The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

Design features

According to their design and installation, septic tanks are divided into several types. First of all, it should be noted the autonomy mode. There are such options:

  1. Autonomous septic tanks are storage tanks that do not depend on electricity and other power sources. They are also called pump-out septic tanks, because they require sewage as the volume fills up.
  2. Energy dependent septic tanks. This category includes systems with full or partial cleaning. They use pumps, relays and other electrical equipment, making them dependent on electricity.

The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

An example of a septic tank with autonomous sewage
The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

An autonomous septic tank is most often a storage sewer with pumping
The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

Also, non-volatile septic tanks include septic tanks with bacteria cleaning
The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

Energy-dependent options include a septic tank with a drainage or fecal pump
The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

A septic tank with an aerator is another option for a volatile septic tank.

Structurally, septic tanks can consist of one or more chambers. The simplest option is 1 storage tank. Septic tanks with cleaning can have 2 or 3 chambers, depending on the depth of cleaning. When making a do-it-yourself system, 2 or 3 wells are successively built, connected by a pipe. Ready-made septic tanks, as a rule, are enclosed in one building. Chambers are formed inside with the help of partitions.

There is a certain relationship with the number of cameras and the volume of flow:

  1. Single chamber option. It is used when the runoff is not more than 1.5 m3 per day.
  2. Septic tanks with 2 chambers. Their capabilities are limited by the flow volume of 9-10 m3 per day.
  3. three-chamber structures. They are able to purify liquid with a capacity of over 10 m3 per day.

The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

An example of a single-chamber septic tank
The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

An example of a two-chamber septic tank
The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

An example of a three-chamber septic tank
The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

Scheme of selection of a treatment plant depending on the level of groundwater

Rating of septic tanks for a country house

A review of the ranking of the best septic tanks for a country house can be started with a device called Triton. This is a polyethylene station, which is characterized by a high degree of wastewater treatment. If a septic tank is needed for a summer cottage, then you can stop your choice on the Triton-mini model. The volume of this device is 750 liters. This is enough for the water used by a family of two.

Triton is a two-chamber device with an additional infiltrator, for the installation of which additional space must be allocated. Effluents undergo the main treatment of the system, and then they pass into the infiltrator, where they are finally cleaned, which prevents contaminants from entering the soil.

A fairly wide range of models allows you to choose the volume of the system that is most suitable individually for each family. Septic tanks are strong, reliable and durable, perfect for installation in a country house. The advantages of choosing a Triton septic tank include:

  1. Ease of installation.
  2. Long terms of operation.
  3. High performance.
  4. Budget.
  5. Choice of model.
  6. Environmental friendliness.

DKS treatment systems deserve to be in the ranking of septic tanks for country houses. The model line of these systems is quite diverse, but the most popular models are 450 and 750 liters. Owners of summer cottages with a high level of groundwater are faced with the problem of installing a treatment system. A special model line of DKS septic tanks is designed just for such cases. Models DKS-1M and DKS-25M differ in that the collector has a sealed container that drains waste after cleaning with a drain pump.

The organization of an autonomous sewage system in a summer cottage with the help of this particular treatment system is quite expedient and profitable.

tank system

The next of the most suitable septic tanks for the home is the Tank system. This installation stands out among others with its unique appearance. The station is a block-modular system with three chambers in which wastewater treatment takes place. The Tank does not need the services of a sewer. The ribbed shape of the outer casing is an added benefit as it will not be pushed to the surface when installed under ground pressure.

The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent ratingprinciple of operation of the Tank type system

When choosing a septic tank Tank, you get such benefits as:

  1. Terms of implementation - the device is quite durable.
  2. Budget - the choice of the system will not hit the wallet.
  3. Ease of installation - quick installation of the system is ensured due to the fact that the bottom of the pit is not concreted. Installation can be done on your own. The main thing is not to make a mistake in the calculations and correctly derive the parameters of the depth of occurrence and the angle of inclination of the pipes. With strict observance of all the necessary instructions, the installation of the Tank will not take much time and effort.
  4. Unpretentiousness when leaving - for a sufficiently long period the system is able to do without technical support.

Tver system

The rating of septic tanks for summer cottages is continued by the Tver system. Its distinctive feature is its horizontal arrangement, due to which all cleaning zones are located one after the other. The cleaning zones of the device include a septic chamber, a bioreactor, an aeration tank, a secondary chamber, an aerator and a tertiary clarifier.

The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent ratingTver type septic system

The body material of which the system is made is polypropylene with additional stiffening ribs. The septic tank does an excellent job of treating wastewater: evidence is the fact that purified water can be safely poured directly into the ground without fear of contamination. This septic tank needs electricity to operate the compressor, but when it is turned off, the cleaning does not stop.

The device is unpretentious in service. But during installation, you must be extremely careful, because there is a fairly high probability of inaccuracy. The best option would be the qualified help of professionals. Installation and proper sizing of the system is the key to its correct and efficient operation.

Device entity

A septic tank is an element of a purification or sewer system in the form of a container, or rather, a sealed well for collecting and treating wastewater. It is installed in the absence of a centralized sewage system and is intended for servicing summer cottages, private houses, utility buildings and other low-rise facilities. This device must comply with the applicable regulations. In particular, when designing and operating, it is necessary to comply with SNiP 2.04.03-85 and SP 32.13330-2012.

The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

Snip for placing a septic tank on a residential area

To ensure the functions of septic tanks, the following requirements are put forward:

  • sufficient mechanical strength to withstand the liquid inside and the impact of the soil outside;
  • tightness, excluding soil pollution by runoff;
  • water resistance and resistance to various components of soil and sewage, excluding rotting, corrosion and other chemical reactions;
  • ease of installation;
  • durability and environmental friendliness.

The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

The septic tank must be sealed so that water does not seep into the ground and does not pollute it.

The tightness of the container must exclude emissions of the emitted gases into the air.

The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

Gravity cleaning septic tank scheme, where heavy substances accumulate at the bottom of the structure, turning into sludge
The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

Diagram of a septic tank with natural filtration
The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

The scheme of a septic tank with bio-treatment

TOP-3 non-volatile septic tanks

All treatment plants discussed below are made of plastic, which guarantees the service life of the housing up to half a century.By default, all processes of wastewater overflow in them occur by gravity, but it is also possible to install a drainage pump for pumping out purified water.

"TANK" - high-performance versatility

In the first place in the ranking of anaerobic autonomous sewers is the Tank septic tank. The case made of high-strength plastic with a thickness of 10-17 mm and stiffening ribs allow this installation not to be afraid of any loads arising from the ground in winter and spring. Flood and high groundwater, as well as heaving of the soil, are not terrible for the Tank.

Scheme of installation of a septic tank "TANK" with an infiltrator

Wastewater treatment in this septic tank is carried out in two stages:

  1. Settling and clarification.
  2. Decomposition of organic matter with a biofilter.

Drainage of purified water occurs through an infiltrator. The presence of a high neck allows you to place the "Tank" at any depth, and the design of universal modules allows you to assemble a septic tank of a very large volume.

"TRITON" - a variety of model range

The most compact Triton-Mini model is a single-chamber septic tank, which is ideal for country houses. It easily handles drains up to 250 liters. And if a more powerful station is needed, then it is better to take Triton-ED or Triton-N with a capacity of 600 l / day and a volume of 1800 and 2000 liters, respectively.

The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

Installation of autonomous sewer "Triton-Mini"

The strong tight case from plastic excludes hit of sewage in soil. A wide range of models allows you to choose an installation with a volume of 2 to 40 cubic meters. And the water is drained after cleaning to an external filtration field or infiltrator.

"AQUA-BIO" - a high degree of purification in five chambers

Step-by-step wastewater treatment in the Aqua-Bio septic tank takes place in five separate tanks located in one building. In the first three chambers, gradual sedimentation of solid suspensions occurs, and in the last two, organic matter is decomposed by anaerobes living on a special bioload.

The presence of several cameras significantly increases the efficiency of autonomous sewage. As a result, 97–99% purified water with virtually no silt enters the filtration field. The drain is not clogged, it will need to be cleaned less often.

The range includes models with a capacity of 600 to 1300 l / day. You can always choose the best option for a particular country house.

Three of the best volatile autonomous sewers

An aerobic septic tank needs a constant connection to the mains, a compressor and hydraulic pumps. Electricity for operation is necessary by definition. Only with a continuous supply of air, aerobes absorb organic matter at the proper rate. It is this autonomous sewage system that is a full-fledged deep biological treatment station.

"BIODEKA" - minimalist design with maximum performance

The operation of the BIODEK septic tank is based on the treatment of wastewater with suspended sludge, in which aerobes live. In general, the installation is a classic aerobic station, but the developers managed to place all the working chambers and units in a single cylindrical housing made of foamed polyethylene. The result is a light, cheap and strong structure weighing up to 150 kg.

The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

The cylindrical body of the septic tank "BIODEKA"

BIODEKA works according to the scheme in one cycle, which made it possible to get rid of an extra compressor and expensive automation. At the same time, the remaining aerator and pump are constantly involved, reducing the risk of airlift overgrowth to a minimum.

"TOPAS" - reliability of aerobic technology

Reliable septic tank Topass cleans drains by 99% with low power consumption. This is a classic system with two cleaning cycles. First, the sewage masses enter the primary chamber, where solid waste is filtered out. Then they enter containers with anaerobic microorganisms, which break down all the organic matter contained in them.

The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

Topas modifications depending on the depth of the sewer pipe supply from the house

Models differ not only in performance, but also in the level of penetration of the sewer pipe. The removal of treated wastewater from the TOPAS septic tank is carried out by gravity or forcibly using a drainage pump.

UNILOS is the best option for harsh Russian conditions

Another classic among septic tanks is the UNILOS station. Two types of purification (mechanical and active-biological) guarantee a high degree of water purification. First, mechanical impurities are removed from the effluents, and the remaining organic contaminants are eaten by aerobes.

The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

Autonomous sewerage device "Unilos"

The design provides for possible interruptions in the power supply. The system is also resistant to power surges. Another feature is the ability to manually remove accumulated sludge. In many other septic tanks, this can only be done using the built-in pump.

Rating of septic tanks

Which septic tank to choose from polymeric materials is not an idle question, because today there are a huge number of them.

Based on the number of sales and inquiries on the Internet, a rating of septic tanks for a country house was compiled, which will help you find out which treatment plants are best suited for the existing conditions.

In the first place, the Tank septic tanks are rightfully located. Modern polymeric materials are used for the production of its body with a thickness of 1-2 centimeters.


The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

In this monolithic treatment plant, there are several stiffeners, which significantly affects its strength for the better.

From the available models, it is easy to choose an option for both small, rarely visited houses, and for a country house with a family of five to six people. In addition, this treatment plant has a rectangular shape, which reduces the amount of excavation.

Triton septic tanks are very popular. The device of this manufacturer is famous for its high quality and the ability to withstand the high pressure of the surrounding soil.

There are many models to meet the requirements of both a large family and a single tenant.

Along with the high build quality of the housing (8 mm thick polypropylene sheet is used) and its reliability, these septic tanks are distinguished by an affordable price and unpretentiousness in installation and maintenance.

Especially popular are the DKS-15M and DKS-25M models, which work perfectly at a high level of groundwater and drain waste with a pump.

In the rating of treatment plants, there was definitely a place for the products of the Topas series.

In this series, there are some types of septic tanks that can process up to 25 cubic meters of wastewater per day, so these treatment plants are an ideal choice for a group of residents of country houses. In addition, they are popular due to their low power consumption and high reliability.

There are other models from different manufacturers - "Aspen", "Mole", "Breeze" and many others.


The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

They are also very reliable, have similar technical characteristics and price, but they are not so popular.

If the choice is very difficult, then you should contact a specialist who will analyze the structure of the soil and advise which of the septic tanks available on the market for a country house would be best installed on this particular site.

To date, there is a huge variety of available models of septic tanks and options to build it yourself.

It should be chosen based on the characteristics of the soil on the site of a country house, the budget and actual water consumption, respectively, and the amount of effluent received.

Most septic tanks on the market are of good quality, performance and reliability.

The device of the bio-cleaning station.

Wastewater treatment in a biological treatment plant occurs due to aerobic bacteria that feed on human biological waste. The station has four chambers in which a circular overflow of sewage flows takes place with the help of special airlifts. That is, drains are pumped from one chamber to another not with the help of a pump, but they are pushed through the hoses by air bubbles that are pumped there by a compressor. This creates a favorable environment for aerobic, biologically active bacteria, since they cannot live without air.

As a result of their vital activity, toxic sewage is processed into an environmentally harmless, odorless sludge. Wastewater treatment takes place at 97 - 98%, as a result of which the purified water is transparent and does not have an unpleasant odor, it can be discharged into a ditch, a filtration well, a filtration field and even a reservoir.

The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

Wastewater enters the PC chamber, where it is crushed, saturated with air by aerator 1, and the recycling process begins. With the help of airlift 3, wastewater is pumped into chamber A, where aeration by aerator 4 continues, additional purification and settling of sludge in chamber VO is performed. Purified by 97 - 98% water from the VO chamber is discharged from the station, and the processed sludge, using an airlift 5, is pumped into the SI chamber, from where, every 3 - 6 months, dead sludge is pumped out during station maintenance.

PC - receiving camera.

SI - sludge stabilizer.

A - Aerotank.

VO - secondary sump.

2 - coarse filter.

one ; 4 ; 7 - aerators.

3; 5 ; 8 - airlifts.

6 - biofilm remover.

Below is information about the distinctive features of the device of different biological treatment plants of four manufacturers:

First manufacturer:

The company "TOPOL-ECO" was the first in this market to start producing biological treatment stations "Topas" in 2001.

This is perhaps the most expensive station of all we have presented, because. the manufacturer does not save on equipment and on the materials from which the station is made. Two compressors are installed in it, each of them is responsible for its own phase of operation: the first when effluents come from the house to the station, the second when there is no effluent and the station operates in a closed mode. Due to this load distribution, the service life of the compressors is increased.

Second manufacturer:

The company "SBM-BALTIKA" organized the production of biological treatment plants "Unilos-Astra" in 2005.

The device of the station differs from the previous one in that instead of two compressors, one is installed there, which is switched by a solenoid valve to the first or second phase of operation. The downside is that this valve often fails (burns out) due to voltage drops in the network and a voltage stabilizer is required for the full operation of the station. This is a mandatory condition of the manufacturer during the operation of the station, otherwise you will be removed from the warranty. Since there is only one compressor, its service life is shorter and it must be replaced more often.

Learn more about the Unilos-Astra station.

Third manufacturer:

The Deka company has been producing Eurobion biological treatment plants since 2010.

This is a new solution in the operation of a biological treatment plant. The device of the station differs from the two previous ones in that the manufacturer has simplified it as much as possible. Instead of four horizontal chambers, as it was done in the two previous stations, there are three chambers in Eurobion: two are located horizontally, and one is vertically below them, the spent dead sludge enters it and collects there. Thanks to the simplified design of the station, salvo discharge increases and this station is less prone to breakdowns.

Click to learn more about Eurobion.

Fourth manufacturer:

The company "FLOTENK" has been producing stations "Biopurit" since 2010.

Station Biopurit is a know-how in the operation of the sewer system.In fact, this is an inverted, vertically located septic tank with three horizontal chambers placed in series. In the middle (second) chamber, aeration tubes and plastic honeycombs are placed, in which aerobic bacteria live and, due to oxygen saturation in this chamber, purify wastewater by 97%. When the electricity is cut off (the air supply by the compressor stops), the Biopurit station turns into an ordinary septic tank and cleans the drains by 60-70%.

Click to learn more about Biopurit stations.

We have models of the station in our office: Topas, Astra, Eurobion, Biopurit. You can drive up to us at Grazhdansky 41/2, see how they are arranged and choose the model that suits you!

Got questions? Do not exhaust yourself by searching for material on the Internet. Our experts will answer your questions

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More about installing sewerage in the country

Performance of treatment facilities

For trouble-free operation of the septic tank and prevention of overcrowding of tanks, it is important to choose the right model performance. This parameter, in turn, is related to the volume of cameras and their number.

It has already been indicated above that the average daily volume of fluid intake is about 200 liters per person. The septic tank, according to accepted norms and rules, must contain the amount of drains for three days, so this figure should be tripled and multiplied by the number of residents. The result obtained will be the required performance of the utilizer, but experts do not recommend choosing “at a minimum”, you should make a small margin - 10-15% of the calculated volume, which is a kind of insurance and a way to reduce the risk of overfilling tanks.

Having decided on the volume of the product, you can solve the issue of the number of cameras.

  • Single-chamber models are suitable for a minimum amount of wastewater (average daily volume is less than a cubic meter).
  • If the daily volume of effluents is no more than ten cubic meters, a two-chamber septic tank will be the best option.
  • Three-chamber models will ensure trouble-free waste disposal, even if a family of 4 lives permanently in the house, they are designed to process wastewater in a volume of more than 10 cubic meters per day.

Series of finished septic tanks

Among the factory-assembled septic tanks, the following popular series of products from different manufacturers can be distinguished:

Rostock mini. These miniature installations in the form of a plastic cylinder weighing 3-4 kg act as an autonomous drive. Depending on the model, septic tanks have a volume of up to 900 liters. They are suitable for country houses, where the flow does not exceed 200-250 liters per day. The cost is in the range of 20,000-26,000 rubles.

The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

The device of a small septic tank Rostock-mini

Aster. Anaerobic cleaning is provided in these septic tanks. Productivity is 1-1.5 m3 per day. The septic tank is able to provide accommodation in the house for up to 4-5 people on a permanent basis. The price of the device is 75,000-82,000 rubles.

The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

The device of the septic tank Unilos Astra

Bioxi. The design includes a compressor, and therefore the device belongs to the equipment of the volatile category. According to the technical parameters, the septic tank is close to the previous version. Its cost can reach 92-95 thousand rubles.

The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

Bioxi septic system

DCS. The septic tank of this series has 4 chambers, which provides a high degree of cleaning. It is installed in areas with deep groundwater. Productivity exceeds 200 liters per day. The minimum dimensions provide a low cost - in the range of 20,000-24,000 rubles.

The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

External view of the septic tank

Leader. It is made of high strength polyethylene and contains 4 chambers for deep wastewater treatment. A large number of models makes it possible to choose performance in a wide range - from 350 to 3200 liters per day. The device is designed to create a complete cleaning system, and therefore has an increased cost in the range of 80-180 thousand rubles.

The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

Scheme VOC Leader

Tank.Its body has a special, ribbed structure, which ensures stability in moving and heaving soils. The cleaning system includes 3 chambers. The cost of the product ranges from 42,000-83,000 rubles.

The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

Installation of a septic tank Tank

Tver. On the body of the septic tank, stiffening ribs are made of plastic, strengthening the structure. The septic tank has a specific, horizontal arrangement of the body. The system allows to provide a high degree of water purification. The price reaches 90-142 thousand rubles.

The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

The device of the septic tank Tver

Topas. This series of septic tanks is rightly recognized as one of the most popular. The degree of wastewater treatment exceeds 95%, which is ensured by a four-chamber structure. The shape of the body is rectangular with minimal dimensions. You can choose a model with different performance. The cost ranges from 78,000 to 320,000 rubles.

The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

The principle of operation of the septic tank Topas

Poplar. This is a fairly large structure with a volume of more than 4500 liters with a capacity of more than 3000 liters per day. Septic tanks are of a volatile type. The cost, depending on the model, ranges from 72 to 175 thousand rubles.

The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

An example of a septic tank Topol

Triton. The body of this unit is made of two-layer plastic. Well suited for small cottages with a small amount of flow. The price is 28000-83000 rubles.

The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

An example of a Triton septic tank device

Ecoline. Different models may contain 2 or 3 cameras. The volume varies in a wide range from 1200 to 5000 liters. The average cost of a product is 53,000-56,000 rubles.

The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

Ecoline septic tank device

Elgad. This series represents the "mini" category. The volume of septic tanks does not exceed 1200 liters. Productivity allows to serve permanent residence of 2-3 people. The cost is 34,000-37,000 rubles.

The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

The scheme of the septic tank Elgad

The modern market offers a wide range of septic tanks of various designs and performance. This makes it possible to optimally select equipment according to real country needs.

Rating of domestic proposals

Despite the fact that the production of treatment facilities for local sewer systems in Russia has recently begun, some of the companies have already established themselves as reliable manufacturers. Their quality is not inferior to European standards. In addition, domestic models are cheaper than imported ones. According to consumer surveys, several companies are recognized as the best manufacturers of wastewater treatment plants on the Russian market.


Thanks to the introduction of membrane technology in septic tanks of its own production, Yubas Production Association has earned a worthy place in the rating of domestic manufacturers. Their systems are considered reliable, working properly even after a long downtime.

The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

Eurobion in section, scheme of work


These septic tanks are produced by the Eco-Grand trademark. Their models are famous for their high level of sewage treatment (99%). The manufacturer uses a non-standard scheme in the production of its products. Namely, open access to the primary sections simplifies the maintenance of the treatment system. Garbage can be removed from them on their own, without involving sludge suction equipment.

The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

Varieties of septic tanks Poplar


Specializes in the production of septic tanks. The products are offered under the Unilos trademark. Guarantees a high degree of wastewater treatment (about 75%). Produces several varieties of treatment facilities according to the degree of complexity. The stations are complemented by special compressors responsible for the quality of cleaning. the purification process is carried out in several stages.

The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

Septic Astra


The Russian manufacturer Triton Plastic is responsible for the quality of this line of septic tanks. This company produces septic tanks with varying degrees of performance:

  1. Compact size with the possibility of processing up to 600 liters per day.
  2. High-performance models capable of cleaning about 1200 liters per day.In terms of parameters, their products are similar to classic recycling stations operating on a multi-stage technology.

The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

The range of treatment facilities Tank manufacturer "Triton Plastic"


products of the same company. They have several configurations and cleaning methods. They can process from 450 liters per day (Mini) to 750 liters per day.

The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

Triton Dimensions


All models under this brand consume little electricity. The structures consist of 4 wells. All stages of purification, including anaerobic, are carried out in them. The degree of waste water purification is 98%.

The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

Topas - top view


These septic tanks are produced by the Engineering Equipment trading house. The peculiarity of these structures is that sewage treatment can be carried out both chemically and biologically. Each station is equipped with 4-level water clarification technology. It can, depending on the model, process 750-1500 cubic meters of wastewater in 1 day.

The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

Tver in section

Well proved in the domestic market and the company Rostock with the Leader.

Which is the best of the septic tanks listed above, is up to each individual to decide. There are no clear parameters and standards here. The main thing is that it satisfies all user requests, is easy to maintain / use, is inexpensive, and lasts a long time.

Septic device.

The device of the septic tank is a sealed round container made of fiberglass with three chambers placed in series, which are separated by partitions. Drainage from the house enters the first receiving chamber, solid particles settle to the bottom, and clarified water flows through the partition into the second chamber. In the second chamber, what does not settle in the first one settles to the bottom, and the water flows through the partition into the third chamber. There, the remaining sediment, which did not settle in the previous two, settles to the bottom and 60-70% purified water flows into the filtration well or filtration field for post-treatment in the ground.

The best septic tanks for summer cottages and country houses user reviews and independent rating

It is more practical to use septic tanks made of fiberglass. They are stronger and won't be chewed on by mice and other rodents living in your yard, as the plastic contains fiberglass, and rats don't like to chew on glass.

Rating of biological products and cleaners for septic tanks and country toilets

Useful information for our summer residents readers: a list of liquid and powder products for cleaning autonomous sewer systems.


  • Biological products for septic tanks and cesspools - a powdered agent that accelerates the decomposition of waste in a country toilet;
  • Cleaners for septic tanks and country toilets - a liquid product for cleaning sewers, containing special bacteria;
  • Biogranules for rapid decomposition of waste;
  • Concentrated biological product for wastewater treatment - neutralizes aggressive chemicals that enter the waste from the use of washing powders, detergents, etc.;
  • Bioactivator for septic tanks - provides rapid decomposition of waste.

The composition of such products includes natural microorganisms (bacteria) that decompose fossils, fats, paper, and eliminate unpleasant odors in country toilets.


