How to install a temperature controller on a battery

The old-style heating system does not always provide uniform heating of all rooms. In some it may be too hot, in others - on the contrary, it is cool so that you have to dress. To create a comfortable temperature in each room, you should perform a simple upgrade: install a thermostat on the radiator.

Install thermostat on radiators

Why do you need a thermostat?

The temperature regulator, installed on radiators, allows you to control the amount of heat entering a particular room by increasing or decreasing the flow of the liquid coolant. With it, you can not only set a comfortable temperature in each room, but also save money if the apartment is equipped with a heat meter.

In apartment buildings, when the temperature in the room is too high, the owners are forced to open the windows, while heating the street. If you have to pay for heat in accordance with the standards, as often happens in Khrushchev houses, then this is not so scary. But in the presence of heat meters, the money of residents literally fly out the window. And another situation: it makes no sense to heat the apartment in full when no one is at home.

The position of owners of autonomous heating systems is more advantageous. They can regulate the heat supply to the apartment at the exit from the boiler. But without the use of thermostats, it will not be possible to ensure a comfortable temperature regime in all rooms.

Thermostats save money

Why a thermostat?

In addition to the thermostat, it is possible to limit the flow of coolant into the battery using a ball valve or cone valve. But their use is associated with significant inconveniences:

  • ball valve designed for operation in only two modes: open or closed. When working in intermediate positions, it will quickly fail.
  • It is necessary to regulate the flow of warm water with both devices manually and quite often. With a large number of rooms, this is long and inconvenient.

Installing thermostats on heating radiators will solve this problem. The thermostat, after installation and adjustment, will automatically maintain the set temperature by regulating the flow of hot water into the battery.

With cast iron radiators it is more difficult. Due to the high thermal inertia of the material (cast iron heats up slowly and cools down just as slowly), it will not be possible to quickly and accurately adjust the temperature.

Mounting the device on a battery

Device and types of thermostats

According to the principle of work thermostats are divided into two large groups:

  • Devices of direct action, responsive to the temperature of the coolant. Inside such devices there is a bellows filled with liquid, solid or gaseous material, and a disc locking mechanism. The working body of the bellows changes its volume with a temperature drop and moves the rod, increasing or decreasing the supply of coolant to the radiator.

Such devices win in terms of cost, but are already obsolete. In apartments, it is recommended to use thermostats of the second type.

  • Devices with remote sensors and electric drive of the adjustment mechanism. They are more convenient to use, as they are adjusted directly to the desired air temperature in the room. Electronic control systems allow you to set your own heating modes for certain periods of the day, and are programmed according to other parameters.
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Direct acting device

The thermostat is selected based on the size of the pipe attached to the device and the type of heating:

  1. Valves marked RTD-G are designed for installation in single-pipe systems with natural circulation.
  2. Devices marked RTD-N are used in two-pipe systems. They are also necessary if a pump is installed for forced circulation of the coolant.

Professionals recommend choosing valves made of brass, bronze or stainless steel. They are more reliable and durable than silumin ones.

Temperature controller RTD-N

More information about all types of devices designed to adjust the temperature of radiators is written in this article. There you can find ways to increase the heat transfer of batteries.

Choice of places for installation of thermostats

The operation of these devices is badly affected by:

  • Direct sunlight.
  • Appliances that generate heat during operation.
  • Difficult air circulation: the thermostat must not be covered with curtains, curtains and decorative grilles.

It is not always possible to install thermostats on all heating radiators in an apartment. Where to put them in the first place in this case:

  • In private multi-storey buildings - on batteries on the upper tiers. The warm air in the room rises, so the temperature on the second and third floors will be higher than on the first.
  • In apartments and one-story houses, first of all, thermostats are placed on batteries located closer to the heating boiler.

If access to the device is difficult, it is closed by interior items, then choose a product with a remote temperature sensor.

Adjustment system with remote sensor

Installing a thermostat

It is important not only to choose the right model, but also to put it correctly. The heating system must continue to operate when the supply of coolant to the radiator is interrupted. For this:

  • In a single-pipe system, a special jumper is additionally connected - a bypass. The valve is mounted on the top pipe. To replace or repair the battery or thermostat, ball valves are installed on the upper and lower pipes.
  • In a two-pipe system, only shut-off valves at the inlet and outlet of the radiator are sufficient.
HELPFUL INFORMATION:  How to turn off the heating battery in an apartment

Work is best done in the warm season, as you will have to drain the water from the heating system. In apartment buildings, mandatory coordination of this event with the management company is required.

The algorithm for further actions is as follows:

  • Draining the coolant, cut off the pipes suitable for the radiator.
  • With a single-pipe connection, a bypass is installed.
  • Install ball valves on the supply pipe and return pipe.
  • Mount the thermostat.

Insertion of a bypass into a single-pipe circuit

Due to their low cost and simplicity, bellows thermostats are the most commonly used. They are installed as follows:

  • The device is guided by the arrow marked on its body. It shows the direction of movement of the coolant. First, its fixed part is mounted, on which the rotating head is then put on.
  • The valve is attached to the supply pipe with the help of an “American” (coupling with a union nut): it is easier to remove it if necessary.

The valve must be installed horizontally! Otherwise, warm air rising from the pipe will heat the bellows, which will lead to incorrect operation of the device.

  • Connection to the battery is carried out by means of a threaded connection. Tightness is achieved using sanitary flax or a special sealing tape.
  • After removing the protective cap, install the bellows head. It is fixed with a nut, which is tightened with a spanner wrench. Another option is snap-on heads. They can be easily put on by turning to the maximum opening position and pushing until they click.

At the final stage, the piping is assembled to the end and the entire system is checked for leaks by filling it with coolant.

The installation steps are shown in the video.


Pre-setting is required for thermostats with bellows: models with remote sensors and electronic control do not need to be set.

You can set the thermostat as follows:

  • Minimize the influence of extraneous factors: turn off all appliances in the room, close doors and windows.
  • Place a control thermometer in a convenient place.
  • Completely unscrew the thermostatic valve by turning its head counterclockwise as far as it will go.
  • Wait for the temperature in the room to rise 1-2 ˚C above the desired value.
  • Completely close the valve by turning the crown clockwise.
  • When the desired room temperature is reached, gradually open the thermostat until it starts to heat up. From the radiator at this moment, the sound of water should be heard. This completes the presetting.
HELPFUL INFORMATION:  Types of batteries: choose a heating radiator for an apartment

Device setup

Leading manufacturers of thermostats

The following brands that have proven themselves in this market can be noted:

  • Danish appliances Danfoss.
  • Far thermostats manufactured by an Italian company.
  • Herz bellows thermostats made in Austria.
  • Devices brands Honeywell, Kermi, Luxor, Prado, Purmo, Sira, with many positive reviews.

Installing thermostats on heating radiators in a private house or apartment will create comfortable conditions in each room and reduce the cost of heating a home.


