Everyone evaluates the word "expensive" in their own way. For someone, 100 thousand rubles is quite an acceptable price. And for some, just a few thousand seem unbearable. However, when an apartment requires a major renovation, everyone has a quite reasonable question: how to save money on repairs?
The English say: "We are not rich enough to buy cheap things." This proverb is worth listening to. After all, spending money on low-quality cheap material can result in an increase in the total cost of repairs. Consider what is more profitable for you to do: install an expensive stretch ceiling and not touch it for 15 years, or invest a smaller amount of money in leveling the ceiling and return to repair it every 5–7 years?
It is quite realistic to save up to 30–40% of costs on repairs if:
- Correctly calculate the estimate.
- Do not rush.
- Do as much as you can with your own efforts.
Where to start repair
To begin with, you need a project of the final result. In the smallest detail, think over how you want to see the apartment after the repair: from the handle on the front door to the walls in the back room. This is perhaps the most difficult task in the whole process - to decide on desires.
The Internet will help you. In its open spaces there are many photos of finished interiors, adjust them to your taste and desires. Or download a program with which you can "draw" a 3D model of your desired design. Think, draw, take your time. Alterations and amendments during the repair is an extra waste of money and effort.
We start counting
Estimate approximately how much the entire repair process will cost. Add 20% for possible force majeure. Compare with your capabilities and adjust the plan. Otherwise, your home may suddenly turn into a long-term construction due to lack of funds.
Make a list of all the materials and services needed in the repair process, which account for the lion's share of the costs.
- Measure the perimeters of the walls, ceiling, windows, doors with a tape measure to calculate the amount of wallpaper, putty, primer on all planes of the apartment. Assess if windows and doors need to be replaced as part of ongoing repairs.
- Inspect plumbing fixtures: sinks, tubs, toilets. Something needs to be replaced, and something you can repair yourself, saving some amount of money.
- Check wiring, its technical condition. Consider if additional sockets/switches.
Make a detailed table to clearly see all the details of the upcoming repair:
- what materials and services are needed for repairs;
- the amount of materials;
- their cost (entered later);
- turnaround time;
- what you can do with your own hands.
The list should be as detailed as possible, since the savings on small things and the accurate calculation of materials for repairs (without a large stock) together add up to an impressive amount.
Be sure to determine the timing of the repair and the sequence of work, try to stick to them. In this case, you do not have to re-paste the wallpaper on the walls after installing the heating pipes.
What you can't save on repairs
Assess the scope of work and your strengths. To avoid rework that will cost a pretty penny, some types of repairs are better right away. trust professionals. Let's say installing plumbing for you is a "Chinese letter". Payment for the services of the worker will be included in the estimate of the repair. But why pay money for the removal of a dismantled toilet, if you can easily do it yourself?
By the will of fate, all the work will be carried out by employees of the company? Here, too, you can reduce costs. When deciding when it is better to make repairs in order to save money, postpone it to winter or spring. This is a low season for construction companies, so they offer inexpensive apartment renovations, almost halving prices.
If you are not satisfied with loose furniture that does not fit into a crooked corner, you cannot avoid leveling the surfaces. And that also costs money. You will have to make the floor, walls and ceiling perfectly even, so as not to return to this stage in the future.
During repairs, you cannot save on electrical wiring - this is your safety. Improper installation can cost health.
Is it possible to save money on tools?
Ideally, you need to have your own repair tool, but it makes no sense to buy a grinder or grinder at a time, especially since their prices are forced to freeze, counting zeros. If possible, save money by borrowing everything you need from friends. And if not? Where to get?
Contact tool rental. Daily payment. For repairs, you will be provided with a full range of necessary construction equipment. It is not necessary to take the entire set at once. Today you need a drill and a grinder, and tomorrow a grinder without a drill, but with an angle cutter. This approach allows you to save a considerable amount of money compared to buying tools in a store.
There are also options for buying a used tool through the Internet portals "Slando" or "Avito". Be careful - check the performance of such equipment immediately before payment. The advantages of this solution are that you do not have to worry about the rental period, and after the repair is completed, a workable tool can be sold to the next person who wants to save money.
Save money on wall repairs
Referring to the list, look in stores for finishing materials, accessories, appliances and tools. It takes a lot of time, but you will know exactly where and at what price you will find something that is useful for repairing walls. Don't rush to buy. Ask about discounts and promotions.
Visit the sales corner. Often there you can buy materials whose expiration date is coming to an end, but you have time to use them. You can also save money by choosing tiles from store leftovers to decorate the walls in the bathroom in an original way.
- Bare walls in style are now in fashion loft. A neat brickwork or a bare concrete wall with decorative elements looks stylish and unusual. Such a design does not require almost any costs.
- Drywall or plywood will help to save on leveling very curved walls. Season trend - OSB board, which looks great on walls and ceilings without additional decoration.
- Thick vinyl wallpapers do an excellent job with small wall defects.
- Wall decoration with decorative plaster, the price of which bites, you can do it yourself with ordinary putty.
- Pay attention to domestic manufacturers of building materials. Many of their products can compete with imported analogues, and allow good savings, being 1.5–2 times cheaper.
Replacement of large items
Before you buy a bath, evaluate whether it is worth changing. It is possible that there will be enough restoration, which you can do yourself. It is also worth taking a closer look at the acrylic bath liner.
You can save a lot during repairs when buying polypropylene plumbing pipes. They are much cheaper than metal or copper, but they are not inferior to them in terms of reliability.
It is better to order windows from manufacturers. They have their own measurers and consultants who will guide you by price and explain how the models differ. This is a cheaper option compared to dealer sales.
Floor repair: how to save?
Parquet is a classic flooring. When it is worn out, it is not always worth resorting to replacing it. Cycle the surface, cover with a layer of varnish, and the parquet will be like new. If it is beyond repair, you can put carpet on top of it.You can also easily hide unsightly areas with a rug to match the size of the imperfections.
Linoleum is a popular cheap material. However, its durability leaves much to be desired. Durable and versatile, laminate is a little more expensive, but it is also a budget flooring option. In addition, installation and repair can be done by hand.
A plank floor is a very inexpensive relatively self-leveling type of floor. Some types of wood look no worse than parquet.
What are the benefits of demolition?
To save a decent amount of money during repairs, you will be able to do the work that you can do yourself without involving third-party labor:
- Dismantling of wall coverings, ceilings.
- Demolition of barriers.
- Clearing doorways.
- Alignment of the walls (at least approximate).
- Fastening various accessories, sockets, door handles and other small things.
The more knowledge and experience you have, the more likely you are to make a budget apartment renovation with your own hands. Feel free to consult with relatives and friends, study articles and watch video tutorials about repairs.
How to save on garbage disposal after repair?
The dismantling of old coatings, partitions and plumbing inevitably leaves behind mountains of waste. Use of public containers for construction waste disposal prohibited by law, and the fines are very hefty. Cooperation with neighbors who, like you, are busy with repairs, allows you to save a lot. One car for two apartments is cheaper by half.
A lot of money is always spent on repairs, but this is not a reason to be sad. A renovated and fresh apartment will add life optimism. You will definitely wake up new forces, and you will be able to earn money for the implementation of your ideas.