About administrative offenses in the Stavropol Territory with changes as of October 8, 2019

On some measures to ensure silence, peace of citizens and public order, the law of the Stavropol Territory of December 28, 2010 117-kz

About administrative offenses in the Stavropol Territory with changes as of October 8, 2019

December 23, 2010

(As amended by the Law of the UK dated July 24, 2014 N 64-kz, NGR: ru26000201400643)

This Law was adopted in order to ensure peace, peace of citizens and public order in the territory of the settlements of the Stavropol Territory.

Article 2

Peace and quiet citizens at night time provided:

1) in residential premises of apartment buildings, individual residential buildings, communal apartments, hotels, dormitories, other residential premises of specialized housing stock;

2) in the common areas of apartment buildings, hotels, dormitories (stairwells, stairs, elevators, corridors, wheelchairs, attics, technical floors, built-in and attached premises, basements, roofs);

3) in the territories of development of multi-apartment buildings, individual residential buildings, including in the adjacent territories, areas of car parking, areas for motor transport, children's and sports grounds;

5) in the premises and on the territories of social facilities, healthcare, education;

6) in the territories of horticultural, horticultural and dacha non-profit associations of citizens.

Article 3. Actions that violate the peace and quiet of citizens at night

1. It is not allowed to carry out the following actions (inaction) at night if they entail a violation of peace and quiet of citizens at the facilities specified in Article 2 of this Law:

1) the use of sound-reproducing devices, as well as sound amplification devices, including those installed in vehicles, at trade and public catering facilities;

2) failure to take measures by the owner of the vehicle to disable the sound security alarm installed on the vehicle;

3) use of pyrotechnic means;

4) loud speech, shouting, whistling, playing musical instruments, singing, dancing;

5) production of repair, construction, loading and unloading operations;

6) other actions (inaction), entailing a violation of the peace and quiet of citizens at night.

2. The provisions of this article do not apply to:

2) actions related to the holding of mass cultural and sports events in the manner established by the local governments of the municipalities of the Stavropol Territory;

3) actions of citizens and religious organizations (associations) when they conduct worship services, other religious rites and ceremonies that do not contradict federal legislation;

5) use of devices for giving special sound signals installed on vehicles with the appropriate permission.

Article 4. Actions that violate public order in the daytime

In the daytime, in public places, actions that violate public order by expressing obvious disrespect for society and accompanied by loud shouting, whistling, singing, dancing, using sound-reproducing devices, including those installed in vehicles, or pyrotechnics, are not allowed.

Article 5. Administrative liability for violation of this Law

For failure to comply with the provisions of this Law, administrative liability is established in accordance with the Law of the Stavropol Territory of April 10, 2008 N 20-kz “On Administrative Offenses in the Stavropol Territory”.

Article 6Entry into force of this Law

This Law shall enter into force 10 days after the day of its official publication.

Governor of the Stavropol Territory

V.V. Gaevsky


December 28, 2010

N 117-kz


