The act of completed work on the repair of the apartment: 14 samples

The most demanded area where certificates of completion (AVR) are most often used is the construction industry. These are not necessarily forms KS-2 and KS-3, often the customer and the contractor need simplified acts.which are not regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Certificate of completed repair work - this is the most important document that fixes the fact of the repair by the contractor and the absence of claims from the customer.

Download a sample of a professional certificate of completion ???

Most often, this document includes information such as the terms of the transaction and the performance of work, as well as the obligations and liability for their failure to comply with each of the parties. Also, a typical act on the work performed / services rendered includes the following information:

  • the name of the document, the date of its compilation and the serial number of the act;
  • a list of works or services, as well as the timing of each of them;
  • the cost of the work performed or the indicated services, with mandatory VAT;
  • details of the customer and contractor; signatures and seals of the parties.

Are there any mandatory requirements for filling out this document?

There are, however, not many of them. The main one is the availability of information about the customer and the contractor, as well as their details. Since the certificate of completion is an annex to the main agreement, it must contain information about the number and date of the work contract. Also, in the contract itself, it must be indicated that the acceptance of work will be carried out in accordance with the acceptance certificate. The document of the act indicates all the works or services prescribed in the contract, as well as their cost.

It is important to understand that the act signed by both parties is evidence of the absence of claims from both the customer and the contractor. In addition to signatures, the contract must contain the seals of both companies. If the parties to the agreement are not organizations, but individuals, only signatures will suffice.

It is also important to note that the act of completed repair work implies the obligation of the customer to pay for services or work, as well as the obligation of the contractor to guarantee the quality of the work or services provided.

How to draw up an act of completed work?

There is no approved sample for drawing up an act of completed work. Nevertheless, the act of acceptance of repair work must contain the necessary details specified in paragraph 2 of Article 9 of Federal Law No. 402-FZ "On Accounting" dated November 28, 2018.

The act contains the following components:

  • name and date of execution of the document;
  • name of the organization and full name of the customer and contractor, indicating the positions held;
  • the name of the services provided or the work performed;
  • terms of services performed;
  • scope of work performed;
  • cost of work performed;
  • personal signatures of the customer and the contractor;
  • seal, certifying the authenticity of the document.

Contents of the certificate of completion

Let us consider in more detail the content of the act of work performed. In addition to the main ones, it is also recommended to specify additional details for more comfortable reporting.

The act of completed work on the repair of the premises must contain information confirming the absence of claims from the parties to each other. This text is written in the document.

In order to avoid disagreements between the parties, the act should indicate a detailed description of the work or services performed.

The basis for drawing up an act of work performed is the contract. Details of the contract are recommended to be indicated in the act to confirm the reality of the provision of services and work. In addition, the act containing the details of the contract, with any kind of verification, will confirm the existence of the transaction.

The act of completed work should indicate information about the amount of work and deadlines.This information is an indisputable proof of the fulfillment of the conditions in the event of claims from the customer.

It is recommended to indicate in the act the expected terms of payment for the services provided. In this case, the contractor can count on the receipt of funds within a certain time frame.

Why is this act necessary?

The act of acceptance of works is a kind of guarantee against the occurrence of litigation and disagreements. If such proceedings nevertheless arise, the act becomes an evidentiary document. The absence of an act can be regarded by the court as a disregard for the legally established procedure for the delivery and acceptance of work, which in turn may lead to the imposition of penalties by the controlling structures.

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From the list of work performed, a table is compiled. The document also records that the work was performed properly and the customer has no claims against the contractor.

In cases where the customer was dissatisfied with the quality of the work performed, this should also be reflected in the act with a detailed listing of the identified shortcomings, as well as an indication of the time frame for their elimination.

Instructions for issuing an act of acceptance of work performed

  • The first part of the act includes information about which document it is an annex to (application number, date, contract number). Then the word “act” is written in the middle and its essence is briefly indicated (in this case, “delivery and acceptance of work”).
  • The second part includes a table, but first the very fact of acceptance of work is recorded, as well as the document on the basis of which it took place (its name, for example, "Agreement", the number and date of its compilation).
  • Then all types of work performed are entered in the table in order, indicating the deadlines, cost, quality, and comments of the customer.

Columns on the name of the work, quality and comments should be filled in with particular care, since it is this information that, in the event of litigation, will be the main arguments in court.

  • Next, you need to make a clause stating that the work performed has been checked and there are no claims from the customer. If this is not the case, then in the paragraph below it is necessary to describe in detail the identified shortcomings, as well as to introduce the terms and procedure for their elimination.
  • At the bottom of the document, you should indicate the name of the organizations parties to the contract (in accordance with the constituent documents).
  • And in the end, the act of acceptance of work must be certified by the signatures of the heads of organizations or persons authorized to carry out this procedure.
  • If necessary, the act can be certified with seals.

After signing the acceptance certificate for the work performed, all claims can only be considered in court.

Act of acceptance of work performed

It is useful to approve a sample work acceptance certificate in the text of the contract. This document is necessary to confirm that certain works were performed by the contractor and accepted by the customer. Also, in the act, you can write a separate paragraph with the text of the receipt for the receipt of money by the contractor. If the works are accepted by the customer without comments and he is ready to pay their cost to the contractor, the fact of acceptance of the work and the fact of transfer of money to the contractor will be confirmed by one document.

Acceptance certificate

Certificate of completed plumbing work sample

Almost everyone, both owners of new buildings and secondary housing, faces plumbing services. This type of service includes: installation / dismantling of plumbing, installation of underfloor heating, adjustment and connection of finished equipment (water treatment system, water heater, high pressure station), connection of a washing machine and much more - all this is included in the list of plumbing services.

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ABP - is a confirmation and basis for payment, which you can download for free at link.

Certificate of completed design work sample

Download sample of completed work link. This act was executed in a tripartite form, because in case of an error detected at the installation stage, it is possible to determine which of the designers made it.

Certificate of control measurement of work performed sample

According to "tacit" statistics, the attribution of work performed at state construction sites is from 30 to 40%. Therefore, together with the ATS, an act of control measurement of the work performed is provided, which can be downloaded free of charge from our website at link.

Certificate of completion for the installation of PVC windows/windows sample

A fairly simple act, but it is necessary first of all for the window installers themselves. Therefore, it is made of two parts - the second is detachable and remains with the representatives of the company who completed the work. This document contains a column stating that PVC windows have been installed, and there are no claims against the contractor. Link to sample.

Certificate of completed work on the assembly of furniture sample

Standard furniture assembly services: installation of kitchens, wardrobes, wardrobe systems and others. The act of completed work on the assembly of furniture is a confirmation of payment for these services. It is necessary to indicate the furniture in the required column of the act submitted by link.

Certificate of completed electrical work sample

The problem with our legislation is that any Vasya Pupkin can perform the work of an electrician when repairing an apartment, without having the proper qualifications and education.

But this is all lyrics, we are interested in the act of electrical work performed, you can download it at link.

Certificate of completed work of an electrician

Similar to the previous document, however, the customer and contractor are not legal entities. Accordingly, there are no details, VAT and seals and other standard fields for acts based on KS-2. Link to sample.

Act of completed work on the installation of stretch ceilings

Stretch ceilings over the past 10 years have ceased to be know-how, becoming the "gold" standard. Due to its practicality and long service life, companies give it up to 15 years of warranty.

But then read the contract carefully, because often there is such an interpretation: they say 25 years for the canvas, and 1 year for the work performed.

In any case, you will need an ATS for the installation of stretch ceilings, which you can download from link.

Certificate of completed installation work sample

Under the installation in construction, you can perceive anything, from the installation of primary converters to metal structures. Therefore, in the relevant document, we indicate what installation, who performed and other standard fields. You can download the AVR you need by link.

Certificate of completed work on finishing work sample

Finishing work involves a wide field of activity: plastering, puttying, installation of MDF panels and much more. Therefore, when an apartment or office is being renovated, intermediate acts of finishing work are drawn up. For example, if you have completed the plastering of the “N” room - you have signed the ABP - you will receive a cash reward. Link to sample.

AVR for the repair of the entrance sample

Usually the repair of the entrance is not distinguished by intricacy and variety. Therefore, these works are carried out quickly and there is no point in splitting them up and signing intermediate acts.

Free download by link.

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Certificate of acceptance of completed work on the repair of an apartment sample

The latest act, in which references to intermediate acceptance acts, if any, are possible. This act is the basis for the final settlement with the contractors, in the absence of claims. Link to sample.

Certificate of completed work on the repair of premises / office sample

Similar to the previous document - only the object of repair is not an apartment, but an office or production room. Accordingly, if apartments are repaired mainly by private individuals, then commercial facilities are repaired by legal entities.

Therefore, in the act in the customer column there are necessary changes in the ATS, which you can download at link.

Claims for renovation work

The act of completed work on the repair of the premises is a document obliging the parties to fulfill the established obligations. In case of non-fulfillment of any item of the act, certain claims arise.

Reasons for filing a claim by the customer to perform work on the repair of the premises:

  • the repair was not made in accordance with the plan or sketch;
  • poor-quality work (uneven wallpapering, poor-quality wall painting, improper tiling, use of poor quality materials);
  • untimely performance of work;
  • performance of work in an incomplete scope by the deadline;
  • the presence of shortcomings in the work that require alteration;
  • untimely start of work;
  • non-fulfillment of obligations prescribed in the act of work performed.

According to paragraph 3 of Art. 29 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", the customer has the right to file a claim with a requirement to eliminate deficiencies discovered during the warranty period. After the expiration of the warranty period, the customer has the right to present this claim within two subsequent years from the date of acceptance of the work.

Procedure for making a claim

The reason for its preparation is indicated in the water part of the claim. The reason includes the circumstances of the situation and the facts. In addition, it is important to indicate the legislative acts, based on which the requirements are put forward.

Requirements may include the elimination of deficiencies in the work carried out to repair the premises, the return of funds, compensation, and so on. The customer has the right to offer a solution to the problem at his discretion or ask for assistance in solving it.

The main part of the complaint begins with the word "Please." This is followed by a request with a full description of the details of the situation and bringing the event facts.

Facts are supported by the terms of the concluded contract and act, referring to them when writing a claim. Each thought is highlighted by a paragraph to improve the perception of information.

The term for consideration of a claim by a bailiff is one month from the moment the document was received by the addressee. However, the consideration period may vary, depending on the method of sending the claim and the need to double-check the quality of the work performed.

Documented requirements of the customer (applicant) are reasonable and, as a rule, they are satisfied by the court. The recipient of the claim undertakes to comply with the requirements of the claimant in a judicial proceeding.

Reasons for claim rejection:

  • the absence of an agreement and an act confirming the conclusion of a transaction for the repair of the premises;
  • excessive emotional load of the appeal;
  • fuzzy wording of the reason and essence of the claim.

The applicant shall be notified in writing of the rejection of the claim. The reason for the deviation and a reference to regulations are indicated in the deviation.

It is important to note that most claims are resolved out of court, with the help of a peaceful settlement of the situation. Nevertheless, the main principle of both the customer and the contractor remains following the prescribed agreements in the act of completed work on the repair of the premises, as well as honesty and high-quality performance of work.


