Repair is a “dirty” event, during which a large amount of waste and garbage is generated. All this must be somehow eliminated. However, it is impossible to simply throw such garbage into the garbage chute or into a regular bin. They are intended for household waste, not construction waste, and there is a fine for improper disposal. We will find out where you can throw away the construction waste left after the repair without violating the law.
What is construction waste?
Oddly enough, there is no consensus on this matter. The concept of "construction waste" is interpreted very differently. Someone refers here only large-sized waste, someone - absolutely all the garbage generated during the repair. However, Government Decree No. 155 clearly states that waste generated during the ongoing renovation of housing should be considered household waste and disposed of in exactly the same way. This raises the question of what is considered "current repair". Typically, these are small cosmetic worksuch as painting windows or replacing wallpaper. Therefore, if a jar of paint or even several bags of old wallpaper was thrown away, there should be no questions from public utilities.
In a different way, the garbage generated during the overhaul, since in this case the volume of waste is very large. For example, fragments of walls and fittings can no longer be called household waste. Here we will talk about large-sized construction debris. The same will apply to a large number of bags with various waste after repair. And you will have to take care of their disposal separately.
How and where to dispose of construction waste?
The residents themselves have to take care of the removal of construction waste. There are several options for solving the problem:
- The easiest way is for those who live in the area of new buildings, where repair work is in full swing and this issue is relevant for the majority. At the meeting of apartment owners, a decision is made, an appropriate agreement is signed with the management company, which installs a special additional container. It is larger in size and painted in a different color. In the receipts, the tenants have an additional column, which indicates the amount of payment for the removal of construction waste.
- Some management companies have concluded a contract with some organizations for the disposal of bulky waste. Special vehicles arrive on certain days and pick up bags piled in special places: at separate sites or next to the garbage chute. You can find out about this by contacting the management company.
- If the management company does not have the above agreement, and the repair is only in 1 apartment, you can negotiate with any company involved in the disposal of construction waste directly. In this case, there will be no need to solve the problem of transporting and loading garbage, and there will be no need to look for a landfill where such waste is taken. However, the fees for such services are significant.
- If you have a personal car, you can solve the problem in a different way: do your own removal of construction waste. But first you have to find a landfill where it will be accepted. You will also have to pay a small amount for this.
- If there is no transport, you can look in the newspaper for ads from the category “I will accept construction waste, self-delivery”, call and find out what exactly they are picking up. Most often they take brick, rebar, concrete for export.
- Broken bricks and plaster will be gladly taken to fill holes in some garage cooperative or gardening. However, you will most likely have to bring it to them yourself.
There are many ways to solve the problem of construction waste and places where you can take bags after repairs. You just need to choose the option that suits you best.
The most important thing is not to succumb to the temptation and not to throw construction waste into the general garbage chute. The public utilities won't take him anyway, but the house committee can easily figure out an unscrupulous tenant. And in the best case, these proceedings will be limited only to a fine.
How to pack construction waste?
It is not enough to decide where construction waste will be taken out, you also need to figure out how it will be packed. No one will collect pieces of brick or concrete scattered throughout the yard. They should all be in a strictly defined place and be neatly packed, not scattered. Here, too, several options are provided: bags made of polyethylene, polypropylene, fabric or paper, as well as cardboard boxes.
- Large plastic bags are ideal for small debris after repairs, as well as light bulky waste, such as old wallpaper. Heavy and sharp objects can easily tear such a bag.
- Polypropylene bags are familiar to many. They are used in factories and in the food industry for packing bulk products. They are dense and durable, they are difficult to tear, they are able to withstand a large load, so they can be used repeatedly. This is especially important for self-collection of garbage (you do not have to spend money on new ones every time). In polypropylene bags, you can put broken bricks, trimmings of fittings, pipes, concrete fragments.
Many building mixtures (cement, tile adhesive, plaster) are purchased in paper bags. You can save a lot of money if you put garbage in them instead of throwing them away. They are durable and can withstand heavy loads.
- The fabric bags are reusable. However, they are quite easy to break with sharp objects, so it is not recommended to transport cut pipes and fittings in them.
Cardboard boxes will also help to save money, where bulky waste can be folded. You can ask them at any store. Or use those that are left at home from buying household appliances or electronics. However, due to their large size, they are not always convenient to use.