Getting along together in the same room, especially when it comes to brother and sister, is very difficult. The common territory often turns into a conflict zone, in which each side has its own rights. It is quite possible for parents to prevent quarrels and fights: it is necessary to carefully consider the interior of the room so that the children feel comfortable. A children's room for children of different sexes is provided for small residents with a small difference in age, for example, twins, little ones or a brother and sister, one of whom is no more than three years older than the other.
Before starting work, you need to solve the following questions:
- In which room to make a nursery?
- What materials to buy to renovate a room?
- What style to choose?
- What furniture to buy?
- How to distribute a room into common and individual areas for each child?
- How to decorate a nursery?
Choosing a room for arranging a nursery
For children's room it is desirable to highlight the brightest spacious room with one large or two windows. It is good if the room is located on the south or southeast side.
In the west, the most intense lighting is in the afternoon, and in the mornings, especially in autumn and winter, it is rather gloomy, so you can decorate fragments of the walls near the beds with luminous panels with images of your favorite cartoon characters, gnomes, animals.
If you want to equip a room on the north side, you should provide several additional lighting fixtures - sconces on the walls above the beds and a table for games, floor lamps in the play area.
Zoning a children's room
It is desirable to develop the design of a nursery for children of different sexes together, together with the children, even if they seem silly. You can draw a general plan of the room with the whole family and decorate it with colored pencils or felt-tip pens, look for photos in magazines or on websites. If a boy and a girl like diametrically opposed, incompatible interiors, children should talk about the unity of style and try to create a project that takes into account the wishes of each side.
In a nursery for two children, ideally, there should be the following zones:
- General game
- Individual play areas.
- Area for active entertainment and physical education.
- 2 separate areas for rest and sleep.
- Areas for creativity - drawing, modeling from plasticine, creating layouts from paper and cardboard. For a girl and a boy of school age, desks and computer tables should be installed in these places and cabinets, wall shelves and cabinets for notebooks, textbooks, and stationery should be equipped.
The common play area can occupy the central or side part of the room, it is better to equip individual play places in each sleep and rest area.
The zone for active entertainment in the nursery should not be considered as an excess. Children enthusiastically perceive any opportunity to climb somewhere, so it is worth allocating a place in their room equipped with a Swedish wall, a children's trampoline, a rope, and a horizontal bar.
sleeping area
It is better if children of different sexes in the same room sleep on opposite sides. Comfortable low cabinets with lamps, wardrobes for clothes and bed linen, shelves and cabinets for toys should be placed next to the beds.
Kids and teens are excited about loft beds, the bottom of which can be used as extra play space or space for a wardrobe and bookcase.
V small children's room you can put a bunk bed against one of the walls.Little adventurers are especially enthusiastic about climbing the side ladders of such pieces of furniture and fighting for the right to sleep on the top bunk.
How to make repairs
Repair of a children's room should be made taking into account the age of children of different sexes. Toddlers 2-5 years old are pleased to live in a room with bright walls, where every little thing reminds of fairy tales. Children of preschool and school age like fantastic motifs, beautiful sea and mountain landscapes, images of domestic and wild animals.
Both boys and girls like bright, acid colors, but decorating the interior of a children's room for two children of different sexes in such colors is undesirable, since prolonged exposure to an overly bright color palette does not reflect well on the psyche and vision of any child.
One of the most tempting options is to paste over the walls with soft pink fluorescent wallpaper with a floral pattern or stars in the nursery sector for the girl and similar soft blue materials on the boy’s territory. Fluorescent wallpapers are distinguished by their ability to absorb light during the day and glow with a soft light in the dark.
In adolescence, many people prefer to arrange something unusual and fantastic in their bedroom. For a room where two teenagers live, you can choose fluorescent wallpaper with predators, urban or alien landscapes. In the girl's bedroom, the wall looks very attractive, a narrow fragment of which from floor to ceiling is pasted over with photo wallpapers depicting a beach with palm trees, a waterfall or a Japanese garden with a bridge. The design of a nursery for a boy will be especially spectacular with photo wallpapers depicting ships, rocks, sea surf, space.
[smartcontrol_youtube_shortcode key="wallpaper for kids" cnt="4" col="2" shls="true"]How to decorate the ceiling
When creating a children's room design for a boy and a girl, do not forget about ceiling. In a high room, you can equip a two-level stretch ceiling in white and cream tones with several suspended LED lamps in the form of multi-colored balls and scattering of point light sources that imitate the starry sky.
To create the illusion of height in a room with a low ceiling, matte stretch ceilings in creamy or pale beige will help. Glossy ceilings with built-in spotlights visually increase the height.
What flooring to use?
An important stage in the interior design of the nursery is flooring, choosing which you should give preference to soft, easy to clean materials, such as EVA - a copolymer of ethyl vinyl acetate. In the baby room, you can use laminate, carpet, linoleum coverings throughout the area, leaving room for mounting a soft EVA fragment in the play area.
In the nursery for a boy and a girl of senior preschool and school age, you can decorate the floor with a soft carpet with a long pile or make self-leveling floors.
An excellent design idea - cork flooring, which has excellent insulating and sound-absorbing characteristics and the ability to recover from deformation.
What furniture to choose
Furniture should be designed in the same style. When choosing furniture for a children's room for children of different sexes, it is advisable to purchase two identical children's headsets. You can choose cribs, tables, cabinets in the color of coffee with milk or light pink and pale blue tones. A necessary attribute of a child's room for a girl is a mirror, which is best placed closer to the window. For the boy, you can buy strength training equipment.
Teenagers will love the idea of decorating a room in beige and chocolate, light green and turquoise shades and purchasing furniture in the same color scheme. Instead of a play area, a recreation area should be equipped where the brother and sister will comfortably relax, read or receive guests together, and install a panel, chairs, and a glass coffee table there.
How to decorate a child's room
As a nursery decor for a boy and girl of school age, you can use:
- pictures and posters;
- interesting lamps;
- rugs;
- wall painting;
- decorative pillows.
The window opening is perfectly decorated with light textile curtains from ceiling to floor or blinds with a beautiful pattern to match the walls.
Wonderful decor - soft toys, dolls, doll houses with gardens, cars, sets of soldiers from different eras, models of aircraft, ships, tanks. Photos of the inhabitants of the most comfortable corner of the apartment from different angles will add a special touch to the atmosphere.