Bathroom: budget renovation options

A bathroom is a room that is updated infrequently. Usually cosmetic finishing is carried out here. And only with significant damage to communications or coatings, they radically change its appearance. With a lack of funds for expensive materials and a qualified team of workers, you can get by with low costs by choosing a budget way to renovate a bathroom. Some designers are specifically engaged in the creation of inexpensive projects for the arrangement and decoration of bathrooms. The choice of the optimal solution for your bathroom depends on the goals pursued by the owner of the apartment. Most people want to make repairs with high quality and for a long time in accordance with fashion trends, but use inexpensive building materials. This is a completely justified desire. Therefore, the question arises of how and from what to carry out a budget bathroom renovation.

economical bathroom renovation

How time saves on repairs

Many of us do not think about such things:

  • Repairs made on time can save you a lot of money.
  • the choice of the right materials helps to increase the operational life of plumbing, pipes and coatings;
  • quality work creates temporary advantages in the use of the bathroom space.

Bathroom - a room in which water and sewer communications are concentrated. They are the first to fail. In the process of active operation, the coating on the bathtub, toilet bowl, and sink deteriorates. They change color. They form chips and cracks. All this makes the owners think about replacing the main objects of this room. However, we do this when patching holes is already impossible. And then you have to spend significant amounts on materials and the work of specialists.

chips in the bath

Undoubtedly, it is better to solve the problem with an unsightly interior in time, using durable materials, and enjoy the excellent condition of your bathroom. Products for finishing bathrooms of high quality are very expensive. Thinking about savings, consumers often buy products, formulations and coatings from a range of "second-rate" products that quickly lose their properties.

If you are going to make budget repairs for a long time, you should think about the service life of the main materials and try to choose the most optimal options.

Where to begin

To understand how much money you have to invest in a bathroom renovation, you need to find out all the ins and outs of it. To do this, remove all old coatings, conduct an audit of plumbing and sewage pipes, and examine the state of plumbing.

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Old metal pipes must be changed first. First, they tend to corrode. Secondly, this is no longer a fashionable solution in terms of aesthetics and operation. Plastic with a long service life successfully takes the place of old communications.

Removing the old cladding will show the safety of the main surfaces: walls, ceiling and floor.

cleaning bathroom walls

If they need to be completely restored, materials with a long service life are chosen from among modern high-strength compounds. In most apartments, the bathroom is a small room, so not so many materials are needed. It is not worth saving on plaster and putty. They will ensure the safety and durability of decorative coatings, which can be purchased at a budget price.

A freshly refurbished bathroom is usually fitted with new fixtures. Here you can think about buying a bathtub, toilet and sink, or updating old ones with special liquid formulations. This will require the help of a specialist who will quickly restore used plumbing.

bathtub restoration
Another question is if any object or all at once began to flow, they acquired a completely unpresentable appearance. Then you will definitely have to spend money on new products.Now you can find a lot of affordable items made from modern high-strength and durable materials. Often they have a traditional look and color, but in a budget repair option, this plays a secondary role.

How to make a budget bathroom renovation: an affordable option

There are different types of bathroom renovations. Some of them are not particularly expensive. Let us consider in more detail each stage of the necessary work.

Pipe replacement

If the bathroom is small, then the footage of the pipeline is insignificant, so plastic products for plumbing and sewers it will take a little. Specialists know how many additional products will be required for connections, transitions, cranes, etc., which diameter there should be main pipes, how to stretch them and create conditions for operation. At this stage, the savings can backfire. Rather than change the pipes yourself, it is better to invite an experienced plumber who will properly arrange the new piping system.

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bathroom pipe replacement

Surface preparation

After removing the old coating, all the flaws in the walls, ceiling and floor are found. First again plaster, and on the lower surface update the screed. For these works, it is advisable to use a cement mortar. It is not as expensive as modern building mixtures with special components. In addition, good quality gray plaster is a solid base for cladding.

wall plastering process

cosmetic finish

  • for a budget option for decorating a bathroom, paints made on the basis of latex or acrylic are used. They have moisture resistance and good performance properties. Of course, all surfaces in the bathroom are best tilebut this is an expensive solution. The tile can be applied partially: make a half-meter border around the bathtub and sink from white squares, and paint the rest of the walls and ceiling in the color you like;

bathroom wall painting

  • a good option for the ceiling is a stretch fabric made of synthetic material. It is inexpensive, since its area is small and the amount of work for installers is negligible. Serves for quite a long time. When using it, you can save on the restoration of the base. The canvas will hide all visible defects;

stretch ceiling in the bathroom

  • the solution for wall and ceiling decoration can be economical plastic panels. But not those that are attached to the crate: they eat up part of the space and require additional costs for related parts. It is necessary to use canvases that are glued to a special composition directly to the surface. However, for this it is important to align them as accurately as possible;

bathroom plastic panels

  • the floor requires special attention, as it is most exploited. It is not worth saving on tiles here. This is the best bottom base cover in all respects. But, based on the overall dimensions of most bathrooms, you won't need much. In addition, matte embossed products, which are most suitable for bathrooms, are slightly cheaper than glossy and smooth ones.
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Now a lot of items for hygiene procedures are being sold, differing in color, shape, size and materials from which they are made. Naturally, they differ in price. If you do not need a daily bath, you should think about shower cabin installation. It will save space and money, as it has a compact size and is cheaper.

shower cabin in the bathroom
With a limited budget, you can get by with simple models of sinks and toilets, if the apartment has combined bathroom. The latter may have a different method of fastening and a drain system device. This affects the price.The functionality and comfort of expensive and cheap items are almost identical, so you should not spend money on an exclusive.

Important accessories

When arranging a bathroom, faucets, faucets, heated towel rails and other important items are installed. They can be purchased at an affordable price without sacrificing quality.

Budget renovation in the bathroom is based on the principle of reasonable spending and accurate calculations. Here you can save money, but it is important to think about what and how.


