How to beat noise in radiators?

The heat in our apartment depends on the heating system. If the installation was carried out by professional builders, then there will be no problems in the winter. However, often during independent installation work, miscalculations are made, which are the cause of various unpleasant moments and discomfort. The appearance of noise in the batteries for someone is a small nuisance, but for someone a real disaster that gets on your nerves. Many homeowners wonder why it knocks and makes noise in the heating system and what to do about it.

battery noise

What is the cause of battery noise?

There are many reasons for the appearance of a hum in the heating system and radiators. But most often the radiator makes noise as a result of violations of operating conditions.

We regulate the pressure

The high pressure of the coolant when it enters the radiator creates a noise similar to the rumble of a tap under strong pressure. This noise, which depends on the rate of water flow into the battery, is easy to deal with. It is only necessary to install a flow control device at the entrance to the radiator, which will reduce it to normal levels.

gurgling sound

Another common variation of the irritable hum inside the radiator. This is the formation of air chambers in batteries. This problem can be easily eliminated by lowering the air lock through the Mayevsky crane or other installed cranes.

Resonance in the circulation pump

circulation pump

The circulation pump supplied in the heating system is of great importance. But, when its ratings are incorrect, it can be the result of noise in the battery. The occurrence of resonance with the active circulation pump can be eliminated by adjusting the efficiency, pressure and speed of the pump according to the characteristics of the system. Sometimes, to eliminate this phenomenon, it is enough to install anti-vibration couplings at the junction of the pump and pipes.

Violations of the rules of fastening and installation

Bracket problem

brackets for mounting radiators

In some cases, the basis of noise in the heating system may be support brackets, which were not combined with the support points of this type of radiator. Noises resembling the sounds of impacts, which are clearly audible at the moment of heating and cooling the battery. It is not difficult to eliminate such noises; it is worth trying to install a rubber gasket on the bracket.

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Walled up against the rules

pipes in grooves

The result of noise can be pipes placed in “strobes” and concreted without proper insulation. Since the pipes thermal expansion should have a certain freedom, then it is not recommended to lay them close to the wall. The resulting noise is transmitted to the battery even with small fluctuations in the temperature of the coolant. To prevent such noises, it is necessary to place the pipes in a special insulating material, melon, before laying. This procedure will get rid of the rumble, condensation and violation of the surface of walls and floors.

It's all about the thermostat

thermal valve

If the batteries are noisy, you can check the thermal valve. In some cases, when self-mounting, this device is placed on the wrong side. Locking devices under the influence of a coolant supplied under pressure begins to knock.

Blame the boiler

electric heating boiler

If the boiler is chosen incorrectly, accordingly, the entire heating system in the apartment will not work correctly. The interval between switching off the boiler, depending on the system, should be from 20 to 40 minutes. With frequent changes in the on and off mode, it can be assumed that the flow is not adjusted correctly, so the radiator is noisy. The power of the boiler must be within 70 ─ 80% of its declared power. What to do in this case? This problem can be easily solved by installing a room thermostat on the radiators.


Sometimes, for some reason, a thin whistle is heard from the battery. Most likely a broken pipe somewhere.In this case, you need to quickly find a broken pipe.

Sometimes, at flushing the heating system plumbers forget to close the valve, and the coolant enters the sewer system, and, therefore, the radiator is very noisy.

Appeared garbage

flushing the heating radiator

Small pieces of slag that have fallen into the radiator and tapped against the walls can be removed with a simple flush. To do this, connect the hose to the tap and open it, and drain the water with pieces of slag.

HELPFUL INFORMATION:  How to choose bimetallic heating radiators for an apartment: a comparison of 5 brands

Briefly about the main

Here are the main reasons when heating radiators make noise and knock and clicks appear in them. The main thing is to correctly establish the cause. It is best to start doing simple steps yourself: bleed the air, check the locking mechanism and the eyeliner, install rubber gaskets.

All possible problems are eliminated, but are the batteries still noisy? If you cannot independently determine the reason why the radiator is noisy, then call a professional heat engineer.


