Styrofoam foam
The main materials for the production of foam are:
Table of physical and technical characteristics of the foam.
- polystyrene;
- polyethylene;
- polyvinyl chloride;
- polyurethane;
- polypropylene;
- phenolic, epoxy, carbamide, organosilicon resins.
The production consists in heating, thermal expansion and molding of polystyrene granules. Due to the fact that the plates are 90% air, this material is considered one of the best heaters. Expanded polystyrene plates have different thicknesses.
It is this material that is very popular for warming the facade or foundation of a house. One of the main positive aspects of polystyrene foam is its low price. In addition, polystyrene foam plates are lightweight, but at the same time they have excellent characteristics in terms of strength and strength.
The installation is not difficult. Expanded polystyrene is a hygroscopic material. That is, even if there is exposure to moisture, the foam will not lose its thermal insulation properties.
Scheme of building insulation with mineral wool and polystyrene foam.
But, along with all the advantages, polystyrene also has disadvantages. Speaking about which is better, polystyrene or mineral wool, it should be noted the advantage of mineral wool over polystyrene in soundproofing properties. Styrofoam does not have such soundproofing properties as mineral wool. Styrofoam, compared to mineral wool, has a much lower vapor permeability coefficient. The foam is deformed at t +60°C. Organic solvents degrade the material, i.e. it is not resistant to such organic liquids. In construction, it is used only for insulation of residential premises; industrial buildings and high-rise buildings (above 30 m) are not insulated with polystyrene. The biggest downside to Styrofoam is its susceptibility to flame. Expanded polystyrene boards, when ignited, die out on their own, unless, of course, the requirements of the standard are violated during production.
Why choose foam for soundproofing housing
For soundproofing rooms, a wide range of products with the necessary qualities is used. Under certain conditions, you can achieve an identical result in all cases.
The answer to the question why polystyrene is so popular among both masters and users will be its following qualities:
- affordable price. In comparison with other types of soundproofing materials, foam plastic is not only competitive, but is in the top of the materials in this area;
- ease of installation. The dimensions of the sheets allow you to form the necessary dimensions of the parts from which the soundproof layer is mounted. Processing foam is not difficult. It is easily cut with a knife;
- ecological and sanitary-hygienic cleanliness. There has been a lot of controversy over these characteristics, but studies have shown that the volatile substances emitted are not in sufficient concentration to cause harm to human health. Exceptional cases of allergic reactions are due to individual intolerance and are extremely rare. Styrofoam soundproofing fears are clearly exaggerated;
- long service life. The material is not susceptible to infection by mold, fungi and other microorganisms;
- dimensional stability. The coefficient of dynamic change in dimensions is extremely small and does not depend on humidity and non-critical temperature fluctuations;
- good soundproofing properties. The porous structure of the foam effectively dampens vibrations. Proper installation will reduce the level of domestic noise to the required level.
The functional characteristics of the foam required for the implementation of a project for soundproofing housing can be supplemented with a number of related qualities. The light weight makes it easy to transport.It can be stored for a long time in unheated and utility rooms without compromising the quality of the product.
Of the shortcomings, a relatively low melting point of the foam is noted, which actually has no practical significance:
- plain foam softens at 140°C;
- epoxy at 170°C;
- Polyurethane foams soften at temperatures above 230°C.
Fire retardant is added to the construction foam, which blocks the combustion process. By itself, the material does not support fire for more than 4 seconds. After which it goes off. But in the case of an open fire nearby, the process continues.
Soundproofing materials
Ceiling soundproofing diagram.
Insulation of internal walls is necessary first of all in order for peace and silence to reign in the house. Therefore, when working on soundproofing, choose:
- extruded polystyrene foam;
- products based on basalt fiber;
- drywall;
- steel panels;
- drywall membranes;
- polyurethane foam materials;
- extruded polystyrene insulation boards;
- rigid boards made of extruded polystyrene foam. In their production, polystyrene of the highest strength strength is used.
For the installation of foam panels, they must first be cut. And this is not easy, because the foam crumbles when cutting. But there are several options, thanks to which you can easily cut a piece of the required shape without deforming it.
To complicate the design and improve the soundproofing of the room, drywall is added to the base of the foam boards as a frame. In this way, you can achieve very good results.
Usually the problem of increased noise permeability in amenity premises arises after an unsuccessful repair (re-planning). Therefore, for soundproofing, it is imperative to carry out measuring work to establish the noise level. Such calculations will be better done by a specialist - an acoustician.
Styrofoam characteristics
Polystyrene is one of the few not capable of releasing substances harmful to the human body. Expanded polystyrene is a type of plastic that, when burned, emits vapors identical to wood. This material, thanks to manufacturing technology, has acquired the property of quickly fading. Water is not able to destroy it, moreover, cause the reproduction of microorganisms. In this connection, polystyrene can come into contact with food. Expanded polystyrene can be in excellent contact with asphalt mixtures, fertilizers, paints, soaps.
It has been proven that the external environment does not destroy the composition of expanded polystyrene. But water wears away stone. Therefore, excessively long exposure to ultraviolet radiation can greatly reduce its resistance to moisture and air currents. It would be best to cover the foam structure with a special material.
Thanks to the improvement of technology, a fire retardant was introduced into the composition of the foam. As a result, he gained the ability to resist fire for 4 seconds. A 3 cm thick expanded polystyrene sheet is able to protect the room to a fairly good degree. If you increase the foam layer, you can achieve a very high level of sound absorption. The insulation is made from several sheets of expanded polystyrene, sealing the outer layer with a rigid facing material. This design is able to absorb almost 100% of the noise.
Wall soundproofing scheme.
But it is worth remembering that polystyrene foam is afraid of contact with chemical compounds (ethyl alcohol, acetone, white spirit, gasoline, kerosene). This is due, first of all, to the structural features of the foam, which includes cells filled with air.
Using penoplex and expanded polystyrene during construction, a number of positive points can be distinguished. These include:
ease and simplicity of processing;
use without additional precautions;
resistance to deformation.
Ceilings, their sound insulation foam
Soundproofing works require an integrated approach, only then everything will be done efficiently and reliably.
- The surface of the ceiling is cleaned of plaster so that the working surface of the ceiling is better and better.
- To prevent mold and fungus from appearing over the years, the prepared ceiling should be treated with an antiseptic.
- Apply a layer of liquid waterproofing agent.
- The reinforcing mesh must be fixed on the ceiling surface.
- Using special glue, fix the penoplex to the fixed mesh.
- Next, sew everything up with drywall, after which, finishing work is carried out over the entire surface of the ceiling, depending on the wishes and taste.
In the process of work, one should not forget about such things as cracks in the surface of the ceiling, as well as where the noise comes from most of all. You may have to sew up not only the ceiling, but also the floor, maybe the walls. Some surfaces may not provide the desired soundproofing effect, since extraneous sounds do not propagate through them, and the work done will be superfluous.
Experienced builders use foam plastics with a specially shaped edge to work on heat and sound insulation. This feature of the material makes it possible to perform installation much easier, to avoid the formation of "cold bridges", and sound insulation is more effective.
If you resort to the help of specialists who perform work on the insulation and soundproofing of the ceiling in 2 layers, then the average price can be about 1800 rubles per room up to 30m 2. The cost of work usually includes - all the necessary material, delivery and loading and unloading.
Properties of foam and expanded polystyrene
From all of the above, we can conclude that this material is quite valuable and useful building material, which has a number of positive qualities.
To all the above properties, you can add a few more:
- low weight, due to which the use of such heaters can significantly reduce costs during construction work, while saving money on the use of any special equipment and greatly reducing installation time;
- the material is quite easy to process. The fact is that working with some materials necessarily involves the use of various equipment: protective overalls, respirators, gloves and goggles. Polystyrenes are odorless, do not emit dust during processing and do not cause skin irritation;
- polystyrenes are resistant to biological influences and chemical environment, they are highly resistant to various substances: sea water, cement, various salt solutions and many others. They are not absorbed by animals or microorganisms, and do not create a breeding ground for the reproduction of fungi or bacteria;
- transportation, storage, cutting and installation can be carried out without the use of special protective equipment;
- when pressed, the materials are very durable;
- expanded polystyrene is breathable;
- polystyrene foam and polystyrene have excellent energy saving indicators, for example, foam plastic, which has a thickness of only 3 cm, equates to 64 cm of brickwork, 123 cm of concrete and 11.3 cm of wood;
- Penoplex has a very low air permeability.
The use of foam for soundproofing
The material is produced in slabs with a thickness of 2 to 10 cm. Foam 5 cm thick is used for sound insulation. Installation is carried out on the floor, walls, ceiling, but it is not at all necessary to cover all these surfaces in order to avoid unnecessary costs. First you need to find out where the source of annoying noise is: from above, below, or from neighbors through the wall.
Soundproofing walls and ceilings
The principle of laying penoplex on walls and ceilings is similar. First you need to prepare the surface: clean it from the old layer of plaster, level it, treat it with an antiseptic, prime it.Then, the plates are glued on a smooth surface end-to-end without gaps, in several places they are fixed for strength with special dowels with wide caps, the joints are treated with mounting foam and leveled. Then a layer of plaster is applied to the walls or ceiling, after it dries, they are puttied, primed and then a finish coat is applied or wallpaper is glued.
Floor soundproofing
First of all, the old floor covering is removed and the logs are dismantled. If glass wool insulation was laid under them, then it must also be removed. Before laying foam plastic, it is necessary to assemble a wooden frame for stiffeners with cells according to the size of the plates. Treat all cracks with mounting foam and seal with special tape. Then install the plates, insulate all joints with mounting foam and adhesive tape. The next step is the installation of a base made of plywood or other material. And only after that the floor covering is laid.
How to avoid typical mistakes and get the desired result
Styrofoam is an excellent material for isolating interior walls from extraneous sounds. However, one can also hear a negative opinion, up to the point that no positive effect is observed or it is insignificant. Why do many craftsmen prefer to install foam plastic rather than mineral wool and similar materials? The answer is simple. Incorrect installation.
Indeed, basic errors in the formation of a noise-insulating layer will not give the expected effect. When carrying out work, you must adhere to the main rule - do not leave cracks and gaps, ensuring a snug fit to the base and to individual parts of the structure.
Very often, plaster is done on the foam. It is very convenient, practical and inexpensive. In order for the building mixture layer to be firmly held and have the necessary strength characteristics, a reinforcing mesh is first fixed on the prepared area. Most often this is a synthetic material, but a metal analogue made from a small-section wire or a manufactured stamping method can also be used.
Penoplex soundproofing
This material is known to many as an effective heat insulator, but it also has other advantages, one of which is sound insulation. Penoplex is considered the most popular in the construction market, it is made from extruded polystyrene. The strong walls of foam with insulated cells, filled with air, have an arbitrary shape, and this feature of the structure provides high strength. In the United States, foam plastics began to be used as a building material more than 50 years ago.
Penoplex has a lot of positive characteristics, such as:
- Low water absorption
- Minimum thermal conductivity
- Slight vapor permeability
- Flexural and compressive strength
- High level of sound insulation
It is worth talking about this quality of penoplex in more detail. Given this characteristic of the material, it can be used to isolate any surface in the room. It can be called the most profitable soundproofing material, since you do not need to have special tools and extensive experience to work with it, all installation work is easy to do with your own hands.
When working with foam plastic, it is necessary to properly lay it, leaving no gaps, and foam the joints well. Even after years, the soundproofing qualities of the material do not decrease; for a maximum time, it will also retain its other advantages. Penoplex will not rot, so the walls, floor or ceiling will be reliably protected from destruction.
Types of foam
The construction industry offers a significant range of products in this class. Styrofoam grades reflect its origin and characteristics. There are two types of material. Pressed and non-pressed. It is easy to distinguish from.The first is a single porous body, and the second is produced by sintering ready-made granules, which is clearly visible visually. For sound insulation, preference is given to non-pressing soft foam. It effectively dampens vibrations and is easy to process.
In construction, the following types are most popular, on which the following foam markings are indicated:
- PSB. Bespressovy polyfoam of several modifications. The last digit in the abbreviation means the strength class. For example, PSB-S-50 is the most durable material in this category. Used where mechanical strength is required. PSB-S-25 is a universal material widely used in construction for many purposes. The softest product PSB-S-15. Due to excessive fragility and fragility, it is rarely used. It can become attractive only because of its low price. If the letter F is found in the name, then this means that the product can be used in facade work.
- PPU. Foam mass based on polyurethane. One of the modifications is foam rubber. The material is elastic and very easy to use, but its cost is quite high. For this reason, it is used in limited quantities.
- PPE. The polyethylene basis gives elasticity and wear resistance. This marking can be found in hardware stores on many products, but is rarely used for soundproofing.
- PVC. Polyvinyl chloride foam. Differs in the absence of substances harmful to health. The environmental friendliness of the material, which manifests itself under normal operating conditions, is attractive, but the danger arises during combustion. Exceeding the critical temperature leads to the destruction of structural bonds and the release of extremely dangerous hydrogen chloride, which, in combination with the liquid, begins to release hydrochloric acid. For the respiratory tract, the smoke emitted by PVC foam is very dangerous.
The most popular and common type of foam is considered to be the material marked PSB. Excellent performance combined with an affordable price make it attractive in every respect.
There are a large number of advantages of the material in question. Consumers appreciate it primarily for the fact that it perfectly repels water. This is one of its important positive characteristics. The value of this property is due to the fact that such materials are very often used in conditions characterized by excessive humidity and temperature fluctuations, which lead to condensation.
It is important to consider that it is required to hide the open sections of the material, since they differ in their ability to absorb moisture from closed cells. The following qualities should be highlighted as the main advantages:
- Thermal conductivity. This material is characterized by a low degree of thermal conductivity. Due to this property, combined with the ability to reject moisture, foam plastic can be used on any object. You can fix it not only on the walls, but also in the attic, as well as the basement.
- Slight vapor permeability. Penoplex remarkably retains steam, which is why it is compared with roofing material. The considered material can be used for a long time. When used, it will withstand various external aggressive factors. Plates can survive a huge number of freeze and thaw cycles, while maintaining their original properties. Many manufacturers say that penoplex can be used for about 50 years. If you carry out the correct fastening of this material, then the period of operation can even be extended.
- strength and other properties. The noise-insulating material penoplex is characterized by good strength. This indicates that it is able to withstand intense loads and high pressure.This quality is due to the fact that at the base of the penoplex there are small bubbles that prevent its compression. The use of plates is characterized by simplicity. If necessary, they can easily be cut, while the material will not crumble. To carry out this procedure, you can use a regular knife.
The use of foam plastic as sound insulation can significantly reduce the amount of noise penetrating into the room. Consumers of this material claim that after this soundproofing, the room became much quieter and warmer. The cost of the material is affordable, which is an additional advantage. Remarkably manifests itself in living quarters in the soundproofing of the ceiling. A definite plus is that it is not necessary to have certain skills in this area to work with penoplex. Therefore, you can make sound insulation yourself, even with a stretch ceiling.
The soundproofing properties of the material have only positive reviews.
Features of decorative finishes for soundproofing with foam plastic
There are many questions when finishing a soundproof wall. For example, is it possible to glue wallpaper on foam? How to install drywall? Will the tile hold securely if the tiles are glued to the foam? You can do any work, but whether the result will satisfy is a big question. To successfully complete the finishing work, you need to understand the principle of working with foam.
The material is quite soft and subject to deformation under physical impact, even a slight one. By creating a reinforcing layer on the surface, you can use absolutely any finishing material.
If you need to glue the tiles in the room, then doing it directly on the foam is not practical. In this case, it would be wise to first make a plaster layer or install drywall, and then glue the tile on your health, it will last as long as a concrete or brick wall. The same principle should be applied when wallpapering.
Moreover, the glue for this type of work is water-soluble and it will take a long time to wait until they dry, since they cannot be absorbed into the synthetic mass. First, a reinforcing, leveling composition, and then wallpaper. If all operations are done correctly, then the performance of the surface will not be affected, but the noise in the apartment will be reduced.
As a rule, people do not think too often about soundproofing during the construction of a house.
Indeed, when carrying out such complex processes, there is something to pay attention to.
Floor that is protected from noise loads by foam insulation
But if the built house or the inhabited apartment is poorly protected from extraneous noise, then the problem of sound insulation will come first. Agree, it is unlikely that someone will be pleased to live in a house where sounds are constantly heard from the street or from neighbors. We also recommend installing insulated siding.
1 Purpose and features
Soundproofing is done with the help of additional materials that can dampen noise from external stimuli. These materials are used as insulation, that is, they are laid on a certain plane, and then tied with a plaster mortar or finish.
Thus, the structure being processed receives special noise protection, and it is sometimes very necessary for it. The problem of additional sound insulation is especially serious in panel houses made of thin concrete.
Collected such houses for a very long time. Some of them are now over 60-80 years old. As you understand, at that time there were not so many cars, noises and irritants on the street. That is why they built houses without taking into account these parameters.
During the construction, a prefabricated concrete slab was used, which was mounted in the correct position using foam glue.The foundations of walls, floors, ceilings, etc. were assembled from slabs.
We agree that this assembly technology really made it possible to work very quickly and build multi-storey buildings in a matter of months. But the result will not please everyone.
A thin concrete slab wall is simply not capable of dampening external noise. On the contrary, according to the laws of physics, being a rigid object, it is able to transmit them in full. And if you also live near a major highway, production or other sources of noise, then the issue of soundproofing an apartment will be extremely acute for you.
Penoplex is used for soundproofing
Mineral wool is an excellent insulation made of basalt fibers. Mineral wool has low thermal conductivity and excellent sound insulation capabilities. However, we note that mineral wool is quite expensive.
Mineral wool board is considered the most expensive insulation that can only be found on the construction market. Although it has good sound insulation performance, it is not always reasonable to use it only for these purposes.
Of the acceptable options, it also remains possible to use expanded polystyrene. However, standard foam can only effectively insulate walls.
For soundproofing walls and floors, foam plastic and foam plastic for wall insulation are not suitable. Especially if we are talking about floor soundproofing in wooden houses. Here, polystyrene foam will be of little use. A completely different result is given by the use of extruded polystyrene foam, which is called penoplex.
Extruded polystyrene foam is a foam that has been processed in special high-pressure melting furnaces. These mechanisms are also called extruders. The output is very dense polystyrene foam.
Unlike regular styrofoam balls, this material is solid. Penoplex consists of small air cells with a diameter of up to 1 mm.
The cells form a solid slab that is very difficult to destroy or even break. It perfectly extinguishes all loads, in terms of thermal conductivity it can even compete with mineral wool.
Working with foam
Now about how the soundproofing of the walls is done. To create sound insulation with foam, special plates are used. These plates are made using 2 lead plates with a sheet of expanded polystyrene laid between them. It should be noted that it cannot be an independent material for removing a noise source. Its effectiveness is manifested only in the vicinity of additional components.
In practice, closed-cell foam is widely used. It is very good for soundproofing rooms with increased noise penetration. For example, this product is introduced into the construction of walls, partitions of motor ships. Closed foam with the addition of vinyl film becomes an ultra-resistant tool in the fight against noise. This material pave the design of the ventilation system, heating. Due to the high resistance of vinyl foam to negative natural phenomena, it is used for external wall insulation. This innovative product is applicable for isolation of reflected noise. For example, vinyl foam layers are widely used to insulate the air conditioning system, to absorb the work of the engine in cars. Vinyl foam is great for shooting range construction as it cleans up nicely and dries quickly.
Styrofoam is divided into various brands. Of these, the most common:
floor soundproofing plan.
- PSB-S-50. Differs in universality and firmness. It is used for internal and external sound insulation, for noise absorption of roofs, floors. It is used to cover the floors of refrigeration equipment, for underground insulation in car repair shops and garages. Widely used as coatings to protect floor bases from freezing.
- PSB-S-35.Differs in low cost. Soundproofing with foam plastic of this brand is applicable for insulating walls, foundations, ceilings. Used in the manufacture of reinforced concrete panels, insulation of underground utilities, to prevent shrinkage of the soil.
- PSB-S-25. This type of polystyrene foam boards is mainly applicable for domestic insulation.
- PSB-S-25F. The basis is the insulation of facades.
Styrofoam is fixed using various compounds and tools. These include:
- glue;
- special mastic;
- cement mortar;
- metal elements for mounting.
As an option, the insulating structure can be installed directly on the wall: inside or outside the room.
Without fail, after the foam structure has been installed, it is necessary to do facing work. To do this, some kind of base is laid on top of the polystyrene foam sheets, and then the surface is plastered. Insulation work can be covered with brickwork, tiles or other finishing materials.
The best option for sound absorption are PSB-S slabs, which are installed on the inner surface of the walls.
This manipulation will help to achieve increased acoustic comfort and thermal insulation.
Varieties of foam soundproofing
Is it possible to perform soundproofing with foam plastic? Penoplex and expanded polystyrene in the construction market among soundproof materials are the most in demand. Both products are manufactured using expanded polystyrene.
Penoplex is a derivative of expanded polystyrene. It makes excellent soundproofing.
Expanded polystyrene is an ecological, harmless, heat-resistant, soundproof material. Its quality characteristics have been known for a long time and are in great demand. This material is easy to use and economical.
Scheme of soundproofing of the floor.
Another type of foam is polyurethane foam. The cells of this foam plastic are of arbitrary shape with sufficiently strong walls. In this regard, a very high strength of the foam is achieved. This type is flexible and has excellent thermal insulation. Of the minuses, destruction from penetrating ultraviolet radiation can be noted.
The next type of foam is polyethylene foam. This type is characterized by a high level of flexibility, increased strength and elasticity. Outwardly, it looks like a translucent panel up to 2 cm thick. It is not used for mounting soundproof structures, but it is good for packaging materials.
Mounting Features
At the installation stage, the future characteristics of the soundproofing layer are laid. Installation method is key. Noise isolation will be satisfactory if there is an understanding of the ongoing processes. This will most effectively protect your home from extraneous sounds and avoid mistakes.
To do this, it is necessary to consider all installation methods with an assessment of the final result:
- Fixation with glue. Convenient, economical and most efficient installation method. If the foam is glued to concrete, brick, plaster, then the most complete fit is ensured. Vibrations in this case are extinguished well. Do not use adhesives
- Installation of foam with fasteners. The method is good for external use. Often used for insulation and soundproofing walls.
Embedding in the cells of the crate. A large number of individual elements creates risks for a full-fledged shelter. It is difficult to avoid gaps and cracks. Rigid and well-transmitting vibration metal profiles also do not contribute to good sound insulation.
Results in the comparison of mineral wool and polystyrene
Comparison of foam and mineral wool when wet.
Disputes often arise around the question of whether it is better to insulate a room, with mineral wool or polystyrene foam.These two materials are good thermal insulators, but each of them has priorities in technical properties.
Firstly, when choosing a heater, it is necessary to build on what kind of room it is planned to build and insulate. Secondly, the cost of polystyrene and mineral wool is different, so for those who need to save money and do not have extra money, of course, it is better to choose polystyrene. But the grand construction of a combustible materials warehouse will require maximum security. It is necessary to insulate such a room not only in order to keep the heat inside, but also in order to avoid spontaneous combustion of objects on hot summer days.
Another nuance in construction is vapor barrier. The polymer structure of the insulation system is in no way combined with mineral wool. The polymer outer layer is practically impervious to moisture. The resulting condensate can destroy the thermal insulation properties of mineral wool. In such cases, it is better to use foam. It has the ability not to let through or accumulate steam. All condensate evaporates through the joints.
Styrofoam is produced in different thicknesses.
Speaking about the ability to resist the flame, you can also confidently answer the question of which is better: mineral wool or polystyrene. Of course, this is mineral wool. Although polystyrene also has the ability to immediately die out, it is still possible to ignite. Mineral wool does not burn under any circumstances. This material will withstand temperatures even above 1100°C. Why does polystyrene burn? It contains flame retardants that prevent fire. But after 5-10 years, these substances cease to act due to the influence of temperature changes. Therefore, it is possible that after 10 years of operation, the foam may catch fire.
Speaking about the installation of materials, it should be noted that in this case mineral wool wins. Although the foam is also not difficult to install. But the thing is that mineral wool at the joints does not leave gaps, which cannot be said about polystyrene.
And finally, it should be noted that when insulating a house or store with polystyrene foam or mineral wool, you absolutely should not worry about your health. Previously, volatile gas was added to polystyrene - freon (it is also present in refrigerators), and this was the most negative side of the foam. To date, freon is not added to the material.