
In short, if the guys want to do without endless fines and brains. stviya, let them voluntarily limit the period of work (previous 9 - 19 - quite enough).
Do I need to coordinate repairs with neighbors
When planning to make a long-term repair, it is more correct and more cultured to find out from the neighbors when they are at work and agree on the time at which the repair will be the least noticeable and disturbing for them.
If construction work requires actions that go beyond the law, for example, work at night, then they must be coordinated with authorized representatives.
About plans to drill a wall on Sunday, it is advisable to warn the neighbors in advance, especially if they have a small child. Since in some areas, at the level of legislation, lunch time refers to a quiet hour, when all kinds of noise are prohibited.
What to do if the neighbors have eternal repairs
Sometimes the noise of a drill and a hammer from the neighbors is heard so often that one gets the impression that a friendly family of guest workers lives behind the wall. Some people like to make repairs with feeling, really, stretching for years, while others just drill and knock in the evening.
Meanwhile, Chapter 4 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation - "Reconstruction and redevelopment of residential premises" is devoted to the procedure for carrying out repair work in residential premises. It establishes general rules; more detailed requirements are fixed in by-laws. In particular, it was found that during the production of repair work in the apartment, it is impossible to use equipment and tools that cause an increased level of noise and vibration. According to sanitary norms and rules, the noise level in a residential area should not exceed 40 dB during the day and 30 dB at night. In addition, it is impossible to clutter up public places with construction waste and building materials.This violates the rights of other tenants of the apartment building. Finally, repairs should not last longer than 4 months.
Separate rules apply to repair work accompanied by noise. First, they cannot be carried out on weekends and holidays. Secondly, in many regions there are so-called "Laws of Silence", which establish what hours you can not make noise. As a rule, it is forbidden to turn on music or a puncher before 7:00 am and after 23:00 pm. Since 2011, such a law has been working in the Ulyanovsk region - the Law "On certain measures to ensure the peace of citizens and silence at night."
Similar rules are also fixed in the administrative legislation at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. So, in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Ulyanovsk region, article 4.1 is devoted to this. It provides for punishment in the form of a fine in the amount of 300 to 700 rubles for individuals who violate the "curfew". Measures and degree of administrative responsibility for this offense varies from region to region.
What to do if no rules are written for your neighbors? To stand for your rights. The simplest thing is to contact the police with a request to record violations of the regime and draw up an appropriate protocol, which will serve as the basis for bringing residents who are fond of repairs to administrative responsibility. If there is no reason for this (they make noise, but strictly from 7 to 23), write a statement to the local branch of the State Housing Inspectorate, as well as to the Prosecutor's Office, with a test to check the legality of the repair work carried out by the neighbors.
However, checks and clarifications can take quite a long time. If the noise from your neighbors is unbearable, consider how to protect your apartment from extraneous noise.
Neighbors have been doing repairs for half a year in a small apartment They drill every day, which can take so long to drill
So why take so long to drill? Aleksey Turlyansky, engineer of a large construction and repair company, will answer this question.
To hang a shelf or fix an outlet, you do not need to drill walls all day. However, a drill, puncher or screwdriver that makes those very unpleasant sounds can be used for a long time when installing plasterboard and other structures on walls, ceilings or floors.
In addition, long-term use of a hammer drill is possible during dismantling work, for example, when walls are dismantled or old plaster is removed. Also, this tool, according to the expert, can work for several hours in a row when chasing concrete walls for electrical wiring.
Alexey Turlyansky says that this is really a long and painstaking work.
Do not forget that there are other construction tools that work very loudly. Neighbors may think that the residents upstairs are drilling something for hours on end, but in fact the source of the noise is a tile cutter or a construction mixer. After all, laying tiles or floor screeds is a rather lengthy process, so the tools necessary for this can work throughout the entire repair.
PS. We moved to a new house, over time I even got used to it, and by the way, soundproofing still helps. Patience to you
Duplicate found
A typical day in the life of my upstairs neighbors.
- Dear, it's already 5 am, it's time to get up!
- But we don’t go to work, why again at 5 in the morning?
Yes, but you still have a lot to do. I have worn down the legs of our cast-iron stools, dragging them across the floor, I need to drill new ones out of these cast-iron blocks!
-But I still need to finish the honeycomb wall! And walk, please, louder, on your heels. You're always creeping up like an Indian. Because of my new 999 Penetrator, I can't hear you and you're scaring me!
- Okay, I'll walk on my heels in my new lead slippers! By the way, will the honeycomb wall be ready soon? You are already drilling for the third year!
-Well, another year or two, there are still many holes to fit.Prepare something to eat and turn on Orbakaite or Dima Malikov, I have not yet learned all their songs by heart, but I need to train my memory.
- Okay, but first I'll take a shower. True, in the bathroom there are tin basins of my mother. I hope I don't drop them when I take them out. although I drop it of course .. I always drop it .. all 32, three times each. Eh..
- I hope, for lunch, as always, chops?
- And for breakfast, too. Chops sandwiches. For lunch, chops with mashed potatoes and soup from chops. And for dinner, chops with a salad of chops!
-Wonderful! By the way, where's the whole box of beads I gave you last month?
- Oh, I'm such a mess, I tore them all. But they are so fun jumping on the floor!
-Wow. Okay, for now, I'll straighten the crooked nails to nail the shelf to the shelf in the room with the shelves. Can I flatten them on your mom's tin basin?
-Well, of course! Otherwise, you will ruin our new floor tiles. By the way, my mother will arrive in the evening, we will probably arrange a scandal or a booze.
-After your scandals with her, we also constantly scandal, maybe she will come no more than twice a week?
-Don't be dramatic. Better think about how else you can move absolutely all the furniture in the apartment. There has been no change for two days now.
-Okay, but I still have a lot to do today, so we won't be able to start before two in the morning.
Somewhere around 3am.
- Uff, you're just super! Our five-minute sex has never been as passionate as it is today.
-That's because our marble bed is in a new location! Everything is always better in a new place.
- Exactly. Okay, let's sleep. I have to get up early tomorrow.
- Yeah, well, nothing, we'll sleep in two hours, good night!
How to fight and where to complain if a neighbor is constantly making repairs very noisy
Construction work does not go quietly and unnoticed. This process is accompanied by the sounds of drills, drills, hammers and other tools that create a noisy environment in the house.
In cases where neighbors make repairs every day, drill walls and believe that they should not warn about this, it is better to start with a banal conversation. It is better to resolve the conflict by talking with the person, finding out the reasons for such behavior and explaining your needs. Find a compromise in the form of specific hours when a neighbor will complete repairs without disturbing others.
If the neighbors make repairs noisily and persuasion does not work for them, the law comes to the rescue.
Complaints are accepted by both the local district police officer and the prosecutor's office, Rospotrebnazor and the management company. Submit your application to each of these structures.
First, the district police officer is notified about the presence of daily drilling neighbors in the house. Then Roskomnadzor asks for permission to conduct an examination. The representative, using a sound level meter, fixes the noise level in the apartment.
Gather additional evidence from witnesses and record the noise on video. Only videos containing the time and date of shooting are allowed for consideration.
After making copies of all statements and supporting them with evidence, the case is transferred to the court. After the case is decided, the neighbor who drilled through the walls all day for an extended amount of time and didn't let you sleep will be punished to the fullest extent of the law.