The convenience and beauty of the bedroom is not in a large area, but in an interior thought out to the smallest detail. Healthy sleep, pleasant pre-dawn bliss, good mood, blessed fatigue of the past day - all this can only be given by your favorite bedroom. A competent design of a small bedroom can turn any room into the best in the world.
Is great happiness possible in a small bedroom? Looking ahead - yes, it is possible! Let's figure it out.
Ergonomics of space
Beauty and grace, oddly enough, are subject to a clear logical construction - the ergonomics of space. And in order for the interior of a small bedroom to strike with the perfection of form, it is necessary to adhere to certain standards of ergonomics - a rational way to live and interact in space.
Proper arrangement of furniture
Regardless of style preferences, all furniture layout ideas, even in a very small bedroom, should meet the following parameters:
- the width of the passages should be at least 70–100 cm;
- the presence of direct passages between pieces of furniture and a minimum of turns;
- around the bed on each side you need to leave at least 50 cm of free space;
- if the bed is parallel to the window, the distance from the window to the bed must be at least 80 cm.
Important! If you are tempted to use the precious centimeters “stolen” by these requirements “usefully”, be prepared for bruises and bruises: maneuvering between furniture, doing three bends in two steps, is not an easy task.
Choosing and setting up a bed
The main protagonist of the bedroom after the owners is, of course, the bed. When choosing the right bed in any style, you should follow these tips:
- The bed should first of all fit the future owners, and only then fit into the interior of the bedroom.
- The length of the bed is calculated based on the height of a person with a margin of 13 cm. Its width is the sum of the width of a person at the shoulders, plus 10-12 cm on each side.
- The height of the bed should be such that the knees of the person sitting on it are bent at a right angle; the optimal height is 40–60 cm.
Important! Only a single bed can be placed close to the wall. It is better to arrange a double bedroom so that the passage to it from both sides is simple and convenient.
Cabinet installation
In a small bedroom, it is better to take out the closet outside of it. Due to this, a small room will become more spacious, lighter and lighter, not only visually, but also in fact. But often this is not possible. After all, a small bedroom in the apartment did not suddenly appear - as a rule, the whole apartment is also small. Therefore, when installing a cabinet, you must adhere to the following rules.
- Open cabinet doors should not interfere with movement around the room. In order not to block the passage, the margin of space for swing doors should be about 80 cm.
- A wardrobe with sliding doors or a built-in wardrobe is the most suitable idea for a small bedroom. Frees up at least 50 cm of space required for swing doors.
- Two narrow cabinets, located along the wall at a distance from each other, form an opening where the head of the bed, a chest of drawers or a dressing table with a mirror will organically fit in.
small bedroom color palette
The traditional solution in a small room is the use of calm, light colors that visually expand the space. These are soft beige, light coffee, sunny straw, gray-blue and, of course, white. It is in the bedroom that white extremely generously reveals its potential. And for very small bedrooms, white is a salvation and a godsend. It is versatile, balanced, very "spacious" and unpretentious. But a totally white bedroom is still a controversial idea.
Advice.White color in the interior of the bedroom should be used in a very dosed way, so that instead of the Scandinavian style, for example, the “hospital”, “operating” style does not turn out. Sterility and soullessness are out of place in the most private area of the apartment.
Splashes of bright colors against the background of pastel colors will create a special spiritual mood: lavender, green, blue, brown, rich yellow.
Floor, walls, ceiling
The ceiling of a small bedroom should not be bulky, so you need to be more careful with intricate hanging structures. But the stretch ceiling with a glossy surface will create a feeling of depth and height of the room.
Here it is worth remembering the white color. A snow-white ceiling without frills is a classic that will always look dignified.
The floors in a small bedroom should also be preferably light. A combination of two tones of the same color or similar colors is possible. Flooring laid diagonally, whether parquet or laminate, will visually expand the boundaries of the room.
The walls of a small bedroom can be decorated by combining a light shade on three walls with one more saturated one on the fourth. A moderate, concise print is allowed.
Advice. Wall mural on one of the walls is a winning idea in a small room. Delicate abstraction, a landscape with a perspective, a city view from above are examples of wallpaper themes that will create a sense of depth and space in the bedroom.
Small size bedroom furniture
In order for the history of the arrangement of a small bedroom to develop successfully, you can adopt some ideas.
- The basic rule of a small bedroom is that everything that can be taken out of it must be taken out. Only the bed remains untouchable, everything else must be subject to strict judgment - to be or not to be. Wardrobe, chest of drawers, table, chairs, armchairs may well live in other rooms, allowing you to use the bedroom for its intended purpose, and not as a universal room.
- The design of a small bedroom involves compact pieces of furniture.
- Place shelves, niches, hanging cabinets vertically on the walls, not forgetting the space above the head of the bed.
- Arrange furniture so that when entering a small bedroom, “light”, oversized items are the first to come into view.
- Instead of chairs, use pouffes that can be pushed under the dressing table to free up space.
In a small room, the traditional technique is very relevant - the addition of the main ceiling lighting with local light at different levels. The combination of diffused overhead light and directional light in a certain area will allow you to vary not only the level of illumination of the room, but also the mood of its inhabitants.
Advice. Soft light will be created by translucent light lampshades, the lamps of which are directed up to the ceiling, and not down. The sleeping area, dressing area and work area require their own local lighting: spotlights, sconces, table lamps.
One of the important techniques for decorating a small room is window decoration. Draping lightly in pastel colors with almost weightless fabrics instead of thick curtains is a great idea in this case. Organza, taffeta, muslin will unobtrusively keep the innermost life of the bedroom from prying eyes and will not burden the interior.
The bedroom is a legitimate habitat for decorative textiles: bedspreads, covers, lampshades, pillows look appropriate and justified here. But in a small room, you should still use this technique very carefully.
Photographs, paintings, figurines, souvenirs and other trinkets must pass even stricter control for the right to be present in a small bedroom.Without reducing reasonable minimalism to excessive asceticism, you can graciously leave two or three favorite little things.
If, after reading all the ideas for arranging a small bedroom, you are still worried that you are not a king size, check all of the above in practice. Feel free to experiment with what you have, and you will see what an interesting life will come in your bedroom!